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6.R. No. L-32485 Cotobel’ 22, 4110 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION fOK THE DECLARATION OF THE PETITIONER'S RIGHTS AND DUTIES UNDRR GEC. OF RA. No L132. KAY VILLEGAS KAM, ENC. FACTS : The petitioners, namely as Kay Villegas Kami, Inc. filed a petition for Seclatory reef. They cagerly cloiming tat they ore a duly ognized on-ctock And non-profit corporations created uncer the laws of the, land ond praying for a determination of ‘te validity of Section 8 of Republic Act 6152 ard a ceclration of petitioner’ “rights and duties trereunder. Petitioner opposed pecouce believed thar eniy the fircl paragrorh of Gction 8 Ca) on tte ground that if violates the three grounds are, Due Process Clouse, , ROlits of Association and Freecom of Expression and they ore on Fe Rost Facto Law. Tosve: Whetner Cection @ of Republic Act No, #132 (4) IG in the nature of the Fost Tacto law. fteLD: The dai of Felitioner that ‘te. provision of Secon 8 RA. No. C132 constitutes on Ex Fest facto Law ic likewise untenable, While itis true that Section 18 peralize a violation of ony provision of Republic Act No. 432 including Section 8 (a), the Penalty & Imposed only for acts committed after the approval 4, te law and not those perpetrated prior thereto, There is nothing in the tow that remotely Incinuates that the provisions that mentioner| shall apply to acts carried out” prior to approval.

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