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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State College

Sorsogon City Campus
Tourism Management

Submitted by:
Venice Bhambie Abrasado
Sarah Jane Berwega
Criselyn Castillo
Cyril Diche
Rachel Ann Gabito
Ma. Clarice Gonza
Grace Ann Guevarra
Pett Guerrero

Submitted to:


Table of Contents

Title page …………………………………………………………………………………………1

Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………………..2

Case description …………………………………………………………………………………3

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………...4





Macro environment

Industry structure

Key Stakeholders

Industry Recent Development and Trends

INTERNAL ANALYSIS………….………………….…………………………….11-13



SWOT Analysis

Financial Information

Corporate, Business and Operational Strategies

Recent Development/ Major Accomplishments

Strategic Issues/ Organizational Challenges

PART II: EVALUATION …………………………………………………..………………15-


Alternative Strategies for Corporate, Business and Operational Levels

Rumelt’s Criteria






Case Description

Victoria’s Grill is a newly established three-storey food restaurant and has now reached
its first year this March, 2019. It is owned by Mr. Mark Kenneth P. Doctama located in
Magsaysay Street, Sorsogon City. On the ground floor of the establishment, you can find the
reception area facing the dining area for the customers. The second floor contains the dining for
couples or group clients with a refreshing atmosphere as it has as wooden floor and wooden
furnitures. The third floor has the various accommodation like room for VIPs, function hall, and
KTV for those people who want privacy and important matters to do. During peak days,
Victoria’s Grill reaches an income of about a hundred thousand and in ordinary days, a minimum
of 20,000 pesos. The restaurant is being patronized by various customers because of their very
owned recipe which are pili empanada, pili kare-kare and other cuisines that are affordable. Just
in short range of time, Victoria’s Grill is already DOT accredited Despite of this continuous
success that the restaurant is having, Mr. Doctama is worrying about on how he could maintain
the business’ profit and trend. What strategies should Mr. Doctama should execute in order attain
their company’s goal?


People can't live without food and in fact it is one of basic need enable for human to survive.
"Food is our common ground, a universal experience." said James Beard. To eat is to discover,
and to discover i to look for a place that will suit your taste. We have different taste that is why it
is necessary for us to look for a food establishment that will satisfy our cravings.

Food establishment is an institution which provide people for human consumption like
restaurants, a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on the
premises. People tend to eat in this kind of establishments to celebrate and reunite relationships.
A place where they can talk privately, make meetings, and celebrate memorable events.

People does not only eat and discover; they also try to put up business with innovation
enable to penetrate in market. Since people now a days are food lover, they look for food
establishment or restaurants which will satisfy their taste. New entrance of competitors in the
food industry is one of the factors that affects once food industry. The more people love food, the
more they discover other food establishment.

Not far away here in the Province of Sorsogon, there are lots of food establishments in
which stands out for its classy taste, innovation, and accommodating place. One of which was
the Victoria's Grill that stands out among its rivals in food industry in the province because of its
suitable taste for everybody, accommodating facility, innovative food and a friendly
establishment. They penetrate to the market of food industry since they established relationship
to its customers through the food and facility they offer. Rivalry in food industry is a common
factor that actually affects each other.

Through innovation, some establishments were featured in televisions like the Victoria's
Grill which gives an additional impact to penetrate more in the market. But because also of
innovation, it became a factor that one establishment might innovative the food that had been




Victoria’s Grill has started because of the other previous business which is furniture and
also with the family’s passion in cooking and being a food lover. In accommodating business
meetings with their clients, they came up with an idea on starting a new food business so that it’ll
not be hard for them to accommodate their clients. Based on the conducted interview, their
business has only 17 employees from its owner up to the bottom employee divided in production
a service management. In terms of their sales it depends on the season or occasions that the
restaurant is being visited. Usually, their peak months are December, January, February, May,
October and other months that have celebrations or holidays. Their minimum sales per day will
both be lower that Php. 20,000(ordinary day). However, when it is in their peak month/season,
their sales are reaching as high as hundred thousand per day, and not more than a million in a

Knowing the existence of the business is substantial to the management itself because it
can be considered as their guide in accomplishing the business’ VMGOs. It is significant that the
workers of the company itself know why the business is existing. The food establishment,
Victoria’s Grill, has its target market, but because it is just a beginning company they are not
focusing on a specific market. Rather, their business is open for all kinds of customers, be it
children, teenagers, adults, senior citizens, and PWDs. In order to make their business grow, they
are focusing on customer service in which aim to satisfy every guest with the service quality they
offer. Victoria’s Grill has also had personalization that helps their business grow quickly. They
have their KTV accommodations, rooms for VIPs, and function hall for those conducting
meetings or seminars. Through this growth trends that the company has, they could achieve long
term survival realizing that some of their services are only offered by them or if not only by
them, at least only a few of their competitors but still differs in the service they are offering.


It starts with the idea of creating this restaurant as all the family members are well-known
as food lovers. Also, they share their blessing to their employees, friends and family. Mr. & Mrs.
decided to build this restaurant as they want to give all customers a better and quality food they
want. The name of this restaurant was named after Victoria Doctama, the grandmother of Bong
Doctama, one who raised him up. Eventually it is named as Victoria’s Grill Restaurant.

Macro Environment

The most important aspect of the marketing management is the proper identification of the
marketing environment (Kotler, et al, 2004).

The change in society and culture is a challenging task to the different organizations or
firms. It is the organizations responsibility to adapt those changes so that they can stay ahead of
their competitors. The Victoria's Grill strategy in this factor is to keep up with the trends by
innovating their products and offering unique goods and services. The company is also offering
foods that can afford by the people from different social classes.

In order for the Victoria’s Grill to make their service more convenient and accessible online,
Victoria’s Grill create their own Facebook page. Since nowadays people are fond of using social
media. They use their social media page to promote their menu. You can also order foods online,
allowing you to scroll in and get or grab your meal without consuming your time. The
technology they use is very necessary to improve their productivity, and produce food as quickly
as their customers expect. Victoria’s Grill has flashy television in every room and CCTV for
surveillance and security monitoring.

Economy is flexible and it changes all the time. One major contributor to these changes is
the competitors that affects the existing company’s customer. But Victoria’s Grill didn’t see it as
a factor that can affect their business since they are Department of Tourism (DOT) accredited
and has a lots to offer. Their customers are loyal because of the good food and facility. They
offer VIP room for privacy, hall for special occasions and regular room for ordinary customers
which the other restaurants haven’t. Competition is not new for them and they are confident that
they can compete with the competitors.

Political factors affecting business are often given a lot of importance. Several aspects of
government policies and laws can profoundly affect some business. According to the manager of
Victoria’s Grill, Ms. Anabell P. Iijima there are some political factors that affects Victoria’s Grill
such as the increase in taxes. Victoria’s Grill must response to the Government policies or
political laws that might affect their business. Like other restaurants, Victoria’s Grill complied

with health and hygiene regulations and their employees adhere to all the food and healthy law
while working.

The need to address plastic pollution is necessary to all kinds of business or firms in order to
protect the environment. The Victoria’s Grill adjusted to this kind of matter by using paper bags
instead of non-biodegradable materials. The increasing number of competitive restaurants in the
province of Sorsogon can have a negative impact or effect to them.

Industry Structure

Situated near the Fatima Church and Gaisano Capital at Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City.
Victoria’s Grill as a food establishment near to the access of people have an intense rivalry level.
Because of the intense rivalry levels which can also be created by new entrants, availability of
substitutes can be at hand for customers.

Mango Grill, Colonial Grill, Coffee Cat, Jollibee Food Corporation, Mc Donald and others
can be cited as competitors of the company because all those food establishment are near the
road or can be access by the people of Sorsogon. These are also adjacent or near to the Victoria’s
Grill location so it can be challenge for them to be the better one in order for the customers to
choose them instead of others which are also near to them.

1.Threat of New Entrance ( High )

The entry of new competitors in a food industry is high. The nature of the industry is being
patronized by people and it never go out of trend since people are food lover. Food industry or
food establishment can have a growing population of customer though a company should build
first a name in the market. Victoria’s Grill have many competitors in its Physical environment
and other of which are also accessible and are adjacent or near to the aforesaid company.
Colonial Grill, Coffee Cat, Jollibee Food Corporation, Mc Donald’s and other are some
competitors of Victoria’s Grill

2. Bargaining Power of Buyer ( Medium )

The Bargaining Power of buyers is medium but it continues to grow. A factor that
contributes to the bargaining power of buyers in the company is that Victoria’s Grill have no
other branches throughout the city since it is just almost two years of its operation. However, it
offers an affordable and worthy dishes or menus to customers that most have mindset looking for
best deals, food, and or prices. Also, customers want a one-stop shop to fill their wants and needs
and the company could offer this through Victoria’s Grill must continue to adapt these needs at
their best to retain their customers.

3. Threat of Substitute Products and Services ( High )

The treat of substitution is a very high force for Victoria’s Grill. Since the company offers
menus and foods that feature some of the Bicolano’s or Sorsoganon’s famous product like pili in
their menus, the cause of this force is that the other food establishments in city also adapted this
idea. Offering unique products or food for the customer are likewise offered in other existing
competitors. Additionally, the intense rivalry levels in the market can contribute to this threat.

4. Bargaining Power of Supplier ( High )

Victoria’s Grill have a limited chosen supplier for the production purposes. Their main
supplier are all local ones. There are also instances that they purchase a sea food for their menu
in the local market. By this, suppliers can dictate the prices the Victoria’s Grill is purchasing.

5. Rivalry Among Competing Firm ( High )

This is high force among the Porter’s Fire Forces. There is an intense competition in Food
industry. There are lots of food establishment in the city and others of which have branches to
other town or place, which a challenge for Victoria’s Grill. The number of existing competitors
is many and it can be added by new entrants in the industry. The abundant choices of food
establishment for the customer can challenge with the Victoria’s Grill.

Key Stakeholders

The Key Stakeholder of the Victoria’s Grill include the customers, which are applicable for
all types of people, senior citizens, students, children, celebrities, ordinary people, and groups.
Second Stakeholders are the suppliers which are the source of their local products used in the
production of their foods. In Distribution channels Victoria’s Grill prefer direct distribution of
this product the customers. And when it comes to their shareholders, they don’t have it for their
company is a single proprietorship. Victoria’s Grill also has a community involvement like
sponsorship at the Kasanggayahan Festival they provide their best at supporting community. To
improve their learning's towards their jobs, Victoria’s Grill employees have that interest group
like attending seminars and trainings to enhance their skills and to advance their knowledge.

Industry Recent Development and Trends

Biggest trends and development bin food industry are rapidly increasing as demand,
needs and wants of consumers are also continuously changing. According to Forbes, there are
top trends that drive change in the food industry. First of which is transparency, as the time goes
by, consumers are getting aware about the foods that they are eating. There are customers who
are meticulous and very curious on purchasing a product, it is because most of them are health-
conscious. “Before now, it was rare to flip to the back of a product on a shelf and read it before
putting it in your cart. Consumers are reading the back of packages now more than ever”, S.

Abrahams, Co-founder Emmy Organics. Consumers nowadays are making sure that every food
they are eating would be beneficial to their health. In the case of Victoria’s Grill, although they
are just in the growth phase of the business, the company would realize that the foods they are
serving must be transparent to every guest that they are accommodating. They would also
eventually find ways or innovations that could catch the customers attention in the sense that
concerns with the health of the consumer. However, they are already applying it in their business
because of their product innovations that is caused by promoting our province’s local pride.
Another trend that awakes the food industry businesses is using online flatform in order to reach
a younger demographic, a particular business must know about the impact of using social media
in their business. It is not only through posting the product or services to promote but also in
making transactions online for food deliveries. They accept reservation but somehow because of
some conflicts that they encounter in terms of reservations, they choose more on fine-dining.
Nevertheless, the food establishment has also Facebook page that can be reached out by the
customers in terms of inquiries if food prices and accommodation services.

Third important and recent trend in food industry is the emerging of alternative locations.
It is due to the high rental costs and market cannibalization of the businesses in the Philippines
are paying for their rental fees because they only own the business but not the location. Another
thing is the market cannibalization wherein there are big food industries use this strategy.
Victoria’s Grill has its many competitors here in the city but, their business location is owned by
them. However, their problem is that, they don’t have their own parking lot for their customers
that is why they’ve said that they are paying high parking fees in their neighborhood. Their other
competitors are also practicing market cannibalization wherein they attract customers through
introducing new products. Victoria’s Grill could also have their product innovation or product
development but it will take a little longer for they are just a new business. But as the year passes
by, they will eventually introduce new products of their own to compete it with other food

Fourth trend in food industry is the non-stopping fast-food growth. Population growth has
a vital role in the food industry it is because as the number of populations increases, the demand
in food services also increases. This situation pushes the food industry to expand and attracts
businessmen to invest. It is a new food business establishment, Victoria’s Grill has none yet a
branch, but because of emerging population and competitive competitors, eventually they will
expand their business through product innovation, services, and developing branches in order to
reach out a bigger market.



Victoria’s Grill is a family business owned by Mr. Kenneth Doctama and has been
operating it the business industry for one year. They are offering different types of food and
beverages such as chicken, pork, seafoods, and also delicious drinks ranging from juices, shakes,
and alcoholic beverages. They have catering services for special occasions and KTV rooms for
entertainment to those interested customers. As the industry grows, many of the buyers are
searching for good food in the area. Among other food establishment present, there were also
people that constantly patronizing the services offered by the Victoria’s Grill.



Extra-ordinary dining experience

Ensure customer satisfaction
To create a healthy and safe environment


To serve quality of food with a great value

To feature a large selection of freshly prepared foods
To feature items from different price ranges
To combine menu variety atmosphere, ambiance and friendly staff to create a sense of


Financial success
Operating the best restaurant in the city
Providing insurance for healthy to all employees
Implementation of safety policy
Reduction of overtime
Food cost control


Operate the best restaurant in the city

 Offering the best quality food for the best price
 Accommodating staffs and fast service
 Good ambiance and friendly environment

SWOT Analysis

Strengths. It includes those things that you do better than others and what makes you
stand out from your competition.

 Quality of the foods

 Price of catering services are cheaper than competitors
 The location of their restaurant is feasible
 Services
 They have facilities and amenities to offer
 The uniqueness of their product they offered to their customer (e.g. Pili
Empanada, Pork Empanada and Taro Empanada)
 Strong Management

Weaknesses. It refers to those areas in which you can improve and would help
better the product and services you provide.

 There is no parking lot area allotted for the customer’s vehicles

 Competitors offer special deliveries
Opportunities. It helps your business to discover some ways that will help
the business itself to improve.

 Loyal returning customer’s

 Attending seminars and trainings
 In partnership/sponsoring with some events (e.g. Kasanggayahan Festival)


 New Entrants (New Competitors)

 Competition (Food establishments near at their area that offers same products and
services they have)
 The change in society and culture by means of trends in foods

Financial Information

According to the interview, in first year of Victoria's Grill within the business industry,
they are already gaining not less than 20,000 a day from catering different kinds of event and in
the restaurant itself. However, when it is in their peak season the company sales are reaching a
hundred thousand per day and not more than a million a month. It is because their customer is
choosing the restaurants every time there is celebration and because their catering services costs
a lot less than other competitors in the industry.

Corporate, Business and Operational Strategies


Victoria’s Grill had used multiple ways and mediums to market and introduce their
products or menus to the customer. They used social media specifically Facebook to in
marketing. They have Facebook page where they can be reach out by consumer. They post the
menus and other information’s such as price and customers can ask question to them. Radio
advertisement is also one of their ways. On actual marketing they can be reach out personally
since their location is just accessible in the city.


When it comes to the operation of their business, it was run by the force of the higher
position one down to its employees. Financial status is an important aspect to every business so
as to the Victoria’s Grill. Their existence is also supported by legal documents and standard for


Victoria's Grill tries to be different and unique from its competitors, because they offer better
quality, quantity, pricing and appearance ,and service when compared to its competitors. Under
price and cost Victoria's Grill sells their product at a very friendly and affordable price. An
affordable price yet with a high quality foods and services. Wherein it helps them to attract those
customers who prefer top quality products and are ready to pay necessary appropriate prices.
Victoria's Grill prepare and deliver their products as early as possible within a fixed period of
time. In order to attract the customers Victoria's Grill uses other services such as catering, video-
oke room they also have television sets in each room.

Human Resource

Victoria's Grill focuses on their employee’s well-being. Some of their employees are attending
trainings and seminars. They are very competitive in terms of the salaries; they give the right
amount of the salaries for their employees in exchanged for their hard work. Victoria's Grill
provides benefits packages, like insurances for the employees. They also give bonuses for their
employees. The owner is open to hear out his/her employee’s suggestions, ideas, and needs.
Victoria's Grill gives promotion for their employees who performed well during his/her work

Recent Development/ Major Accomplishments

One of the major accomplishments that they have is being accredited by the DOT last
year. They recently catered some events like christening, weddings, birthdays, parties and one of
the most remarkable events in Sorsogon City which is the Kasanggayahan Festival. There are
some famous celebrities that visited their restaurant too in which they considered as their

Strategic Issues/ Organizational Challenges

One of the organizational problems encountered in the restaurant is the parking lot area,
wherein there is no allotted area for the customer’s vehicles. Also, the restaurant has no special
deliveries to offer.



Alternative Strategies for Corporate, Business and Operational Levels

In corporate strategies, these are the issues faced by the restaurant; in terms of finance,
since they are now in their first year of operations, the return of investments is still have not met
by the management. They still have to wait for more years in order to return what they have
invested. Their first year of work will determine if there is a room for improvements in terms of
design layout of the store and equipment installed, but this will not be executed because of
limited budget for change. In terms of human resources, the top management has employed
hardworking people rather than professional & trained employees. The management believe that
as long as the employees are working hard, they can do well with their job. Also, they have only
one supplier for the vegetables and the other ingredients such as meats are bought freshly in the
market sell by local farmers. With this they cannot negotiate with the local farmers regarding of
the prices when there is a sudden change in food prices.

In business strategies, they already have determined the best sellers among the food items
they are selling, the issue would be how are they going to increase the sales of remaining foods
they are offering to customers. There menus are not updated, they did not display their best
sellers and their famous empanada with different flavors. In information systems, the
management should establish updated computer systems to store data about the companies input
and output and monitor the sales of the restaurant efficiently.

Lastly in functional strategies, their form of advertising using social medias are not that
updated and is only use for customers inquiries. They lack in disseminating valuable information
to the public and is only dependent to those customers visiting the restaurant itself. And in
production, they are still lacking of employees for food preparation and serving and they have
limited working stations in the restaurant.

Organizational Performance

Victoria’s Grill Restaurant stand out for almost 1 year and 4 months in business industry.
Lots of competitors were present in the area they are placed. The influence of the industry is that
Victoria’s Grill Restaurant came up to a great technique of man power and great strategies to
make their business still on top no matter what type of industry implications or unfavorable may
bring forth. Victoria’s Grill consider the influence of the industry as an opportunity, not a threat
nor a weakness.

Since their only goal is to provide a healthy food that is healthy and affordable for all, it
still doesn’t complete how much other competitors such as big industries do to be successful.

Rumelt’s Criteria

 Consistency

According to the online sources, Rumelt believes that a successful strategy is impossible
without consistency among all the teams and departments within a company. Business
owners most determine whether internal objectives are aligned with external goals. In the
connection to any business firms and to Victoria’s Grill Restaurant, challenges and conflicts
within the company and among its employees and working team affects the business. The
conflict that will appear will have an adverse impact to the company which then be result to
inconsistency Victoria’s Grill employees and working teams have a good “ co-Worker
relationship” it can be because of the reason that they have a good bonding during free time
considering the call of duty to perform each task in time of responsibility in their firm.

Though there are some instances of light misunderstanding, the manager always makes sure
that it will be resolve immediately. Communication from top to bottom is necessary in
having a consistency within the company. The cheerful attitudes of the employees at
Victoria’s Grill makes the communication open. In most cases, if there is a managerial
problem, company replace it or re position of other person, however when even after it was
change, and there still a problem, the strategies are inconsistent.

 Adaptability

Adaptability is the ability to cope with and adapt to unexpected situation in any
environment and staying connected with a great attitude. The Victoria’s Grill Restaurant in
times remains flexible and composed within the changing environment. The product of
Victoria’s Grill Restaurant also remains flexible and composed in the adjustment
environment. The products of Victoria’s Grill match the preference and culture of Sorsogon
by adapting to products or innovating some products. They are willing to learn new skills
that increase efficiency they attending self-improvement seminar and training. Victoria’s
Grill can handle workload in response to changing situations.

 Competitive Advantages Analysis

The Victoria’s Grill Restaurant offers better, greater value and unique products and
services to the customer that will surely give them the advantages to other competitors. Its
establishment proposed an innovation to their product especially in their famous food the
Empanada wherein it becomes patronized by a lot of customers because of its unique taste
and flavor. Though the used of modern technologies they are able to come up with the idea
to have a VIP room, wherein inside the room you can feel and see the presence of digital
technologies including the television, karaoke and CCTV cameras. Their creativity also
serves as their competitive advantage, because they are able to come up with an idea of
having a motif in every segment and area of their location that truly attracts every customers
attention. They have their place prior to senior citizens, lower group of friends and peers.
Also, they have their function hall and offered for those who are willing to have a meeting,
seminars and conventions. Those are the competitive advantages that the Victoria’s Grill
have that other competitors don’t have.

 Feasibility of Strategy

We have mentioned the target market and all the cost that have to incur in operating
Victoria’s Grill. Victoria’s grill provides quality and hygienic food to their customers to
increase customer value and to satisfy their customer. Victoria’s Grill is located in
Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City. Their core priority is to give their customer with the best

customer service as well as with good quality product that will lead to the satisfaction of
their target market. The business has a great progress and great success because they provide
fresh and hygienic food with best service in a pleasant environment. Though they have lots
of competitors, they can still make a good name for their business inside the market by
modifying some popular foods to create uniqueness like Pili Kare-Kare and Pili Empanada.




Victoria's Grill Restaurant is a new and growing company in the food industry in Sorsogon City.
There are many strategies that it needs to be familiarize with, in order to level up its service and
build the company's internal growth. As of now, they are applying the no-change strategy which
is very common in most of the small and starting businesses as long as it doesn't affect the
profitability and doesn't facing threat from its competitors.

The management is not yet built up strongly because the employees are undergraduates and
others are graduated in courses not related to food industry. It is a weakness of their company in
terms of having an equipped and more knowledgeable employees in food industry. The
restaurant doesn't also have their own parking lot for their customer, it is another weakness of the
company that may affect the business.

Victoria's Grill Restaurant should hire employees graduated in the course aligned with the food
industry so that it will not be hard for them to train their employees with regard to the workplace
and over all operation in the business. They should also have their own parking lot for customers
so that the guests would not compromise on where to park their vehicle.


Victoria’s Grill has been established its own brand and position in the industry of
Sorsogon. For its brand to continuously grow and expand, there are strategies that will help them
achieve their goals.

The restaurant is facing a problem on how they could solve their parking lot issue
realizing that their location is along the road and doesn’t have much space for them to construct a
parking lot. Victoria’s Grill could either rent a space on their neighborhood or buy an adequate
lot space for their parking lot.

In order to attract more customers, reducing their food prices might be applied to attain
expected result. Victoria’s Grill food prices are much expensive than other market competitor in
Sorsogon. It is because, they purchased their ingredients such as meat and vegetable in the wet
market from local farmers. With this activity, when prices are high, the bargaining power of the
buyer (Victoria’s Grill) is low. They cannot negotiate the prices of the products when such
situation arises.

In order to solve this issue, they should find a fixed supplier that can provide the products
that needed in operating the restaurant. If then, they should sign legal agreement pertaining the
responsibilities of each other, the agreed prices of products needed, and their conditions. This
will help to reduce the prices of the offered products and to satisfy existing and new customers.

The management is hiring employees based on how flexible and how hardworking they
are. Since they have already reached their first year, many of the customers keep coming and
many of them are packed during peak seasons. With their next hiring, they should now employ
professionals and skillful employees so that it will strengthen the work management of the
restaurant and to truly satisfy the customer by their outstanding service.

According to the interview conducted, Victoria’s Grill have made a lot of customers
every December, January, February, and on occasions such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and
Graduation. Most of the customers of the restaurant are teachers, students and may local
government unit workers.

In order to keep their customer from coming and encourage non-customers, they should
give discounts and incentives to such mentioned events. For example, on Valentine’s day, they
will be given 10% discount for every couple who will visit in the restaurant. Also, in order to
increase the sales of the other food, they should establish a special day wherein the food items
are offered half their price in order reached the desired sales of the management. They should
also update the content of their menu in order to highlight the best sellers of the company, and
the restaurant should offer free Wi-Fi to customers, since the consumers are mostly government
employees. It is essential that they could connect to the internet to send messages to other people
and to forward they work while in the restaurant. Such incentives will create customer
satisfaction and create public awareness to encourage consumers to visit the restaurant.

Victoria’s Grill can pursue to apply Focus/market niche lower cost strategy. Since they
have many foods to offer, reduced prices will increase the number of customers and relatively
increase their profitability. Being a low-cost store will make a difference between competitors in
the marketplace. Victoria’s Grill not only offers food and beverages but also provides KTV and
catering services. With lowered prices, many potential consumers will choose to buy in the
restaurant and are able to inquire for the catering services. This will be their competitive
advantage and will keep their customers to stay in the restaurant.

The restaurant has poor marketing strategy in advertising. Their social media sites are not
updated and not many customers know a lot information about the establishment. Providing such
information involving the foods offered, events and celebration, achievements, and discounts can
create awareness to potential and existing customers.

The restaurant can also give brochures, advertising through radios and tv’s, so that they
can reach wide range of audience and can attract tourists who are visiting the province. The
management should also use Market Penetration and Market Development strategy to help
increase the sales and reduce the weakness of Victoria’s Grill.

Victoria’s Grill is a small restaurant, in terms of production they have limited space to do
their preparations in the area. Transparency is a good thing but still others will be uncomfortable
and distracted. With such small activities like holding the food with bare hands can sometimes
makes other question whether those hands are clean or not.






Edgar M. Daop Arvin Ryan V. Irene G. Desuyo Jayson D.

Chef 1 Posadas A.M Cashier Bauyaga

Rizza M. Labitag
Randy Kent Posadas
Angela H. Martinez
John Henry Marbella
Nerissa Dollente
John Kenneth Labitan
Sheryl D. Hubilla
Kyssa Mae Roxas
Malody Janolan
Service Crew

Joan Anonuevo
Alexus Daniela Eva




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