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What are the characteristics of an electrical synapse

Most studied answer

Presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes are coupled together via gap junctions. Sodium
and potassium ions are floating from one cell to another cell through channels which is
how the signal is transferred. It is completely electrical. The presynaptic neuron always
propagated signal whether it's depolarization or hyperpolarization to the postsynaptic
neuron because it is always sending positive ions. Transmission is very quick (0.2 ms) and
occurs with 100% Fidelity which means that what is happening in the presynaptic neuron
will happen in the postsynaptic


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Unit 2 Quizlet

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What are the characteristics of electrical synapses?

-if you inject current in cell A, it will flow through gap junctions to reach cell B.

-bidirectional - if you inject current in cell B, it will go back to cell A.

-small molecules (not just current) can go through gap junctions. This has low
selectivity (if it fits, it goes through)

-fast - you can stimulate enough in one cell to elicit an action potential in both cells.
If you compare the time difference between the onset of the action potentials in the
two cells, it is an extremely small time difference.
Physiology Exam I
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what are the characteristics of an electrical synapse

- fast

- can be two-way (non-rectifying)

- often give one-to-one transmission (not normally enough to fire AP, priming )

- allow exchange of other chemicals (ATP, signaling molecules)

- used by invertebrates, lower vertebrates and mammals

- much less common than synapses

- used in fast pathways e.g. escape/defense

- used to promote synchronous activity within a network

- only capable of limited plasticity (contrast chemical synapse)

Excitable cells View this set

What are the characteristics of electrical synapses?

1.) Occurs between cells that are electrically coupled by gap junctions (physically
connected together by those gap junctions)

2.) Synaptic transmission is bidirectional

3.) Synaptic transmission is nearly instantaneous

4.) Found primarily in regions of the brain responsible for programmed, automatic
behaviors (Breathing and heart rate...stuff we don't usually think about controlling)

Anatomy Lecture Exam #5 View this set

What are the characteristics of an electrical synapse?

1. Has a gap junction that allows for direct ion current flow between the pres. and
posts. neurons through CONNEXON channels

2 C d i d l t b t th d i lit
2. Common during development, but then decrease in commonality

3. Fast transmission of the signal (direct and passive flow, little synaptic delay)

4. Bidirectional signaling enabling synchronization - allowing neurons to fire


BIOL 434 Exam #1 View this set

what are the characteristics of an electrical synapses?

-allows direct transfer of ionic current from one cell to the next

-gap junction is composed of 6 connexins that make up a connexon

-ions flow bidirectionally


-conduction speed is very fast

-important in development*****

-common in non neuronal cells, embryonic tissues, some brain regions,

synchronizing group of neurons

ANSC 451 exam 1 View this set

What are the characteristics of an electrical synapse?

They are a true connection between cells that consists of a pair of connexons
(hemichannels) that allows ions and small molecules to move between cells. These
are very fast (virtually no synapse delay) and is usually bidirectional. Reciprocal
synapses pass current with equal efficiency while rectifying synapses readily pass
current in one direction.

Physiology 2 View this set

What are the characteristics of the electrical synapse?


- Neurons are connected by gap junctions


- Current flows directly from one neuron into another


- Rare

- Unidirectional or bidirectional

- Very rapid conduction

Found in...

- Areas of the brain responsible for stereotypical movement and in human embryos

Nervous System View this set

What are characteristics of electrical synapses?

-cytoplasmic continuity

-extremely rapid transmission (no synaptic delay)

-bidirectional transmission

-allows for synchronous firing of a group of interconnected cells from a single input

-uncommon in adult nervous system, found at dendodendritic synapses

-more common in embryonic nervous system

Neurophysiology Exam 1 View this set

What are the characteristics of electrical synapses?

-membranes are so close that current passes through

-gap junction connects the pre and postsynaptic cells

-direct flow of current to the postsynaptic cell

p y p

1. speed = rapid

2. connecting large group of neurons requires large current

3. glial cells allow for wide-spread communication

Nuero Study Guide 1 View this set

What are characteristics of electrical synapses?

- less common

- rapid transmission

- membranes touching (desmosomes hold together/maintain contact)

- gap junctions: protein channels interconnect cytoplasm of both cells

(transmembrane proteins)

- btwn dendrites: GPs move btwn cells, common in CNS

- btwn smooth muscle + cardiac muscle cells

Anatomy Lecture Exam 1 - Nervous System Terminology View this set

What are the characteristics of electrical synapses?

-cells are "electrically coupled"

-ions flow from one cytoplasm to another

-action potential in the pre synapse produces almost instant action potential is the
post synapse

-when 2 neurons are electrically coupled: post synaptic potential (PSPs)

-several PSPs cause an AP


Bio of Human Behavior View this set

What are the characteristics of an electrical synapse?

- Low resistance, high conductance channel utilizing direct connection b/w cells
called gap junctions

- Very short distance b/w pre- and post-synaptic membranes

- Cytoplasmic continuity present (direct connection)

- Virtually absent synaptic delay with bidirectional transmission

Neurophysiology Exam 1 View this set

What are the characteristics of an electrical synapse?

- Low resistance, high conductance channel utilizing direct connection b/w cells
called gap junctions

- Very short distance b/w pre- and post-synaptic membranes

- Cytoplasmic continuity present (direct connection)

- Virtually absent synaptic delay with bidirectional transmission

Neurophysiology Exam 1 View this set

What are the characteristics of an electrical synapse?

- Low resistance, high conductance channel utilizing direct connection b/w cells
called gap junctions

- Very short distance b/w pre- and post-synaptic membranes

- Cytoplasmic continuity present (direct connection)

- Virtually absent synaptic delay with bidirectional transmission

Neurophysiology- exam 1 View this set

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