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Running head: NZDB5213-ASSESMENT 1 1


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Executive Summary

New Zealand has some of the largest telecommunications and digital service provider

companies. Vodafone is one of such companies. The company is one of the leading multinational

telecommunications companies in the world. Vodafone has its headquarters in London, England

with operations in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and most parts of Europe. The name Vodafone stands

for voice, data, and phone. The reason for using was to sell its brand as a mobile service

provider. Recently, mobile phone companies have become an important part of the society

because of the growing usage of phones. Hence, Vodafone as a company was founded in a bid to

offer information technology services in countries of its operation. In this regard, it is important

to understand the economic situation of the company. With this in mind, this report will offer an

internal and external analysis of the company.



To start with, this report will evaluate the internal environment for which Vodafone

operates in. Following this, this report will develop four key elements: internal audit, external

research and the professional influence of cultural organizations, and the impact of New

Zealand's business practices. Finally, with this report people can better understand about



Vodafone New Zealand was founded in November 1998. It is part of the London-based

Vodafone PLC. Based in Auckland, Vodafone was founded in 1998 after acquiring the Bell

South business in New Zealand. The organization has employed more than 3,000 delegates and

functions across the nation. The company has operations in Wellington, Gland, and Christ

Church. At the end of 2006, the company acquired the third largest internet company in New

Zealand known as ihug. Hence, the company was able to start offering internet related business

under the Vodafone brand. Moving on, in 2012 the company bought 100% ownership of

TelstraClear from Telstar which is one of New Zealand’s largest internet service providers. It

follows that in 2014, the company was ranked as the fastest internet service provider by Ookla.

Owing to this success, in 2016 Sky TV offered acquired 100% ownership of all the business

controlled by Vodafon in New Zealand. Sky TV proposed to pay $1.25 billion in cash and in turn

new shares to be issued to Vodafone. A 51% stake ownership of the business was to be issued to

Vodafone UK. On evaluation, the commerce committee rejected this proposal.

Since inception, the company boosts of more than 2.3 million customers in New Zealand.

The company controls a 41% market share; this is according to a report published by the

commerce commission annual telecommunication monitoring in 2018. With time, the company

started providing sim cards, commercial 5g, broadband TV among others. The company has a

number of other offerings that a customer may wish to choose from. The company has both

online and physical stores in a bid to reach many customers.

Internal analysis

Vision and Mission Statement

The vision and mission statement of Vodafone form the foundation of the main activities carried

out by the company. Compliance with these lines, vision and mission in the company is very

important. Vodafone acknowledges that new technology and development systems will

transform us and the society at large. Vodafone has a vision of how innovation and connectivity

will change the lives of many people. Through corporate business, the company hopes to create a

prosperous society that promotes financial growth, without harming the planet, and holding

everyone accountable. Vodafone further acknowledges that in a computer-connected world,

information moves faster, linking users, networks and things to the wide web. Gigabyte

networks, the Internet of Things and flexible financial management help us to make amazing

innovations and improvements make our lives easier, better, smarter and more satisfying.

Industrial and cultural values

Vodafone's Business core values help us to learn what's important to us and what we need to do.

Vodafone acknowledges that calls made over the Internet may or may not change a person. At

the same time, they raise money and volunteer to help the local community. This may be due to

the basic principles of simplicity, speed, and trust: by delivering our services quickly and

explicitly, our customers will maintain trust in us. Vodafone also has a special interest in the way

its workforce operates. It is hoped that the representatives of each organization will focus on

development, which will greatly benefit the development of the organization. At Vodafone, they

need to create an environment that in inclusive, acknowledging and understanding how each is

different. Gender, age, social status, gender, thought, religion, lifestyle, work style are considered

personal differences according to Vodafone's corporate culture. They agree that different clients

should be represented by different employees, and that a naturally welcoming environment will

enhance their diversity and growth. Vodafone agrees that everyone is talking about something

different. At Vodafone there is a saying that they believe should stay connected to make life

easier. To meet this, we are ready to do what we can, we are ready to work better together, we

are ready to shape the future, and we naturally have room to work.

Human resource, sales and marketing mission

In this section, we will talk about Vodafone's business, advertising and its workforce.

Vodafone's mobile operator population in New Zealand has grown by 98% and over 96% in the

4G segment. The province has 295K homes worldwide, with more than 4G roaming. Looking at

this data, we can see that Vodafone is among the most successful telecommunication company.

Vodafone's diversified system provides rapid 3G services from one side of the country to the

other, 3G for metropolitan and rural environments, as well as for 2G backup purposes.

Affordable cells are active in New Zealand covering about 98.5% active, covering diverse and

diverse habitats. Involvement of people. Also, if you are roaming, you can utilize Vodafone to

expand the 900 MHz 3G band comfortably, which means that uninterrupted signal coverage of

mobile phones can reach up to 120 miles. You can use the high frequency radio to get help in an


Vodafone's personnel management is very organized, and the team manager and project

manager know exactly the main mission and vision of the company. In turn, they both work hard

to maintain the core values of the company. Human resource is central to the whole organization

because human resource must capture the needs and development goals of the whole

organization in order to provide the best talents to the organization. Human resource is mandated

to distribute resources within the company uniformly and allocate them to all offices. The human

resource office fee provides appropriate guidance, support and advice to provide an employee

with an invitation climate where everyone can truly find a place.

External analysis

Financial situation

Vodafone considers the well-being and security of its customers, employees, contractors

and the general population. These are the things that Vodafone wants. The company uses logical

evidence to maintain that all administration and materials produced are within the scope of

approval and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The company should focus on

business on mobile phones and promote well-being by leading while others are urged to follow a

similar approach. Since the advent of Vodafone, many products have been shipped, and all

genuine stores have begun to sell electronic results for a variety of products. With the continued

growth of the company, it has also introduced a wide range of clients to track, with the aim of

providig a consistent amount of information that all customers feel is good for young people and

also other clients.

Area, social and cultural

Truth be told, Vodafone's achievement is majorly market-based in New Zealand. The will do

new things for its customers, which will help turn New Zealand around and improve New

Zealanders' daily comfort expectations. It implies that, if the company invests in the energy

market, the will be available to everyone, even those in the rural setting. That’s why the

Vodafone brand is one of New Zealand’s best telecommunication companies. Chiefly, it network

covers the whole of New Zealand. Additionally, it internet service is available countrywide.

Vodafone strongly acknowledges that data innovation will change the world over time. Back in

2014, Vodafone for the first time sent its 4G system to Papagura. In addition, over time,

Vodafone plans to deploy various 5G solutions on December 5, 2019 in Land Gland, Wellington,

Christchurch and Queentown. Following this, it will expand its operations to various urban areas

by 2020. People can buy in bulk now. Manipulate information or their registration bills through

the Vodafone plan. Customers can choose from a lot of meaningful information based on

different costs and products. In addition, Vodafone can provide better customer online customer

service when customers have questions about details, calls or applications. Phone customer care

and real store management can provide the best way to interact with customers.


Vodafone already has a broadcast communications system. Vodafone Management Center was

founded in 1991. Following this, Vodafone was founded in 1998 in New Zealand, hence,

compared to Spark and 2 Degrees, the company has a complete enterprise structure already and

is developing new network communications. This is the difference between a spark and 2

degrees. In addition, Vodafone offers a variety of services to managers of flexible systems. This

invention allows various companies to exchange Vodafone management, for example, with

details, calls and instant messages in the name of their images. Their customers can join the

Vodafone system as another Vodafone client. It is associated with 2 degrees, which provides

customers to the Vodafone network where the customer is not at 2 degrees portable input. 2

degree is compatible with Vodafone NZ, so when there is no input in their input their customers

can wander around the company, otherwise they will associate themselves with 2 degree gadgets.

Vodafone's bill is clear, and customers can clearly see the data processing and continuous use of

the data, indicating that Vodafone provides better customer service.

Financial environment on financial assets, sales and marketing

This section discusses Vodafone's finance, contracts and financial business finance. The largest

part of the organization is the financial statement. This is because, in the event of some financial

problems, the business of the whole organization will not function properly. Therefore,

Vodafone must maintain a consistently favorable financial position in the financial system and

control the normal operation of the entire system using this small approach. Also, Vodafone's

financial assets such as accounts and displays are instantaneous. Customers and employees rely

heavily on advertising and contracts throughout the company. For example, if the financial

situation of customers and representatives improves. At the same time as the company’s

performance and transaction rates increase, the customer and company’s economy can naturally

improve the company’s overall financial performance through customer and employee contracts

and advertising. Ultimately, Vodafone depends on its clients and staff members to improve the

company's overall economic quality. On the other hand, clients and workers use the company's

financial influence to generate revenue. All things considered, the interlink between the financial

assets, performance and financial business sectors is fundamental.

Waitangi Treaty

The Waitangi Agreement is a landmark in New Zealand history. On February 6, 1840, the British

Crown and Maori executive agents approved a settlement for the purpose of obtaining their hapu

(sub-clan). (Morrison, 2019) The Waitangi Agreement states that Maori may have equal

administrative and operational rights in New Zealand and that Maori culture, trade and industry

are properly governed. Get Maori people the most effective treatment of your daily life.

Three standards


Key values of Vodafone's new approach are: order good governance, trust, values and interests,

as well as security and adherence to Maori culture. Kristin te Wao, Vodafone's Mori

Development Supervisor, acknowledges that this approach is a turning point that could justify

current trials and tribulations in the computer management business, and is committed to helping

Maori in the long run.


Support means activities undertaken by Vodafone. For instance, when an organization supports

Vodafone, Vodafone first checks all parts of another company. Vodafone will assist in the

development of equipment and network projects. Vodafone allows company representatives to

join the company in a concerted effort to learn highly effective information aimed at improving

performance and representation levels. In addition to this, the speed of business from the fabric

with the ability to make representatives, colleagues, performance and better progress.


This section is primarily used to strengthen guard and keep rights between clients and staff

members. Notably, the company has a very advanced network security center and everything

works every minute of every day. Can provide access to computer hardware that can detect risks

on a continuous basis for customer efforts. It also means focusing more on opening up to risks

and being able to detect accidents faster. When customers face security issues, the organization

needs to do something about a quick and accurate way to deal with the issue.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In conclusion from this report, people see Vodafone as New Zealand's largest broadcaster, and

Vodafone has a particularly long history. This report adds internal and external information to

the entire Vodafone system. Also, Vodafone has the right vision and purpose. Vodafone focuses

on providing the best quality and most practical support to all customers. In addition, Vodafone

similarly offers the perfect business start-up and hot climate for everyone. Likewise, corporate

culture together with friends relatives are very crucial to Vodafone. The main types of

fundraising clients have provided surprising financial improvements to the company. Eventually

Vodafone became a fully-fledged displays business. Vodafone applies to everyone. Anyone can

find the most detailed information about Vodafone. It doesn't matter if you live in a city or a

remote area, the network is accessible in all these areas.



Morrison, S. (2019). Explainer: the significance of the Treaty of Waitangi. Retrieved from New

Zealand DOCTOR: https://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/article/news/explainer-significance-


Vodafone. (2020). About us. Retrieved from Why Vodafone: https://www.vodafone.co.nz/about/

Vodafone. (2020). Culture and values. Retrieved from Why Vodafone:


Vodafone. (2020). Human Resources . Retrieved from Vodafone:



Vodafone. (2020). Partnering with Vodafone. Retrieved from Vodafone New Zealand

Foundation: https://foundation.vodafone.co.nz/working-with-vodafone/

Vodafone. (2020). Vodafone Aotearoa unveils ‘Honouring the principles of the Treaty of

Waitangi’ policy as part of Māori development strategy. Retrieved from Matariki2020:


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