Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo Pedagogía de Los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros School Management

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Pedagogía de los idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

School Management
Members: Verónica Asitimbay, y Maritza Jara Silva

English Language Learning Deficits in Public School students.

Have you ever wondered why teenagers do not have a good level of English, even though
children are introduced to it from the initial level? Some factors are considered, among
them the application of a traditional methodology, a wrong approach, i.e., memorization
rather than practice, lack of interest on the part of the student and the educational

Language learning is about trying, getting it wrong and trying again. Grammatical
translation methods and tedious memorization of words and rules have been common
practice for centuries around the world. This method is outdated and totally ineffective.

On the other hand, whether you are in the classroom or learning on your own, it is crucial
to focus on conversational and functional use of the language. You must learn in context
through interaction with other people. Do not speak anything other than your target
language unless absolutely necessary. Constant practice of Speaking is a very important
point. By the time you get to class or start it remotely the only thing that will guarantee
you speak the language is to speak in English every chance you get.

Gone are the classes where memorization and constant dialogues prevailed, Listening
training is also another point that should be reinforced for a better development of our
students, all these activities should be done with enthusiasm, creating a pleasant
environment that promotes motivation to learn this beautiful and important language.

Some students in the classroom do not feel interest or motivation to learn English. Many
of them are just looking to get through the year and graduate. This is perhaps due to the
lack of motivation on the part of the teacher, the methodology applied is not adequate,
there is also the perception on the part of the teachers that the students do not give it due
importance, and therefore there is little commitment, study and learning in the subject.

The educational context is also a variable that contributes little. The public school in
general does not provide the most adequate learning context since it lacks libraries,
multimedia laboratories, technologies such as Internet and computers, and the support of
teachers, principals and the school in general is not always present.

In conclusion, this work has allowed us to know what the main reasons are why students
do not learn English in public schools. Through the research, it is reflected the great need
to reform the curriculum in order to improve the quality of education and students can
meet the required level of English at the time of finishing their studies.

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