Handout - Script

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Street Scene Script ‘The four people in the scene are: ‘The well-dressed man lying on the pavement Pedestrian 1 Pedestrian 2 Apolice officer Pedestrian 1 is walking down the street somewhere in London. He trips over a well-dressed man lying in the middle of the pavement. He gets up and says: Pedestrian 1: Jesus. I'm sorry. I didn’t see you there. Are you okay? Man on pavement: Yes Pedestrian 1: What happened? Did you fall? Man on pavement: No I'm fine. Please leave me alone. Pedestrian 1: You've been drinking. Man on pavement: Thaven't been drinking Pedestrian 1: Why are you lying in the middle of the pavement? You could have broken my neck. Look ... what's wrong? Here, let me help you up. Man on pavement: No! Don't touch met Pedestrian 2: What's the matter with him? Has he fallen? Pedestrian 1: No, he hasn't fallen. Pedestrian 2: Ishe hurt? Man on pavement: No, please, all of you, leave me alone. Pedestrian 2: Man on pavement: Pedestrian 1: Man on pavement: Pedestrian 2: Police officer: Man on pavement: Police officer: Man on pavement: Pedestrian 1: Man on pavement: Pedestrian 1: Man on pavement: Police officer: Man on pavement: Pedestrian 1: Man on pavement: Pedestrian 1: He must be mad. T'm not mad. Just leave me alone Why are you lying down? Why won't you tell me what's wrong? Look, I can't tell you. It wouldn't be right. He must be mad. Oh look. officer! Are you alright? I'm fine, Please will you just let me lie here. T'mafraid [can’t let you do that si Don't touch me! Just tell me why you're lying here. Tell met ‘You don’t want to know, please believe me. You don’t think there's any point, right? What, that ‘we're all going to die? Is that it? Is that why you're lying here? No Tell us! Tell us for Christ's sake! ‘You want to know why I'm lying here? Yes! You really want to know? Yes, I'll tell you why I'm lying here ... but God forgive me and God help us all... because you don’t know what you ask of me. Tellus!

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