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Question 1: Enlist the types of commands which we have studied in lab.


 Who
 ..
 ping
 ifconfig
 whoami
 pwd
 date
 echo
 clear
 man
 exit
 ls
 cp
 rm
 mkdir
 cd
 rmdir
 cat

Question 2: Write the function of following commands in your own words and run it in kali Linux and
share the screenshots.

1. who
2. whoami
3. 3. pwd
4. 4. date
5. 5. echo
6. clear

By using clear command the screen gets clear

7. man

8. exit

By using exit the terminal closes

9. ls

10. cp

11. rm
12. mkdir

13. cd

14. rmdir

15. cat
Question 3: What is a shell? Explain some common shells.

A Shell provides you with an interface to the Linix system. It collects input from user and executes
programs based on that input command. Shell is an environment IDE in which we can run our
commands, programs, and shell scripts written in different programming languages.

1. Bash Shell : Bash stands for Bourne Again Shell and it is the default shell on many Linux
distributions today. It is also a sh-compatible shell and offers practical improvements over sh for
programming and interactive use.
2. Zsh Shell: Zsh is considered to be interactive and it includes many features of other Ubuntu Unix
GNU Linux shells such as bash and ksh.

Question 4: Hide minimum 5 files on you Linux directory, then using terminal show the list of these
hidden files. Take screen shots of the results.

Question 5: Write a shell script that will print table of 5. Take screen shots of the results.

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