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www-puucho.com Part 1 7 8 10. (A) Only one correct option IF cos-'A * cos" + cos~*v = Sr then 241 * uw + vi is equal to (ay-3 (6)0 3 (0-1 Range of f(x) = sin"'x + tan"'x + se0"x is (x 30 [x 3x] [x 3x lia} OPT ©} (D) none of these =sin-t) | | The solution of the equetion sin“ tan 2 zois Vx) 6 (A) (B)x= (C)x=4 (D) none of these The value of sin! [cos{cos~' (cosx) + sin" (sin x)}J, where x € | - is Ws 4 ()-F ()-F The set of values of k for which x? ~ kx + sin (sin 4) > 0 for all real x is. (A){0} (B) (-2,2) (QR (D) none of these sine (cos(sin-*x)) + cos" (sin (cos~'x)) is equal to . 3x ayo OF OF x cos" FZ ~s0s"'x holds for (A) |x] (B)xeR (C)Osxet (D)-1=x<0 tan“'a + tan“ b, where a> 0, b> 0, ab > 1, is equal to (arb) (ate) tart 5 (8) tan {7-25} - = (©) w+ tans (222 (0) x~tanst (222) Tab Tab The set of values of °x’ for which the formula 2 sin-'x = sin~ (2x y1—x? )is true, is [28 wl tt 272. Oe AE (B) (0, + (© (A) (1,0) ) (0, 1] Be The set of values of 'a’ for which x? + ax + sin~' (x? — 4x + 5) + cos~' (x? — 4x + 5) = O has at least one solution is (A) (0, - VBR TU Lr.) (B) (62, - VR) U(JOe 9) (ER (D)none of these LAJRESONANCE'= www.puucho.com 11. All possible values of p and q for which cos’ Jp + cos =p + cos” Yi=q = = holds, is 1 1 4 ()p=ta= > — B)a>t.p=F — (C)O=p=t.a= 5 (O)noneofthese 12. If [cot“x] + [cos-'x] = 0, where [,] danotes the greatest integer function, then complete set of values of x Is (A) (cost, 1] (B) (cot 1, cos 1) (C) (cot, 1} (D) none of these 13. The complete solution set of the inequality [cot~'x}’ ~ 6 [cot'' x] + 9 < 0, where [,] denotes greatest integer function, is (A) =, cot 3] (B) [cot 3, cot 2] (C) [cot 3. =) (D)none of these 14. cos"'x|, x = 0 is equal to 2 x (lx (8)2x Oz 3 1 (_3singe_) x 48. it ysin| 5 goa 26 | =» then tan 0 is equal to (ay 13 3 «ct (o)-1 — z_u) 16. Hu=cot"Vtana. - tan tana , then tan(=-2) is equal to (a) Jane @) feota (C)tana (Dy cota { Jisinx + Jivsinx | 417. The value of cot* | SN) ex +> OF (O)2n-> 18. The number of solution(s) of the equation, sin-'x + cos“ (1 x) = sin~' (~x), is/are (ayo et «2 (0) more than 2 419. The number of solutions of the equation tan~ fs] + tan-* (2x41) ao et (2 (0) 20. Mian! 15 tan! ag tan ag tnt ta TG = tan, then @ is equal to a 4 (A) neo ® o; DN) RESONANCE'S 24. 22. 23. Part: 24, 25. 26. a. 28. 29, 30. www.puucho.com a Hoot ® (ay (B)5 9 (D)none of these Ne N, then the maximum value of '1n'is: x5 2, is) The number of real solutions of (x, y) where, y| = sin x, y = cos (cos x), (a2 (B)1 3 (0)4 The value of cos { Lo0s~'1) is equal to (ayaa (@)-3/4 (oye (014 (B) May have more than one options correct , Band y are three angles given by 2tan* (2 - 1), | 1 asic + sine(-2) andy coe! then (A) arp (8) B>y (Cyasy (ary cos"'x = tan™'x then 6-1) For the equation 2x = tan (2 tan~'a) + 2 tan (tan~/a + tan~/a"), which of the following is invalic? (A) ax + 2a=% (B)a+2ex+1=0 (C)ax0 (O)ae-1,4 2 4n Thesum 3. tant -apyrg is equate a (A)tan“2+tan"3 (B)4tan-'4 (Cy i2 (0) sec! v2) Hf the numerical value of tan (cos~! (4/5) + tan" (2/3))is a/b then (Ajarb=23 (B)a-b=11 (C)3b=a+1 (0) 2a= 3b If a satisfies the inequation x? — x ~ 2 > 0, then a value exists for (A) sim (B) cos“ a (C) seo" a (D) cosec"' a WH) eon cow [ L537) ton (2) z (8)t{ 5] =2c08'2-F 41) 1 ond) <2e004-3 W RESONANCE'S woww-puucho.com 4. Findthe value ofthe following 0 snl 4] tan foos'2 stan-t{-]] y 2) or 2" BB) [ (vl) (i) si c08 jin" SS I) 2. Solve the equation; cot'x + tan’ $ (x+t)_ a 3. Solve the equation : tar xa) +F 4, Solve the following equations o (4 @ sen |g V4 giaet (2%), A ogget {te 5. Find.the value of tan | sin cos*| itx>y>t \2 2° lacy: y + {4-1 4) 6. If x = sin (2 tan*2) and y = sin 2 tan 3 then find the relation between x and y 7. Ware sinx + are siny + are sinz = = then prove that:(x, y, 2> 0) (xg tP ey layFs aft 2? -2y2 (i) xia y'e zt a eye = 2 Oye e+ Ze) 8. Solve the following equations x x (i) sec’ — -sec' > =sec'b-sec'a a=1;b>1,a=b a b iy sn (il) Solve for x, if (tan“xy? + (cot tx? RESONANCE = 10. “ 12. 13. 14, www.puucho.com (tx) (42x?) tan | 75 | & P= sin'| —*> | for 0 17 If X = cosec tan” cos cot'' sec sin-'a & Y = sec cot'sin tan-' cosec costa; where 0< a 1. Find the relation between X & Y. Express them in terms of 'a Solve the following inequalities: (i) cos"'x> cos-x® (i) sin-’x > cosx (iil) tant x > cot" x. (iv) sin-1(sin 5) > x? - 4x. (W) tan? (are sinx) > 4 (i) arecot?x - 5 arceotx +6 > 0 (vi) tan*2x 2 2 tan*x Find the sum of each of the following series 0 Prove that the equation, (sin-'x)* + (cos"'x)* = a 2? has no roots for a < 32 () Find all positive integrel solutions of the equation, tan x + cot” y = tan” 3, (i) f°’ be a positive integer, then show that the equation: ten” x + tan” y = tan k has no non-zero integral solution, WAdsvers _ Exercise # 1 102030405 0607,6 8 C9 0 10.0 t.c 120 43.A 14.0 © 15.8 16.A 17.8 18.8 19.8 20.4 21.8 9% 22.C 23.4 24, BC 25. AC 26. BC 27. AD (2 14) E10) di) |S | (ii) x> 4 28.ABC 29. CD 30. AD (2 (2-0-2

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