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Computer Systems and Applications - T.Y.B.Com.

-(Sem, n

Object Property Value

Label Name 1bITax
Caption Tax
Label Name 1bINetPay
Caption Net Pay
Frame Name fraGender
Captiona Gender
Option Button Name
Captiona 8&Male
Option Button Name optFemale
Caption &Female
TextBox Name txtIncome
TextBox Name txtAnnual
Enabled False
TextBox Name txtTax
Enabled False
TextBox Name txtNetPay
Enabled False
Command Button Name cmdCalculate

Captiona &Calculate
Command Button Name cmdClear

Caption C&slear
Command Button Name cmdPrint
Caption &Print
Command Button Name cmdExit

Caption E&xit

Note: The Enabled property of some text boxes has been set to False so that the
user cannot type anything in these boxes. The result of calculation is displayedin
these text boxes.
Step 2: Type the following code in the code window
'Purpose: Tax calculator

Author: Mukesh N Tekwani

Private Sub cmdCalc_Click{)
Dim minc As Double 'monthly income
Dim ainc As Double 'annual income
Dim tax As Double
Dim netpay As Double

minc Val(txtlncome.Text)

'calculate the annual income

12 * mincc

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