2022 GKS-G Application Guidelines (English)

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2022 Global Korea Scholarship

Application Guidelines for Graduate Degrees

2022 정부초청외국인 대학원 장학생 모집 요강

2022. 2.
Table of Contents








Appendix A. GPA Conversion Table 28

Appendix B. Contacts of Korean Embassies 29

Appendix C. Contacts of Universities 35

2022 Global Korea Scholarship (GKS)

Application Guidelines for Graduate Degrees
○ Global Korea Scholarship is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at
higher educational institutions in Korea in pursuit of academic degrees, which will enhance international
education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.

※ As Korean Government Scholarship Programs have been integrated and branded as Global Korea
Scholarship in 2010, the name has been changed to GKS (Global Korea Scholarship)


◈ Degree Programs
Category Master's Degree Doctoral Degree Research Program

1 year of Korean language program 1 year of Korean language program

Period 6 months or 1 year
+ 2 years of degree program + 3 years of degree program

◈ Application Tracks
Embassy Track University Track
Degree Program Degree Program
Category Korean Total
Overseas Language Research Subtotal Regional R&D Research Subtotal
General General
Koreans Teaching University *new

Quota 603 20 15 10 648 425 200 100 5 730 1,378

◈ Available Fields of Study and Universities

○ Available Fields of Study

- Applicants can only apply to the universities and departments that are listed in the ‘University
Information’ file attached under the GKS Notice post in Study in Korea website.
(www.studyinkorea.go.kr > Scholarships > GKS Notice)

- Academic programs offered during evenings (night school), short-term programs, online and
distant-learning programs are not applicable in this scholarship program.

○ List of available Universities

- Embassy Track

Classification Available Universities

Academy of Korean Studies, Ajou University, Chung-Ang University, Dongguk University (Seoul),
Duksung Women's University, Ewha Womans University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hanyang
University (Seoul), Hongik University (Seoul), KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Type A
Technology), KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Konkuk University, Kookmin University,
Korea Polytechnic University, Korea University, Kyung Hee University, POSTECH (Pohang University of
(24 institutions)
Science and Technology), Seoul National University, SeoulTech (Seoul National University of Science
and Technology), Sogang University, Sookmyung Women's University, Sungkyunkwan University, UNIST
(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Techology), Yonsei University

Busan University of Foreign Studies, Chonnam National University, Chungbuk National University,
Chungnam National University, Daegu University, Daejeon University, Dong-A University, Dongseo
University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gyeongsang National University, Hannam University,
Type B Inje University, Jeju National University, Jeonbuk National University, Kangwon National University,
Keimyung University, Kongju National University, Konyang University, KOREATECH (Korea University
(32 institutions) of Technology and Education), Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Kyungpook National University,
Mokwon University, National Korea Maritime & Ocean University, Pai Chai University, Pukyong National
University, Pusan National University, Semyung University, Silla University, Soonchunhyang University,
Sun Moon University, Sunchon National University, Yeungnam University

※ Embassy track applicants must choose three different desired universities and available departments
among 59 universities listed above, and must include at least one university from Type B.
※ Research Program applicants can apply to all universities among Type A and B.

(Continued in the next page)

- University Track

Classification Available Universities
Academy of Korean Studies, Ajou University, Chung-Ang University, Dongguk University (Seoul),
Duksung Women's University, Ewha Womans University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hanyang
University (Seoul), Hongik University (Seoul), KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology), KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Konkuk University, Kookmin University,
Korea Polytechnic University, Korea University, Kyung Hee University, POSTECH (Pohang University of
Science and Technology), Seoul National University, SeoulTech (Seoul National University of Science
and Technology), Sogang University, Sookmyung Women's University, Sungkyunkwan University, UNIST
(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Techology), Yonsei University
Busan University of Foreign Studies, Chonnam National University, Chungbuk National University,
(56 institutions) Chungnam National University, Daegu University, Daejeon University, Dong-A University, Dongseo
University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gyeongsang National University, Hannam University,
Inje University, Jeju National University, Jeonbuk National University, Kangwon National University,
Keimyung University, Kongju National University, Konyang University, KOREATECH (Korea University
of Technology and Education), Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Kyungpook National University,
Mokwon University, National Korea Maritime & Ocean University, Pai Chai University, Pukyong National
University, Pusan National University, Semyung University, Silla University, Soonchunhyang University,
Sun Moon University, Sunchon National University, Yeungnam University

Busan University of Foreign Studies, Chonnam National University, Chungbuk National University,
Chungnam National University, Daegu University, Daejeon University, Dong-A University, Dongseo
University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gyeongsang National University, Hannam University,
Regional Inje University, Jeju National University, Jeonbuk National University, Kangwon National University,
Keimyung University, Kongju National University, Konyang University, KOREATECH (Korea University
(32 institutions) of Technology and Education), Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Kyungpook National University,
Mokwon University, National Korea Maritime & Ocean University, Pai Chai University, Pukyong National
University, Pusan National University, Semyung University, Silla University, Soonchunhyang University,
Sun Moon University, Sunchon National University, Yeungnam University

Ajou University, Chonnam National University, Gyeongsang National University, Inje University, KAIST
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Keimyung University, Kookmin University,
KOREATECH (Korea University of Technology and Education), Kyungpook National University,
(12 institutions)
SeoulTech (Seoul National University of Science and Technology), Soonchunhyang University,
Sungkyunkwan University

Research Research Program applicants can apply to any universities listed above

※ R&D Program is newly added to the University Track: This program will provide R&D-focused
curriculum and field experience in research institutes and industries. In addition, the program is to attract
and nurture talented scholars in the strategic high-tech industry and to be beneficial to individual’s future


◈ Quota for Embassy Track
○ General: 603 scholars from 136 regions
No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota
1 Afghanistan 3 35 Dominican Republic 3 69 Kenya 5
2 Albania 1 36 DR Congo 3 70 Kyrgyzstan 9
3 Algeria 2 37 Ecuador 8 71 Laos 10
4 Angola 1 38 Egypt 4 72 Latvia 1
5 Argentina 3 39 El Salvador 3 73 Lebanon 2
6 Armenia 3 40 Equatorial Guinea 1 74 Libya 1
7 Australia 1 41 Estonia 1 75 Madagascar 3
8 Austria 1 42 Ethiopia 6 76 Malawi 1
9 Azerbaijan 6 43 Fiji 2 77 Malaysia 18
10 Bahamas, The 1 44 Finland 3 78 Mauritius 1
11 Bahrain 3 45 France 3 79 Mexico 5
12 Bangladesh 5 46 Gabon 3 80 Mongolia 14
13 Barbados 2 47 Gambia, The 1 81 Montenegro 1
14 Belarus 2 48 Georgia 4 82 Morocco 6
15 Belgium 1 49 Germany 5 83 Mozambique 3
16 Benin 1 50 Ghana 5 84 Myanmar 14
17 Bolivia 2 51 Greece 2 85 Nepal 3
18 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 52 Guatemala 2 86 Netherlands 1
19 Botswana 2 53 Guyana 2 87 New Zealand 1
20 Brazil 6 54 Haiti 1 88 Nicaragua 2
21 Brunei 4 55 Honduras 1 89 Nigeria 6
22 Bulgaria 8 56 Hong Kong 2 90 Norway 1
23 Burkina Faso 1 57 Hungary 3 91 Oman 3
24 Cambodia 10 58 India 22 92 Pakistan 5
25 Canada 3 59 Indonesia 27 93 Palestine 2
26 Canada (Quebec) 2 60 Iran 4 94 Panama 4
27 Chile 3 61 Iraq 3 95 Paraguay 3
28 China 22 62 Ireland 1 96 Peru 5
29 Colombia 4 63 Israel 3 97 Philippines 14
30 Costa Rica 3 64 Italy 6 98 Poland 2
31 Cote d'Ivoire 4 65 Jamaica 1 99 Portugal 1
32 Croatia 1 66 Japan 10 100 Romania 2
33 Czech Republic 2 67 Jordan 3 101 Russia 15
34 Denmark 1 68 Kazakhstan 11 102 Rwanda 3

No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota
102 Rwanda 3 114 Sweden 1 126 Turkmenistan 6
103 Saudi Arabia 1 115 Switzerland 1 127 Tuvalu 1
104 Senegal 4 116 Syria 1 128 Uganda 5
105 Serbia 4 117 Taiwan 4 129 UK 4
106 Singapore 8 118 Tajikistan 6 130 Ukraine 3
107 Slovakia 1 119 Tanzania 4 131 Uruguay 1
108 Slovenia 1 120 Thailand 13 132 USA 15
109 Somalia 2 121 Timor-Leste 3 133 Uzbekistan 12
110 South Africa 2 122 Togo 1 134 Vietnam 28
111 Spain 2 123 Trinidad and Tobago 2 135 Zambia 2
112 Sri Lanka 5 124 Tunisia 6 136 Zimbabwe 1
113 Sudan 5 125 Turkey 7 Total 603

○ Overseas Korean: 20 scholars from 12 countries

No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota
1 Canada 1 5 Kazakhstan 3 9 Sweden 1
2 Cuba 1 6 Kyrgyzstan 2 10 Ukraine 1
3 Germany 1 7 Norway 1 11 USA 4
4 Japan 1 8 Russia 1 12 Uzbekistan 3
Total 20

※ Overseas Koreans refer to ethnic Korean without Korean citizenship. Overseas Koreans include
Korean adoptees and offspring of Korean diaspora or Korean immigrants who live in countries out of the
Korean peninsula.

○ Korean Language Teaching Professional: 15 scholars from 9 countries

No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota
1 India 1 9 Mongolia 1 17 Ukraine 2
2 Indonesia 1 10 Russia 1 18 Uzbekistan 1
3 Kyrgyzstan 1 11 Thailand 4 19 Vietnam 3
Total 15

○ Research Program: 10 scholars from 136 regions

No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota No. Country & Region Quota
1 Armenia 1 3 India 1 5 Turkey 1
2 Ethiopia 1 4 Pakistan 1 Total 5

※ Among 10 candidates allocated for the Research Program, 5 candidates will be selected from the 5
countries listed above. The remaining 5 candidates will be selected from any 136 participating countries
listed in this section.

◈ Quota for University Track
○ Research Program: 5 scholars (This program is open to all countries around the world)
○ General: 425 scholars from 73 countries
/ Regional University: 200 scholars from 42 countries

Country & Quota Country & Quota

No. No.
Region General Regional Total Region General Regional Total
1 Algeria 2 0 2 31 Japan 1 0 1
2 Armenia 1 0 1 32 Jordan 1 0 1
3 Azerbaijan 7 2 9 33 Kazakhstan 18 8 26
4 Bangladesh 5 4 9 34 Kenya 2 0 2
5 Belarus 5 2 7 35 Kyrgyzstan 12 4 16
6 Belize 1 0 1 36 Laos 9 4 13
7 Bhutan 1 0 1 37 Liberia 2 0 2
8 Bolivia 1 0 1 38 Lithuania 2 0 2
9 Brazil 5 2 7 39 Malaysia 23 11 34
10 Brunei 4 2 6 40 Mauritania 1 0 1
11 Bulgaria 1 0 1 41 Mexico 5 3 8
12 Cambodia 18 5 23 42 Moldova 3 0 3
13 Cameroon 3 4 7 43 Mongolia 19 10 29
14 Canada 1 0 1 44 Morocco 1 0 1
15 Chile 1 0 1 45 Myanmar 18 8 26
16 Colombia 3 1 4 46 Nepal 5 3 8
17 Costa Rica 1 0 1 47 Nigeria 5 5 10
18 Republic
1 0 1 48 Pakistan 6 3 9
19 Egypt 3 2 5 49 Peru 3 1 4
20 El Salvador 1 0 1 50 Philippines 16 14 30
21 Ethiopia 5 3 8 51 Poland 3 0 3
22 France 2 0 2 52 Romania 3 0 3
23 Georgia 1 0 1 53 Russia 17 8 25
24 Germany 1 0 1 54 Rwanda 3 2 5
25 Ghana 4 3 7 55 Senegal 3 0 3
26 Hungary 2 0 2 56 Sierra Leone 1 0 1
27 India 19 11 30 57 Singapore 8 5 13
28 Indonesia 27 15 42 58 Slovakia 1 0 1
29 Iran 2 2 4 59 Spain 2 0 2
30 Italy 2 2 4 60 Sri Lanka 3 2 5
No. Country & Quota No. Country & Quota

Region General Regional Total Region General Regional Total

61 Sudan 1 0 1 68 Uganda 3 2 5

62 Taiwan 3 1 4 69 Ukraine 7 3 10

63 Tajikistan 8 3 11 70 USA 3 2 5

64 Tanzania 3 2 5 71 Uzbekistan 20 8 28

65 Thailand 16 12 28 72 Vietnam 27 13 40

66 Turkey 4 2 6 73 Zambia 1 0 1

67 Turkmenistan 3 1 4   Total 425 200 625

○ R&D Program: 100 scholars

※ Applicants from all countries can apply to the R&D program
No. University Department Quota
1 Ajou University Computer Engineering 7
Artificial Intelligence Convergence
Data Science
Chonnam National
2 Electrical Engineering 10
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Convergence Engineering
AI Convergence Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Mechanical Engineering,
Mechanical Design)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Aerospace Engineering)
Gyeongsang National Biosystems Engineering
3 10
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Energy and Mechanical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Materials Engineering and Convergence Technology
Nanoscience & Engineering
4 Inje University 8
Digital Anti-Aging Health Care

No. University Department Quota
Aerospace Engineering
Future Vehicle Program
KAIST (Korea Advanced
School of Computing
5 Institute of Science and 7
Technology) Civil and Environmental Engineering
Bio and Brain Engineering
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Graduate School of Culture Technology
6 Keimyung University Pharmacy 7
7 Kookmin University Electronics Engineering 10
KOREATECH (Korea Department of Mechanical Engineering 3
8 University of Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering 3
and Education) Department of Energy, Materials and Chemical Engineering 2
Wood & Paper Science
Kyungpook National Food Science & Biotechnology(Major in Food Biotechnology)
9 8
University Food Science & Biotechnology(Major in Food Application
Convergence & Fusion System Engineering
Data Science
SeoulTech (Seoul
Materials Science and Engineering
10 National University of 8
Science and Technology) Applied Artificial Intelligence
Semiconductor Engineering
ICT Convergence
Software Convergence
Soonchunhyang Mobility Convergence Security
11 10
University Future Convergence Technology
Integrated Biomedical science(SIMS)
Life Science
Biomedical Science
Intelligent Precision Healthcare Convergence
12 Biophysics 7
Energy Science
Biomedical Engineering
Total 100

◈ Eligibility
○ Nationality

- All applicants must hold citizenship of NIIED designated countries that are invited to take part
in the GKS program.

- All applicants and their parents must NOT hold Korean citizenship. If an applicant or
his/her parent(s) hold dual citizenship (one who have Korean citizenship and citizenship of
another country), he/she is NOT eligible to apply.

- For Overseas Korean applicants (Embassy Track) holding Japanese citizenship, if their parents
hold ‘Permanent Residency Permit’ within Japan while holding Korean citizenship, they are
exceptionally eligible to apply.

※ Applicants and their parent(s) may hold different citizenship. Applicant’s parent(s) may hold
a citizenship of non GKS participating countries.
※ Applicants and their parents who had previously held Korean citizenship must submit
documentation that proves their renunciation of Korean citizenship.

○ Degree Requirements

- Master’s Program Applicant: Must hold a bachelor’s degree or a level of education

equivalent to or higher than a bachelor’s degree.

- Doctoral Program Applicant: Must hold a master’s degree or a level of education equivalent
to or higher than a master’s degree.

- Research Program Applicant: Must have received an invitation from one of the partner
universities and must meet the criteria below;

 Postdoctoral Research Program: Must hold a Doctoral degree (by February 28,
 Professor Exchange Program: Must hold a Master’s degree AND must be currently
teaching at a university as a professor
 Program for Education·Science·Culture·International Cooperation Professionals:
Must hold a Master’s degree AND must be a professional in a field of Education,
Science, Culture, or International Cooperation (E.S.C.I.)

※ Applicants who are expected to graduate by August 31st, 2022 can also apply for the program
with a certificate of expected graduation. (not applicable for applicants currently in a
doctoral program) Such applicants must submit their official graduation certificate (or
diploma) and final academic transcript to GKS Center, NIIED by August 31st, 2022

○ Grades

- All applicants must have maintained a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) equivalent to
or higher than any ONE of the following from their previous degree program*.

* i.e.) If an applicant who already has a doctoral degree applies for another doctoral degree
program in GKS, his/her previous degree program will be a master’s degree program

 CGPA must be above 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5 or 3.23/5.0

 Score percentile should be 80% or above on a 100-point scale or be ranked within the top
20% within one’s class

- If an applicant holds a transcript that does not include information on CGPA or is unable to
convert his or her grades into any one of the acknowledged GPA scales (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0, or
100 point scale), then the applicant must submit additional documents officially issued by their
respective university describing the university’s grading system.

- Applicants who are expected to graduate should calculate the most recent CGPA at the time of

○ Age

- Must be under 40 years of age (born after September 1, 1982)

- Academic professors in one of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients * who are
under 45 years of age (born after September 1, 1977) are eligible to apply.
* DAC List of ODA Recipients on 2022 and 2023 flows (www.oecd.org)

ODA Recipients (107)

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan,
Bolivia, Bosniaand Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, BurkinaFaso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Colombia,
Comoros, CostaRica, Coted’Ivoire, Cuba, Dominican Republic, DR Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, ElSalvador, Equatorial
Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India,
Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya,
Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco,
Mozambique, Myanmar, Nambia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Republic
of the Congo, Rwanda, Saint Vincentand the Grenadines, Senegal, Serbia, SierraLeone, Somalia, South Africa,
SriLanka, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu,
Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

○ Health

- All applicants must be in good health, both mentally and physically, to study in Korea for the
full duration of the program.

- If an applicant is found to be in one of the following conditions, the applicant will be

disqualified in the final round of selection:

 An applicant is tested positive on drug tests
 An applicant who has a serious illness that prevents him or her to study abroad for long
period of time including the full duration of Korean language training or degree
program in Korea

※ All applicants must submit ‘Form 8. Personal Medical Assessment’ at the time of application.
All applicants who pass the 2nd round of selection must receive comprehensive medical
checkup and submit an Official Medical Examination issued by a medical doctor or a
licensed hospital. After arriving in Korea, all GKS scholars will be subject to a medical
examination administered by NIIED. If a GKS scholar is found to have a serious illness from
the medical examination after arriving in Korea, he or she will be disqualified from their
GKS scholarship

○ Others

- All applicants must have no grounds for disqualification (e.g., criminal history) for overseas

- Previous or current GKS scholars who meet the additional criteria below are eligible to apply.

 Must hold the grade of 90% or above on a 100-point scale or be ranked within the top
10% within one’s class
 Must hold TOPIK level 5 or 6 (must hold a valid certificate at the time of application)
 Previous or current GKS scholars can participate in the GKS program once more only
in a higher degree program*
* Bachelor’s→Master’s / Master’s→Doctoral or Research / Doctoral→Research

- Applicants for Korean Language Teaching Professional must meet the additional criteria

< Eligibility for Korean Language Teaching Professional >

 Inservice* or Preservice** Korean language teaching professional
* Inservice teaching professional: must have at least 1 year of teaching career (as of
February 28, 2022) in an elementary school, a secondary school or a university as a
teacher, a lecturer, or a professor
** Preservice teaching professional: Those who have completed “Korean language
teaching professionals training course (해외 현지 한국어교원 양성과정)” at
universities/institutions in respective countries that are administered by Ministry of
Education, Republic of Korea can also apply
※ Current teaching professionals with a teaching career less than a year can apply for
Korean Language Teaching Professional program if they have completed “Korean
language teaching professionals training course (해외 현지 한국어교원 양성과정)”

 Must hold a valid TOPIK level 4 or above

 Must apply to a department relevant to ‘Korean Language Education’ field

○ Restriction

- Applicants who have graduated from Korean high school (including international schools) or
university are NOT eligible to apply. (exception: Overseas Korean adoptees or previous GKS

※ (Exception) Applicants who have previously studied in Korean universities as exchange or

visiting students CAN apply

- Former applicants who had withdrawn from the scholarship after being selected as GKS
scholars (applicable to those who did not enter Korea or did not enroll at their Korean language
institution/University, and who had renounced their scholarship) and whose scholarship was
forfeited during their scholarship period are NOT eligible to apply.

※ (Exception) Former GKS scholar whose scholarship was forfeited due to a scholar’s failure to
achieve TOPIK level 3 or above after completing Korean language program may be deemed
eligible to re-apply if a scholar submits a valid TOPIK certificate with level 5 or above

- Applicants who have previously received a degree program scholarship from one of the
Korean government scholarship programs are NOT eligible to apply.

※ Applicants who received scholarships from GKS Non-degree program for foreign exchange
students CAN apply

- Applicants must choose and apply for only ONE track.

 Embassy track applicant must choose only ONE of the following programs: General or
Overseas Koreansadoptee, Korean Language Teaching Professional, or Research
 University track applicant must choose only ONE of the following programs: General,
Regional University, R&D Program, or Research Program. University track
applicants can only apply to ONE university and ONE department

※ If an applicant applied to more than one track/university, his or her application will be
disregarded at the 2nd round of selection.

- Embassy track applicant whose application have not passed the first round of selection * may
apply to a university track as long as they can meet the application deadline of the re-applying

* Successful candidates of the first round of selection (whose names were forwarded to NIIED
from each embassy including backup candidates) cannot apply for a university track again

○ Applicants must check additional restriction or eligibility set by each university

- Please check if there are any additional eligibility set by each university/department

※ Embassy track applicants who succeed in the first and second round of selection may also fail
in the third round of selection if they do not meet the additional eligibility set by each

※ Please be mindful of any additional restriction set by each university/department. If you do

not meet this standard and fail to enroll in the university, your scholarship may be cancelled,
and you must return to your country on your own expense even though you have completed
the Korean language program

- Please check if there are any additional restriction (e.g., enrollment period) set by each

※ Scholars whose Korean language program is delayed (e.g., return after a leave of absence)
must check if their degree program is only available to start at a certain period of time. For
example, if a program starts in September only, scholars cannot resume their degree program
in March.


◈ Selection Procedures

○ Selection Procedures
2nd Round of 3rd Round of
1st Round of Announce of
Recommendation for Selection Selection
Selection → 2022 GKS-G
Embassy candidates (Embassy Track → (Embassy Track →
(Embassy) Scholars
Track: Candidates) Candidates)


2nd Round of
1 Round of
Selection Announce of
Recommendation for
Selection → (University → → → → → 2022 GKS-G
(University) Track Scholars
University Candidates)
Step 1. Embassy/University Step 2. NIIED Step 3. University NIIED

○ Selection Schedule

Successful Announcement
1st round of candidates of the 1st 2nd round of 3rd round of of final
selection selection selection successful
round → NIIED
February~March ~early April late April ~late May
late June
February~April ~late April late May -
※ Embassy track applicant whose application have not passed the first round of selection may apply to a
university track

○ Selection Timeline
Announcement of Application
Guidelines Study in Korea (www.studyinkorea.go.kr)
Announcement of
Announced by each embassy/university
1st Round Selection Schedule
- Each embassy/university will release their 1st round selection schedule on their website.
(Embassies, Universities)
Application Submission
Deadline will be set by each Korean embassy and university
(Embassies, Universities)
1st Round of Selection
Announcement date will be set by each Korean embassy and university
(Embassies, Universities)
Successful Candidates
of the 1st Round Successful candidates' applications and related documents will arrive at NIIED
- Embassy Track: by early April / University Track: by late April
(Embassies, Universities → NIIED)

2nd Round of Selection Successful candidates of the 2nd round will be announced
(NIIED) - Embassy Track: by early May / University Track: by late May

Submission of
Submission Deadline: by June 15th (Wed.)
Official Medical Examination
- All candidates who pass the 2nd round must submit their medical examination result issued
(2nd Round Successful Candidates
by a medical doctor or a licensed hospital

Embassy Track applicants who pass the 2nd round selection will be reviewd by three
universities which they initially applied to
3nd Round of Selection
Announcement Deadline: by June 10th (Fri)
- Universities will inform the successful candidates to NIIED
- Universities will inform the result to successful applicants individually

Notify Applicant's Choice of Embassy Track applicants who pass the 3rd round selection should notify their final choice
University of university to NIIED via email
(Successful Candidates → NIIED) Notification Deadline: by June 15th (Wed)

Announcement of Expected announcement date: late June

2022 GKS-G Scholars NIIED will inform final results to Embassies and Universities
(NIIED) - The final successful candidates will be announced on Study in Korea website

◈ Documents to Submit
○ Application Submission

- Application period: Each embassy and university has their own application deadline, so
applicants must check with the respective institute before submitting application.

- Method of submission: Each embassy and university who conducts the first round of selection
may have their own document submission guidelines, so applicants must check with the
respective institute before submitting application.

○ List of documents to submit

Type No. Application Documents Master's Doctoral Research

1 (form 1) Application Form Required Required Required

2 (form 2) Personal Statement Required Required Required
3 (form 3) Study Plan Required Required
4 (form 4) Research Proposal (only applicable for research program applicants) Required
to complete
(Required) 5 (form 5) ONE letter of Recommendation Required Required Required
6 (form 6) Letter of Invitation (issued by the research program university) Required
7 (form 7) GKS Applicant Agreement Required Required Required
8 (form 8) Personal Medical Assessment Required Required Required
9 Bachelor's graduation certicate (or diploma) Required Required Required
9' Bachelor's degree transcript Required Required Required
10 Master's graduation certicate (or diploma) Required Required
10' Master's degree transcript Required Required
Doctoral graduation certicate (or diploma)
11 Required
- only applicable for Postdoctoral Research program applicants
Certificates Doctoral degree transcript
11' Required
- only applicable for Postdoctoral Research program applicants
Certificate of Employment
12 Required
- only applicable for E.S.C.I. Professionals
required for 13 Applicant's/Parent(s)' Proof of Citizenship and family relationship Document Required Required Required
relevant 14 Proof of Overseas Korean Document/Proof of Korean Adoptee Document Optional Optional Optional
applciants 15 Proof of Korean Citizenship Renunciation Document Optional Optional Optional
16 Proof of Korean War Veteran's Descendant Optional Optional Optional
Current Korean Language Teaching Professionals
17 1) Certificate of Employment (teaching subject clearly indicated) Optional Optional
2) Certificate of Teaching Career (years taught specified)
Preliminary Korean Language Teaching Professionals
18 1) Certificate of "Korean language teaching professionals training course (한 Optional Optional
국어 교원양성 과정)" (classes taken should be specified)
Score report of valid TOPIK or English Proficiency Test
19 Optional Optional Optional
- submit printouts from an official website
Published books and research papers, copy of awards and other certificates etc.
documents 20 Optional Optional Optional
- submit in photocopied documents
Applicant's Passport Copy
21 Optional Optional Optional
- submit in photocopied documents

○ Document preparation for application

- Application documents for the first round of selection (embassy/university)

(Documents to complete, Required certificates)

- Submission Requirement: set by each embassy/university

- Number of documents to submit: set by each embassy/university

 Documents to complete: Form 1~8 (Application, Personal statement, Study plan,

Recommendation letter, Application agreement, Personal medical assessment, etc.)
 Required certificates: Graduation certificate, academic transcript, proof of nationality,

※ All applicant documents sent to NIIED for the second round of selection must meet the
submission requirements described in the following box

- Application documents for the second round of selection (NIIED)

(Documents to complete)

- Submission Requirement: All forms must be submitted in English or Korean with applicant’s
signature. (※ No need to be apostilled or consular-confirmed)

- Number of documents to submit

 Embassy track: ONE original document + THREE additional photocopies

 University track: ONE original document

(Required certificates)

- Submission Requirement

 Documents written in English or Korean: MUST be apostilled or consular confirmed

 Documents written in other languages:  must obtain apostille or consular
confirmation either on original document or certified translation  document written in
original language and its certified translation must be submitted together

※ If your country belongs to one of the member countries for the Apostille Convention, please
have your documents apostilled and get a consular-confirmation only when apostille is not

※ Notarized or original documents without apostille/consular-confirmation are NOT acceptable.

- Number of documents to submit

 Embassy track: ONE apostilled/consular-confirmed certificate + THREE additional

 University track: ONE apostilled/consular-confirmed certificate

○ Important Notes Regarding Application Submission

- Application documents for the first round of selection

 All documents must be submitted in English or Korean

 Please follow the submission guidelines set by each embassy/university
 Each embassy/university may (or may not) accept application documents in a
simplified version, so it is strongly recommended to check application guidelines
posted by the institutions before submission
 All application documents sent to NIIED for the second round of selection must meet
the submission requirements described in this section

- Application documents for the second round of selection

 If any of the required documents are not submitted or if any of the application forms
are submitted without applicant’s signature, his or her application documents will be
excluded from the evaluation
 All documents submitted to NIIED will NOT be returned to the applicants in any case
 If an applicant should submit a certificate which cannot be reissued in the future, please
keep your original document and apostille/consular-confirm on a notarized document
 If a document cannot be apostilled/consular-confirmed, please get a consular-
confirmation on a notarized copy
 If a university requires additional documents (e.g., portfolio), applicants must submit
those materials directly to the university

<Document submission requirements for the second round of selection at NIIED>

Documents to
Submission Requirement
(form 1)
Application Form
(form 2)
Personal Statement
Applicant's signature is required
(form 3)
Study Plan
(form 4)
Research Proposal
(form 5)
Single letter of Recommender's signature is required
(form 6)
University's Official Host professor's signature and an official seal of the President is required
Letter of Invitation
(form 7)
GKS Applicant Applicant's signature is required
(form 8) Applicant's signature is required
Personal Medical - If a GKS scholar is found to have a serious illness that was not stated in the Personal Medical Assessment, he or
Assessment she will be disqualified from their scholarship

Documents to
Submission Requirement

The certificate must indicate a date of graduation

Graduation certificate (or Diploma) officially issued by the university of previous degree program*
* i.e.) If an applicant is applying for a doctoral degree, his/her previous degree program should be a master's degree program

Application who are expected to graduate must submit an official certificate of expected graduation that indicates the
Certificate of
month/date of graduation
- A simple certificate of enrollment without expected graduation date is NOT accepted

Applicants who were expected to graduate at the time of application will be listed as “Conditional Successful
Candidates” unless they submit their graduation certificate to NIIED until the Final Announcement
※ Please refer to "Important Notes regarding Successful Candidates" regarding entry and enrollment of Conditional Successful

Academic transcript officially issued by the university of previous degree program

- if submitted, additional degree* certificate and academic transcript will be used as reference only
(apostilled/consular-confirmation not required)
* equivalent to or higher than the applying degree
- If applicants convert their grades through a converting tool such as scholaro.com, wes.org, etc., the converted
grades must be officially acknowledged by the relevant university (apostille/consular-confirmation not required)
- CGPA must be submitted in one of the grading scales (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0 or 100 point scale). If applicants' grades
Transcript needs to be converted (e.g., 1.0 to 5.0 or 7.0 to 100 point scale), provide supporting documents officially issued
by the university (apostille/consular-confirmation not required)
- All other transcripts cannot be evaluated

If a transcript indicates CGPA for the entire academic duration, it will be accepted even though it does not
indicate GPA per semester/year.
- In this case, applicant do not need to provide GPA per semester/year and only need to provide a CGPA on the
application form

Official certificate issued by a government such as Birth certificate or/and Family register that can prove applicant
and parent(s)' family relationship and nationality
- If applicants cannot submit necessary documents due to absence of thier parent(s), - e.g., divorced or deceased -
please provide additional documents (e.g., divorce certificate or death certificate) that explains the reason for not
submitting their proof of citizenship
Proof of
Citizenship and If applicants'/parents' citizenship information is not indicated in the above documents, then submit passport copies
Family relationship as supplemantary documents
- Only valid passport copies will be accepted (apostille/consular-confirmation not required)
- If passport copies are not available, please sumbit other government issued documents that includes citizenship
information (apostille/consular-confirmation not required)
※ A simple copy of an ID card (e.g., resident card, driver's license, voter ID, etc.) is NOT accepted unless it clearly indicates
citizenship information

If none of the documents indicate applicant's date of birth, submit additional document officially issued by the
Proof of Age
government that provides applicant's date of birth.

Proof of Overseas Prove with supporting documents such as family register or birth certificate
Korean or Adoptee - Required for relevant applicants only

Documents to
Submission Requirement
Proof of Korean
Citizenship Certificate that are officially issued by the government
Renunciation - Required for relevant applicants only
Proof of
Korean War Certificate that are officially issued by the government AND proof of family relationship with an applicant
Veteran's - Required for relevant applicants only

Korean: TOPIK only /English: TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS

- Must be valid as of application deadline set by each embassy/university for the 1st round
Score Report of
- (TOPIK certificate) A printed copy of one's score report from topik.go.kr
Korean or English
- (English proficiency certificate) A printed copy of one's score report from the respective website or a photocopy
Proficiency Test
of original certificate
- Submitting a score report of Korean or English proficiency test is optional

Copy of awards and

Submit if necessary
other certificates

Submit as supplementary documents only when the other proof of citizenship (birth certificate, family register,
Passport Copy
etc.) does not indicate applicants'/parent(s)' citizenship information

○ Important notes regarding “Documents to Complete”

[Embassy & University Track]

- Applicants must put the official name of the university/department they are applying to.

※ (Attention!) Applicants can only apply among the universities/departments listed in the
“University Information” file. If an incorrect department is written on an application, such
document will not be evaluated

- Applicant’s English name MUST match the name on their passport.

※ (Attention!) Any discrepancy in applicant’s name (family, given, middle name) will cause a
delay in visa processing

- Application documents must be submitted in the order of the “Application Checklist.” which
itself should be the front cover of each set of application documents.

- Please number and label each document on the top right corner.

(e.g.) 9. Bachelor’s Graduate Certificate

- All documents should be submitted as a A4 sized (or letter sized) documents.

※ If a document is smaller than A4 sized (or letter sized) document, attach it on a blank A4
sized paper. If a document is larger than a A4 size document, fold the document into a A4 size

[Embassy Track]

- Embassy Track applicants can choose up to THREE different universities.

※ (Attention!) Applicants may choose the same department for all three universities, but may
NOT choose three different departments from a single university

- Of the chosen universities, at least one university must be from Type B universities.

※ (Attention!) If applicants fill out a Type A university in a Type B section, their application
will be excluded from evaluation

- If applicants choose all three universities among highly competitive universities, even though
they pass the 2nd round of selection, there will be no guarantee of final selection at the 3 rd

☞ 33(2016), 34(2017), 41(2018), 39(2019), 52(2020), 53(2021) candidates were failed from
all three universities in their final round of selection

[University Track]

- University track applicant should fill in ONE university in their application.

○ Main Points of Evaluation

- Review of Qualification: Selection committee will conduct document examination

(nationality, degree, academic grades, etc.) and verify whether an applicant is qualified for the

- Review of Competency: Selection committee will evaluate each applicant’s competency

through document examination and an oral interview.

○ Additional Points

- Applicants who hold a TOPIK level 3 or above will be given additional points (10% of the
total allocated points).

- Descendants of Korean War veterans will be given additional points (5% of the total allocated

(Prior Notice) The notice below is effective starting from 2024 GKS-G Selection (1st and 2nd rounds)

- Applicants will receive additional points based on language proficiency in Korean and English

 Korean: points will be given to applicants with valid TOPIK certificate based on their
TOPIK level
 English: points will be given to applicants with valid English proficiency certificate
based on their test scores (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, etc.)

○ Evaluation Preference

- Overseas Koreans.

- Applicants from low-income families or underprivileged background.

- Applicants who applied for a Natural science and engineering department in a Regional

* Natural Science and Engineering department in a Regional University: Refer to “University

Information (2022 GKS-G Available Departments for University Track (Regional, Natural
Science and Engineering)” file

- Applicants who are currently teaching as a professor in a Natural science and engineering
department or in one of the ODA recipient countries listed in section 4.

- Applicants who are applying for a “Postdoctoral Research Program” in a Natural science and
engineering department.

- Applicants who submit a high score of English proficiency test (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS).

※ An unsuccessful candidate in an embassy track can re-apply to a university track

 Successful candidates of the first-round selection (including backup candidates) cannot

re-apply to a university track
 Applicants must make sure they can meet the deadline of the re-applying university

◈ Medical Assessment
○ Subject for examination

- All applicants who pass the 2nd round of selection.

○ Submission of Official Medical Examination

- Official Medical Examination issued by a medical doctor, or a licensed hospital should be

submitted to NIIED by June 15th, 2022. Further guidance will be provided at the time of
announcement of the 2nd round successful candidates.

○ How Medical Assessment Result will be used

- After arriving in Korea, all GKS scholars will be subject to a medical examination
administered by NIIED. If results indicate that a GKS scholar falls into one of the cases below,
he or she will be disqualified from the scholarship. Such scholar must return any scholarship
(e.g., airfare, settlement allowance, etc.) received and return home on their own expense.

 Applicant is tested positive on drug tests

 An applicant who has a serious illness that prevents him or her to study abroad for long
period of time including the full duration of Korean language training or degree
program in Korea

◈ Announcement of Final Successful Candidates

○ Announcement of Final Successful Candidates

- Embassy track applicants who passed the third round of selection should notify NIIED of their
final choice of university by June 15th, 2022. Once the choice is made, changing university is
NOT possible.

- Among the final successful candidates, previous GKS scholars, research program participants,
and those who submitted TOPIK level 5 or 6 * will proceed to their degree program directly. All
other successful candidates will be assigned for a Korean language program.

* Scholars who did not submit their TOPIK score at the time of their application must submit
their TOPIK score report to NIIED by June 15 th, 2022. The 81st TOPIK score is the last TOPIK
score one can report to NIIED

※ If an applicant fails in the third round of selection from all three universities, he/she will not
be included in the final successful candidates

- NIIED will notify the list of final successful candidates to embassies and universities by late

※ The list of final successful candidates will also be announced on Study in Korea website


○ Final Successful Candidates will receive invitation letters and guidance on entry

◈ Important Notes regarding Successful Candidates

○ Conditional Successful Candidate

- Applicants who were expected to graduate at the time of application will be listed as
“Conditional Successful Candidates” at the final announcement unless they submit their
graduation certificate (or diploma) to NIIED by June 15th, 2022.

- Among conditional successful candidates, those who are exempt from their Korean language
program (who submitted TOPIK level 5 or 6) fail to submit their graduation certificate by
August 31st, 2022, an admission to the degree university will be prevented.

※ The scholarship may be deferred for 6 months if such scholars cannot submit their graduation
certificates due to circumstances beyond one’s control (e.g., COVID-19, etc.)

- Conditional successful candidates who are assigned to a Korean language program (those
without TOPIK level 5 or 6) may enter Korea, but at their own expense.

※ Conditional successful candidates who enter Korea on their own expense should submit their
graduation certificate to NIIED through the embassy (embassy track) or university (university
track) by August 31st, 2022 to receive their entry airfare from their Korean language

 Conditional successful candidates who fail to submit their graduation certificate (by
August 31st, 2022 to the NIIED through the embassy/university) will result in
cancellation of scholarship and they must return home on their own expense.

※ The submission deadline may be extended if a scholar cannot submit their graduation
certificate due to circumstances beyond one’s control (e.g., COVID-19, etc.) upon President
of NIIED’s approval

○ Final Successful Candidates’ withdrawal

- Final Successful Candidates who renounce their scholarship cannot reapply for the GKS
program in the future.

- If renunciation is repeated, the relevant countries will lose their GKS quota in the future

○ Final Successful Candidates who are currently residing in Korea

- Final successful candidates who have Korean residence visa (D-2, D-4, etc.) may not be able to
receive a new visa for their Korean language program or degree program in Korea.

※ Final Successful Candidates who are residing in Korea at the time of final announcement
must contact the Korean immigration office and inquire their visa renewal procedure

- Entry airfare will NOT be provided to newly selected scholars who are residing in Korea at the
time of 2022 GKS-G final announcement.

○ Check applicable Laws and Regulations

- Prior to arrival in Korea, final successful candidates must fully familiarize themselves with
immigration and residency laws, academic regulations of NIIED and each academic

academic regulation of NIIED www.studyinkorea.go.kr > Scholarship > GKS Notice

Visa and Immigration

academic regulation of each University Refer to university website

◈ Period of Scholarship
○ Master’s Degree Program: 3 years

- 1 year of Korean language training + 2 years of degree program

○ Doctoral Degree Program: 4 years

- 1 year of Korean language training + 3 years of degree program

○ Research Program: 6 months or 1 year

○ Important Notes regarding Scholarship Period

- Applicants in research program or those with TOPIK level 5 or 6 will be exempt from the
Korean language program.

- Those who receive TOPIK level 5 or 6 within the first 6 months of the Korean language
program will be exempt from the remaining 6-month language training and must start their
degree program in the following semester (March 2023).

◈ Scholarship Benefits
○ Scholarship Benefits
Language Korean Research Thesis Degree
Settlement Monthly Medical
Scholarship Airfare Training Tuition Proficiency Support Printing Completion
Allowance Allowance Insurance *
Fee Grants Fee Fee Grants
up to 5
(Master's/Do NIIED:
ctoral) 1 million (L.S.)
1,000,000 KRW 210,000 500,000
KRW KRW ~800,000
class flight 200,000 55,630 University: 100,000 100,000
Benefits University: KRW
ticket (actual KRW KRW amount that KRW KRW
(Research) amount that (N.S.&E) (actual
expense) exceeds
1,500,000 exceeds 240,000 expense)
5 million
KRW 1 million KRW
Beginning of Beginning of
At the time
At the time Beginning of each each At the time
of initial Beginning of Beginning of Beginning of
Time entry/final
of initial
each month each month
each quarter semester
each month
semester Once of final
entry (quarterly) (twice a (twice a departure
year) year)
Procedure NIIED → Universities → GKS Scholars NIIED → Universities NIIED → Universities → GKS Scholars

* L.S. (Liberal Arts and Social Science majors) / N.S. &E (Natural Science & Engineering majors)

○ Important Notes regarding Scholarship Benefits

- Upon arrival, NIIED will provide 20,000 KRW per month in private insurance premium until
scholars are enrolled in health insurance. After enrollment, NIIED will provide health
insurance premiums of a standard amount (55,630 KRW).

- Korean proficiency grants (who has TOPIK level 5 or 6), research support fee, tuition, thesis
printing fee, degree completion grants are given to GKS scholars in the degree program only.

- Korean proficiency grants is given only to GKS scholars in the degree program who hold valid
TOPIK level 5 or 6.

- For GKS scholars selected in China and Czech Republic: The flight tickets will be prepared
and provided by the government of China and Czech Republic, respectively, in accordance
with the agreement made between Korean government and the governments of two countries.

- Entry airfare will NOT be provided to newly selected scholars who have resided in Korea at
the time of final announcement of 2022 GKS Graduate Degree Scholars.

- On applicants’ initial arrival to Korea, any domestic travel fees within a GKS scholar’s home
country and any international travel insurance for the trip to Korea will NOT be covered.

※ Additional expenses for departure (e.g., PCR test for COVID-19, self-quarantine before
departure) will not be covered by NIIED

- Entry airfare or visa application support will NOT be provided to scholars who enter Korea
from a country other than the scholar’s own country of citizenship.

- If a GKS scholar withdraws from the scholarship within the first 3 months after entering
Korea, one MUST return the full scholarship amount that he or she has received after being
selected as a GKS scholar. This includes any entry airfare, settlement allowance, monthly
allowance, language training fees, medical insurance, etc.

○ Embassies of the Republic of Korea in foreign countries: Refer to Appendix B

○ Korean Universities for 2022 GKS Graduate Degrees: Refer to Appendix C

○ Global Korea Scholarship Center, NIIED

Email: kgspniied@korea.kr
Address: GKS Center, NIIED (Selection department of 2022 GKS-G)
191, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13557) Republic of Korea

○ Other useful websites

Learning Korean www.sejonghakdang.org
Korean Portal www.korea.net
Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.mofa.go.kr
Visa and Immigration
Higher Education in Korea www.academyinfo.go.kr

Appendix A. GPA Conversion Table
4.0 Scale 4.3 Scale 4.5 Scale 5.0 Scale 100 Points Scale

3.97 ~ 4.0 4.26 ~ 4.3 4.46 ~ 4.5 4.95 ~ 5.00 100

3.92 ~ 3.96 4.22 ~ 4.25 4.41 ~ 4.45 4.90 ~ 4.94 99

3.88 ~ 3.91 4.17 ~ 4.21 4.36 ~ 4.40 4.84 ~ 4.89 98

3.84 ~ 3.87 4.12 ~ 4.16 4.31 ~ 4.35 4.79 ~ 4.83 97

3.80 ~ 3.83 4.08 ~ 4.11 4.26 ~ 4.30 4.73 ~ 4.78 96

3.75 ~ 3.79 4.03 ~ 4.07 4.21 ~ 4.25 4.68 ~ 4.72 95

3.71 ~ 3.74 3.98 ~ 4.02 4.16 ~ 4.20 4.62 ~ 4.67 94

3.67 ~ 3.70 3.93 ~ 3.97 4.11 ~ 4.15 4.57 ~ 4.61 93

3.62 ~ 3.66 3.89 ~ 3.92 4.06 ~ 4.10 4.51 ~ 4.56 92

3.58 ~ 3.61 3.84 ~ 3.88 4.01 ~ 4.05 4.45 ~ 4.50 91

3.49 ~ 3.57 3.75 ~ 3.83 3.91 ~ 4.00 4.34 ~ 4.44 90

3.41 ~ 3.48 3.65 ~ 3.74 3.81 ~ 3.90 4.23 ~ 4.33 89

3.32 ~ 3.40 3.56 ~ 3.64 3.71 ~ 3.80 4.12 ~ 4.22 88

3.24 ~ 3.31 3.46 ~ 3.55 3.61 ~ 3.70 4.01 ~ 4.11 87

3.15 ~ 3.23 3.37 ~ 3.45 3.51 ~ 3.60 3.90 ~ 4.00 86

3.07 ~ 3.14 3.27 ~ 3.36 3.41 ~ 3.50 3.79 ~ 3.89 85

2.98 ~ 3.06 3.18 ~ 3.26 3.31 ~ 3.40 3.68 ~ 3.78 84

2.90 ~ 2.97 3.09 ~ 3.17 3.21 ~ 3.30 3.57 ~ 3.67 83

2.81 ~ 2.89 2.99 ~ 3.08 3.11 ~ 3.20 3.45 ~ 3.56 82

2.72 ~ 2.80 2.90 ~ 2.98 3.01 ~ 3.10 3.34 ~ 3.44 81

2.64 ~ 2.71 2.80 ~ 2.89 2.91 ~ 3.00 3.23 ~ 3.33 80

Appendix B. Contacts of Korean Embassies
No. Country/Region Office Phone Fax E-mail
Embassy of the Republic of
1 Afghanistan 93-20-210-2481 93-20-210-2725 kabul@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Afghanistan
Embassy of the Republic of
2 Albania 30-210-698-4080 30-210-698-4082 gremb@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Greece
Embassy of the Republic of
3 Algeria 213-21-54-65-55 213-21-54-60-70 koemal@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Algeria
Embassy of the Republic of
4 Angola 244-222-006-067 244-222-006-066 korembassy_angola@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Angola
Embassy of the Republic of
5 Argentina 54-11-4802-8062 54-11-4803-6993 argentina@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Argentina
Embassy of the Republic of 7-495-783-2777;
6 Armenia 7-495-783-2727 embru@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Russia 2797
Embassy of the Republic of
7 Australia 61-2-6270-4100 61-2-6273-4839 australia@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Australia
Embassy of the Republic of
8 Austria 43-1-478-1991 43-1-478-1013 mail@koreaemb.at
Korea in Austria
Embassy of the Republic of
9 Azerbaijan 994-12-596-7901 994-12-596-7904 azeremb@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Azerbaijan
Embassy of the Republic of
10 Bahamas, The Korea in Dominican 1-809-482-6505 1-809-482-6504 embcod@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 973-1753-1140,
11 Bahrain 973-1753-1120 koreanembassy.bahrain@gmail.com
Korea in Bahrain 0577
Embassy of the Republic of 880-2-881-
12 Bangladesh 880-2-882-3871 embdhaka@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Bangladesh 2088~90
Embassy of the Republic of
1-868-622-9081; trinidad@mofa.go.kr
13 Barbados Korea in Trinidad and 1-868-628-8745
1069 koremb.tt@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of 375-17-306-
14 Belarus 375-17-306-0160 belemb@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Belarus 0147~9
Embassy of the Republic of
15 Belgium 32-2-675-5777 32-2-675-5221 eukorea@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Belgium
Embassy of the Republic of
16 Benin 233-30-277-6157 233-30-277-2313 ghana@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Ghana
Embassy of the Republic of 591-2-211-
17 Bolivia 591-2-211-0365 coreabolivia@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Bolivia 0361~3
Embassy of the Republic of
18 Bosnia and Herzegovina 385-1-4821-282 385-1-482-1274 croatia@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Croatia
Embassy of the Republic of
19 Botswana 27-12-460-2508 27-12-460-1158 embsa@mofa.go.kr
Korea in South Africa
Embassy of the Republic of
20 Brazil 55-61-3321-2500 55-61-3321-2508 emb-br@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Brazil
Embassy of the Republic of
21 Brunei 673-233-0248 673-233-0254 brunei@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Brunei
Embassy of the Republic of
22 Bulgaria 359-2-971-2181 359-2-971-3388 korean-embassy@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Bulgaria
Embassy of the Republic of 225-2248-
23 Burkina Faso 225-2248-6757 ambcoabj@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Cote d'Ivoire 6701;6703

No. Country/Region Office Phone Fax E-mail
Embassy of the Republic of
24 Cambodia 855-23-211-900 855-23-219 200 cambodia@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Cambodia
Embassy of the Republic of
25 Canada 1-613-244-5010 1-613-244-5034 canada@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Canada
Consulate General of the
26 Canada (Quebec) Republic of Korea in 1-514-845-2555 1-514-845-1119 montreal@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
27 Chile 56-2-2228-4214 56-2-2206-2355 embajadadecoreaenchile@gmail.com
Korea in Chile
Embassy of the Republic of
28 China 86-10-8531-0700 86-10-8531-0726 chinaconsul@mofa.go.kr
Korea in China
Embassy of the Republic of
29 Colombia 571-616-7200 571-610-0338 embacorea@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Colombia
Embassy of the Republic of
30 Costa Rica 506-2220-3160 506-2220-3168 koco@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Costa Rica
Embassy of the Republic of 225-2248-6701;
31 Cote d'Ivoire 225-2248-6757 ambcoabj@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Cote d'Ivoire 6703
Embassy of the Republic of
32 Croatia 385-1-4821-282 385-1-482-1274 croatia@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Croatia
Embassy of the Republic of
33 Cuba 52-55-5202-9866 52-55-5540-7446 embcoreamx@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Mexico
Embassy of the Republic of
34 Czech Republic 420-234-090-411 420-234-090-450 czech@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Czech Republic
Embassy of the Republic of
35 Denmark
Korea in Denmark
45-39-46-04-00 45-39-46-04-22 korembdk@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
36 Dominican Republic
Korea in Dominican Republic
1-809-482-6505 1-809-482-6504 embcod@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
37 DR Congo
Korea in DR Congo
243-1-503-5001~4 243-1-505-0005 amb-congo@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 593-2-290-9227 ~
38 Ecuador
Korea in Ecuador 9229
593-2250-1190 ecuador@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
39 Egypt
Korea in Egypt
20-2-3761-1234~7 20-2-3761-1238 egypt@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
40 El Salvador
Korea in El Salvador
503-2263-9145 503-2263-0783 embcorea@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
41 Equatorial Guinea
Korea in Equatorial Guinea
240-333-890-775 malabo@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
42 Estonia
Korea in Finland
358-9-251-5000 358-9-2515-0055 korembfi@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 251-11-3-72-81-
43 Ethiopia
Korea in Ethiopia 11~14
251-11-3-72-81-15 ethiopia@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
44 Fiji
Korea in Fiji
679-330-0977 679-330-8059 korembfj@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
45 Finland
Korea in Finland
358-9-251-5000 358-9-2515-0055 korembfi@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
46 France 33-01-4753-0101 33-1-47-53-01-78 con-fr@mofa.go.kr
Korea in France
Embassy of the Republic of
47 Gabon 241-0173-4000 241-0173-9905 gabon-ambcoree@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Gabon
Embassy of the Republic of
48 Gambia, The
Korea in Senegal
221-33-824-0672 221-33-824-0695 senegal@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 995-32-297-03-18;
49 Georgia
Korea in Georgia 20
995-32-242-74-40 georgia@mofa.go.kr
Consulate General of the
50 Germany Republic of Korea in 49-69-9567-5231 49-69-5600-3987 keid@mofa.go.kr

No. Country/Region Office Phone Fax E-mail
Embassy of the Republic of
51 Ghana
Korea in Ghana
233-30-277-6157 233-30-277-2313 ghana@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
52 Greece
Korea in Greece
30-210-698-4080 30-210-698-4082 gremb@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
53 Guatemala 502-2382-4051 502-2382-4057 korembsy@mofa.go.kr, embcor.gt@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Guatemala
Embassy of the Republic of
54 Guyana
Korea in Venezuela
58-212-954-1270 58-212-954-0619 venezuela@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
55 Haiti
Korea in Dominican Republic
1-809-482-6505 1-809-482-6504 embcod@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
56 Honduras
Korea in Honduras
504-2235-5561~3 504-2235-5564 coreaembajada@mofa.go.kr
Consulate General of the
57 Hong Kong Republic of Korea in Hong 852-2529-4141 852-2861-3699 hkg-info@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
58 Hungary
Korea in Hungary
36-1-462-3080 36-1-351-1182 hungary@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
59 India
Korea in India
91-11-4200-7000 91-11-2688-4840 india@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 62-21-2967-2556,
60 Indonesia
Korea in Indonesia
Embassy of the Republic of
61 Iran 98-21-8805-4900~4 98-21-8805-4899 emb-ir@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Iran
Embassy of the Republic of
62 Iraq 964-77-0725-2006 kembiraq@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Iraq
Embassy of the Republic of
63 Ireland
Korea in Ireland
353-1-660 8800 353-1-660-8716 irekoremb@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
64 Israel
Korea in Israel
972-9-951-0318 972-9-956-9853 israel@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
65 Italy
Korea in Italy
39-06-8024-61 39-06-8024-6259 consul-it@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
66 Jamaica
Korea in Jamaica
1-876-924-2731 1-876-924-7325 jamaica@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
67 Japan
Korea in Japan
81-3-6400-0643 81-3-3452-7426 education_jp@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
68 Jordan
Korea in Jordan
962-6-593-0745~6 962-6-593-0280 jordan@mofa.go.kr
Consulate General of the
69 Kazakhstan 7-727-291-0490 7-727-291-0399 almakorea@mofa.go.kr
Republic of Korea in Almaty
Embassy of the Republic of
70 Kenya 254-20-361-5000 254-20-374-1337 emb-ke@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Kenya
Embassy of the Republic of
71 Kyrgyz Republic
Korea in Kyrgyz Republic
996-312-579-771 996-312-579-774 korea.kg@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of
72 Laos
Korea in Laos
856-21-352-031~3 856-21-352-035 laos@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
73 Latvia
Korea in Latvia
371-6732-4274 371-6780-9190 koremb.lv@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
74 Lebanon
Korea in Lebanon
961-5-953-167~9 961-5-953-170 lbkor@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 218-21-483-
75 Libya
Korea in Libya 1322/1323/
218-21-483-1324 libya@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
76 Madagascar
Korea in Madagascar
261-20-222-2933 261-20-224-9970 ambcoreemg@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
77 Malawi 263-4-756-541~4 263-4-756-554 admirok@zol.co.zw
Korea in Zimbabwe
Embassy of the Republic of
78 Malaysia
Korea in Malaysia
603-4251-2336 603-4252-1425 korem-my@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
79 Mauritius
Korea in Madagascar
261-20-222-2933 261-20-224-9970 ambcoreemg@mofa.go.kr

No. Country/Region Office Phone Fax E-mail
Embassy of the Republic of
80 Mexico
Korea in Mexico
52-55-5202-9866 52-55-5540-7446 embcoreamx@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
81 Mongolia
Korea in Mongolia
976-7007-1020 976-7007-1021 kormg@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
82 Montenegro
Korea in Serbia
381-11-3674-225 381-11-3674-229 koreanembsb@hotmail.co.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
83 Morocco
Korea in Morocco
212-537-75-1767 212-537-75-0189 morocco@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
84 Mozambique
Korea in Mozambique
258-21-495-625 258-21-495-638 embassy_mz@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
85 Myanmar
Korea in Myanmar
95-1-527-142 95-1-513-286 myanmar@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
86 Nepal 977-1-427-0172 977-1-427-2041 konepemb@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Nepal
Embassy of the Republic of
87 Netherlands 31-70-740-0200 31-70-350-4712 koreanembassynl@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Netherlands
Embassy of the Republic of
88 New Zealand
Korea in New Zealand
64-4-473-9073~4 64-4-472-3865 info-nz@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
89 Nicaragua
Korea in Nicaragua
505-2267-6777 505-2254-8131 nicaragua@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
90 Nigeria
Korea in Nigeria
234-9- 461-2701 234-9- 461-2702 emb-ng@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
91 Norway
Korea in Norway
47-2254-7090 47-2256-1411 kornor@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
92 Oman
Korea in Oman
968-2469-1490~2 968-2469-1495 emboman@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 92-51-227-9380~1;
93 Pakistan 92-51-227-9391 pakistan@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Pakistan 5~7
94 Palestine Korean Mission in Palestine 972-2-240-2846~7 972-2-240-2848 palestine@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
95 Panama
Korea in Panama
507-264-8203; 8360 507-264-8825 panama@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 595-21-605-606;
96 Paraguay
Korea in Paraguay 401; 419
595-21-601-376 paraguay@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
97 Peru
Korea in Peru
51-1-632-5000 51-1-632-5010 peru@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
98 Philippines
Korea in Philippines
63-2-856-9210 63-2-856-9008 philippines@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
99 Poland 48-22-559-2900~04 48-22-559-2905 koremb_waw@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Poland
Embassy of the Republic of
100 Portugal 351-21-793-7200~3 351-21-797-7176 embpt@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Portugal
Embassy of the Republic of
101 Romania
Korea in Romania
40-21-230-7198 40-21-230-7629 romania@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 7-495-783-2777;
102 Russia
Korea in Russia
Embassy of the Republic of
103 Rwanda
Korea in Rwanda
250-252-577-577 250-252-572-127 koremb-rwanda@hotmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of
104 Saudi Arabia
Korea in Saudi Arabia
966-11-488-2211 966-11-488-1317 emsau@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
105 Senegal
Korea in Senegal
221-33-824-0672 221-33-824-0695 senegal@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
106 Serbia 381-11-3674-225 381-11-3674-229 koreanembsb@hotmail.co.kr
Korea in Serbia
Embassy of the Republic of
107 Singapore 65-6256-1188 65-6254-3191 korembsg@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Singapore
Embassy of the Republic of
108 Slovakia
Korea in Slovakia
421-2-3307-0711 421-2-3307-0730 admin2@rokembassy.sk
Embassy of the Republic of
109 Slovenia
Korea in Austria
43-1-478-1991 43-1-478-1013 mail@koreaemb.at

No. Country/Region Office Phone Fax E-mail
Embassy of the Republic of
110 Somalia
Korea in Kenya
254-20-361-5000 254-20-374-1337 emb-ke@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
111 South Africa
Korea in South Africa
27-12-460-2508 27-12-460-1158 embsa@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
112 Spain
Korea in Spain
34-91-353-2000 91-353-2001 embspain.adm@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
113 Sri Lanka
Korea in Sri Lanka
94-11-269-9036~8 94-11-269-6699 korembsl@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
114 Sudan
Korea in Sudan
249-1-8358-0031~2 249-1-8358-0025 sudan@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
115 Sweden
Korea in Sweden
46-8-5458-9400 46-8-660-2818 koremb.sweden@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
116 Switzerland 41-31-356-2444 41-31-356-2450 swiss@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Switzerland
Embassy of the Republic of
117 Syria 961-5-922-846 961-5-953-170 lbkor@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Lebanon
118 Taiwan Korean Mission in Taipei 886-2-2757-7006 taipei@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 992-44-600-2114;
119 Tajikistan
Korea in Tajikistan 9116
992-37-224-6142 tajik@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
120 Tanzania
Korea in Tanzania
255-22-211-6086~8 255-22-211-6099 embassy-tz@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
121 Thailand 662-247-7537∼9 662-247-7535 koembth@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Thailand
Embassy of the Republic of
122 Timor-Leste 670-332-1635 670-332-1636 koreadili@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Timor-Leste
Embassy of the Republic of
123 Togo
Korea in Ghana
233-30-277-6157 233-30-277-2313 ghana@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 1-868-622-9081; trinidad@mofa.go.kr
124 Trinidad and Tobago 1-868-628-8745
Korea in Trinidad and Tobago 1069 koremb.tt@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of
125 Tunisia
Korea in Tunisia
216-71-799-905 216-71-791-923 tunisie@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
126 Turkey
Korea in Turkey
90-312-468-4822 90-312-468-2279 turkey@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
127 Turkmenistan
Korea in Turkmenistan
993-12-94-72-86~8 993-12-94-72-89 korembtm@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
128 Tuvalu
Korea in Fiji
679-330-0977 679-330-8059 korembfj@mofa.go.kr

Embassy of the Republic of 256-414-500-199;

129 Uganda
Korea in Uganda
256-414-500-197~8 emb.kampala@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of 380-44-246-3759;
130 Ukraine
Korea in Ukraine 61
380-44-246-3757 koremb@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
131 United Kingdom
Korea in UK
44-20-7227-5500 44-20-7227-5503 koreanembinuk@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
Korea in the USA
202-939-5600 202-797-0595 -
Chicago Korean Education
847-777-8830 kec.chicago@gmail.com
Houston Korean Education
713-961-4104 713-961-4135 hkecsec@gmail.com
Korean Education Center in
213-386-3112~3 213-386-3138 kecla3112@gmail.com
132 U.S.A
Korean Education Center in
New York
646-674-6051 646-674-6055 edu@koreanconsulate.org
Korean Education Center in
San Francisco
415-590-4058 415-921-5946 sfkcgedu@mofa.go.kr
Korean Education Center in
Washington D.C.
202-939-5681 202-265-2127 education.office@mofa.go.kr
Korean Education Center in
470-375-7186 - educenteratl2017@gmail.com

No. Country/Region Office Phone Fax E-mail
Embassy of the Republic of
133 Uruguay
Korea in Uruguay
598-2628-9374~5 598-2628-9376 koemur@mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of
134 Uzbekistan 998-71-252-3151~3 998-71-140-0248 uzkoremb@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Uzbekistan
Embassy of the Republic of
135 Vietnam 84-4-3831-5110~6 84-4-3831-5117 korembviet@mofa.go.kr
Korea in Vietnam
Embassy of the Republic of
136 Zambia
Korea in Zimbabwe
263-4-756-541~4 263-4-756-554 admirok@zol.co.zw
Embassy of the Republic of
137 Zimbabwe
Korea in Zimbabwe
263-4-756-541~4 263-4-756-554 zim@mofa.go.kr

Appendix C. Contacts of Universities
Phone Fax
No. University Department (country (country E-mail
code:82) code:82)
The Graduate School of Korean
Office of Academic &
1 Studies, The Academy of 31-730-8183 31-730-8189 admission_intl@aks.ac.kr
Student Affairs
Korean Studies
Ajou University General Graduate School 31-219-2302 31-214-1500 grad@ajou.ac.kr
2 Graduate School of
Ajou University 31-219-1551 31-219-1554 gsis@ajou.ac.kr
International Studies
Busan University of Foreign International Student
3 51-509-5322 51-509-5340 shzon@bufs.ac.kr
Studies Support Team

The Office of International chacha1052@jnu.ac.kr

4 Chonnam National University 62-530-1277 62-530-1269
Affairs gradia@jnu.ac.kr(R&D only)

Chung-Ang university Graduate School 2-820-6531 2-813-8069 international@cau.ac.kr

Graduate School of
Chung-Ang university 2-820-5623 2-827-0155 gsis@cau.ac.kr
International Studies
5 Graduate School of
Chung-Ang university Advanced Imaging Science, 2-820-5408 2-824-6726 yjbae2013@cau.ac.kr
Multimedia and Film
Graduate School of
Chung-Ang university 2-820-5037 2-812-4337 caumba@cau.ac.kr
Office of International
6 Chungbuk National University 43-261-3841 - minhakim@cbnu.ac.kr
Office of International
7 Chungnam National University 42-821-8823 - cnugks@cnu.ac.kr
8 Daegu University Office of Graduate School 53-850-5038 53-850-5039 smilejs@daegu.ac.kr
Institute of International
9 Daejeon University 42-280-2124 42-272-8533 ssamuel@dju.kr
Office of International
10 Dong-A University 51-200-6442 51-200-6445 bk1016@dau.ac.kr
Office of International
11 Dongguk University 2-2260-3440 2-2260-8570 kgsp@dongguk.edu
Student Services
International Exchange junhohan
12 Dongseo University 51-320-2746 51-320-2094
Center @gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr
13 Duksung Women's University Graduate School 2-901-8149 2-901-8150 graduate@duksung.ac.kr
The Graduate School, International Student
2-3277-6988 2-3277-7175 shee@ewha.ac.kr
Ewha Womans University Affairs Team
14 The Graduate School of International Studies,
International Studies, Ewha 2-3277-3652 2-365-0942 gsis97@ewha.ac.kr
Womans University Korean Studies
Gangneung-Wonju National Office of International
15 33-640-2766 33-640-1703 hi@gwnu.ac.kr
University Affairs
Office of International &
16 Gyeongsang National University 55-772-0274 55-772-0269 jmk92@gnu.ac.kr
Externational Cooperation
17 Handong Global University International Legal Studies 54-260-1716 54-260-1719 ykim6864@handong.edu
Hankuk University of Foreign Graduate
2-2173-2387 - klara@hufs.ac.kr
Studies School[HUFS_GS]
18 Graduate School of
Hankuk University of Foreign
International and Area 2-2173-2449 - pshee@hufs.ac.kr

Phone Fax
No. University Department (country (country E-mail
code:82) code:82)
19 Hannam University Graduate School Office 42-629-8123 42-629-7955 hnugra@hnu.kr
Hanyang University International Affairs 2-2220-2449 2-2220-1798 admingrad@hanyang.ac.kr
Hanyang University International Affairs 2-2220-2504 2-2220-1798 admingrad@hanyang.ac.kr
Academic Affairs,
21 Hongik University 2-320-1253 2-320-1251 ksy9229@hongik.ac.kr
Graduate School
Office of International
22 INJE University 55-320-3605 55-333-5208 heeeq@inje.ac.kr
Office of International
23 Jeju National University 64-754-8243 64-754-8247 intl1@jejunu.ac.kr
Office of International
24 Jeonbuk National University 63-270-4757 63-270-2099 kgsp@jbnu.ac.kr
25 JEONJU UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF GRADUATE 63-220-4734 63-220-2140 daniel_lee@jj.ac.kr
KAIST - Korea Advanced
26 Institute of Science and Graduate Admissions Team 42-350-2352 42-350-2930 advanced.adm@kaist.ac.kr
Kangwon National University, Office of International
33-250-7194 33-259-5522 intn1947@kangwon.ac.kr
Chuncheon Campus Affairs
27 Kangwon National
Office of International
University 33-570-6891 33-570-6308 applyknu@kangwon.ac.kr
(Samcheok·Dogye Campus)
KDI School of Public Policy
28 Admissions Division 44-550-1281 44-550-1103 jm_lee@kdischool.ac.kr
and Management
Graduate School lkk4732@kmu.ac.kr
29 Keimyung University 53-580- 53-580-6255
Pharmacy(R&D only) jmcha@kmu.ac.kr(R&D only)
6254(R&D oly)
Office of International
30 Kongju National University 41-850-8054 41-850-8058 gks_oia@kongju.ac,kr
Office of International
31 Konkuk University 2-2049-6208 2-2049-6214 kgsp@konkuk.ac.kr
Office of International
32 Konyang University 41-730-5134 41-730-5383 kyuintl@konyang.ac.kr
International Affairs
33 Kookmin University 2-910-5835 2-910-5830 enterkmu@kookmin.ac.kr
International Relation
34 Korea Polytechnic University 31-8041-0802 31-8041-0799 hsk0412@kpu.ac.kr
Graduate School
35 KOREA UNIVERSITY Administration Office, 2-3290-1358 - graduate1@korea.ac.kr
Admission Team
Korea University of Technology
36 External Affairs Team 41-560- 41-560-2509 inter@koreatech.ac.kr
and Education (KOREATECH)
2505(R&D only)
Kumoh National Institute of International Programs&
37 54-478-7223 54-478-7222 mkkwon@kumoh.ac.kr
Technology Language Education Center
Kyung Hee University (Seoul Division of Global
2-961-9286~7 2-961-2230 gks_adm@khu.ac.kr
Campus) Admissions
Kyung Hee University (Global Division of Global
31-201-3961~4 31-201-3969 ciss_gc@khu.ac.kr
38 Campus) Admissions
Graduate School of
Kyung Hee University (Global
Pan-Pacific International 31-201-2146 31-204-8120 gsp@khu.ac.kr

Phone Fax
No. University Department (country (country E-mail
code:82) code:82)
Office of International
39 Kyungpook National University 53-950-2433 53-950-2419 kgsp@knu.ac.kr
40 Mokwon University MANAGER 42-829-7132 42-829-7139 NY9404@MOKWON.AC.KR
National Korea Maritime &
41 Office of Graduate School 51-410-5120 51-403-0432 jung0824@kmou.ac.kr
Ocean University
42 Pai Chai University Office of Academic Affairs 42-520-5262 70-4850-8309 dltkdwjd@pcu.ac.kr
Pohang University of Science
43 Admissions Office 54-279-3783 54-279-3725 yeonjin@postech.ac.kr
and Technology
Office of International
44 Pukyong National University 51-629-6846 51-629-6910 sshin@pknu.ac.kr
45 PNU International 51-510-3879 51-510-3851 gksapply@pusan.ac.kr
46 SEMYUNGUNIVERSITY International Affairs 43-649-1182 43-644-7177 syj81@semyung.ac.kr
47 Seoul National University Office of Admissions 2-880-6971 2-873-5021 snuadmit2@snu.ac.kr
Seoul National University of Office of International
48 2-2-970-9214 2-970-9229 admission@seoultech.ac.kr
Science and Technology Education
SILLA UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL 51-999-5512 51-999-5519 interpro@silla.ac.kr
SILLA UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL 51-999-5514 51-999-5519 isyun@silla.ac.kr
Sogang University Graduate School 2-705-8168 2-705-8166 gradsch@sogang.ac.kr
50 Graduate School of
Sogang University 2-705-8756 2-705-8755 gsisapply@sogang.ac.kr
International Studies
Office of International
51 Sookmyung Women's University 2-710-9813 2-710-9285 admission@sm.ac.kr
52 Soonchunhyang Global Support Team 41-530-1177 41-530-1490
gradu@sch.ac.kr(R&D only)
53 61-750-3147 61-750-3149 411024@scnu.ac.kr
Office of International
54 SUNGKYUNKWAN-U 31-290-5028  - intlgrad@skku.edu
Student Services
55 SUN MOON UNIVERSITY Office of Graduate School 41-530-2605 41-530-2968 gradschool@sunmoon.ac.kr
UNIST(Ulsan National Institute
56 Admissions Team 52-217-1126 52-217-1129 adm-c@unist.ac.kr
of Science and Technology)
International Student
57 Yeungnam University 53-810-7886 53-810-4702 jwbaek@ynu.ac.kr
Graduate School of
Yonsei University 2-2123-3293 2-2123-8653 gsis@yonsei.ac.kr
International Studies
Yonsei University Graduate The Office of Academic
2-2123-3228 2-2123-8652 ysgrad@yonsei.ac.kr
School Affairs


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