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Spanish Conquest and the Colonization of the Philippines

Aims of Spanish Colonization

GOD – The conversion of natives to christianity
GOLD – Accumulation of Gold or Wealth
GLORY – Supremacy of Spain over Portugal as a SuperPower

Do you know that spices, which today are inexpensive and widely
available, were once very tight guarded and generated immense wealth
for those who controlled them.The taste for and coveting of spices goes
back to the ancient world; the word “spice” is derived from the latin
species which initially conveyed something special.

Why was the Silk Road important?
-The Silk Road was important because it helped to generate trade
and commerce between a number of different kingdoms and empires.
This helped for ideas, culture, inventions, and unique products to
spread across much of the settled world
Why it is called the silk Road?
-It was called the Silk Road because one of the major products
traded was silk cloth from China. People throughout Asia and Europe
prized Chinese silk for its softness and luxury. The Chinese sold silk for
thousands of years and even the Romans called China the "land of silk".

The Plan
-Spanish settlers, protect, care for, and christianize Indians.
-Indian work a portion of their time for Spanish settlers.
The Reality
-Spanish settlers force a long labor, don’t pay Indian workers, fail
to protect idians, and seiz Indian lands.
-Indians die from disease and harsh living and working conditions.
So, Encomienda ends after a clergy protests and Indian revolts. Abuses
continue under replacement repartimiento.
Because of the greediness to power and wealth of the Spanish
conquistador they have forgotten the laws they must follow

- Were able to establish commerce with the orient  through trade routes. Spices
like pepper , ginger , nutmeg , onions and garlic were the most important  items
of trade from the east , owning to desire of the Europeans to enchance the taste
of food and to preserve meat during winter time.
Ferdinand Magellan
- a Portuguese navigator and explorer to lead an expedition into the island
anchoring at cebu and claimed it as a colony for the Spanish empire , after having
claimed the Philippines for spain he was killed by datu Lapu-lapu at the battle of
- Ruy lopez de Villalobos set sail for the Philippines from Navidad, Mexico on
November 1, 1542. He followed the route taken by Magellan and reached
Mindanao on February 2, 1543.And he arrived at the islands of Leyte and Samar
and named them Las Islas Filipinas in honor of Philip II of Spain.

1565 ( The Legazpi Expedition)

- On February 13, 1565, Legazpi's expedition landed in Cebu island. After a short
struggle with the natives, he proceeded to Leyte, then to Camiguin and to Bohol.
Legazpi made a blood compact with the chieftain, Datu Sikatuna as a sign of
friendship. Legazpi was able to obtain spices and gold in Bohol due to his
friendship with Sikatuna.On April 27, 1565, Legaspi returned to Cebu,destroyed
the town of Raja Tupas and establish a settlement.

Flores de mayo ( Flowers of May)

- where  devotes offer flowers everyday at the church altar to honor the Blessed
Santa Cruzan 
- procession held to commemorate the finding of holy cross Constantine.

•The Manila Galleon Trade

-The so-called Manila Galleon ("Nao de China or "Nao de Acapulco")
brought porcelain,silk,ivory,spices and myriad other exotic goods from China to
Mexico in exchange for New World Silver.
•Settlement in Panay
-Due discarsity of food provisions in Cebu,Legazpi transferred to Panay
where they peacefully welcome by the people in the Kedatuan of Madaja'as and
they founded the second settlement on the bank of Panay River.

Legazpi ordered the construction of the walled city of intramuros and proclaimed
it as the seat of government of the colony in the capital of Islands.
Legazpi governed  the Philippines for a year before dying suddenly in Manila on
August 20,1572 .He died poor and bankrupt due to having spent most of his
personal fortune during Conquest and he was buried at the San Agustin Church in
Why the Philippines was Easily Conquered?

- The Natives lacked unity and a Centralized form of Government

Although barangays already functioned as units of governance, each one existed
independently of the other, and the Powers that each Datu enjoyed were confined
only to his own barangay.
- No higher institution united the barangays, and the Spaniards took advantage
of this situation.
- The Spaniards have superior fire power and knowledge in combat/war.

Towards the Hispanization of the Natives

When Spaniards came into the country they destroyed the carved idols out of wood
and stone:

 Bululs are used in ceremonies associated with rice production and with healing.
-The figures are placed together with the rice in the house or granaries to
bring a plentiful harvest. The bulul is important to Ifugaos because they believe
they can protect and multiply the rice and help make the harvest abundant
-Resettlement of inhabitants in Spanish style poblaciónes
-Town Center
-Organized around a rectangular plaza, with the church and convent on one side
bounded by the tribunal and houses of Spanish officials.
-Spanish Urbanization was centered in the City of Manila within a walled city

-Infrastructure showing the Spanish domination in the country such as massive

colonial churches, convents, schools, roads and bridges and the Bahay na bato at


The Spanish Society always stressed "PURITY" of blood in societal rank.

There are 3 societal rank of spanish society:

1. ESPANOLES- a native or inhabitant of Spain.
2 Types of Espanoles
• Espanoles Peninsulares- Spaniards who are born in Spain.
• Espanoles Insulares- Spaniards born in the Philippines who took important
positions in the Spanish government in the Philippines.

2. MESTIZOS AND MESTIZAS- Filipinos of mixed Indigenous Filipino (Austronesian,

Malay, Malayo-Polynesian) or European or Chinese ancestry.
3 Types of Mestizos and Mestizas
• Mestizos de Sangley- Person of mixed Chinese and  Filipino ancestry. It is also
called Chino Mestizo.
• Mestizos de Espanola- Person of mixed Spanish and Filipino ancestry. It is also
called Spanish Mestizos.
• Tornatras- Person of mixed Spanish, Filipino and Chinese ancestry. It is also
called Spanish-Chinese mestizos.

3. INDIO OR INDIOS NATURALES- Person of pure Austronesian (Malay, Malayo-

Polynesian) ancestry(natives). Natives of the Philippines without Spanish or
Chinese ancestry.

- First Filipino printer, writer and publisher.
- Wrote Librong Pag-aaralan ng manga Tagalog nang uicang castila (Book that the
Tagalogs should study to learn Spanish).
- Tagalog book that Tomas Pinpin published in Abucay Bataan in 1610.
- Established the first basic education.
- Ordered that every town was to have one school for boys and one school for


- Cathecism
- Reading and Writing in the dialect
- Music
- The Rudiments of arithmetic
- Trades and Industries
- Colegio (Regular School)
- Beaterio ( Combined School and Nunnery)

Doctrinal Christiana en lengua espanola y tagala (1953)

-published using Silograpiko with 87 pages
-The earliest catechetical book printed sought to explain the 
importance of christ, chastity and devotion to God 
-Written in spanish and filipino

 -Written in verse and chanted during the Lent.
 -Depicted the life and passion of JesusChrist


 -wrote the first tagalog passion.


 -Wrote the second passion Pasyong Genesis and this was more 
preferred today.

Misa de Aguinaldo (Mass of the Gift)

 -The begin of joyous celebration; popularly known as Simbang Gabi

Misa de Gallo ( Mass of the Rooster)

 - Midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

- a religious play which reenacts the search by Joseph and Mary for an inn has 
also been observed in some parishes prior to the midnight mass.

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