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DevOps Practitioner Training

DevOps Project with Real-Time Scenarios &
Weekly Assignments
Contact: +91-9642858583

1. Linux Basics
2. Linux File System
3. Linux File & Directory Management
4. Linux Permissions
5. Linux Package Management

1. Cloud Computing Basics – Introducing IaaS, PaaS & SaaS
Service Models
1.1. Cloud Computing Introduction
1.2. Cloud Service Models
1.3. Cloud Deployment Models

2. AWS Global Infrastructure

2.1. Regions
2.2. Availability Zones

3. EC2 - Virtual Servers in AWS Cloud

3.1. What is Amazon EC2?
3.2. How to Create EC2 Instance
3.3. EC2 Instance States
3.4. EC2 Instance Types
3.5. Load Balancing
3.6. Auto Scaling
3.7. EBS Volumes

4. Route53
4.1. Create Hosted Zone
4.2. Create Resource Records
5. IAM
5.1. IAM Users & Roles
5.2. IAM Policies

6. RDS
6.1. RDS Creation
6.2. RDS Integration with Application

7. VPC
7.1. Networking Basics
7.2. How to Create and Manage VPC
7.3. VPC Peering & Subnetting

8. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

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9. Packer
9.1. Packer Introduction
9.2. Automate AMI creation using Packer

10. Terraform
10.1. What is Terraform?
10.2. Terraform Providers
10.3. Terraform Resources
10.4. Terraform Modules
10.5. Writing IaC - Terraform Modules for AWS Infrastructure Automation.
10.6. Plan, Deploy, Destroy AWS Resources using Terraform
10.7. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

11. Apache HTTP web server
11.1. What is Apache HTTP?
11.2. Apache HTTP Architecture
11.3. Apache HTTP Installation and Configuration
11.4. Apache HTTP Setup on Linux Instances
11.5. Apache HTTP configuration and Host website
11.6. Apache HTTP security Best Practices
12. Apache Maven
12.1. Why Apache Maven?
12.2. Apache Maven Architecture
12.3. Apache Maven Goals
12.4. Apache Maven configuration
12.5. Maven Lifecycle
12.6. Maven Commands
12.7. How to Build Java Source Code
12.8. Integrate Maven with Sonar
12.9. Integrate Maven with Jfrog
12.10. Integrate Maven with Jenkins
12.11. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

13. Apache Tomcat App Server

13.1. What is Apache Tomcat?
13.2. Tomcat Architecture
13.3. Tomcat Installation and Configuration
13.4. Tomcat Setup on Linux Instances
13.5. Tomcat Configuration and Deploy Artifacts
13.6. Configure Tomcat Users and Roles
13.7. Manage and Troubleshoot Tomcat Server
13.8. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

14. Git
14.1. What is the Version Control System?
14.2. What is Git?
14.3. Git Architecture
14.4. Git Installation and Configuration
14.5. Git Architecture
14.6. Git repository management
14.7. Git Commands
14.8. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

15. Bitbucket
15.1. What is a Distributed Version Control System?
15.2. What is Bitbucket & GitHub
15.3. BitBucket Architecture
15.4. BitBucket Configuration
15.5. How to Manage Pull Requests and Approvals
15.6. Integrate BitBucket with Git
15.7. Integrate Bitbucket Webhooks with Jenkins
15.8. BitBucket Security and User Management
15.9. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

16. Nginx
16.1. Nginx Introduction
16.2. Nginx Architecture
16.3. Nginx Installation and Configuration
16.4. Nginx Routing Configuration
16.5. Nginx Security
16.6. How to configure Nginx as Proxy for Web Applications
16.7. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

17. YAML
17.1. What is YAML?
17.2. How to write Ansible Playbooks using YAML
17.3. YAML syntax and best practices.

18. Ansible
18.1. What is Ansible?
18.2. Ansible Architecture
18.3. Ansible Installation and Configuration
18.4. Ansible Inventory
18.5. Ansible Playbooks
18.6. Ansible Roles
18.7. How to write Playbooks to automate software provisioning.
18.8. Ansible as Configuration Management Tool
18.9. Ansible as Software Automation Tool
18.10. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

19. Jfrog Artifactory

19.1. Why Artifactory
19.2. Artifactory Architecture
19.3. Artifactory Setup for repositories
19.4. Integrate Artifactory with Maven
19.5. Artifactory repository types
19.6. Integrate Artifactory with Jenkins
19.7. Artifactory security and repository management
19.8. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

20. SonarQube
20.1. What is SonarQube
20.2. Sonar Installation and Setup
20.3. Sonar Integration with Maven
20.4. QualityGate configuration
20.5. Code Quality Dashboards
20.6. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

21. Docker
21.1. What is Docker?
21.2. Container Introduction
21.3. Docker Architecture
21.4. Container Registry
21.5. Virtual VM Vs. Containers
21.6. How to Install and Configure Docker on Linux Instances
21.7. How to Build custom Docker Images
21.8. Dockerfile Introduction and How to write Dockerfile
21.9. Docker networking
21.10. Docker volumes
21.11. Container Management
21.12. Container Monitoring
21.13. Build-Ship-Run Apps on Docker
21.14. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

22. Kubernetes
22.1. Why Kubernetes?
22.2. Kubernetes Introduction
22.3. Kubernetes Architecture
22.4. Microservices Architecture
22.5. Monolithic Vs. Microservices
22.6. Kubernetes Installation methods
22.7. Configure Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm
22.8. Configure Kubernetes Cluster using Kops
22.9. Manage Kubernetes using the EKS cluster.
22.10. Create Kubernetes Cluster and Management.
22.11. Kubernetes PODs Management
22.12. Kubernetes Services
22.13. Kubernetes Deployments
22.14. Kubernetes Replica Sets
22.15. ConfigMaps
22.16. Secrets
22.17. Ingress Controllers
22.18. Statefulset Deployments
22.19. Persistent Volumes
22.20. Persistent Volume Claims
22.21. Helm Deployments
22.22. Rancher Integration
22.23. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

23. Jenkins
23.1. What is Jenkins
23.2. Jenkins Architecture
23.3. Jenkins Installation and Configuration
23.4. How to Create Jenkins Pipeline
23.5. Jenkins Plugins Setup
23.6. Pipeline as Code - Groovy
23.7. Jenkins CI Pipeline setup
23.8. Jenkins CD Pipeline Setup
23.9. Jenkins Secrets
23.10. Jenkins Tool configuration
23.11. Jenkins Slave/Agent setup
23.12. Jenkins Integration with Git, Bit Bucket, Apache Tomcat, Sonar, Jfrog, Docker,
Ansible, Apache Maven, K8s, Helm, etc…
23.13. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

24. Logging - Elastic Stack

24.1. Install and setup Elastic Stack - Fluentd, Elasticsearch, Kibana
24.2. How to Log PODs
24.3. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

25. Monitoring - Prometheus & Grafana

25.1. Setup Monitoring stack
25.2. Visualize real-time application metrics
25.3. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

26. Scrum Process

26.1. JIRA Tool
26.2. Scrum Management
26.3. Real-Time DevOps Lifecycle Project Flow
26.4. DevOps Engineer Roles & Responsibilities
26.5. Mock Interview Support
26.6. Resume Preparation
26.7. WorkBeforeGetJob - Real-Time Work Demonstration with Practicality.
26.8. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

Security & Provisioning

27. Security
27.1. Security best practices
27.2. Infra security
27.3. Application Security
28. Automation Provisioning
28.1. Infra Provisioning
28.2. Application Provisioning

29. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions.

30. Python
30.1. Python basics
30.2. Python variables
30.3. Python modules
30.4. Python use cases
30.5. Q&A - Discussion on Interview Questions
Weekly Assignments
1. Weekly Assignments every Friday based on real-time scenarios.

Real-Time Projects
1. AWS:
1.1. Realtime 3-Tier Architecture Project
2. Ansible
2.1. Linux Patching Automation Project
2.2. Software Provisioning with Packer Integration
3. Docker
3.1. Web application deployment using Docker Compose
4. Jenkins
4.1. Declarative pipeline for Build and Deployment using Helm as a deployment tool
4.2. Build and Release Pipelines - Integration of Git, Bitbucket, Maven, Sonar, Jfrog,
Ansible, Docker, Helm, Kubernetes.
5. Terraform
5.1. Deploy 3-tier Architecture
5.2. Deploy Lambda Serverless Architecture
6. ElasticStack
6.1. Deploy Elastic Stack to log PODs
7. Kubernetes
7.1. Deploy Microservices Architecture

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