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Article No : a18_247

Oxalic Acid
WILHELM RIEMENSCHNEIDER RETIRED, Hoechst AG, Frankfurt, Federal Republic
of Germany
MINORU TANIFUJI, Ube Industries, Tokyo, Japan

1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 6.2. Textile Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537

2. Physical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 6.3. Bleaching Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
2.1. Anhydrous Oxalic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 6.4. Chemical Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
2.2. Oxalic Acid Dihydrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 7. Economic Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
3. Chemical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 8. Storage, Handling, Transportation, Waste
4. Production Processes and Raw Materials . . 531 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
4.1. Oxidation of Carbohydrates . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 9. Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
4.2. Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol. . . . . . . . . . . . 533 9.1. Salts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
4.3. Oxidation of Propene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 9.2. Organic Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
4.4. Production from Carbon Monoxide . . . . . . 535 10. Toxicology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
4.5. Production of Anhydrous Oxalic Acid . . . . . 536 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
5. Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
6. Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
6.1. Metal Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537

1. Introduction Spinach 460 – 3200

Rhubarb 500 – 2400
Oxalic acid, ethanedioic acid, acidum oxalicum, Chard 690
has the structural formula Parsley 190
Beets 340
Cocoa 4500
Tea 3700
Beet leaves up to 12 000

and is the simplest saturated dicarboxylic acid Oxalic acid is formed in plants through in-
[1]. The compound exists in anhydrous form complete oxidation of carbohydrates, e.g., by
[144-62-7] or as a dihydrate [6153-56-6]. The fungi (Aspergillus niger) or bacteria (acetobac-
anhydrous acid is not found in nature and must be ter) and in the animal kingdom through carbohy-
prepared from the dihydrate even when produced drate metabolism via the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
industrially. Oxalic acid is widely distributed in The urine of humans and of most mammals also
the plant and animal kingdom (nearly always in contains a small amount of calcium oxalate. In
the form of its salts) and has various industrial pathological cases, an increased calcium oxalate
applications. content in urine leads to the formation of kidney
The acidic potassium salt of oxalic acid is stones [2]. Calcium and iron(II) oxalates are also
found in common sorrel (Latin: oxalis acetosella) found as minerals.
and the name oxalic acid is derived from that Oxalic acid is one of the oldest known acids
plant. Examples of plants in which oxalic acid and was already identified in the potassium salt of
occurs (in the form of potassium, sodium, calci- sorrel by WIEGLEB in 1769. The compound also
um, magnesium salts, or iron complex salts) are has historical significance in chemistry because
given below (oxalic acid content in milligrams WOEHLER prepared oxalic acid by hydrolysis of
per 100 g dry weight): cyanogen [460-19-5] in 1824, thereby synthesiz-

 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

DOI: 10.1002/14356007.a18_247.pub2
530 Oxalic Acid Vol. 25
 1 1
Thermal conductivity (0 C) 0.9 W m K
ing the first natural product, even before his Ionization constant
famous urea synthesis in 1828. K1 6.5102
K2 6.0105

2. Physical Properties
2.2. Oxalic Acid Dihydrate
Both the anhydrous and dihydrated forms of
oxalic acid form colorless and odorless crystals. Oxalic acid dihydrate [6153-56-6],
HOOCCOOH  2 H2O is the industrially pro-
duced and usual commercial form of oxalic acid.
2.1. Anhydrous Oxalic Acid The compound forms colorless and odorless
prisms or granules that contain 71.42 wt % oxalic
Anhydrous oxalic acid [144-62-7] exists as acid and 28.58 wt % water. Oxalic acid dihydrate
rhombic crystals in the a-form and as monoclinic is stable at room temperature and under normal
crystals in the b-form [3]. These forms differ storage conditions. The most important physical
mainly in their melting points. The slightly stable properties are as follows:
b-form changes into the a-form at 97  C and
0.2 bar. Anhydrous oxalic acid is prepared by Mr 126.07
dehydration of the dihydrate through careful mp 101.5  C
heating to 100  C. It is then sublimated in a dry Density d420 1.653 g/cm3
air stream. The sublimation is fast at 125  C and Refractive index n20
4 1.475
Standard enthalpy of formation 1422 kJ/mol
can be carried out at temperatures up to 157  C DH  f (18  C)
without decomposition. The dehydration can Enthalpy of solution (in water) 35.5 kJ/mol
also be accomplished by azeotropic distillation pH (0.1 M solution) 1.3
with benzene or toluene [4]. Anhydrous oxalic Water vapor partial pressure
at 20  C 2.5 kPa
acid is slightly hygroscopic, it absorbs water at 50  C 20 kPa
from moist air (‘‘weathers’’) to form the dihy- Bulk density, regular product 0.977 g/cm3
drate again. The hydration occurs very slowly Bulk density, coarse product 0.881 g/cm3
because of surface caking. The physical and
thermal chemical properties of anhydrous oxalic
The solubility in water and the density of these
acid may be summarized as follows:
solutions are presented in Table 1 [5]. Oxalic acid
is readily soluble in polar solvents such as alco-
hols (although partial esterification occurs), ace-
Mr 90.04 tone, dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, and furfural.
mp Oxalic acid is sparingly soluble in diethyl ether
a 189.5  C
b 182  C
(1.5 g oxalic acid dihydrate in 100 g ether at
Decomposition temperature 187  C 25  C), and insoluble in benzene, chloroform,
Density d420
a 1.900 g/cm3 Table 1. Solubility of oxalic acid in water at different temperatures
b 1.895 g/cm3 and corresponding densities
Refractive index b, n20
4 1.540
Vapor pressure log P ¼  (4726.95/T ) þ Temperature,  C Solubility, g/100 g* Relative density d417:5

(solid, 57 – 107 C) 11.3478 kPa
Specific heat cp ¼ 1.084 þ 0.0318 t J/g 0 3.5 1.016
(solid, 200 to 50  C) 10 5.5 1.025
Heat of combustion DH  c (25  C) 245.61 kJ/mol 17.5 8.5 1.038
Standard enthalpy of formation 826.78 kJ/mol 20 9.5
DH  f (25  C) 30 14.5
Standard free energy of formation 697.91 kJ/mol 40 22
DG  f (25  C) 50 32
Heat of solution (in water) 9.58 kJ/mol 60 46
Heat of sublimation 90.58 kJ/mol 80 85
Heat of decomposition 826.78 kJ/mol 90 120
Entropy, S  (25  C) 120.08 J mol1 K1 *
Anhydrous basis.
Vol. 25 Oxalic Acid 531

and petroleum ether. The ionization constants Important chemical characteristics are also
show that oxalic acid is a strong acid. The value demonstrated by the metal salts of oxalic acid.
of K1 is comparable to that of mineral acids and These exist in two types – the acidic and neutral
the value of K2 corresponds to ionization con- salts. The alkali metal and iron ( III) salts are
stants of strong organic acids, for example, ben- readily soluble in water. All other salts are spar-
zoic acid. ingly soluble in water. The near complete insol-
ubility of the alkaline-earth salts of oxalic acid,
especially of calcium oxalate, finds some appli-
3. Chemical Properties cations in quantitative analysis. When heated all
these metal salts lose carbon monoxide. Other
In the homologous series of dicarboxylic acids, salts which are easier decomposable lose carbon
oxalic acid, the first member, shows unique dioxide in addition. The alkali and alkaline-earth
behavior because of the interaction of the neigh- salts form carbonates under these conditions.
boring carboxylate groups. This results in an Manganese, zinc, and tin salts form oxides; iron,
increase in the value of the dissociation constant cadmium, mercury, and copper salts form mix-
and in the ease of decarboxylation: Upon rapid tures of oxides and metals. Nickel, cobalt, and
heating to 100  C oxalic acid decomposes into silver salts afford pure metals. Anhydrous fusion
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water of oxalates with alkali yield carbonates and
with formic acid as an isolable intermediate. In hydrogen. For review see [6].
aqueous solution decomposition is induced by
light, and to a much greater extent by g- or X-
rays (to carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, for-
mic acid, and occasionally hydrogen). This 4. Production Processes and Raw
decomposition is catalyzed by the salts of heavy Materials
metals, for example, by uranyl salts. Oxalic acid
cannot form an intramolecular anhydride. Upon There are many industrial processes for the pro-
heating to over 190  C or warming in concen- duction of oxalic acid, which have been carried
trated sulfuric or phosphoric acid, oxalic acid out by a large number of companies and are in
decomposes to carbon monoxide, carbon diox- part still used today. In recent years both the
ide, and water: this decomposition is not number of firms producing oxalic acid and the
exothermic. number of starting materials used for its produc-
Ease of reaction with oxygen is also a typical tion have been reduced. Generally, only three
characteristic of oxalic acid: classes of compounds are employed as raw ma-
terials for the production of oxalic acid. These
HOOC COOHþ1=2 O2 !2 CO2 þH2 O

This reaction can be exploited in quantitative carbohydrates (including ethylene glycol and
analysis (Manganometry, see Chap. 5). molasses)
The reducing properties of oxalic acid (which olefins
itself is oxidized to the harmless end products carbon monoxide
carbon dioxide and water) form the basis for the
variety of practical applications (see Chap. 6). Nevertheless, three outdated methods, which
Oxalic acid is also oxidized relatively easily to have been abandoned in important industrial
carbon dioxide by many other oxidizing agents in nations for economic reasons, are described
addition to air, especially in the presence of the briefly [7], because in the third world small firms
salts of heavy metals. Oxalic acid is easily ester- might exist that still employ these production
ified, whereby two types, the acidic mono or methods:
neutral diesters can result. These esters are ap-
plied as intermediates in chemical syntheses. 1. The sodium formate method, which is also
They react relatively easily with water, ammo- based on carbon monoxide as the raw materi-
nia, or amines to afford the corresponding acyl al, but involves very cumbersome procedures
derivatives. of questionable technical safety that are no
532 Oxalic Acid Vol. 25

longer economically feasible (heating to ing material depends on availability and price
400  C, elimination of hydrogen, calcium and on optimization of the reaction process in-
precipitation, and precipitation with sulfuric volved. For example, depending on the starting
acid). Nevertheless, this process is probably materials foam, greases, slime, and varying
still being used in China. yields can be expected and must be dealt with
2. The alkali fusion of cellulose, which is the accordingly [1]. Molasses and other agricultural
oldest production method [8]. Although cel- waste have gained increasing importance as raw
lulose-containing material from every source materials. These materials are not only inexpen-
can be used in this method, this process has sive, but must be further processed in any case
been discontinued because of the low yields, due to environmental reasons. Molasses con-
large amounts of required alkali and sulfuric tains, as a production residue of sugar refinement,
acid, and the large amounts of wastewater. many nitrogen-containing compounds, which
3. The isolation of oxalic acid as a byproduct of are, however, for the most part removed during
carbohydrate fermentation, for example, in the nitric acid oxidation. This explains the diffi-
the synthesis of citric acid [9]. The process culties encountered with excessive foam forma-
involves the biotechnical exploitation of the tion during production that must be overcome. If
tricarboxylic acid cycle through enzymatic starch products are used as raw materials they
cleavage of sugars. The intermediary formed must be hydrolyzed to glucose in an extra batch-
oxalacetic acid esters and oxalosuccinic acid wise step prior to the actual oxidation [12], [13].
(1-oxopropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid) es- This is carried out by boiling the starch suspen-
ters are cleaved by hydrolases. Especially sion in the presence of oxalic acid or sulfuric acid
because of the handling of large amounts of for about six hours. The oxidation of the resulting
water, this process is no longer economically glucose and the following steps are then essen-
feasible. tially continuous operations. The oxidation oc-
curs according to the following idealized equa-
In all industrial processes, oxalic acid is pro- tion:
duced as the crystalline dihydrate. In the follow-
ing sections four methods are described that are
currently used industrially. Three of them are
based on a nitric acid oxidation and one is a
synthesis using carbon monoxide. A new review
of oxalic acid production from various sources is In fact besides NO other nitrogen oxides such
given in [10]. as NO2, N2O, N2O5 are formed.
Allied Chemical Process. The Allied Chemi-
cal process is schematically presented in Figure 1.
4.1. Oxidation of Carbohydrates The concentration of the glucose solution
obtained by hydrolysis of starch is approximately
This method, the oldest of chemical productions, 50 – 60 wt %. This material, along with the re-
was in principal discovered by SCHEELE more cycled supernatent from the crude centrifugation,
than 200 years ago (1776). He oxidized sugar is placed in a reactor with ca. 50 % sulfuric acid,
with concentrated nitric acid to oxalic acid. vanadium pentoxide (0.001 – 0.05 wt %) and
However, it was not until ca. 1940 that this iron (III) sulfate (0.39 – 0.8 wt %), based on the
process gained industrial importance when the total mass of the mixture. Nitric acid (65 %) is
nitrogen oxides produced in the reaction could be then added slowly under vigorous stirring in a
recovered and recycled. In Germany, I.G. Farben tightly controlled temperature range around
produced 2000 t of oxalic acid per year by this 70  C – the temperature range differs according
method until 1944 [11]. This process is employed to the raw material being used. The strongly
in Brazil, China, and in several Eastern European exothermic reaction must be well cooled. Air is
countries. Raw materials employed in this pro- simultaneously blown into the reactor to support
cess include sugar, glucose, fructose, corn starch, the reaction and to remove NO and other nitrogen
wheat starch, reclaimed starch, potato starch, oxides of low oxidation number. The nitrogen
corncobs, tapioca, and molasses. Choice of start- oxides expelled are collected in an adsorption
Vol. 25 Oxalic Acid 533

the theoretical yield is obtained. The absent ca.

35 % of the yield mainly results from losses
through CO2 formation. This process is employed
today in Spain, Brazil, The People’s Republic of
China, Taiwan, Korea, and India.

4.2. Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol

The oxidation of ethylene glycol with nitric acid

is a one-step process. A flow chart is shown in
Figure 2. An oxidizing mixture of 30 – 40 %
sulfuric acid and 20 – 25 % nitric acid is used.
The oxidation is carried out in the presence of
vanadium pentoxide and iron (III) salts, at 50 –
70  C and atmospheric pressure. Only CO2 is
formed as a byproduct. This original process has
been improved by the Mitsubishi Gas Company
and in Japan most of the oxalic acid is produced
this way [15]. The improved process operates at
about 10 bar in a pressure reactor, in which ca.

Figure 1. Production of oxalic acid by oxidation of carbo-

hydrates (Allied Chemical process)

system and are recycled after oxidation. Crude

oxalic acid is obtained after cooling and centrifu-
gation of the reaction mixture. The crude acid is
again dissolved in hot water, put through a grease
separator and recrystallized. After a second cen-
trifugation and drying, oxalic acid dihydrate is
obtained with a purity >99 %. Precise control of
the reaction parameters is critical for a good yield
[14]. For good quality raw materials ca. 65 % of Figure 2. Production of oxalic acid from ethylene glycol
534 Oxalic Acid Vol. 25

60 % nitric acid and possibly also sulfuric acid at engineering and construction improvements and
80  C, is pressurized with oxygen at 3 – 10 bar. strict observance of the reaction conditions.
Ethylene glycol is then continually pumped in These refinements increased the yield and solved
and the temperature and pressure are maintained the serious safety problems [17]. Rhône-Poulenc
by addition of oxygen. The exothermic reaction is reputed to be the largest oxalic acid producer in
must be held at a temperature of 50 – 70  C by the world. The two-step process can be repre-
effective cooling. The yield of oxalic acid, based sented by the following equations approximate
on ethylene glycol, is 90 – 94 % of the theoreti- stoichiometry:
cal value. The nitric acid used can be recovered
almost completely. This indicates that the nitro-
gen oxides and nitric acid only act as catalysts
and the actual oxidation has been effected by
oxygen. The idealized overall equation for this
reaction is:

Other suitable starting materials are propylene

glycol, acetaldehyde, or glycolic acid. Vanadium
compounds (0.001 – 0.1 wt %) are recom- Process Description (see Fig. 3). Propene is
mended as promoters. Sodium nitrite, formic introduced into a solution of nitric acid (50 –
acid, or formaldehyde are recommended as in- 75 wt %) in the first reactor at 10 – 40  C, while
itiators [16]. Ube Industries in Japan have further keeping the molar ratio of propene to nitric acid
developed the process so that it operates only at 0.01/1.0 – 0.5/1.0 to produce watersoluble
with nitric acid (no sulfuric acid), however,
pressure is required. In an oxalic acid process
developed in the former Soviet Union a mixture
of nitric and sulfuric acids is used. The reaction is
performed at 1.3 – 4.0 kPa (the pressure is less
than that employed in the Mitsubishi process) to
remove NOx more effectively.
Although the ethylene glycol process clearly
affords the best yields by a wide margin, the corn
starch and molasses oxidations are still more
advantageous from an economic point of view.
Ethylene glycol oxidation is carried out only by
Mitsubishi in Japan.

4.3. Oxidation of Propene

The second most important industrial process for

the production of oxalic acid (after carbohydrate
oxidation) is the reaction of propene with nitric
acid. The worldwide production of oxalic acid by
this method in 1978 was 65 000 t/a. Pure pro-
pene or propene rich fractions from petrochemi-
cal refineries can be used as feedstocks. This
earlier developed reaction was significantly im-
proved by Rhône-Poulenc in France by technical Figure 3. Production of oxalic acid from propene
Vol. 25 Oxalic Acid 535

intermediates of a-nitratolactic acid and lactic

acid. In the second step the solution of these
partially oxidized products is treated with oxygen
at 45 – 100  C in the presence of a catalyst.
Oxalic acid is formed, crystallized, and filtered.
The overall yield based on propene is claimed to
be ca. 90 % and the conversion of propene is ca.
100 %. The nitrogen oxides are removed from the New perspectives and developments are given
second reactor and recovered. The consumption in [21]. The use of palladium catalysts is dis-
of nitric acid is 1.2 kg per kg of oxalic acid cussed in [22].
dihydrate produced. The process can also be The catalytic action of the alkyl nitrite on the
employed for the production of lactic acid instead first reaction is believed to be the following:
of oxalic acid. An improvement in the yield is
achieved by addition of catalysts (salts or com- 2 RONOþ2 CO!ðCOORÞ2 þ2 NO ð3Þ
pounds containing Fe, Al, Cr, Sn, Bi, or I). In the
chemical industry chromium (III) nitrate, iron
2 NOþ1=2 O2 þ2 ROH!RONOþH2 O ð4Þ
(III) nitrate or tin (II) chloride are employed in
quantities of 0.4 – 0.5 wt % (based on the metal)
and dissolved in 65 % nitric acid. The scope and Butyl nitrite and methyl nitrite are the pre-
limitations of this process are restricted by safety ferred alkyl nitrites for industrial purposes. The
problems because the nitrates of a-hydroxycar- first plant using butyl nitrite in the production of
boxylic acids that are formed as intermediates oxalic acid was constructed in 1978 (6000 t/a
from a-olefins and NO2 are unstable and lead to oxalic acid). The advantages of using butyl nitrite
uncontrollable decomposition and violent explo- are as follows:
sions [18]. As a result many technical difficulties
need to be overcome to carry out these processes. 1. It functions not only as reaction component
Today this process is only operated by Rhône- but also as a dehydrating agent. Butyl nitrite
Poulenc. Analogous to propene, ethylene can has a higher boiling point than water and butyl
also be oxidized to oxalic acid. nitrite and water form an azeotropic mixture
with a lower boiling point than butyl nitrite.
Thus, the water formed can be removed as an
azeotropic mixture and most of the butyl
4.4. Production from Carbon nitrite remains in the system. Butyl nitrite is
Monoxide [19], [20] recovered from the azeotropic mixture and
The newest process for the industrial production 2. Butyl nitrite is finally hydrolyzed to butanol
of oxalic acid was developed by Ube Industries. which can easily be separated from oxalic acid
Their synthesis is performed in two steps. In the solution by phase separation.
first step CO and a lower alcohol are reacted
under pressure and in the presence of a catalyst to A flow chart of the process using butyl nitrite
form the corresponding diester of oxalic acid. is given in Figure 4. A circulation liquid contain-
This diester is hydrolyzed in the second step to ing butyl nitrite, butanol, and the palladium
oxalic acid and the original alcohol which is then catalyst and a circulation gas containing carbon
recycled. Palladium on charcoal and alkyl nitrites monoxide and oxygen are pressurized and fed to
are employed as catalysts and the reaction is a reaction tower. Here dibutyl oxalate is formed
carried out at 10 – 11 MPa. n-Butanol is the and butyl nitrite is consumed (Eq. 3). Butyl
preferred alcohol and is simultaneously used as nitrite is regenerated simultaneously (Eq. 4).
the solvent. This process has the advantage of Both reactions are exothermic. The selectivity
inexpensive starting materials, however, it is for dibutyl oxalate increases with increasing
disadvantageous with regard to the much higher reaction pressure and decreasing reaction tem-
capital investment (high pressure) and utility perature; however, the velocity of the reaction
costs. increases with increasing temperature. Thus, the
536 Oxalic Acid Vol. 25

filtered to separate the catalysts; then butyl

nitrite, and butanol are removed to yield pure
dibutyl oxalate. The palladium catalyst, butyl
nitrite, and butanol are recovered and returned
to the circulation liquid, which is also supplied
with make-up butanol and nitric acid. The circu-
lation liquid is then pressurized and fed back to
the reaction tower.
The refined dibutyl oxalate is mixed with the
mother liquor from the oxalic acid crystallization
and hydrolyzed at about 80  C into oxalic acid
and butanol. The oxalic acid solution and butanol
are separated by phase separation. Then oxalic
acid dihydrate is crystallized from the oxalic acid
solution, and butanol is recycled to the process
after refining. A gas-phase process using methyl
nitrite has been established [21], [22]. This pro-
cess employs a lower reaction pressure (390 kPa)
and is more economic than the liquid-phase
method because of the following reasons:

1. The consumption of electric power is greatly

reduced owing to the low pressure operation
(about 60 % saving).
2. Dimethyl oxalate formation and methyl ni-
trite regeneration reaction are separated;
hence, side-reactions are decreased and the
yield of dimethyl oxalate is increased (98 %).
3. Inexpensive methanol is used instead of

4.5. Production of Anhydrous Oxalic


In all processes oxalic acid is obtained as the

dihydrate. Anhydrous oxalic acid can be ob-
Figure 4. Production of oxalic acid from carbon monoxide
an butanol using butyl nitrite as catalyst tained by heating oxalic acid dihydrate to ca.
3  C below its melting point or by azeotropic
reaction is conducted industrially at 10 – distillation with benzene or toluene. The demand
11 MPa and 90 – 100  C. for anhydrous oxalic acid is, however, very low.
Gas circulation is carried out in order to hold
the oxygen concentration below the explosion
limit during the reaction and to improve the 5. Chemical Analysis
carbon monoxide utilization and gas–liquid con-
tact rate. Qualitative Analysis. Upon heating oxalic
The solution released from the tower is flashed acid with diphenylamine a blue color results, the
to evaporate the carbon dioxide gas formed as a so-called ‘‘aniline blue’’. Analysis limit: 5 mg
byproduct. The reaction water is removed by [23].
azeotropic distillation with butyl nitrite and most
of the solution is recycled to the reaction tower. Quantitative Analysis. In addition to sim-
Part of the solution is further processed: it is first ple acid–base titration, which of course can only
Vol. 25 Oxalic Acid 537

be conducted in the absence of other acids, four 6.1. Metal Treatment

important analytical methods exist.
Sodium, potassium, or ammonium oxalates form
Manganometry. As the reaction of oxalic soluble double salts with heavy metals, especial-
acid and KMnO4 is quantitative, oxalic acid can ly iron. Iron (III) oxalate is the only readily
be easily titrated with a standard solution of soluble heavy metal salt. Oxalic acid salts are
KMnO4. therefore used (1) for rust removal, e.g., from
cooling systems (automobile radiators), boilers,
5 ðCOOHÞ2 þ2 KMnO4 þ3 H2 SO4 !
or from steel plates before phosphating, (2) for
K2 SO4 þ2 MnSO4 þ10 CO2 þ8 H2 O
removal of iron veins in marble, (3) as a constit-
uent of metal cleaners with rust protection, espe-
This method can only be used in the absence cially for use on copper, silver, or aluminum, (4)
of other reducing agents. in anodizing of aluminum, for the formation of
very hard, abrasion and corrosion protective
Gravimetry. Because of the insolubility of coatings, where through the use of additives
calcium oxalate in water (100 g of water at 18  C different surface colors can be imparted to alu-
dissolves only 0.0006 g of calcium oxalate), minum [28], [29]. Oxalic acid is also used for the
oxalic acid can be very easily and quantitatively cleaning of materials for electronic devices, and
precipitated out of aqueous solutions, e.g., with as coatings for protection of stainless steel, nickel
calcium chloride. The oxalic acid content of the alloys, chromium, alloy steels, and titanium [30],
precipitate is determined either gravimetrically [31].
(after ashing as CaO) or manganometrically.

Determination by HPLC. In this determina-

tion the oxalic acid must be esterified, separated 6.2. Textile Treatment
by HPLC and analyzed by gas chromatography
subsequently [24]. Oxalic acid is used as mordant for the printing
and dyeing of wool and cotton. It serves as a
Enzymatic Determination. This method is stripping agent for wool colors for special pat-
usually used for analysis of oxalic acid in bio- tern affects, as auxiliary in indigo caustic dis-
logical material, such as in fruit or vegetables and charge printing, and is used in vat dyeing as a
in body fluids. Either oxalate oxidase [25], [26], reducing agent for potassium dichromate. In
oxalate decarboxylase, or formate dehydroge- laundries oxalic acid is used for the removal of
nase are employed [27]. rust stains and the neutralization of alkalinity. It
also has an antibacterial effect [32]. Oxalic acid
can be employed as a catalyst for cross linking of
6. Uses textile finishing agents in the permanent press-
ing of cellulose fabrics and for flameproofing
Apart from the application of oxalic acid as a [33].
synthetic intermediate, the properties of oxalic
acid or its salts have generally been exploited as
reducing agents (in which case the harmless final
products of carbon dioxide and water are formed),
6.3. Bleaching Agents
as precipitants for calcium ions, or as complexing
agents for the salts of heavy metals. The principal
Oxalic acid is used in the tanning and bleach-
applications worldwide can be divided into the
ing of leather, and in bleaching of cork, wood
following groups in percentages of total use:
(especially veneered wood), straw, cane, feath-
ers as well as natural and synthetic waxes. The
Metal treatment ca. 28 % majority of oxalic acid is used for the bleach-
Textile treatment ca. 25 % ing of pulpwood. In leather processing oxalic
Bleaching agents ca. 20 %
Chemical uses ca. 27 %
acid is used in whitening instead of sodium
538 Oxalic Acid Vol. 25

6.4. Chemical Uses Oxalic acid is not flammable and also not self
inflammatory up to 400  C. It is not shock
Preparation of Esters and Salts. Because sensitive and does not cause dust explosions.
of the two carboxyl groups oxalic acid forms acid Oxalic acid is a weakly dangerous substance for
esters and salts as well as normal esters and salts. water (hazard class 1) and exhibits low toxicity
for fish and bacteria. Labelling according to
Reagent in Chemical Synthesis. Since oxa- Gef Stoff V: Xn (less poisonous). R-phrase:
lic acid is a strong dehydrating agent it can be 21/22 (dangerous to health through contact with
used in condensation reactions, in the esterifica- the skin and through ingestion); S-phrase: 2, 24/
tion of secondary alcohols to esters, or in cycli- 25. For inhalation protection masks with fine
zation reactions [34]. particle filters (filter class P 2) and protective
gloves made from PVC or rubber are recom-
Concentration of Rare Earth Elements. mended [41].
Oxalic acid is used for the concentration and Neither oxalic acid nor its solutions should be
isolation of rare earth elements from aqueous discarded in the environment before proper treat-
solutions that are formed during the digestion of ment. Common treatments include incineration
lanthanide ores (for example, monazite) with or heating with sulfuric acid to convert it to
sulfuric, hydrochloric, or phosphoric acids. The carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water.
precipitation of oxalates is almost quantitative Small amounts of oxalic acid can be treated with
even from strongly acidic solutions. After pre- potassium permanganate to give carbon dioxide.
cipitation the oxalates are converted to their Neutralization with lime results in precipitation
oxides by heating and processes further in this of insoluble calcium oxalate. The latter can be
form [35], [36]. safely deposited.

Other Uses. Small particles or powders,

which are prepared from oxalates, are used for 9. Derivatives
magnetic recording tapes. Oxalic acid is used for
the preparation of polyester oxalates and copo- 9.1. Salts
lyoxamides [37], [38]; for the production of inks,
pigments, and paints [39]; and for the preparation In addition to neutral and acid salts, oxalic acid
of catalysts especially those which contain pre- also forms many complex compounds that easily
cious metals and as redox initiators. crystallize. Simple oxalates of nearly all organic
and inorganic bases are known. The three most
important salts of oxalic acid are potassium
7. Economic Aspects hydrogen oxalate (salt of sorrel), ammonium
oxalate, and ammonium iron (III) oxalate. All
China is by far the largest producer, consumer, other salts of oxalic acid are less important
and exporter of oxalic acid worldwide, because industrially.
of a large rare earth oxides market. World capac-
ity for oxalic acid increased by ca. 190  103 t Potassium Oxalate [583-52-8], K2C2O4 
during 2007–2009, all growth occurring in China H2O, Mr 184.24, has the highest water solubility
[40]. of any neutral oxalate (at 20  C, 25 wt %). It was
formerly used for the preparation of photograph-
ic developers and is employed today in the
8. Storage, Handling, production of uranium in the extraction of the
Transportation, Waste Disposal so-called yellow cake and in metal and textile
Dry oxalic acid is packed and sold in polyethyl-
ene lined multilayered bags or in polyethylene or Potassium Hydrogen Oxalate [127-95-7],
poly(vinyl chloride) vessels or drums. Rein- KHC2O4  H2O, Mr 146.15, is found in many
forced fiberglass plastics are also used commonly plants and was the first oxalate discovered in
and are recommended for storage. nature. LDLo, oral, human: 660 mg/kg.
Vol. 25 Oxalic Acid 539

Ammonium Oxalate [1113-38-8], alcohols in the presence of concentrated sulfuric

(NH4)2C2O4  H2O, Mr 142.08. The anhydrous acid [42].
salt dissolves in water at 0  C up to 2.27 wt % and Of industrial interest are the neutral esters,
at 100  C up to 25.8 wt %. Ammonium oxalate is especially dimethyl, diethyl, and di-n-butyl ox-
used in textile and leather processing as a replace- alates. Except for the dimethyl ester which is a
ment for oxalic acid, for the precipitation of rare solid at room temperature they are all oily liquids
earth elements, and in ore beneficiation (precipi- with a faint odor, and thermally stable. Some
tation of heavy metals from acidic extracts). esters can be distilled at atmospheric pressure
without decomposition. The esters are readily
Ammonium Iron (III) Oxalate [13268-42- soluble in alcohols, benzene, diethyl ether, ace-
3], (NH4)3[Fe(C2O4)3]  3H2O, Mr 428.08, tone, and dioxane. Selected physical properties
forms emerald green crystals and is readily solu- are presented in Table 2. The neutral esters are
ble in water and sensitive to light. It is used in the good solvents for ethers and esters of cellulose
anodizing of aluminum and imparts, dependant (e.g., nitrocellulose) and for resins. They are
on concentration, either yellow, gold, or brown therefore used for the production of special lac-
colorations to aluminum. It is also employed in quers. Of greatest significance is the diethyl ester.
the treatment of other metals. The di-n-butyl ester is also used as a plasticizer.
A further application results from the ability of
Sodium Oxalate [62-76-0], Na2C2O4, Mr oxalic acid esters to easily undergo condensation
134.01, is easily prepared in high purity from reactions. Especially diethyl oxalate plays an
oxalic acid and sodium hydroxide. Therefore, it important role in organic synthesis.
is used as a titrimetric standard substance. The
solubility in water at 0  C is 2.6 wt % and at Oxamide [471-46-5], H2N-OC-CO-NH2,
100  C is 6.3 wt %. Sodium oxalate is used for Mr 88.07, mp ca. 350  C (decomp.), is sparingly
the production of super white pulp. soluble is water (0.3 g/L at 20  C; 6 g/L at
100  C).
The most economic method for the production
9.2. Organic Derivatives of oxamide is a one-step process by Hoechst that
(Cyanogen ! Cyano Compounds, is based on a catalytic oxidation of hydrogen
Inorganic) cyanide [43]:

Esters. Oxalic acid can be easily esterified

by the usual methods. It forms both neutral
(ROOCCOOR) and acidic esters (ROOC
COOH). The inherent acidity of oxalic acid is
sufficient to catalyze the esterification in most
instances. In some cases the esterification stops at The flow .chart is shown in Figure 5. A solu-
the monoester stage. In this case anhydrous tion of copper nitrate in aqueous acetic acid is
oxalic acid is used in preparation of the diester. employed as the catalyst. The reaction is run at
Newer methods include the preparation from 65  C and the yield is nearly quantitative. The
carbon monoxide and alcohols according to the oxamide that is insoluble in the catalytic solution
Ube process (see Section 4.4) and the reaction of precipitates at the bottom of the reactor and is
the easily accessible oxamide (see below) with pumped from there to a centrifuge, washed,

Table 2. Physical properties of selected oxalates

Ester Mr mp,  C bp,  C d420 CAS registry no.

Dimethyl 118.09 54 163.5 1.148 (54 C) [553-90-2]
Diethyl 146.15 40.6 184.4 1.0785 [95-92-1]
Di-n-butyl 202.15 29.6 245.5 0.9873 [2050-60-4]
540 Oxalic Acid Vol. 25

rainfall and that it can be used in rice plantations.

Oxamide can also be used as a starting material
for chemical syntheses.

10. Toxicology [46], [47]

Like other strong acids, oxalic acid has a local
caustic effect. The compound is absorbed rela-
tively well through the skin and very well
through mucous membranes, so that contact with
larger amounts can quickly lead to absorptive
poisoning. Oral ingestion causes acute irritation
and pain in the mouth, esophagus, and stomach.
Nausea, vomiting of blood, collapse, convul-
sions, irritability, and cramps (calcium precipi-
tation) are known to occur. Premature coronary
and/or circulatory arrest, and/or a kidney mal-
function which results in anuria and uremia are
possible. Eventual transition to polyuremia can
occur. Death occurs in the coma or through
kidney failure. Workers who had contact with
a 5 % solution of oxalic acid without wearing
protective gloves, complained of pains in their
hands within a few days. Blood clots and dam-
aged blood vessels and finally a very painful
gangrene made amputation of the fingers neces-
sary. With solutions of higher concentrations the
superficial caustic effects become increasingly
significant. Inhaling the vapors and/or dust
evokes responses that range from irritation of
Figure 5. Continuous production of oxamide a) Reactor; the mucous membranes to rashes, headaches,
b) Cooler; c) Sludge pump; d) Centrifuge; e) Dryer; overexcitability, and albuminuria. Persistent
f) Granulator
coughing, vomiting, and general weakness are
signs of chronic effects. Skin rashes and brittle
dryed and, if desired, granulated. Without further yellow fingernails are also known.
treatment it has a purity of >99 % [44]. Using this Intake of food containing higher quantities of
method Enimont in Gela/Sicily, began a produc- oxalic acid should be avoided because of an
tion plant in 1990 with a capacity of 10 000 t/a impaired calcium absorption through the forma-
[45]. tion of insoluble calcium oxalate: 4 – 5 g oxalic
Oxamide can be converted to ammonium acid can be deadly for humans because the
oxalate and oxalic acid by heating it for long precipitated calcium oxalate plugs the kidney
periods with water; best results are obtained by channels. The normal excretion of oxalic acid
the application of pressure. Oxamide has proved from humans is 20 mg per day. Two-thirds of all
to be of great interest as a long-term fertilizer kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate.
(! Fertilizers, 1. General). A single application The toxicological levels are [48]:
is sufficient because the nitrogen is released
gradually throughout the vegetation period in a
form that the plant can easily use. A granular LD50, oral, rat 375 mg/kg
LDLo, oral, human 71 mg/kg
application form of oxamide is required. The RTECS-no. Ro 245000
poor aqueous solubility of oxamide guarantees EC-no. 607–006–00–8
that the fertilizer will not be washed away by
Vol. 25 Oxalic Acid 541

References 31 W. Widerholt: The Chemical Surface Treatment of Me-

tals, R. Draper Ltd., Teddington 1965.
1 Kirk-Othmer, 3rd ed., 16, 618 – 636. 32 H. Cohen, G. E. Linton: Chemistry and Textiles for the
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701. Ohio 1983/1984.
21 Rhône-Poulenc, DE 1 618 824, 1967.
22 A. M. Gaffney et al., Chem. Ind. (Dekker) 33 (1988) 87 –
Further Reading
23 F. Feigl et al., Mikrochemie 18 (1935) 272.
24 S. M. Steinberg et al., Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 19
(1985) 251 – 260. A. D. Covington: Tanning Chemistry, Royal Society of
25 U. Rehmert et al., Lab. Med. 7 (1983) 29 – 32. Chemistry, Cambridge, UK 2009.
26 J. E. Buttery et al., Clin. Chem. (Winston-Salem N.C.) 29 P. J. O’Brien, W. R. Bruce (eds.): Endogenous Toxins, Wiley-
(1983) 700 – 702. VCH, Weinheim 2010.
27 H.-O. Beutler et al., Z. Anal. Chem. 301 (1980) 186. H. Sawada, T. Murakami: Oxalic Acid, ‘‘Kirk Othmer
28 S. Werneck, R. Pinner: The Surface Treatment and Fin- Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology’’, John Wiley &
ishing of Aluminum and its Alloys, R. Draper Ltd., Sons, Hoboken, NJ, online DOI: 10.1002/
Teddington 1972. 0471238961.1524011219012301.a01.
29 S. John, B. A. Shenoi, Met. Finish 74 (1976) no. 9, 48, 57. A. S. Tracey, G. R. Willsky, E. Takeuchi: Vanadium, CRC
30 P. E. Morris, Corrosion (Houston) 33 (1977) 17. Press, Boca Raton, FL 2007.

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