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Test Paper- VII Grade (Unit 4)

I. Complete with the correct form of the verbs(Conditional I):

1. If you (be) polite, people (like) you.
2. They (be) pleased if you (visit) them.
3. If you (not take) your umbrella, it (rain).
4. She (help) you if you (ask) her.
5. If you (not do) your homework, your teacher (ask) for it.
6. If she (not know) how to get to the museum, she (ask) for directions.
7. If he (go) to London, he (visit) Buckingham Palace.
8. He (tell) you the truth if you (promise) to keep his secret.
9. If the weather (be) good tomorrow, we (go) to the lake.
10. If you (take) this medicine every day, you (feel) better soon

II. Complete with :DO or MAKE:

1. Do you …your best to be polite when talking to somebody?
2. Do you ever… negative comments about people’s hair / clothes?
3. Is it easy for you to… friends?
4. Do you excuses …when someone asks you to… a favour for them?

III. Match A with B and Build sentences:

A.1. You would feel better
2. If I knew English well,
3. If he were here,
4. What would you do
5. If there were no Internet,
B .a. he would know what to do.
b. communication would be more difficult.
c. I would help you with your homework.
d. if you drank some tea.
e. if you saw a ghost.

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
brackets( Conditional II).
1. It’s a pity it is cold today. If it (be)….. warmer, we (go) …..for a walk.
2. I don’t have enough money. If I (have)….. more money, I (buy)….. this dictionary.
3. I don’t know German, but if I (know) it,….. I (not need) …..anyone to translate for
4. Sometimes he tells lies, but if he (be)….. honest, I (trust) …..him.
5. She doesn’t work very much. She (have)….. better results if she (work)….. more.
6. He is always busy. He (meet)….. you for a coffee more often if he (have) …..more
free time.
7. The text is easy and I don’t need help with it. If the text (be)….. difficult, I (ask)…..
a friend to help me.
8. He plays the piano in the evening and the neighbours complain. The neighbours
(not complain)….. if he (not play)….. the piano in the evening.

V. Choose the Correct Preposition:

1. There was no mobile phone signal when they went through / across the tunnel.
2. She walked along / across the street until she got to the post-office.
3. The little girl suddenly ran across / through the road.
4. They were driving towards / over the forest.
5. The children ran over / through the bridge and along / towards the path.
6. What places of interest can you see if you fly over / along Washington D.C.
VI. Choose: SOME or ANY:

1…. people do everything with their left hand.

2. You can take… bus. They all go to the centre.
3. Would you like …cake?
4. After that he didn’t receive… cruel comments.
5. I’d like bananas, please.
6. Come and see me …time you want.
7. Which of these cakes may I eat? – …
8. Can I have… oranges, please?
9. He didn’t get… comments.
10. Would you like …water?

Write a post about cyberbullying. Express your point of view on the issue. Say
what a person can do if somebody cyberbullies them.


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