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Sydric Frank C.


BPED - 2


1. Based on my picture this shows that even though the virus rises it is not a barrier to do things that can
help our body to be strong. Exercise is important so that we can prevent diseases caused by the virus.
And in this picture, you can see that even if there is a pandemic, exercise is not an obstacle even if there
is a pandemic and even though in our home, we can conduct Physical Activities to help our body to be
strong and healthy. And this picture shows and proves that always wear facemask when go outside
because it will help to prevent the spread of the virus and it will really help us to work better and be
physically fit and healthy.

2. And Exercise is really important during this pandemic to avoid virus and also to prevent us from
infecting. Because if we have a strong body the virus will prevent us from getting sick and we will be
better able to avoid infecting us with it. During this pandemic everyone is appalled even mental and
physical health. So, exercise will really be the best priority during this pandemic to reduce the spread of
covid 19 virus. Exercise will help us to be heathier, and during this pandemic we can't go outside to do
gym, but we can also do our exercise routine in our home because it is safer and will be healthy not only
ourselves but our family also. And when the family is healthy, the infection can be prevented from
spreading the virus. I promote that do exercise in our home because that's the stable place where we
can bond are family and exercise together. Exercise is important during this pandemic to avoid the
spread of the covid 19 virus. So, I believe in this pandemic that even though it affects our financial but
we have wealth that can be handled but our health.

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