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Kolb, D.A. (1984):

Experiential learning: experience as the

source of learning and development
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.


local file name: kolb84 Kolb Experiential learning.pdf

internal note:

bibliographical data
AUTHOR = {D.A. Kolb},
TITLE = {Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development},
YEAR = {1984},
ADDRESS = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ},
PUBLISHER = {Prentice Hall},
URL = {!
(date of download: 31.05.2006)},
KEYWORDS = {Lernen / Development | Kybernetik / Systemtheorie /dynamische Systeme | Lernen |
Erfahrung | Konstruktvismus | Wissen | Kolb, David A. | Piaget, Jean | Dewey, John | Adaptation |
Theorienkonstruktion | knowledge construction | }

31. Mai 2006
August 26, 2005

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