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Chapter 3 Electrochemistry

Lead Accumulator
Fuel Cell
Law of Electrolysis
Dry Cell Eletrolytic cell and Galvanic Cell

Chapter 4 Chemical Kinetics

Concept pf Collision Theory

Activation Energy
Arrhenius Equation

Chapter 5 Surface Chemistry

Emulsion - types of emulsions

Catalysis: homogeneous and heterogeneous,
Activity and Selectivity of solid catalysts; enzyme catalysis,

Chapter 6 d and f-block

Chemical Reactivity of Lanthanoids,Actinoids

Electronic configuration
Oxidation States and Comparison with Lanthanoids
Preparation and Properties of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7

Chapter 7 Coordination Compounds

Structure and Stereoisomerism

Importance of Coordination Compound
Extraction of metals and Biological Systems

Chapter 8 Amines

Diazonium Salt: Preparation, chemical reactions and

importance in synthetic organic chemistry

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