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April 2014

Gray Matter Volume in Left Rostral Middle Frontal and

Left Cerebellar Cortices Predicts Frontal Executive
Performance in Alcoholic Subjects
Ester M. Nakamura-Palacios, Rodrigo S. M. Souza, Maria P. Zago-Gomes,
via S. Braga, Tadeu T. A. Kubo, and Emerson L. Gasparetto
Adriana M. F. de Melo, Fla

Background: Alcoholic subjects manifest important deficits in frontal executive function, yet main-
tain cognitive mental status within normal range.
Methods: This study searched for volumetric measurements of segmented brain structures obtained
from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that would predict executive functions and cognitive mental
status in alcoholic subjects. The frontal assessment battery (FAB) and the Mini-Mental State Examina-
tion (MMSE) were applied to alcoholic subjects who underwent MRI. Cortical and subcortical segmen-
tation and corrections were performed using FreeSurfer. Multiple linear regressions analyses having
volumetric measures of segmented brain structures as predictors for FAB or MMSE scores as depen-
dent measures were conducted. Sixty alcoholic subjects, 52 males, mean age of 47.2  SD 10.4 years,
with heavy use of alcohol (mean 284.4  SD 275.9 g of alcohol/d) over a long time (mean 32.4  SD
11.1 years), showed FAB 11.1  SD 3.2 and MMSE of 25.2  SD 4.1.
Results: Multiple regression analyses having left and right side of each segment as predictors
showed that gray matter volumes of rostral middle frontal cortex and cerebellar cortex (p < 0.001), in
which only the left side of these structures showed significant partial effects in the full model (p < 0.05),
showed to predict FAB performance. They were even more predictive when considered together
(p < 0.001), in which both left rostral middle frontal cortex (p < 0.05) and left cerebellar cortex
(p < 0.01) predictors had significant partial effects in the full model. None of brain structures was pre-
dictive of MMSE performance.
Conclusions: We have concluded that volumetric measurements of left rostral middle frontal and
cerebellar cortices seem to be able to predict the frontal executive performance but not the cognitive
mental status in alcoholic subjects.
Key Words: Alcoholism, Prefrontal Cortex, Executive Function, Cognition, Magnetic Resonance

F RONTAL LOBE DEFICIENCY, characterized by

executive dysfunction with deficits in attention and
working memory, has been associated with an inability to
dysfunction may predict poor outcomes following treatment
of drug addiction (Moselhy et al., 2001). However, alcohol-
ics with important deficits in executive functions may have
abstain from alcohol and negative clinical implications global cognitive function preserved. For example, alcoholics
(Goldstein and Volkow, 2002). Accordingly, executive have been found to present different degrees of frontal dys-
function, notably according to different types of alcoholism
as evaluated using Lesch’s Typology (Zago-Gomes Mda and
Nakamura-Palacios, 2009). One of these types, type IV, has
From the Laboratory of Cognitive Sciences and Neuropsychopharma- been associated with the lowest scores on the Mini-Mental
cology (EMN-P), Department of Physiological Sciences, Health Science State Examination (MMSE), and on the frontal assessment
Center, Federal University of Espırito Santo, Vit
oria, Brazil; Department
of Internal Medicine (RSMS, MPZ-G, AMFM, FSB), Health Science
battery (FAB) in particular, compared to nonalcoholics
Center, Federal University of Espırito Santo, Vit
oria, Brazil; and Depart- and other types of alcoholics. Furthermore, executive
ment of Radiology (TTAK, ELG), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, frontal function of type IV alcoholics was significantly
oria, Brazil. impaired even in those with preserved mental function
Received for publication July 17, 2013; accepted September 28, 2013. (Zago-Gomes Mda and Nakamura-Palacios, 2009). Taken
Reprint requests: Ester M. Nakamura-Palacios, Programa de
os-Graduacßa~o em Ci^
P encias Fisiologicas, Centro de Ci^ encias da
together, these results suggest that cognitive and executive
Saude, Universidade Federal do Espırito Santo, Av. Marechal Cam- functions may be differently affected by chronic use of
pos, 1468, 29.047-105 Vit oria, ES, Brasil; Tel.: +55(27) 3335-7337; alcohol.
Fax: + 55(27) 3335-7330; E-mail: Brain atrophy has commonly been observed in alcoholics
Copyright © 2013 by the Research Society on Alcoholism. (Brooks, 2000; Di Sclafani et al., 1995; Fein et al., 2006;
DOI: 10.1111/acer.12308 Garcia-Valdecasas-Campelo et al., 2007; Thomas, 1986).
1126 Alcohol Clin Exp Res, Vol 38, No 4, 2014: pp 1126–1133

Moreover, chronic consumption of alcohol has been shown Thus, the aim of this study was to search for volumetric
to reduce levels of neurotropic factors, and this has the measurements of segmented brain structures obtained from
potential to interfere with normal brain function and to high-resolution MRI that could be predictive of executive
cause deregulation of neuronal synaptic connectivity and functions and cognitive mental status in alcoholic subjects.
apoptosis (Geibprasert et al., 2010). Indeed, Kril and
Harper (1989) have shown by histological analysis that
alcoholics present with a loss of neurons in the superior MATERIALS AND METHODS
frontal cortex, and also exhibit a reduction in the degree of Subjects
dendritic arborization of layer III pyramidal neurons
In 2010, between January and October, 74 alcohol-dependent
in the superior frontal and motor cortices compared to
outpatients were referred to a specialized public service department
age-matched controls. of the Medical School Hospital of the Federal University of Espırito
Neuroimaging studies using computed tomography (CT) Santo (Brazil) for alcohol dependence treatment. Of these patients,
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have detected a 60 met our inclusion criteria, agreed to participate in this study, and
characteristic spread of volume loss (Geibprasert et al., successfully completed it.
The inclusion criteria for this study included the following: (i)
2010), enlarged lateral ventricles, and loss of both gray and
patients between the age of 18 and 75 years; (ii) consumption of at
white matter volume (Gurling et al., 1984; Pfefferbaum least 30 drinks per week on average over the previous year; (iii) met
et al., 2001; Wobrock et al., 2009) in subjects addicted to criteria for alcohol dependence according to the International Sta-
alcohol. tistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th
In a recent study, Durazzo and colleagues (2011) com- Revision (ICD-10), as determined by clinic evaluation; (iv) in stable
clinical condition with no need for inpatient care; (v) able to read,
pared thickness, surface area, and volume in neocortical
write, and speak Portuguese; and (vi) have no severe withdrawal
components of brain reward system constituted by rostral signs or symptoms at baseline. Conversely, exclusion criteria
and caudal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), insula, medial, included the following: (i) a condition of intoxication or withdrawal
and lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and dorsolateral pre- due to a substance other than alcohol, (ii) unstable mental or medi-
frontal cortex (DLPFC) between nonsmoking light drinking cal disorder other than alcohol dependence, except nicotine and/or
caffeine; (iii) a diagnosis of epilepsy, convulsions, or delirium tre-
controls and alcoholics by using FreeSurfer volumetric seg-
mens during abstinence from alcohol; (iv) a previous history of drug
mentation and cortical surface reconstruction. They demon- hypersensitivity or adverse reactions to diazepam or other ben-
strated that alcoholic subjects showed significantly lower zodiazepines and haloperidol; (v) any contraindication for magnetic
neocortical thickness in 12 of 16 individual brain reward sys- resonance procedures such as electronic implants, metal implants,
tem regions when compared to control and lower total brain claustrophobia, or permanent make-up or tattoo received within
the previous 3 months; (vi) the presence of vascular, traumatic,
reward system and global thickness as well. They suggested
inflammatory, or tumor injuries detectable by CT examination; or
that both neocortical surface and brain reward system (vii) suspected pregnancy for female participants.
regions of interest investigated in their study would serve as Ethical approval for this study was provided by the Brazilian
proxy markers for risk of relapse and/or predict the level of Institutional Review Board of the Federal University of Espırito
severity of an episode of relapse, at least in their cohort. Santo (registration 207/09), Brazil. In addition, this study was con-
ducted in strict adherence with the Declaration of Helsinki and is in
Changes on prefrontal cortical (PFC) gray matter in drug
accord with ethical standards of the Committee on Human Experi-
addicts may also be related to behavioral and cognitive dys- mentation of the Federal University of Espırito Santo, ES, Brazil,
function. A reduced medial OFC gray matter was observed where this study was conducted.
in subjects diagnosed with dependence of one or more illicit
substances, which was correlated with a persistence of play- Procedures
ing high-risk decks on a modified gambling task (Tanabe
After having been informed of all procedures and given written
et al., 2009). Also, decreases in gray and white matter vol-
informed consent, 60 outpatients diagnosed with alcohol
umes in dorsolateral frontal, cerebellum and brainstem dependence by ICD-10 were included in this study. Patients were
regions were found to be associated with impairment of subsequently assessed using the following tools.
executive function in clinically and socially preserved alcohol-
dependent subjects, which, according to Chanraud and col- Sociodemographic and Drinking Behavior Characteristics. A
structured interview was conducted to obtain information regarding
leagues (2007), suggests a cerebello-thalamo-cortical model
sociodemographic data and alcohol drinking characteristics of the
of impaired executive function in this drug dependence. study participants. This interview was followed by a global physical
However, there are no studies addressing the relationship examination.
between segmented brain volumes and brief cognitive instru-
ments that screen for executive and mental status conditions, Mini-Mental State Examination. An adapted version of the
such as the FAB and MMSE, respectively. MMSE in Portuguese was used. This version included an 11-item
examination that examined 5 areas of cognitive function: orienta-
Moreover, if alcoholic subjects manifest important defi-
tion, registration, attention and calculation, recall, and language.
cits in frontal executive function, yet maintain cognitive The maximum score that could be achieved was 30, while a mean
mental status within a normal range, we hypothesized that score between 23 and 26 would be expected according to the age
distinct brain structures are related to these cognitive and educational level of the total sample of alcoholics (Crum et al.,
functions. 1993).

Frontal Assessment Battery. The FAB instrument elaborated by Statistical Analysis

Dubois and colleagues (2000) consists of 6 subsets that explore the
Data are presented as the percentage or mean  standard devi-
following: conceptualization, mental flexibility, motor program-
ation (SD). Missing data 1 for years of alcohol use variable and 2
ming, sensitivity to interference, inhibitory control, and environ-
for MMSE variable) were imputed by linear regression. Multiple
mental autonomy. Each of these subsets is scored from 0 to 3
regression analysis was conducted to examine the influence of age,
points, and the maximum total score that can be achieved is 18
years of alcohol use, and days of abstinence up to the time of this
(Dubois et al., 2000).
study as independent variables having the total scores of FAB or
MMSE as dependent variables. Gray matter volumes of seg-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI Acquisition: All subjects
mented brain regions of the PFC (11 segments as described
underwent MRI in a 1.5T scanner (Signa Genesis 1.5T; GE
above), and all other nonfrontal structures composing lateral or
Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) without paramagnetic contrast
medial temporal cortex, parietal cortex, sensorimotor cortex,
administration. Briefly, the MRI protocol included an enhanced
occipital cortex, cerebellum (white matter and cortex) in the total
3D Fast Gradient Echo sagittal T1-weighted imaging with an
of 26 segments, and subcortical structures (such as amygdala, thal-
optimized protocol for postprocessing of obtained images to
amus, caudate, putamen, and pallidum) in the total of 5 segments,
evaluate volume and cortical thickness (voxel size: 1.55 mm3; flip
were examined considering their left and right side as independent
angle: 12°; TR/TE/TI = 9,300/4.19/400 ms, 81.3 Hz/pixel band-
measures having the total scores of FAB or MMSE as dependent
width, 512 9 512 matrix, 1.3 mm slice thickness, one average).
variables. Brain structures that showed to be significantly corre-
Conventional sequence 2D axial T2-weighted FLAIR (TR/TE/TI
lated to FAB or MMSE performance were further considered as
11,002/105/2,400 ms, 512 9 512 matrix, pixel resolution
independent variables in a multiple regression analysis with FAB
1.5 9 1.5 mm) was also performed. All MRIs were reviewed by
or MMSE performance as dependent variables. No adjustment for
an experienced neuroradiologist and were of good quality for
multiple comparisons was considered because of the exploratory
character of these analyses (Bender and Lange, 2001). They need
to be specifically expanded in order to be considered confirmatory
FreeSurfer Postprocessing. All images were transferred to a work-
in future investigations. Besides, as age, years of alcohol use, and
station (Linux Distribution: CENTOS v.4.9, GNU General Public days of alcohol abstinence were not significantly related to FAB
License, origin:USA) with 8 GB of RAM memory and 2 Quad-Core or MMSE scores in this sample of alcoholics, analyses were not
Intel Xeon processors (2 9 3.2 GHz) located in the Radiology adjusted for these variables effects. A 2-tailed p-value of 0.05 was
Sector of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cortical
used to determine statistical significance. SPSS Statistics version 17
segmentation and corrections were performed using FreeSurfer (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) and Graph Pad Prism version 5 (Graph-
version 5.0.0 software ( by a Pad Software, Inc., La Jolla, CA) were used for statistical analyses
medical physicist (TTAK, 5 years of experience). The technical
and graphic presentations.
details of these procedures have previously been described (Dale
et al., 1999; Desikan et al., 2006; Fischl and Dale, 2000; Fischl
et al., 2002). Briefly, this processing included: motion correction;
removal of nonbrain tissue using a hybrid watershed/surface defor- RESULTS
mation procedure; automated Talairach transformation; segmenta- Sociodemographic Characteristics and Pattern of Alcohol Use
tion of subcortical white matter and deep gray matter structures
(including the thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, caudate, puta- Alcoholic subjects included 52 (86.7%) males and 8
men, and ventricles); intensity normalization; tessellation of the gray (13.3%) females, with a mean age of 47.2  10.4 years
matter/white matter boundary; automated topology correction; and
surface deformation and inflation of the cerebrum. The results of (ranging from 24 to 72 years, one subject aged 24 years and
the automatic segmentations were reviewed and any errors were cor- another 29 years, and the majority, 58 subjects [96.7%] aged
rected. This segmentation procedure assigns a neuroanatomical ≥31 years). The majority, 50 (83.3%) presented 8 or less
label to every voxel in the MRI volume, and the method is based on years of schooling, 7 (11.7%) achieved high school level, and
probabilistic information estimated from a manually labeled train- only 1 (1.7%) had a college degree. Schooling information
ing set. The Markov Random Field Theory is applied, where the
probability of a label at a given voxel is computed not just in terms was missing for 2 subjects. They showed a history of heavy
of gray-scale intensities and prior probabilities at that voxel, but use of alcohol over the past 13 to 63 years (mean,
also as a function of the labels in a neighborhood around the voxel 32.4  11.1 years), with 6–1,600 g of alcohol consumed per
in question (Fischl et al., 2002). This is important for obtaining the day (mean, 284.4  275.9 g/d). The mean of days in absti-
correct separation of structures, which have similar gray-scale nence before the study was 84.4  251.7 (range, 0–
values in the hippocampus and amygdala. Completing an entire
postprocessing step took approximately 20 hours per subject, and 1,825 days). These demographic characteristics are typical of
implemented Unix scripts were used to extract the volume, area, alcoholics in this region.
and thickness values. Furthermore, within the scripts, it was
possible to access all information regarding the processed structures
in a practical and rapid manner. Mini-Mental State Examination

PFC Composition. Gray matter volumes of the PFC regions The alcoholics in this study had a mean score of
was calculated using FreeSurfer software and its designations of 25.2  4.1 and 74.6% of the subjects of this study were into
the following regions: (i) the lateral PFC constituted by pars normal scores according to the age and years of education
opercularis, pars triangularis, rostral middle frontal, caudal mid- established by Crum and colleagues (1993). Multiple regres-
dle frontal, and frontal pole; (ii) the medial PFC constituted by sion analysis considering age, years of alcohol use, and days
the caudal anterior cingulate, rostral anterior cingulate, and
superior frontal; and (iii) the OFC constituted by the pars orbi- of abstinence of alcohol use showed that these variables were
talis, lateral orbital frontal, and medial orbital frontal (Desikan not predictive of MMSE performance in these alcoholic
et al., 2006). subjects.

Frontal Assessment Battery Table 2. Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) Total Score Related to Left
and Right Side of Rostral Middle Frontal Cortex in Alcoholic Subjects
The alcoholic group in this study showed a mean of total (N = 60)
FAB score of 11.1  3.2 (ranging from 3 to 17), which is
congruent with 1 to 3 years of schooling observed by Beato Zero-Order r
and colleagues (2012) in a recent normative study of FAB on Variable R RMF L RMF FAB b sr2 b
a Brazilian sample of healthy controls. Multiple regression L RMF 0.488*** 0.63** 0.103 0.001
analysis considering age, years of alcohol use, and days of R RMF 0.858*** 0.376** 0.16 0.007 0.0003
abstinence of alcohol use showed that these variables were Intercept = 1.807
Mean 14092.58 13474.82 11.1
not predictive of FAB performance in these alcoholic sub- SD 1984.98 2065.81 3.16 R2 = 0.244***
jects, F(3, 56) = 0.816, p = 0.49, R2 = 0.042, 95% CI [8.635,
18.647] (Table 1). **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
L RMF, left rostral middle frontal cortex; R RMF, right rostral middle fron-
tal cortex.
Structural MRI and FAB and MMSE Performances
Multiple linear regression analysis was used to develop a Table 3. Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) Total Score Related to Left
model for predicting FAB or MMSE performances consider- and Right Side of Cerebellar Cortex in Alcoholic Subjects (N = 60)
ing gray matter volumes of left and right side of each brain
structure. Few brain structures showed to predict FAB total Zero-Order r
score and none of brain structures were predictive of MMSE Variable R CC L CC FAB b sr2 b
performance. Basic descriptive and regression coefficients L CC 0.532*** 0.76* 0.085 0.0003
from those analyzes showing significant results are presented R CC 0.923*** 0.455*** 0.24 0.009 0.0001
in Tables 2, 3, and 4. Intercept = 1.784
Mean 43683.85 43400.13 11.1
Gray matter volumes of each of the sides of rostral middle SD 6952.88 7338.38 3.16 R2 = 0.292***
frontal cortex had a significant (p < 0.01) zero-order correla-
tion with FAB performance, but only the left side had signifi- *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001.
cant (p < 0.01) partial effects in the full model (Table 2). The L CC, left cerebellar cortex; R CC, right cerebellar cortex.
two-predictor model was able to account for 24.4% of the
variance in FAB performance, F(2, 57) = 9.22, p < 0.001, Table 4. Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) Total Score Related to Left
R2 = 0.244, 95% CI [ 3.45, 7.07]. Rostral Middle Frontal Cortex and Left Cerebellar Cortex in Alcoholic
Subjects (N = 60)
Gray matter volumes of each of the sides of cerebellar cor-
tex had a significant (p < 0.01) zero-order correlation with Zero-Order r
FAB performance, but only the left side had significant
(p < 0.05) partial effects in the full model (Table 3). The Variable L CC L RMF FAB b sr2 b
two-predictor model was able to account for 29.2% of the L RMF 0.488*** 0.31* 0.075 0.0005
L CC 0.456*** 0.532*** 0.39** 0.121 0.0002
variance in FAB performance, F(2, 57) = 11.75, p < 0.001, Intercept = 2.591
R2 = 0.292, 95% CI [ 2.71, 6.28]. Mean 43400.13 13474.82 11.1
When a multiple linear regression analysis was used to SD 7338.38 2065.81 3.16 R2 = 0.359***
develop a model for predicting FAB performance having
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
gray matter volumes of left rostral middle frontal cortex and L RMF, left rostral middle frontal cortex; L CC, left cerebellar cortex.
left cerebellar cortex, each structure had a significant
(p < 0.01) zero-order correlation with FAB performance, able to account for 35.9% of the variance in FAB perfor-
and both structures had significant (p < 0.05) partial effects mance, F(2, 57) = 15.97, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.359, 95% CI
in the full model (Table 4). The two-predictor model was [ 7.54, 2.36].

Table 1. Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) Total Score Related to Age, Days of Abstinence, and Years of Alcohol Use in Alcoholic Subjects (N = 60)

Zero-Order r

Years of Days of
Variable Age use abstinence FAB b sr2 b
Days of abstinence 0.002 0.006 0.00004 0.00008
Years of use 0.36 0.200 0.086 0.0009 0.024
Age 0.937 0.014 0.202 0.122 0.002 0.037
Intercept = 13.641
Mean 47.23 32.40 84.43 11.1
SD 10.40 11.09 251.74 3.16 R2 = 0.042

The Fig. 1 illustrates regions that were considered rostral According to Sullivan and Pfefferbaum (2005), it has been
middle frontal cortex and cerebellum according to FreeSur- difficult to correlate brain structure using volumetric MRI
fer segmentation and linear regression curves representing measures with brain functions, and the attempts to correlate
the relationship between FAB performance and gray matter executive functions with prefrontal volumes in alcoholics
volumes from both sides of these regions observed in alco- have been largely unsuccessful.
holic subjects. However, Chanraud and colleagues (2010) observed that
alcoholic subjects, which were disproportionately more
affected than nonalcoholic subjects by arithmetic distractor
on the high-load spatial working memory task, had their per-
In this study, gray matter volumes of a specific region from formance on this task predicted by volumes of the left thala-
PFC, the rostral middle frontal gyrus, and of the cerebellar mus and left cerebellar Crus I. By contrast, in nonalcoholic
cortex, especially from the left hemisphere, were able to subjects the performance of this task was better predicted by
predict the frontal executive function measured by a brief right middle frontal gyrus and right cerebellar Crus I, sug-
instrument such as the FAB in alcoholic subjects. Unexpect- gesting that the performance of this highly demanding work-
edly, none of brain structures was shown to predict global ing memory task relied on the integrity of different nodes of
cognitive mental status measured by the MMSE. corticocerebellar systems in alcoholic and nonalcoholic sub-
The use of structural MRI to detect gross structural jects.
changes and also to identify brain regions particularly vul- In this study, the frontal executive function, including the
nerable to the effects of chronic alcohol exposure has been ability of conceptualization, mental flexibility, motor
used for a long time (Rosenbloom et al., 2003). In these stud- programming, sensitivity to interference, inhibitory control,
ies MRI frequently shows a great structural loss in the fron- and environmental autonomy assessed by FAB (Dubois
tal lobes related to executive dysfunctions, but also in other et al., 2000), was clearly predicted by volumetric changes of
structures involved in memory, such as the hippocampus, gray matter in the PFC in alcoholics, especially from the ros-
mammillary bodies, thalamus, and cerebellar cortex usually tral middle frontal gyrus, and with a structure constituting
related with deficits in postural stability (Sullivan et al., frontal-subcortical circuits required for adequate executive
2000). responses, the cerebellum (Constantino and Todd, 2003).

Fig. 1. (A) Rostral middle frontal (RMF) cortex and cerebellum obtained through automatic reconstruction of the cerebral cortex (automated FreeSur-
fer software) from a high resolution T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data set. (B) Linear regression analysis between frontal assessment bat-
tery (FAB) (total score) and gray matter volumes from left and right RMF and cerebellar cortices of alcoholic subjects (n = 60).

FreeSurfer software automatically segments the brain into than normal age-related cortical gray matter volume reduc-
subregions, and it seems to delineate the rostral and caudal tion in treatment na€ıve alcohol dependent that was indepen-
parts of the middle frontal gyrus accurately (Desikan et al., dent of lifetime alcohol consumption.
2006). The rostral division of the middle frontal gyrus is Alcohol affects selective regions on cerebellum that have
delimited anteriorly by the rostral extent of the superior fron- their feedback endpoints in the DLPFC, which is also selec-
tal sulcus, posteriorly by the caudal extent of the middle fron- tively affected by this drug (Sullivan and Pfefferbaum, 2005).
tal gyrus, medially by the superior frontal sulcus, and This fronto-cerebellar loop supports performance on a
laterally by the inferior frontal sucus (Desikan et al., 2006) motor sequence task in nonhuman primates (Kelly and
(Fig. 1). This division of the brain is equal to or includes the Strick, 2003) and a similar circuit has been also identified in
DLPFC (Kikinis et al., 2010). human through the functional connectivity MRI (Krienen
Although the understanding of functions related to the and Buckner, 2009). According to Krienen and Buckner
PFC has evolved extensively, the more specific competence (2009), the presence of circuits that involve prefrontal regions
of DLPFC still remains to be better explored (Barbey et al., confirms the involvement of cerebellum in high-order cogni-
2013). However, there are many evidence showing that this tive networks.
frontal area is highly related with the processing of working According to Sullivan and Pfefferbaum (2005), MRI struc-
memory in nonhuman primates (Funahashi, 2006) and also tural-neuropsychological and functional MRI studies sup-
in human (Barbey et al., 2013), which is a system for main- port the hypothesis that disruption of fronto-cerebellar
taining, monitoring, and manipulating information in short- circuitry is the principal neural mechanism underlying alco-
term memory, providing an interface between sensorial holism’s salient, enduring, and debilitating deficits such as
inputs, long-term memory, aversive memory, and motor out- ataxia, executive dysfunction, and visuospatial impairment.
puts that enables goal-directed behavior (Barbey et al., 2013) Furthermore, specific structural changes in the PFC in
and ultimately the executive functions (Smith and Jonides, alcoholics may be associated with the maintenance of more
1999). negative outcomes as was previously suggested by Goldstein
According to Fuster (2000), the DLPFC is critically and Volkow (2011). For example, if salience attribution to a
involved in all forms of working memory toward a goal, drug and/or its cues is coupled with impaired inhibitory con-
whether in behavior, reasoning, or speech. It has a central trol, it follows that alcoholics would be unable, or would
role in the control, monitoring, and integration of cognitive have greater difficulty, controlling the use of alcohol, thereby
activities (Powell and Voeller, 2004). It mediates attention making them more prone to a relapse to its consumption.
and controls distractibility, maintains focus but also provides In a recent study, Beck and colleagues (2012) suggested
flexible shifts of cognitive set, and is also involved in generat- that abstinence in detoxified alcohol-dependent patients
ing fluent verbal and nonverbal activity (Powell and Voeller, would require preserved gray matter volume in the OFC,
2004). In fact, studying individuals with restricted lesion in medial PFC, and ACC. They further suggested that the sig-
the DLPFC, Barbey and colleagues (2013) concluded that nalization of alcohol-related averseness may depend on the
this region is a central component of the neural systems functional connectivity between ventral tegmental area and
underlying the manipulation of verbal and spatial knowl- the amygdala and also between ventral tegmental area and
edge. The dorsolateral prefrontal syndrome has been charac- OFC.
terized primarily by executive dysfunction, such as inability Therefore, structural changes in specific prefrontal areas
to flexibly maintain or shift sets, showing rigid and persever- and also in cerebellum and their connections need to be more
ative behavior, poor organizational strategies for learning carefully investigated with regard to functional and micro-
tasks, poor strategies for copying complex designs, and structural characteristics that may be related to drug addic-
motor programming abnormalities, showing deficiencies in tion.
alternating reciprocal motor tasks and sequential motor tests It has to be pointed out that in the present study only the
(Cummings, 1993). gray matter from left rostral middle frontal gyrus and left
Regarding the cerebellum, besides its involvement in cerebellar cortex showed to predict FAB performance in
postural stability, there are convincing evidence that this alcoholics. Interestingly, Tamgacß and colleagues (1995) have
structure and its extensive circuitry would support functions compared the regional cerebral perfusion between right and
classically associated with the frontal lobes, such as verbal left cerebral regions in 15 asymptomatic alcoholic patients,
associative learning, word production, problem solving, that is, with no neurological and/or mental symptoms, stud-
cognitive planning, attentional set shifting, and working ied with 99mTc hexamethylpropylene amine oxime, and have
memory (Sullivan and Pfefferbaum, 2005). There is even found important hypoperfusions in frontal, temporal, occipi-
evidence that a selective region of cerebellar volume tal, and parietal, which were more pronounced in the left
shrinkage would be better than frontal lobe volumes as hemisphere.
predictor of executive, visuospatial, and balance impairment, Considering the lateralization, there is a functional special-
which are considered the 3 main neuropsychological signs of ization between left and right DLPFC (Kaller et al., 2011).
alcoholism (Sullivan, 2003). In fact, the major finding from Barbey and colleagues (2013) conducted a large study with
Fein and colleagues’ (2010) study was the presence of greater subjects with brain lesions including those with more specific

lesions of left or right DLPFC and observed that the left ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
DLPFC seems to be necessary for manipulating verbal/audi-
We are grateful to all of the patients and their relatives
tory and nonverbal/spatial information in working memory,
who agreed to participate in this study. We thank the
whereas the right DLPFC seems to be critical for manipulat-
graduate students of the Medical School of the Federal
ing information in a broader range or reasoning contexts
University of Espırito Santo for their help in collecting data.
such as arithmetic and spatial reasoning.
This study was not funded by any funding agency.
In an elegant study using an event-related functional MRI
procedure employing the Tower of London task in healthy
subjects, Kaller and colleagues (2011) showed that DLPFC
has a pivotal role for planning and observed left and right
functional specialization in this process. The left DLPFC Barbey AK, Koenigs M, Grafman J (2013) Dorsolateral prefrontal contribu-
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