Basics of Meditation

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Summary on Meditation On God's Word.

The first chapter of the book defines what meditation is. It says that meditation is the silent
thinking about an object or a thought. Also, meditation doesn't necessarily imply being silent or quite.
One can open his mouth to proclaim God's word. Meditation grows our spirit man. It makes us beautiful
and rich in the spirit. This chapter also teaches us that, the spirit of God needs our spirit man to be
healthy ( strong) so that He can reside in us and meditation is the food for the spirit. This should or can
be done at all times.

The second chapter talks about how to meditate on God's word. Meditation should be an
everyday all-time thing. When you begin to meditate, do not expect to see the spiritual growth on the
first day. It's a gradual process and after some period, you will realize your growth and nobody will have
to tell you before you know it. Meditation has two divisions; confession and contemplating. Confession
involves feeding your spirit with the word and decreeing the word in circumstances.

In chapter three, contemplation is discussed. Contemplation is done silently. Inability of an

individual to concentrate on holy thought for some period, spiritually, renders that individual mentally
weak. Contemplating involves visualizing the promise or whatever you want, being assured of it,
embracing the promise( having good feeling about it) and confessing it.

Chapter four talks about the important of words. There's the living word and the spoken word.
The word sometimes comes out as a rhema but can be received an logos. Also, this chapter talks the
importance of the tongue. It serves as the steer of our life. This means that the tongue ( what we speak)
directs our lives. This is why it it important to always be careful of the our words.

The last chapter of the book discusses the importance of the thought life. As christians as we
are, we should not only be concerned about our habit or physical development. We should be
concerned about our mental growth. The thoughts of the mind determines the output in our lives. This
chapter also says that a sound mind ensures lots of benefit and peace in life.

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