EFT IwanRD1 (Monologue)

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Name : Iwan Rizky Daulay

NPM : 191224012
Class/Semester: 6A
Task : Make a monologue

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to Medan City.
First, I would like to ask how are you all this fine morning? I hope you are all in good
health to be able to enjoy the trip with us today in the beautiful Medan City. Before we continue
our trip, let me introduce myself. My name is Iwan Rizky Daulay, I am here as your tour guide
for today’s trip. The first place we will visit on this trip is Maimun Palace. I will tell you a little
history about our first goal. Maimun Palace is the palace of the Deli Sultanate which is one of the
icons of Medan City, North Sumatra. This palace is located on Jalan Brigadier General Katamso,
Aur, Medan Maimun. This place is one of the historical tourist destinations in the city of Medan
that still exists. A place to get to know the Palace which was built during the Deli Sultanate era
when it reached its peak of glory. Maimun Palace has now become a tourist destination, both for
local and foreign tourists. Maimun Palace is a very famous tourism destination, especially for
those who want to know more about the life of Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah in
the past. Since we have arrived at our destination, you are welcome to explore Maimun Palace
freely. However, I urge you to return to the bus at 09.00 so we can continue our journey to the
next destination.
The next historical place that we will visit is the Medan Grand Mosque. This place is a
witness to the history of the Deli Malay civilization, which is closely related to the Deli
Sultanate. Medan Grand Mosque is the oldest mosque in Medan City. This mosque was built in
1906 and is a relic of the Deli Sultanate, namely Sultan Ma'moen Al Rasyid Perkasa Alam. The
uniqueness of this mosque is that the building has never been renovated since it was first built
and the age of this building has reached more than a century. The Medan Grand Mosque is a
place of worship for Muslims. When you are in the mosque about to pray, we urge you to dress
modestly and be polite at all times.
So, that is our schedule for this tour. I hope you all enjoy your stay in this city and enjoy
everything that you can find in Midan. For today, you can rest before we start our journey
tomorrow morning. I hope you can enjoy the accommodation in the hotel that we have prepared.

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