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Outcome based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching

Professor Shyamal Kumar Das Mandal

Center for Educational Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Lecture 01
Introduction to need of 21st Century Education

Okay! So let's start the course outcome-based pedagogic principle for effect teaching.
Effective teaching so welcomes all Learner in the course, so this course I will cover using
10 hours formats so there will be 20 lectures each and half an hour formats and this course
will be taught by me and this course coverage will be like this.

That it covered that introduction to need of 21st century education. If you say today that
need of today's education is different from earlier so we discuss about the need for 21st
century education and the challenges, we face in 21st century education how to overcome
those so those things will be discussed in this course.

Next accreditation, which is the main part or bothering part of I think many Institute are
apply for NBA accreditation. You heard about the Washington Accord accreditation, so
the course will cover what is accreditation why it is required and who are the beneficiary
of accreditation more or less how the accreditation will be implemented in day to day
teaching line.
It is not that; I only cover that what is accreditation how to fill up the NBA document not
I not cover that but that much but yes I will cover that CO, PO mapping all kinds of all
nomenclature I will covered and how to map I will technology or methodology I will cover
but more or less or more over you can say that after that I will cover also how to implement
NBA in the classroom scenario, so suppose I share that yes I my program is NBA accredited,
so what should I do in the classroom, that it reflects among the students.

If you see that in be a tradition more who require this this is required with the students only
because they are the outcome of the Institute so we'll discuss those issue next one is
outcome based learning how do we implement that there's envy a tradition in the classroom
the mythology is called outcome based learning so we'll discuss about the outcome based
learning then there is a framework the result learning but all the framework is designed by
IIT Kharagpur.
So I will demonstrate that tools how these two will be used to design outcome based
curriculum. So if you see in the last bullet outcome based curriculum design so I will cover
the tools and I will show you how to design the entire curriculum course wise program wise,
Institute wise mission, vision using these tools. I will describe this okay.

Next is taxonomy instructional objective which is the theory part for designing outcome
based curriculum. If you see how to design, how to write down the outcome of a curriculum
or outcome of a course. The theory or the theory behind this writing the outcome is called
taxonomy and instructional objective, I’ll cover the bloom taxonomy I have not covered the
modified bloom taxonomy, because that is weak in my feeling. is that okay! the bloom
taxonomy itself is sufficient to whatever we required to design the outcome of a curriculum
and then we cover the destruction of system design, how do you write down your outcome.

Then assessment and evolution, which is the main challenging problem in today's scenario
if you say how to shade a question paper is a biggest issue today- how to evaluate the
students? how to design the evaluation rubrics? so all those things even if item analysis,
facilitation value, discriminative index how to design a multiple-choice question before.
So those who will cover in assessment and evaluation. Okay! Then learning style and
learning approaches again it is a theory that different types of learning styles and they are
learning approaches. I will cover then good teaching and its attributes I will cover. If you
remember the name professor called Wildman he is doing that active research in good
quality teaching or teaching color shift teaching attributes. So here also I discussed
something what are the good teaching attributes the question is - what are the attributes who
is followed by a good teacher.

Rather and can I train the new faculty member to acquire those attributes and becomes a
good teacher. So I just cover about the research that what is good teaching what are the
attributes. If I follow, so that I become safe good teachers so there is a debate the good
teachers are warned not created so I am NOT going to that debate.

But I will show us a systematic investigation or systematic study report about the good
teaching attributes and assessment of teaching quality. Then outcome based complete
outcome based curriculum design.

So if I discuss what is the outcome of the course because we are dealing with the outcome
based curricular outcome based education okay for effective teaching so I have to write
down to itself what is the outcome of this course so outcome of this course I say first
outcome so at the end of the course every learner who attend the score they must develop
the skill- first one identify and write down appropriate outcome based course module and
unit objective of the course based on Bloom's taxonomy and instructional system design,
which is not included instructional system design not included in the slides, so I said my
claim is that at the end of the course everybody should write down your course level
outcome based objective here and saying the course objective throughout the entire course
and course objective means course outcome so that's why I said outcome based course
objective that means the objective which is achievable measurable and specific.
So I can say that the teachers of any course whatever you are in your senior college or in
your university so you will able to write down your course outcome a course is consists of
several modules, module outcome and different module is consist of different unit so
suppose the course let's say 40 hours generally considered a 40 hour course a 40 hour course
1 hour is referred to one unit so I can say maybe a course content 5 module so 5 module
objective unit objective then the take where of your course you should able to write down
the course outcome or objective based on or you can using bloom taxonomy and
instructional system design. so that that every outcome whatever you write it is measurable
it is a ethicable and it is specific.

So the USP of this course is that how to write the course outcome okay so this is the one of
the major skill which will be developed on every learner after the entire course is covered

Next develop select appropriate test item for all outcome based objectives so once you write
down the outcome if I want to test whether I achieve this outcome or not I should able to
design a test item or question so that I can say if I able to solve this test item, then I achieve
this objective.
So test item design depends on your outcome if you write down your outcome you should
able to design the best item also. So generally we mean that test item means whatever
questions work we do in the enzyme exam it is not true test item may be a home assignment
test item may be a mini project test item may be a programming practices so test item means
I will design or formulate a question thus that can be solved in end sem exam that can be
solved in class test that can be solved in home assignment that can be solved in your lab
experiment so whatever that means that is the assessment procedure I am NOT describing
so this test item will only taste each and individual outcome.

So maybe one test item test more than one outcome that is desired if I write down the course
objective course outcome 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 I should design the outcome test item which can test
more than one objective so that also possible. So the COI I after the course you should able
to design that test item also.

Next one, plan and outcome based curriculum document to meet NBA and Washington
Accords requirement. Everybody will look for that okay this course will say something
about how to write that NBA document. This was not only saying that how to write down
your NBA document that means how to write though not all entire NBA , I am thinking
about that how to write down your course outcome and how this your course outcome is
catered to NBA attributes or Washington Accords so the course will taught how to write
down your outcome that is fast objective how to write down a test item second objective
third of the thing that once I write down the outcome how to ensure this outcome is actually
scattered to NBA or Washington Accords.

So I write this is my Washington Accords this is my course outcome how to map whether
this course outcome is scattered to NBA accords or not if it is not then this course is not
required from this program which is NBA accredited or if it is watching to the courts this
course may not be required for the BTECH program because watching to a course graduate
attributes identity more you can define the require skill set of and graduate engineer.

Okay so that will come later on details so you will be you have a skill by which you can
justify whether your scores are scattered to NBA or Washington accords or not, not only
that NBA you can say that okay my program is NBA accredited but NBA is the document
it is you have submitted it is accepted and done.
But how to ensure that whatever we claim in NBA accreditation is actually implemented
in the classroom so the course will cover that also so, at the end of the course you can justify
that yes I have implemented this outcome in my classroom by this procedure and which
scattered to the NBA accreditation or Washington Accords. I’ll graduate I’ll show you how
to do that things.
Then the course name he suggests outcome based education for effective teasing so my
teaching must be much more effective as required by a 21st century integration so today we
say I will go to the class many teachers complain that I come to the class I found many of
the students are absent so I lose why into I have not given that proper lectures today as a
senior you had changed so what we do in my class so that I can teach effectively to the
students. So the course cover that point also so what kind of teaching learning process we
are looking for so that I can ensure that effective teaching which take place in the classroom.

Okay! So this is that will be the one of the outcome. Last outcome design assessment and
evaluation framework which reinforce that teaching and learning so the purpose of that
examination system if I say it is not to provide great to the students, it is how to ensure that
your teaching learning process is reinforced so that process also discussed in this course.

So this is the entire outcome of this course. So I can say in itself the end of the course you
must be able to write down your course objective, module objective, and unit objective of
the theme which is nothing but outcome based on bloom's taxonomy and instructional
system design.
Next claim I said you should able to comment that your course is catered to NBA
accreditation or Washington Accords. Third objective, what I said in regarding NBA that
will see all how to implement your course outcome in the or what kind of teaching learning
process I should use in the class so that the teaching become effective and I am insured the
NBA claim is implemented in the classroom.
Third one, test item design and how to plan your assessment and evaluation so that it
reinforces the teaching and learning.

So this is the introduction of this course and this course will have that ignore at 10:00 hour
course at 4 assignments out of 4 assignments 3 assignments will be on multiple choice
question answer type but class assignment will be on the Framework what I said outcome
based curriculum design framework, where actually you have to write down at the end of
the course when you the everything is covered you should able to write down your entire
course outcome at least course outcome I will test then later on if we can modify you can
add that module outcome unit outcome and design your entire course on that open-source
platform and use it for your day-to-day teaching.
So this cost mainly designs for teachers or after this course if these skills are developed you
should know what is requirement of 21st century education and how can I teach effectively.
Thank you!

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