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A business needs a goal and most significantly happiness since happiness is the one goal in

which it is worth working for, utilitarianism also prescribes actions that will always maximize

happiness and well-being for every shareholder or a business owner. Most of the business

owners and shareholders strive for happiness throughout their lives, most of the people build

businesses which will increase and foster happiness.

Starting a business does not significantly make most of the people rich but it makes most of the

business owners and shareholders happy despite the dismal failure rates. Research shows that

the overall shareholders and business owners are relatively happy and the smaller firm holders

are happier than the larger firm holders since the benefit in large firm holding is higher but the

owners of the large firm holdings are stressed since they don’t get any free time and they have

long working hours than free time.

Owning a large business can a times be more stressful and finding happiness will require a

business owner to control the stress levels and create a healthy work environment. A business

owner should focus on the motivation for his actions and avoid going to the motions and put

some feeling behind what they do.

A happy business owner or a stakeholder produce more since his attitude in running the

business is totally positive and will always aim at making profit and puts much effort on that

business since people will always do what makes them happy and prefers doing it each and

every time.

A business that makes the owner and the stake holders happy will always strive well since the

owner will always be more engaged and productive and this will contribute to a successful
business, a business should always create conditions for happiness to its owner or the stake

holder. A happy business also reduces health cost and reduce turn over cost of the business

owner happiness in aa business is true regardless of age, ethnicity, gender and educational

levels and the research shows that a happy business owner will work harder towards his

business goal and will seek to develop his capabilities.

According to utilitarian ethics most of the people want to go to do a business with a good,

conscience, every shareholder or a business person will want to contribute in their business

which will make them proud, business owners have no desire to waste their time and energy

engaging in power struggles and covering up the mistakes in their business plan, they want a

happy business which is profitable.

One of the books Reynolds, P., Bosma, N., Autio, E., Hunt, S., de Bono, N., Servais, I., Lopez-

Garcia, P., Chin, N. "Global entrepreneurship monitor: Data collection design and

implementation 1998–2003" Small Business Economics 24:3 (2017): 205–231. Explains the

needs for a happy business which is highly profitable and aims at making its owners and

shareholders happy by producing amazing results.

Other considerations suggest that a business which makes a shareholder happy has both

negative and positive impact on the growth of business, one of the positive impacts it does to a

business is making the owner to put more consideration on the business and therefore making

the business to be more productive and making the owner even happier than before.

The other considerations also suggest that a happy business will bring a negative impact on the

growth of a business since the shareholder or the business owner will find no reason to
improve his business and bring more technological advancement on his business since the

business is already making him comfortable.

Utilitarian totally agrees with these considerations in that happiness in a business has both

negative and positive impacts even though the positive impacts are more than negative ones

the, utilitarian ethics therefore foster happiness in a business which is majorly brought up by a

profitable business.

Some of the real-world examples of businesses with fantastic cultures is Walmart which was

opened in 1962 by Sam Walton in Bentonville. The company made Walton very happy as a

result of its vast development, the company even brought success beyond Walton’s


Another real-world example of a business that made its shareholders and owners happy is

BMW company which it began as an airplane company but later it developed into world’s

largest luxury manufacturers.

To conclude, success in a business is not key to happiness but happiness in a business is the

only key to success therefore if a business owner loves his business the business will grow well

and bring to him success in return but many of the business owners have it backwards hence

ending up struggling throughout their business without having time for happiness and the

business will eventually cease to develop.


Achor, S. (2020). The happiness advantage: The seven principles of positive psychology that

fuel success and performance at work. Broadway Business.

Hoffman, W. M., Frederick, R. E., & Schwartz, M. S. (2019). Business ethics: Readings and cases

in corporate morality. John Wiley & Sons.

Machan, T. R. (2018). The morality of business: A profession for human Wealth care. Springer

Science & Business Media.

Parvizi, B. (2017). The secret teachings of success and happiness in entrepreneurship: Starting

your business from A to Z, how to create your passive income business and becoming a

successful entrepreneur. CreateSpace.

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