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CA Final 3 Months Study Plan- May 22 [15th Feb – 13th May]

Both Groups

Dates: FR: 14th, SFM: 17th, Audit: 19th, Law: 21st | SCMPE: 23rd, Elective: 25th, DT: 27th, IDT: 29th

1) Assumption that practical subjects done at least once/twice; A theory subject/elective

may be pending!
2) Last 3 months focus- Markings!
3) Acceptance- You would never feel 100 % comfortable and it’s not possible to revise 100%
syllabus every time, but that’s OK!
4) Don’t think of a Rank!
5) Please DO NOT try to be PERFECT!
6) Double Mind- Should I give one group only?- Give yourself a TIMELINE!
7) You can practice earlier papers/ RTPs by solving 1/2 questions every day!
8) Breaks- Unplanned/ as per need!
9) Daily Study Target: 8-10 Hours

Dates (Period) Subject (s) Scope

15/2 – 28/2 (14 FR, SFM, Audit/Law  FR: Daily 3 Hrs
Days)  SFM: Daily 2 Hrs
 Audit/Law (Whichever is left): 4-6
 1 Hour- Keep in Touch Strategy
Deliverables on 28/2  FR & SFM Revised
 Audit/Law: The subject which was lacking- Completed!
1/3 – 5/3 (5 Days) Group 1 Subjects  Other one out of Audit/Law
(comparatively more prepared)- 4
 4 Hours daily- Whatever left out of
28/2 Deliverable
 1 Hr- Keep in Touch Strategy
6th, 7th, 8th Buffer- Whatever left out of Group 1’s 4 Subjects
Deliverable on 8/3 Group 1 DONE
9/3- 20/3 (12 Days) DT, SCMPE, Elective  DT: 4 Hrs
 Elective: 1.5 Hrs
 SCMPE: 3 Hrs
 1.5 Hours: Keep in Touch Strategy-
Group 1

Deliverable on 20/3  DT Revised

 SCMPE Revised
 Elective Revised/ Studied
21/3 – 25/3 (5 Days) Buffer- Whatever left out of above 3 subjects- Finish It!
26/3 – 5/4 (11 Days) IDT- Main Focus  IDT- 4/5 Hrs
 2 Hours- Any subject which you
feel requires work
 2 Hours- Keep in Touch Strategy
Deliverables as on 5/4 Group 2 Done
6/4- 10/4 (5 Days) Buffer- Any subject (s) out of 8 you feel is weak
Deliverables on 10/4  Both Groups revised at least once properly!
11/4- 30/4 (20 Days)  Except FR and SFM (Practice marked questions/concepts daily 2
hours): You can attempt 1 paper too at the end!
 For every balance subject: You have to revise and attempt 1 paper
in 3 Days—Total Days: 6 x 3 = 18 Days
Deliverables on 30/4 All 8 subjects revised properly second time along with 1 solved paper!
1/5- 8/5 (8 Days) Buffer- Practice whatever areas you feel need attention based on above
paper based revision {Don’t pick FR and SFM)- This will mainly cover DT,
Law, IDT
9/5 – 13/5 (5 Days) FR & SFM (Law/DT if needed)

Group 1

Dates: FR: 14th, SFM: 17th, Audit: 19th, Law: 21st

 FR and SFM- Daily 3 Hours Practice (Don’t let even a single day pass by
without touching these 2 subjects.)
 Pick Law first (in between FR in morning and SFM in evening), then replaced it
with Audit…. Keep in Touch strategy with LAW!
 First exhaustive revision should be completed by 10th April
 Give 1 Time Based Exam at the end of your first exhaustive revision
 Practice “Keep in Touch” strategy for the subject you may not be doing during
a particular period, to have that psychological comfort.
 Second Revision should be highly focused towards Marked Portions and
should be completed by 30th April
 Give 1 more Time Based Exam after second revision (between 1/5 – 4/5)
 Last 10 Days- FR Daily 3 Hours, Balance as per need!
Group 2

SCMPE: 23rd, Elective: 25th, DT: 27th, IDT: 29th

Dates (Period) Subject (s) Scope

15/2 – 15/3 (29 Days) DT, SCMPE, Elec  DT: 4 Hours
 Elective: 1 Hour
 SCMPE: 2 Hours
 1 Hr: Keep in touch strategy with
Deliverables as on 15/3  DT: Done
 SCMPE: Done
 Elec: Done
16/3; 17/3; 18/3 Give 1 paper each
19/3- 31/3 (13 Days) IDT  IDT: 4 Hours with a time based
paper in the end
 DT: 2 Hours
 1 Hour- Keep in Touch Strategy
Deliverables as on 31/3 All subjects done once along with a Time Based Paper!
1/4 – 10/4 (10 Days) Buffer- Do whatever left out of 4 subjects
11/4 – 25/4 (15 Days)  SCMPE Daily 2 Hours with a time based paper in the end
 Balance 3 subjects- Revise and 1 paper in 4 days: Total days =
3 * 4 = 12 Days
Deliverables as on 25/4 All subjects properly done at least twice with 2 Papers!
25/4- 15/5 (21 Days)  Revisions and Papers!- 3rd Revision
 Try to revise IDT in last 6-7 days.
15/5 -22/5 DT and SCMPE

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