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Outcome based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching

Professor Shyamal Kumar Das Mandal

Center for Educational Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Lecture 04
Approach to design outcome based learning

Okay! so last class we talked about that that bloom taxonomy and sorry Washington
Accords and in be a guideline okay now how to implement this NBA guideline means what
is required by the NBA or Washington records that we have to develop the skill certain skill
among the students so I the implement in classroom how do you implement it and last one
is that in first lecture I have said that we want a teaching learning process or 21st century
wants a teaching learning process by which we can how to improve the student engagement,
how to develop the skill, not knowledge not only I am NOT meaning the knowledge means
wisdom I think knowledge means remembering not that things how to modify, modify the
curriculum continuously how to teach a large classroom how to develop the lifelong
learning and how the examination system is reinforced the teaching and learning.

so if I want to do that things and if I want to implement Washington records or NBA

guideline in classroom teaching what should I do the approach by which we can achieve all
these things I said I will answer every and each and every issue which I arranged how to
increase engagement student engagement so the approach or teaching learning process we
can adopt which is called outcome based Education.

It is not that curriculum design I have to design the curriculum in outcome based but it also
includes the pedagogy which is called self-learning pedagogy by which we can address
those issues which I have raised in day one and I can you can say I can implement all I can
in shield that NBA and wash into the course is implemented in classroom not Is in plane
and paper.

so what is that outcome-based education what kind of framework so we here we proposed

a framework a teaching learning process so they adopt to do that things.
so before I go to that first you understand what is outcome based learning what is outcome
based learning.
if I define from the philosophy let's I show you a picture Alice, Alice in the Wonderland
everybody knows there's pictures and everybody know the philosophy.

whatever the philosophy said then a Gaul standing on a junction apart he asks the cat
which path should I take let's reply fire you want to go God said I don't know then catch
the fly anywhere you can go any part you can take doesn't matter until unless you know
your goal where you want to reach any path anything does not matter so outcome based
learning that means if I am not clear why I am learning I am not clear why I am doing this
thing then how can I say that I have learned the Things.

I can give an example suppose you want to to driving school one is written that if you come
to my school you will learn how to drive a car in the road and you will learn all the function
of the class you learn what is the function of the brake all those things is written and another
school is written and the end of the course you will able to drive a four-wheeler on this kind
of road which one is prefer last one is preferred the last one goal is outcome is defined
outcome is that I want to drive a car on the road.

so outcome based learning define the goal once I know that goal I can know I can define
that by which path I can reach the goal same philosophy is there in our ancient culture also
if you see that in my opinion that if you remember that Lobo what are the role of teachers
and students if you see that the teachers is defined when Arjun is running Dronacharya only
defined the goal and I grew up a watch what kind of goal is do not area define once he see
the goal he practiced by its own to achieve the goal.

so unless goal is defined the longing is no way so if I say that today whether roll of the
teachers I'm not talking about the school education which I am talking about that Weather
the learner is responsible that means teacher will define the goal you have to reach here as
for the slides if you see that teacher is defining the goal and role of the student is to reach
the goal.

so it is same it is too damn responsibility once the goal is designed once the outcome is
decide it is a student responsibility to reach the goal we said learning is learner responsibility
not teacher Responsibility.

Then what is the role of the teacher if I say as a teacher I define that goal as a student
I have to reach the goal so learning is learner responsibility whether I reach the goal or not
it is my responsibility who is learning like that our NCN guru göransson guru saying that
nobody said that I will take you to the God they said I will show you the path by which you
can reach to the God.
So what is the role of a teacher this will allow me that the role of the teacher is the guide
the student to reach the goal guide and mentor the student to reach the goal so once I
define the goal then learner knows where I have to reach and the teacher role is to show
him the different path and guide him so that he can or she can reach the goal .

so roll of the teachers is to guide and mentor the students motivate mentor the students to
reach the goal why I am saying this outcome based learning is effective with today in
practice then unless a student come to my class he does not know what he's supposed to
do at the end of the class so he loses motivation to study in beforehand what if you say I
before he'd join my class if I define that goal precisely I'll come to how to define the goal
that is a process so if I define the goal precisely and give it to the student will Cory come to
my class then I told him that to reach the goal is your responsibility I am here to guide you
and mentor you to reach the goal and I will show you a framework by which student can try
by his own to reach the goal and I will show you how it scattered to all the questions which
I raised in in first class.

so learning is learner responsibility so in outcome based education the role of the teacher
is to guide and mentor the students.
So it is not what teacher teaches it is important what learner learn because at the end of
The course at the end of the journey learner has to reach the goal not teacher.
once the learner reach the goal my journey is in so that is why it is not what teacher will
teach it is what learners learn.

So I am saying that I am NOT teaching in the class I am guiding and mentor the students to
reach their define goal. so role of the teacher is to define the goal and provide the path by
which a learner can reach the goal this process is called outcome based learning now if I
say I have to define the goal now if the goal is not achievable goal is not Pacific and goal is
not measurable in learner cannot reach the goal.

So a learner will reach the goal if the goal is specific measurable and achieved so role of the
teacher or role of the curriculum design outcome based curriculum design is that how do
you define the goal is called outcome based curriculum design.

So that depends on the requirement of skill at the end of the course or program so if I want
to open a driving school at the end of the program I want learner should able to drive a
Car in the road maybe the condition of the road is given.

so it is not that what I teach is matter it is matter what learner has delivered at the end of the
course that's why it is called learner centric approach not teacher centric approach it is not
depends what I will teach in the class I may not teach in the class but if the learner is achieve
his goal then my purpose is solved.

So many people are objecting that students are not coming in the class if the reach the goal
I don't bother whether they come in the class or not but it is to ensure that every learner is
achieved good.

so as a teacher I will motivate the students I will guide the students I will mentor the student
to reach the goal so design of the goal pacifies the goal which is specific measurable and its
heavily tom is called outcome-based curriculum design provide the mentor and guide and
provide the path to reach the goal is the role of the teachers is called teaching learning
so if we see outcome-based education address this key question what do you want to student
able to do so the goal is the target of the student this is what how can you best help student
to achieve it which is called guide or Mentor.

then I have been she understood I have to evaluate whether the student is reached the goal
that means he has that scheme or not so how to know that students is achieved the goal is
called evaluation then how to close the loop suppose I define a goal here and I provide a
path and guide and mentor the students and I found that in my class 80% of the students not
achieve a specific goal that means either this goal which I have defined is not achievable or
the path we with the guide which I providing or path which are providing is not correct to
achieve the Goal.

so the path guide mentoring of the teaching-learning process this either this process is wrong
or this goal is wrong that is called how the examination system reinforce the teaching and

okay so outcome based not only curriculum design outcome based teaching also, also
outcome based curriculum design is what its provide the set of goal which minimum sets of
skill is required for the particular program so if I say the BTech program or for your graduate
program as far any be a guideline or Washington Accords that means set of outcomes set of
skill set which I require and the end of the program is already defined by 12 Parameters.

So out of the twelve; fives Are domain dependent and sevens are domain independent skill
so those skills are already outlines of the skill are defined which is called PO or PSO if it is
domain dependent those parties called PSO program pacific outcome it is domain
independent I can say it is directly PO. Based on that if the civil engineer they have to learn
the skill of design analysis synthesis and evaluation level so that I will come in later on.

So that level of the skill is defined once the level of the skill is defined that means I can
design the curriculum based on the requirement once my curriculum goal is designed let's
it's given to every student before they join the curriculum so the race the question I have
raised that if I brought a camera or backward TV we can see the pacification operatives now
if I design the curriculum that way then I can see I know that what this is the program this
is the skill set I will develop so a student know a parents know a society know at the end of
the curriculum what the students will able to do.

Industry knows what the students of institute A program B will able to do so that is outcome
based curriculum is how do that is a process which is use bloom taxonomy and instructional
system design who gel details cover during this course.
okay so how to achieve this kind of approach see this structure
so what I said this process if you see up to this process and show you in the pane up to
this process up to this part this first part mission vision program ,program Pacific outcome
and course outcome and the part of curricula. Okay!
And the question which I raised that most of the time we say that our course is outdated so
if you see the industry role is attached with this design I will demonstrate this framework
which is implemented in a software framework at the end of this maybe two weeks lectures
and everybody will do that curriculum design within that things so that I will demonstrate
later on so first let's go through the structures what is there now anyway most of you are
knowing about NBA document writing and washing to the course or accreditation writing
and this structure is follows as per the accreditation and also be if you follow the structure
this structure ensures that you are achieving what I said in the first lecture student increase
the student engagement skill development program continuous evolution of the framework
all kinds of things so how do you do it if you say it I said mission and vision statement I
will explain this will later on I will also explain how to write mission vision statement how
what is what do you mean by program Educational outcome what is program Pacific and
order the matrix matching so Although things I will describe later on.

let's start with the course what I said how come math curriculum design for effective
teaching why are it is so if you see let's start from the course outcome I am NOT explaining
those things those things I will be explained later on so let's cut from the course outcome so
course outcome that means at the end of the course what students will able to do.

So at the end of the course if a student will able to do A B C D then those are the course
outcome so what I said if I design my course forget about that upper part that will come
later on let's I want to teach effectively in the class so what is my duty is that I developed a
curriculum cost curriculum which contained first is course outcome what is course outcome
if I say course let's analog electronics so analog electronics in a course student have a in
mind if I attend the course analog electronics what kind of skill I will Develop.

so I have to write down this skill set five to six skill set, skill not that you should know what
is you should be able to describe the push-pull amplifier the course outcome is not
acceptable because if you see the NBA and Washington Accords neighbors said student
when able to describe something they said they should be able to design this would able to
formulate, they should able to solve, they should able to conduct the investigation so there
is nothing called describe define for a graduate engineer.

so this course is designing for a graduate engineer he put in the design for it let's ITI engineer
that maybe I require only description so let's course is gonna AC machine so I tell
engineering I will get also the how AC machine is work but in BE engineering if I same
thing I my course outcome nobody will take this course because this course only thought or
only expect the student would never get describe the operation of AC machine which is not
that desired skill level of a BE engineer or Btech engineer.

so I have to write down that course outcome pipe to six major course outcome in higher
cognitive level I will come again what is cognitive level all kinds of things so once I define
the outcome then what is required a student has to achieve this outcome if we achieve it
then I can assign his competence that yes the student X have skill one is okay skill 2 is okay
skill 3 level is this skill core is not achieved so I can define his skill that is evaluation.

So the evaluation is based on criteria because criteria is defined by the skill well the
evaluations class you will see what is criteria based evaluation what is the norm reference
basic evaluation now what are all of the teachers once the outcome is defined role of the
teachers is teaching learning process how student will achieve this outcome how to mentor
guide and encourage the students to achieve the outcome Periodically, periodically have to
check also whether they are following right path or not so teaching learning process I am
not delivering the material.

I am saying those are the outcome which is defined and everybody's aim is to reach that
outcome and as a teaching learning process I will guide and mentor the student to reach the

okay now if I say how the course is designed if you see it I not a lot explaining these wall
slides are written down so if I see original structure of the course document should be like
this before students come to the class whole documents should be available to the
so what is their course outcome is their course overview their course level test item is there
what is test item means if you write a course outcome as if I say that I have achieved this
outcome how do I test that I have achieved the outcome okay so that is called course level
test item so every outcome must be assigned a linked with a test item by which a student
can test whether he achieved the outcomes or not.

what is course overview, course overview is not only the coverage of the course but also
how do you motivate the student to learn this course or to achieve the outcome that is
available then a course is divided in some model so suppose the course in digital
communication so first module may be A to B conversion so once the course is divided in
module so every module must have module outcome module overview again module level
test item what is test item once I write the outcome this is my outcome this is my
destination then I have to say how do I test whether I have reached the destination or not
that is called test item so if this destination is linked with the test item once I able to solve
this test item then I can say I am achieved the distribution.

so this pedagogy involved in this structure is called self-learning pedagogy so I will detail
file describe what is document means so let's this document is available to the students once
this document is available to the students then students know their goal students know their
goal once they know their goal and there is a module learning strategy know their path by
which they have to reach the goal and they can test by themselves where they have reached
the goal or not so if the whole structure document is available to the student I will showing
the software framework how it is available how industry can give the feedback all kinds of
things I will show you.

so once this is available to the students, students I am encouraging the self-learning once
this is available to the students they can learn by their own by their own studying
because I have been first class I said that reaching the goal is your Responsibility.
I will be here only mentor and guide you.

Now Washington occurs an envier said that yes you have to nurture not only the domain
level skill but also domain independent skill. how do I do it? So domain level skill Yes, yes
why let's talk teaching a AC machine course domain skill is developing units I goal is there
and part is given so domain skill is developing but how do we ensure that domain
independent skills like communication skill teamwork all ethics in sustainability and all
project email project management and lifelong learning all are happening because if
This document is given to the students in beginning then what I am doing I am encouraging
self-learning I am providing the responsibility of the students learn by their own and in the
class if I only discuss instead of providing a lecture whether they are following the correct
path or not actually I am developing the communication skill.

so next lecture I will first show you the framework in that website structures and then I
explain each and every item of the framework then what I will do after describing the
framework you know what is required. Then how to do it is the theory so that part I will
start from the next lecture.

Okay so the next lecture I am only describing the framework and I am describing how this
will effect on how this will help whatever the questions I raised in the first class so that is
outcome, outcome based curriculum and everything you know. okay so!
Thank you!

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