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M i c h e l l e P e t i t

P r e s e n t s ;

4 E s s e n t i a l S t e p s

f o r a C o z y H o m e

Everything you will need to

know to transform your
Hi I'm


Allow me to help you

take back the power
and transform your
Step One

Decoration distinguishes between a home

and the resident
Decoration is the crutial detail — it's what can
make or break a room! It needs to be;
• Cozy — where you feel at home
• Can be easily changed
• Reflects your personality and values

Keep in mind that decoration is added last but

adds the most value.

You will want to keep all your decorations in

either the same color family or same tone.

TIP: By changing the color of your pillowcases and blankets you can
create a breaktaking effect and the room will look completely different!!
Step Two

Paintings and Pictures — What to

Keep it simple. Watch out for a nice frame, if you
want to hang up multiple photos, make sure all
the frames are the same color. It reflects a bit of

Don't think that the frames have to be a neutral

color — you may want to implement a color that is
reflected in one or two decorations around the

• Individual pictures are better suited for a side

table or bookshelf
• Take several photos that have the same feeling
or color scheme and group them together
• A graphic or art could also be part of a photo

Don't want to hang them up?

Photos can always be scattered around a room on
shelves and small tables.
Step Three

Spaces that serve multiple purposes —

what to consider?
Spaces that serve mulitple purposes, such as,
livingroom and kitchen or dressing room and
office. Often times they seem messy even if they
are tidy.

Make sure you have boxes where you can

rearrange and organize your things.

Divide rooms into zones that are clearly separated

from each other. Rugs, Side boards and shelves
are useful when it comes to dividing a room

Placing the light in the correct corner or at the

edge of a sofa — can have a huge impact regarding
seperating of spaces
Step Four

Do you want to add more color — what to

In terms of color, pay attention to neutral tones
they create a peaceful ambience in each room

A general rule is that white goes well with

muted tones like wood or stone. All the colors
that we see in nature support rooms that
evoke a certain calm feeling.
Colored accents remain the most flexible
way to change a room or speak a certain
tone — the still need to be chosen carefully

For example — if you use too many colors

in one space it can seem hectic and
Want to know more?

Book a free discovery call with me and I will answer any


xx Michelle

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