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Ex-prisoners Reentry into society: Challenges towards community


Re-entry into communities is difficult for men and women who have been released from

correctional facilities due to a lack of preparation, aid, and resources (Visher & Mallik-Kane, 2007).

Employment opportunities, public housing help, and social services are all hampered by a felony

conviction (Coates, 2015). Even a modest criminal record erects significant barriers and has far-reaching

implications. It is critical to change the current criminal justice system so that the emphasis is shifted

away from reincarceration and toward successful reintegration into their communities. Successful re-

entry results are heavily influenced by socioeconomic factors .

Re-entry into the labor market is a big issue for previously imprisoned individuals. Employers

are hesitant to hire persons with criminal records, thus released inmates have a tough time finding and

keeping work after re-entry (Urban Institute, 2008). Limited career options are exacerbated by a criminal

record, a lack of education, the stigma of incarceration, and a lack of work history (McGrew & Hanks,

2017). In addition, most jurisdictions enable employers to refuse employment to people who have been

arrested but never convicted of a crime.

The data on incarceration in the United States over the last three decades show an increase

in the number of persons in prisons and jails. Ex-prisoners nowadays have spent more time in prison,

have a lower level of education or work skills, and are more likely to have serious physical and mental

health issues, as well as drug addiction. As a result, their attempts to reintegrate into society have been

mainly ineffective. We examine the evidence on incarceration, its impact on individuals who are

incarcerated, and the barriers of re-entry in this policy analysis. We provide strategies for dealing with

this burgeoning social issue. Many social service agencies will face a major difficulty in developing full
sets of services, such as independent housing and jobs, in addition to counseling and rehabilitation (Ram

A Cnaan, Jeffrey Draine, Beverly Frazier, Jill W Sinha 2008)

Statement of the problem

The goal of this research is to find out what problems ex-prisoners face upon reentering society. As

research participants, it focuses on the selected barrio of Canunan Guipos, Zamboanga del Sur. The

research will take place in the school year 2021-2022.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the obstacles to offenders reentering society after incarceration?

2. What challenges do inmates confront once their sentences are over and they return to normal


3. What does society reaction to an offender who has completed their sentence and released back

into society.


Research design:

Research setting: Canunan guipos

Sampling technique:

Data analysis:


APA. (2017). Consensus Workgroup Policy Recommendations to the 115the Congress & Trump

Administration on Behavioral Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System.

Visher, C.A., & Mallik-Kane, K. (2007). Reentry experiences of men with health problems. In Public
Health Behind Bars (pp. 434-460). Springer New York.

Coates, T.N. (2015). The black family in the age of mass incarceration. The Atlantic, 316(3), 82.

Ram A. Cnaan ,Jeffrey Draine,Beverly FrazierSchool of Social Policy & Practice , University of

Pennsylvania &Jill W. Sinha, Pages 178-198 | Published online : 11 Oct. 2008

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