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Janet Rodriguez

OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet
Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

I work for a before and after school childcare program called Kids Express. There
are multiple roles in Kids Express but my formal role is Child Care Provider II (CC2).
Some of my tasks include, supervising/monitoring the safety of children, organizing and
planning curriculum, recording and reporting to parents and management of any injuries
or accidents. Although I am a CC2, I have been trained by my site leads to run parent-
table in case of emergencies or if they are out sick.
A situation that occurred in my workplace was during a time I had to run parent-
table when one of my site leads was out. At the time we also had a new lead, Sam, who
was still training but was not ready to run parent table on their own yet.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

Many organizations have a human resources department. In over the two years I
have been working in Kids Express, I have noticed that human resources does not involve
itself so much with the program. If they ever have I believe their impact has been very
minimal because I have never heard or seen them actively work with Kids Express. For
example, if myself and another team member were to have multiple issues that prevented
us from working well together, it is our leads or specialists job to help us resolve the
issue. Given that the site leads and specilaists are the organizations source in the human
resources department, I will say the situation that occurred was influenced by the lack of
human resources.

Janet Rodriguez

Since Sam was still in the midst of training and getting to know the organization,
her way of trying to make a plan for the day without the other site lead was difficult for
her. There was also a lack of communication between Sam and the other site lead. I say
this because a coworker and I had to come up with the initial plan for the day after given
advice from the site lead that was out. This told me that the other site lead did not trust
Sam yet to do such tasks. In the midst of running parent table, I felt Sam demonstrated
low interpersonal dynamics. As said in the text, “managers’ effectiveness is often
impaired because they overcontrol, ignore feelings, and are blind to their impact on
others” (Bolman & Deal., 2017, p. 161). Although Sam’s knowledge about parent table
was minimal, I sensed she was trying to stay on top of things even though she did not
know what to stay on top of. This was overcontrolling, in my opinion, where she would
disturb me from doing work in order for me to answer her questions or help her with a
task. Her constant need to leave her group for the others to watch so she could check in
on me also had an impact on everyone’s work. Her actions were something she was blind
too or thought would not have much impact at all. At the end of the day when we spoke
about how we felt the day went, Sam pushed mine and another cowrokers feelings aside.
We openly expressed how we felt and explained how we should speak to our specialist
about the help they had sent, to explain the person was no help at all. Sam then shared
that she did not want to tell the specialist anything because she thought the person that
was sent was a great help.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

Even though the organization has made it by with very little help in human
resources, I would recommend the organization open an HR team. By doing this, staff
will get the extra attention and assistance they need. This way both specilaists and site
leads do not have to feel constantly overwhelemed on doing too many tasks at once.
Human resources also does a great job in hiring, recruiting, and training new hires. I think
this would have been extremely beneficial in Sam’s case.
Sam came from working in a bank to working with kids. Having someone to
personally help Sam adjust to her new work environment would have set her up for better
success and preparation. Since one of the leads was out and the specialist did not come in,

Janet Rodriguez

the extra support she and the team needed was not there. The specialist could not stop by
the site because they had other matters to attend too in other schools they are in charge of.
The organization has a total of four specialists and each is assigned to about five to six
schools. These numbers should tell the program that they need to either hire more people
for the specialist role or promote from within. By promoting from within, “it avoids
errors by newcomers unfamiliar with the company’s history and proven ways” (Bolman
& Deal., 2017, p. 143). If every specialist had about two to one school to look after, the
outcome of employee performance would dramatically increase. This change in human
rescources would have given Sam the opportunity to both learn and practice her new job
and prevent the situation occurring the way it did.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Something I would have done differently after reading about the frame is
promoting egalitarianism. Egalitarianism is “a democractic workplace where employees
are an integral part of the decision-making process” (Bolman & Deal., 2017, p. 151).
When I think back about the day the situation occurred, I think about how I and another
team member did not actively include everyone in every detail of the decision-making
process. When planning for the day I was contacted by the lead that was going to be out
that day. They explained to me what had to be done that day and to just workout a
process that I would feel the most comfortable with.
Aside from personally talking to me, I feel the lead should have also included
everyone. Inlcuding everyone would have given team members more clarity and
reassurance. Viewing Sam as a new hire made me limit myself from giving her too much
information because I did not want to overwhelm her. I knew she would be working with
a group so I informed her with advice and instructions on how to be with her group. I
think by not giving her a full scope on what was going on in all parts of the workplace
may have made her feel agitated. Which could also explain her need to go to the parent
table that day to ensure I and everything else was okay. I would have helped both myself
and her into having a smoother working day if I would have included Sam more into my
parent table operations beforehand

Janet Rodriguez


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing  organizations: Artistry, choice, and

leadership (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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