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Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Waves

Basic idea of displacement current

Chapter 9 Wave Optics

Reflection of light by spherical mirrors (Pg 310)

Mirror Formula (Pg 310)
Dispersion By Prism (Pg 332)
Scattering of Light (Pg 335)
The Eye (Pg 336)

Chapter 10 Ray Optics

Resolving Power of Optical Instrument (Pg 372)

Polarisation (Pg 376)

Chapter 11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Davisson and Germer experiment (Pg 403)

Chapter 13 Nuclei

Binding Energy (Pg 442)

Radioactivity (Pg 446)
Alpha Decay (Pg 449)
Beta Decay (Pg 450)
Gamma Decay (Pg 451)

Chapter 14 Semiconductor

Zener Diode and their Characteristics (Pg 485)

Zener Diode as a voltage regulator (Pg 486)
Junction Transistor (Pg 490)
Digital Electronic and Logic Gates (Pg 501)

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