L1 - Expression of Interest

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Invitation to submit Expression of Interest

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
IFRC Delegation (in the country of operation)
P.O. Box:

will be implementing under the

Programme Name:
Programme Number:

the construction of

Project Name:
Project Number:

on behalf of / in cooperation with name of project partner(s).

General and Building Contractors of registered Grade _______ and above are invited to
submit their expression of interest to participate in the respective pre-qualification / Tender
for construction works.

Interested Contractors are requested to submit in English language:

 Letter of expression of interest, if applicable indicating their preferred region of


 Official document showing the Contractor's Grading,

valid for the current year

 List of previous projects of a similar type or complexity or in the project region

by E-mail, post or by hand to the above IFRC address.

Closing date for submissions is the Date at Time.

Date, Signature ……………………………

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