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TM 7


September 17th, 2021

FAQ – Section 1
7. The followings are the signs of a person suffering from bipolar
• Full of energy and talking very quickly
• Easily getting distracted
• Lacking in energy
• Feeling sad and pessimistic
• Starting to have a delusion
FAQ – Section 1
8. The followings are the signs of a person suffering from schizophrenia:
• Talking to someone who isn't there
• Feeling hopeless and helpless
• Seeing something that is not apparent for others
• Sometimes full of energy, sometimes lack of energy
• Feeling guilty all the time

… distracted by things that to you doesn’t seem apparent.

… have conversation with someone who isn’t there.
FAQ – Section 1
10. The followings are the signs of a person suffering from OCD:
• Checking the doors for several times
• Fixating on numbers
• Easily getting distracted
• Avoiding certain situation
• Washing and cleaning ritually
FAQ – Section 2
1. The word 'consequences' in line 1 can be replaced by ...
a. sequels
b. causes
c. effects
d. inputs
FAQ – Section 2
2. The idiom “the tip of the iceberg” means…sequels
a. the real numbers might be higher than the findings
b. the stigma was as cold as ice
c. people suffering from mental illness was less than the findings
d. the result was as fragile as the ice
FAQ – Section 2
3. Who is Adam Abednego?
a. Ambassador of Menjadi Manusia
b. Founder of mental health
c. Initiator of Menjadi Manusia
d. Content Designer of Menjadi Manusia
FAQ – Section 2
3. Who is Adam Abednego?
a. Ambassador of Menjadi Manusia
b. Founder of mental health
c. Initiator of Menjadi Manusia
d. Content Designer of Menjadi Manusia
FAQ – Section 2
4. What makes Vinny reluctant to find professional help at that time?
a. She was full of anger
b. She thought it was a big problem
c. She thought it was not an issue
d. She worried about her personal life
FAQ – Section 2
5. Who is the person that likely to be invited to talk in Menjadi Manusia
Youtube channel?
a. Familiar people
b. Mutual friend with stories
c. Random person
d. Relative with many experiences
FAQ – Section 2
6. Present Participle:
• A report from the Indonesian Clinical Psychologists Association says
that more than 14,000 people received treatment for disorders linked
to learning difficulties, anxiety and depression from April to August
last year. (adjective)
• A self-examination study conducted during the same period by the
Indonesian Psychiatrists Association found that 57.6 percent of the
participants were identified as having symptoms of depression and
58.9 percent as having suicidal or self-harm thoughts. (noun)
FAQ – Section 2
6. Present Participle:
• In a culture where being open about living with mental illness is still
considered taboo as it may lead to stigma and discrimination, the
numbers may just be the tip of the iceberg. (noun)
• “Creating a safe place for them to talk about it has become
mandatory because just talking about it is the exercise regimen to
maintain mental health,” he added. (noun)
Present Participle
The present participle is the ing-form of a verb.

• I will be talking to my psychologist tomorrow.

• (future continuous tense) - verb

• The woman talking there has been my psychologist for years.

• (present perfect tense) - adjective

• Talking in front of the audience is a big deal for me.

• (present tense) - noun

• He started talking without hesitation.

• (past tense) - noun

Note: Underlined -> Subject, Italic -> Verb

FAQ – Section 2
7. Past Participle:
• A report from the Indonesian Clinical Psychologists Association says
that more than 14,000 people received treatment for disorders linked
to learning difficulties, anxiety and depression from April to August
last year. (adjective)
• A self-examination study conducted during the same period by the
Indonesian Psychiatrists Association found that 57.6 percent of the
participants were identified as having symptoms of depression and
58.9 percent as having suicidal or self-harm thoughts.
(conducted-adjective) (identified-verb passive)
Past Participle
Past participle is a verb form typically ending with ‘-ed’, ‘-d’, ‘-t’, ‘-en’, or ‘-n’.

• The patient has decided to start the therapy soon.

• (present perfect) - verb

• We had ended the consultation months ago.

• (past perfect) - verb

• This movie will be widely known as a masterpiece.

• (future tense/passive) - verb

• The materials explained yesterday were difficult.

• (past tense) - adjective

Note: Underlined -> Subject, Italic -> Verb

FAQ – V2 and V3
• With Rhaka Ghanisatria and Levina “Vinny” Purnamadewi, the three
founded (V2) the channel in 2018 as part of their effort to raise
people's awareness about mental health issues.

• They three have founded (V3) …

• Menjadi Manusia is founded (V3) by …
Online and Offline Class


Hour/Clock Specific time

• We will start the zoom meeting • at night,
at 8 o’clock. • at noon,
• I will have a webinar at half • at midnight
past seven.
• We met online at 7.30 p.m.

Day Date
• I don’t have class on Sunday. • The offline class will be
• I plan to finish all my started on 6th October 2021.
assignment on the weekend. • We will meet on October

Month Year Specific Time:

• The schedule • We had online • In the morning
was announced classes in 2020. • In the
in August. afternoon
• In the evening

At On In
• Meeting point: at • Above/Surface: On • Inside: In the
school, at campus the ground, on the classroom, in my
• Address: Our floor, on the road, office.
campus is located on the stage, on • City/Country: I
at Jl. Simpang Ijen. the way. spend most of my
life in Malang.
Spot the different
• On • Under

• Top • Bottom

• Above • Below
Dealing with preposition,
always remember to:

• Understand the adverbs (time, date, month, year).

• Determine the position (surface, inside, etc.)

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