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Jay M.

Office: (205) 426.7929, Mobile: (205) 515-4326, email:
Professional Experience Profile
Oct '08 - Pres. EAM Master LLC - provider of Oracle eAM Solution Architecture, C
onsulting and Training
Implementation Consultant/Solution Architect
* Solution architect for multi-site Oracle eAM implementation in New Zealand
* Developed, documented and deployed a corporate standard for Oracle eAM setup
and data taxonomy
* Played Q/A role for developing corporate standards for Maintenance and Reliab
ility processes/practices
* Established a Change Management Program to roll out process and data standard
s to all sites
* Established EAM Master LLC - leading provider of comprehensive web-based trai
ning for Oracle eAM
* Developed Oracle eAM Master training program - a comprehensive 15 week web-ba
sed training program that covers all functionality Oracle eAM and portions of ot
her Oracle modules as they relate to maintenance
* Designed, developed and delivered Oracle eAM training including
* 15-week Web-based Oracle eAM Master programs - 3 Programs, 6 Companies, 30 Pe
* On-site Training - 7 different courses, 34 total classes, 265 total students
* Executive Workshops - 2 Programs, 5 Companies, 18 People
* Developed and delivering 9 month webinar series via ReliabilityWeb - publishe
r of Uptime magazine and leading provider of news, information and tutorials for
maintenance and reliability professionals
Aug '07 - May '09 Viziya Corporation - Oracle Partner specializing in Software/S
ervices for Oracle eAM
Sr. Principle Consultant and Oracle eAM Solution Architect
* Multiple projects with Barrick Gold - world's largest gold mining company - W
orked w/Corporate Maintenance organization to implement Oracle eAM (26 mines wor
ld-wide). Included maintenance process re-engineering, Oracle eAM procedure deve
l, setup review, defining data standards, R12 functionality uptake, gap analysis
, 3rd party solution eval/selection, develop training mat'l (UPK), conduct train
* Developed/delivered global web training program for Alcoa to help them unders
tand the Reliability functionality in Oracle eAM and new features in R12
* Worked with numerous companies to explain Oracle eAM functionality, identify
gaps and design work-arounds and/or present add-on solutions to fill the gaps
* Established Oracle eAM Connect program - outreach program that provides globa
l webinars aimed at helping Oracle eAM customers improve their use of the produc
May '06 - Aug '07 Oracle Corporation - World's largest enterprise software provi
Global Solution Architect for Oracle eAM Product
* Developed and Delivered Training for Oracle's global rollout of Release 12 -
Oracle eAM
* Conducted global webcasts on how Oracle eAM can help companies improve Mainte
nance & Reliability
* Worked with Oracle Strategy & Development teams to prioritize and design prod
uct enhancements
* Speaking engagements outlining latest topics in maintenance management and re
liability best practices
* Conducted global Oracle eAM overview in 7 countries to build product awarenes
s and acceptance
* Conducted global webcasts to help Oracle field personnel and Partners underst
and the eAM product
* Helped facilitate Oracle eAM Field Advisory and Customer Advisory Board meeti
ngs (FAB & CAB)
June '03 - May '06 BE&K - Leading Industrial Maintenance, Engineering and Constr
uction Company
Sr. Manager/Consultant in maintenance and reliability consulting and technology
* Managed successful plant-wide maintenance and reliability improvement program
s at over 10 plants
* Developed and implemented a maintenance and reliability assessment process th
at included fact finding, strategy/planning session with leadership, program rol
lout plan, business case development and final presentation to executives for re
view and funding approval
* Established trusted advisor relationships with key major clients (Drummond Co
al, Alcoa, Sunoco, Owens Corning, and International Paper) and managed multiple
successful projects with repeat business.
* Numerous public speaking engagements at maintenance & reliability conferences
, professional organizations
* Wrote/published white papers and technical articles - See:
* Coordinated development of methodology for a rapid plant-wide equipment relia
bility program
July '01 - June '03 West Consulting Services, LLC
Managing Partner - projects included venture planning for IT product/service com
panies, IT strategy consulting, application design/development and training. Num
erous successful projects in multiple industries.
Nov. '99 - July '01 Stonebridge Technologies, Inc. - Oracle E-Business Suite Imp
lementation Partner and Systems Integrator.
Manager and Principle Consultant - Responsible for full lifecycle projects inclu
ding requirements definition, solution definition, building delivery team, manag
ing implementation, and managing client satisfaction. Projects included Oracle E
BS implementations and design/develop/deploy custom application and websites.
July '98 - Oct. '99 Oracle Corporation - World's largest enterprise software pro
Consulting Practice Manager - Managed client relationships and project delivery
for Oracle Apps
* Managed multiple full lifecycle implementations of Oracle Financials, ERP, HR
/PR, E-commerce
* Received "Rookie of the Year" award for Eastern US
* Formal training Oracle AIM methodology
* Achieved 92% on-time, on-budget completion for all engagements
* Worked successfully with many companies in diverse industries
Sept. '96 - Jul. '98 MRO Software (Bought by IBM) - industry leader for maintena
nce management software
Senior Account Manager - Managed MAXIMO customers and implementation projects.
Responsible for Customer Satisfaction and Services Quality Delivery for:
* 200 customers in an 11 state region (Southeast and Mid-Atlantic)
* 4 National Accounts (Coke USA, Disney, Red Cross and US Military)
* Worked with over 100 companies in diverse industries
Sample Projects and Customers:
* US Military, American Red Cross, State Dept of Transportation, County/City Go
v'ts, NASA
* Duke Power, Jacksonville Electric, Fuji Film, Toyota Motor, GE Lighting, TVA
* TRW mfg plant, US Steel, Mohegan Sun Casino, Thiele Kaolin, Pillsbury, Fieldc
rest Cannon
Sept. '94 - Sept. '96 Revere Inc. - CMMS software provider focusing on large, ca
pital intensive companies in Utility, Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper, Mining, Nucle
ar and large Manufacturing.
Project Manager and Implementation Consultant
* Full lifecycle implementation for Syncrude - world's largest oil sands mining
/refining company. Operations include mining, mobile fleet, extraction, upgradin
g, refining, utility, environment and safety organizations. Project included 70
full-time resources and 5 consulting companies. Final system supported 2,500 use
rs and a $2 Billion expense and capital maintenance budget.
* Managed 5 successful full lifecycle maintenance solution implementations.
Jan. '90 - Sept. '94 Independent Consultant - Worked with companies to analyze t
heir business, re-engineer processes/systems, motivate/train their people and im
prove quality of their products/services.
June '85 - June '90 Sr. Engineer - Analyst and Design Engineer in Aerospace indu
stry. Special Access Programs doing Mechanical Design and Engineering Analysis o
n state-of-the-art space bound Electro-Mechanical Systems. Developed/delivered p
resentations to management and funding agencies.
May 92 Masters of Business Administration - The University of Alabama, Tuscaloos
a AL
May 87 Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering - The University of Michigan, An
n Arbor MI
Dec. 85 Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering - The University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor MI

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