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The world is getting hotter, England warns Russia

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Britain gave a warning to Russia. President Vladimir Putin's country will face
severe economic sanctions if it installs a "puppet regime" in Ukraine.

This is a new development of the Russia-Ukraine conflict involving the United States (US) and NATO.
The Kremlin is said to be trying to locate a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv.

"Russia will face severe economic sanctions if it installs a puppet regime in Ukraine," British Deputy
Prime Minister Dominic Raab told Sky News on Sunday (23/1/2022).

"There will be very serious consequences if Russia takes this step to try and attack but also install a
puppet regime."

Britain previously said Russian intelligence had been in contact with former pro-Russian Ukrainian
politicians. This is part of a plan of attack.

Britain's accusation refers to a former member of the Ukrainian parliament, Yevhen Murayev. The 45-
year-old is known to lean towards Moscow and opposes Ukraine's integration into the West.

According to a poll by think tank Razumkov's Center in December 2021, Murayev is ranked seventh
among candidates for the 2024 presidential election. He has 6.3% support.

Russia itself rejects that and calls Britain and NATO disinformation. This will increase the tension.

Britain's claim comes amid the collapse of US-Russia peace talks last Friday. Russia has made security
demands on the US, including a halt to NATO's eastward expansion and a promise that Ukraine will
never be allowed to join a Western military alliance.

Meanwhile, warships of NATO countries are now reported to have been on standby in the Black Sea,
near Russia and Ukraine. Massive war games will be conducted there.


NEWS TITLE : The world is getting hotter, England warns Russia

Language Feature

1. Saying Verb :
- "Russia will face severe economic sanctions if it installs a puppet regime in Ukraine," British
Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab told Sky News on Sunday
- Britain gave a warning to Russia. President Vladimir Putin's country will face severe
economic sanctions if it installs a "puppet regime" in Ukraine.
- Russia has made security demands on the US, including a halt to NATO's eastward expansion
and a promise that Ukraine will never be allowed to join a Western military alliance.

2. Past Tense
- According to a poll by think tank Razumkov's Center in December 2021, Murayev is ranked
seventh among candidates for the 2024 presidential election. He has 6.3% support.
- Russia will face severe economic sanctions if it installs a puppet regime in Ukraine," British
Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab told Sky News on Sunday
- Britain's claim comes amid the collapse of US-Russia peace talks last Friday.

3. Mention scenes
- Warships of NATO countries are now reported to have been on standby in the Black Sea,
near Russia and Ukraine. Massive war games will be conducted there.
- Britain previously said Russian intelligence had been in contact with former pro-Russian
Ukrainian politicians. This is part of a plan of attack.

4. Present Tense
- Meanwhile, warships of NATO countries are now reported to have been on standby in the
Black Sea, near Russia and Ukraine. Massive war games will be conducted there
- Britain gave a warning to Russia. President Vladimir Putin's country will face severe
economic sanctions if it installs a "puppet regime" in Ukraine.

Name : Agus Ghanidhio Putunemachwie

Class : XII Mipa 2

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