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High School to College Transition: A Mixed Methods Approach to Improve

Student Understanding Of College Readiness

According to Conley (2010) multiple worldviews guided this mixed methods

project on marginalized students and their college knowledge. Before a freshmen go to

college the behaviour of thinking first of one’s capability and knowledge comes right

away if a student is in capable of attending college. The study states that this system

can give assistance in taking a step in college.

The study was shaped by post-positivist, pragmatic, and transformative

worldviews (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011; Creswell, 2014). As the project began with a

quantitative survey, a post-positivist worldview initially informed the approach to

research methods and data collection. It was stated from this study that survey as well

as interview was used to know what more actions are needed in terms of the

understanding when going to college. Also from this study survey data was allowed to

identify the independent variables most likely to influence positive attitudes toward

attending college after graduation through quantitative research method.

From high school to college is a transition that a student can think of what will be

their path and course in the near future. Turning college takes a major role on what

perception a student could acquire in his worldview and as part as an educated citizen.
Improving College Readiness: A Research Summary and Implications for Practice

As students tend to start choosing a course in high school, students who are

accurately in choosing their course are more likely to be successful in college and in the

future as they are certain of the course they’ve taken. By taking action of being

prepared for college a student can be more confident and active of the course he/she


According of this study there are several plausible mechanisms by which

enrolment in rigorous courses can lead to increased educational attainment. First, a

rigorous course of study provides exposure to more advanced material, introducing

students to topics they may encounter in subsequent years and thereby improving their

schooling transitions and supporting greater academic success and confidence.

Second, high quality content is often correlated with high quality instruction. For

example, rigorous courses in high school, such as honors and AP, are frequently taught

by more skilled teachers (with additional credentials, more experience, or specialized

professional development) than less rigorous courses. Third, rigorous schooling

environments, both across and within schools, attract particular students and families,

often those most socially, financially, or academically able and/or those most motivated.

As such, engagement with these higher-achieving peers (based on ability, social class,

motivation, etc.) may positively influence student outcomes (Ingersoll, 1999; Kalogrides,

Loeb, & Béteille, 2013).2 Fourth, enrollment in more intensely rigorous learning

environments can serve as an important, positive signal for future schooling

destinations, as some college admissions officers rank high schools on the academic

intensity of their offerings. Attending school which is most likely to have a complete

materials and facilities will put students in a comfortable environment and likely to gain

more interest in learning. Practicing what a student is good at and preparing of one’s

self for college students will be more active and more open for future challenges that will

come later in college life

Freshman Students’ Self-Awareness and Adaptability to College Life

According to self-awareness theory of Duval and Wicklund, self-focused attention

makes people more conscious of their attitudes and beliefs (cited in Gibbons, F., 1990).

Emotional intelligence forms the basic building blocks of leadership skills (Feldman, M.,

2011) It further states that assessing one’s strengths and weaknesses gives college

students the confidence to tackle any obstacles.

From this study it was stated that mental health professionals working with

college students find ways to better understand the reasons why some students

become successful in college with relatively low levels of emotional distress, while

others become increasingly emotionally distressed at college. Turning to college is not

just as simple as some people may think because it was the part of a student’s life

where different challenges inside a school are waiting for you to be solved and pass it.

Literatures point out that the transition to college is marked by complex challenges in

emotional, social and academic adjustment which may have been some of the
predictors of college student adjustment (Chikering as cited in Gerdes, 1994). In a

research output made by Sax, L. et al, it revealed that in United States the percentage

of students graduating from college is declining and students purportedly disclosed to

have high levels of emotional and psychological stress (1999). Some students find ways

to make this transition constructively and adapt to college. By taking up a field seriously

and a suitable course for a student feeling overwhelmed is understatement because you

know yourself that you can pass any school requirements and effectively meet the

demands of their new roles and new environment.

The Role of Educational Systems in Improving College Readiness Skills in

College Freshmen

There are many changes being administer in today’s setup in attending school.

And in today’s current situation attending school is now held online. The New York State

Education Department has restructured the way teachers and principals are evaluated

for their performance each year by creating an Annual Professional Performance

Review (APPR) (NYSED, 2015). The underlying reasons for this change stem from the

deteriorating value of the high school diploma and the number of students that are

graduating high school and are not ready for college (American Diploma Project, 2004).

This literature review will examine the research and resources currently available

on the following subtopics: college readiness defined, the high school dilemma, current

issues in college readiness, standardized testing, measures of accountability,

demographic influence, transitional adjustments, college readiness redefined, current

benchmarks and criteria for college readiness.

As a student, you need to be self-aware and be prepared in taking a course. A

course that is suitable in your skills and talents as you’re the one who holds what will be

your future. A reason why different review center are offered and available for you to be

ready in college.

College Readiness of Freshman Students from Inner-City Schools

The problem that is present in transitioning to college is that many students are

not ready for college in choosing rigorous course and career for their own self. As stated

from this study the Bourdieu’s (1986) social capital theory was chosen as conceptual

framework on this study. The social capital theory explains how a person’s social

position can 10 influence the development of human capital, which is measured by a

student’s level of education (Rogosic & Baranovic, 2016). A human asset is not only

measured by any degree in education but also can be surrounded each other’s value,

behaviour, experience and knowledge.

In time, the goal of one student is to graduate, to be with in their work which truly

they fit in the future. Even when life is tough, disorderly, and stressful for students, their

futures still depend on them, and what they choose to do with their lives: students have

to believe in themselves (Obama, 2018). The used conceptual framework from this
study relates and correlates to this study because the framework envelop supporting

students regarding college and career readiness on each level because success will not

be the same for each student. Mentally and physically ready for going college means

you have reviewed and prepare the course and career you chose.

Data Gathering Instruments and Techniques

Gathering of data is of vital in conducting this study. By doing careful collecting

important data and through investigation the need in developing the proposed system

was determined to be developed.

Through data gathering it provides better idea on how the proposed system becomes

effective, accurate and successfully as it is important in implementing the proposed

system. The researcher used Google Form to conduct a survey questionnaire as data

gathering instruments. The researcher has also check and reviews the documents on

the current system productiveness for the researcher to develop an efficient system.

Questionnaire. The questionnaire is perfectly fit in this study because it enables the

researcher in terms of making generalizations of the response. Because of survey

questionnaire it keeps a strategic distance from any misunderstanding that can affect

the effectiveness and reliability of the data collated.

Evaluation. Evaluation is necessary in developing this study. It is to test and try if the

developed system is of good in using. The users who are the one to benefit this study

will evaluate if the system is effective and functional to use.

Statistical Tools

Statistical treatment in this study was depends on the environment of the study,

the researcher used different statistical tools in analyzing the gathered data. A tool that

helps the researcher to interpret the data collected for any unbiased result in the future.

The analysis of the result of the survey was achieved in this study with the help of

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software.

In order to regulate the respondents for both students and selected faculty, the

researcher assigned a number to each personnel and produced a random numbers

based on the target ten percent (10%) sample data of 50 respondents of the total

population of each respondents required in this study using a web-based random

number generator tool.


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