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Gender and Profession

Profession is a role play in our daily life. A profession is a job at which someone works and
for which they have had training. It is what they do to get money or a living. A profession
doesn’t require any certain gender. Every single profession is available for both genders. The
only think we need to concern probably the responsibility or the skill required for the jobs.
For example, if we talk about a physical labour who requires some physical strength ability,
this job is more suitable to male. Well, as you know a male is stronger physically to female.
But if we talk about a babysitter who requires a good mentality and must be able to handle
some vulnerable patient, which needed extra traits, I will say a female is the most suitable
person for this job.
Anyway, if we talk about a profession and gender, I think I compliant to those who agree
with there is no such relation between them. You could be any profession you are in favour
of. All you have to do is try to be as competitive as you can and you must have some
aggressive movement to get your desire.

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