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Name ID
Naveen Kumar Kokkera 999901317

1. What are the core tools that Wienke identified as key to the “digital transformation”
of businesses?
A. According to Wienke, tools like Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence
(AI), Big Data Analytics, Cloud and Low-Code No-Code platform were identified
as the key for digital transformation of businesses.

2. Wienke is in favour of simple versus complex solutions to IOT integration. Why?

A. Wienke is in favour of simple solution rather than complex because simple
integrated solutions helps to integrate directly into business processes and they
begin to scale. There are situations like bloated software, bloated IoT platforms and
Wienkes’ suggestion for the companies and enterprises is to keep everything
simple. Instead of making things over complicated like catching up with too many
consultants or too many IoT platforms, it is adviced to use the known and available
tools, use IoT as very simple micro-service to gather data points. These simple
solutions generates a lot of business benefits resulting in huge scale.

3. What is LoRaWAN and how does it fit into the IoT landscape?
A. LoRaWAN helps in building sensor-to-cloud application like setting up specific
temperatures during operational processes within industries. It allows the customers
to send data over IoT infrastructure into cloud applications or enterprise resource
planning like stores, shops, shopping malls, farms, mines or low-code no-code
platform. Securing sensor-to-cloud integration on premise with centralized
management results in very little operational costs on IoT operations and data can
be kept monitored as long as 5 years. In this way LoRaWAN fits into IoT

4. Why does Wienke think we’re in the “trough of disillusionment” within IoT right
A. Though companies have passed through the Hype of inflated expectations but now
they dropped down to the trough of disillusionment.
 Wienke thinks that many companies are in the trough of disillusionment
because companies have been investing heavily to make sure that software
can keep running smoothly.
 Wienkes’ suggestion for this is to maintain a humble approach and trust that
the simple micro service can deliver critical data points and keep the data
flowing also that comply with the governance type of IT.

5. What would you say are some challenges in improving decision making strategies
with sensor-to-cloud integration? Draw your own knowledge, the information
we’ve talked about in the lecture and some of the content from this podcast.
A. Companies face some challenges in improving decision making strategies with
sensor-to-cloud integration like-
 Every company or enterprise looks for some level of customisation and it
varies from one project to project. So the huge challenge for this
customisation is hardware component crisis. There is less likeliness for
companies to use ready-made components and more likeliness for
customisation of products.
 The other challenge for companies in improving decision making strategies
with sensor-to-cloud integration is attracting the companies’ internal
stakeholders, enterprises, sponsors because they play a major role in the
success of a company.

The podcast was informative as it included the content covering wide range of aspects-

i. Digital transformation is a bigger goal and tools like AI, IoT, big data, cloud,
low-code no-code helps to achieve it.
ii. Companies should stress more on the simple solutions like use the known tools
rather than complicating things like catching up with too many consultants or
too many IoT platforms.
iii. Though there are many hardware challenges, LoRaWAN helps companies to
prepare their own hardware components with the help of available libraries,
tools and modules.
iv. For companies to be successful, they should explore more about problems
instead of opportunities.
v. Companies should understand how planning, plays a vital role because, it is the
factor that bring benefits to the companies.
vi. LoRaWAN solutions is used in sensor-to-cloud integration on premise and
within enterprises resulting in low operational costs, low capital investments
and operational expenses.

$. Brief Analysis of the paper.

Biofloc technology in aquaculture transforms the manual into an advanced system that
allows the reuse of unused feed by converting them into microbial protein. Fishery is
one of the biggest source of food and also biggest source of employment. Application
of IoT in biofloc aquaculture is an innovative and efficient method of harvesting and
raising fish in order to sustain or meet the demand for fish. As traditional methods are
not able to meet the demands and alternative solution for this is the IoT based Biofloc
aquaculture. Therefore, the paper is important as it highlights the research works of
various scientists who worked on an IoT based solution o aquaculture which increases
the efficiency of fish and yield high productivity.

It is not easy to design an IoT based smart water quality prediction because there are
many challenges and has to look deeper into the requirements of farmers. Few
challenges are- Technology has to address complex data in aquaculture, reduce feed
costs and operational costs, economically feasible, should reduce the rate of water
exchange as it is time consuming process, should be automatic rather than manual and
also the technology should be applicable for all kinds of water resources irrespective of
small or large.

In a nutshell, smart farming in aquaculture focuses on providing the farmers with all the
equipment and infrastructure to use advanced technology like cloud, bid data, artificial
intelligence, IoT. These core tools are responsible for digital transformation which are
being used for gathering the water parameters like tha pH, temperature, Total Dissolved
Solids, Ammonia, number of flocs. Besides this the IoT based application for timely
monitoring of the parameters and processing automatic solutions which would be of a
great help for farmers in making decisions and implementing their strategies. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) technology has been used in this paper because it helps farmers to
improve the overall quality of fishes in the ponds. AI sensors (pH sensor, TDS sensor,
temperature sensor) detect water parameters and provide the remotely processed
information to farmers in real-time. The ultimate role of AI is to improve farmers’
decision making strategies eventually leading to a healthier and huge yield of fishes.
$. What is biofloc aquaculture?

Biofloc Aquaculture is a method of raising and harvesting fish in order to sustain

requirements of fish growth in a selected pond or tanks. Biofloc aquaculture deals
with waste water management, maintain biochemical cycles and nutritional levels
of aquatic life. Simply Biofloc means open fish farming where a suitable
environment is created by adding flocs, maintaining aeration, monitoring water
parameters like pH, temperature, Ammonia, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and
taking necessary steps which eventually results in meeting the demands of fish

$. What do the authors’ say were the limitations of the DL contributions of

Yang et al. focused on Deep Learning (DL) applications in aquaculture like

identifying the live and dead fish, classified species, performed feeding decisions,
behavioural analysis. Though they made most valuable contribution to the field of
agriculture, the technique of DL failed to address complex data in aquaculture.

$. What sensors were used in the authors’ test system?

The authors’ test system work incorporated the following sensors into IoT systems
to provide different kinds of information, namely:
i. pH Sensor
ii. Temperature Sensor.
iii. Total Dissolved Sensor (TDS).

$. According to the authors, how did the “Matshyabid Biofloc Aquaculture Farm”
differ from the others?

The other farms worked based on the principle of “No Water Exchange” while the
Matshyabid Biofloc Aquaculture farm did not follow that principle. Matshyabid
farm consists of 15 large tanks and 2 ponds. The whole system is continuously
monitored manually and aerator is mandatory, so it was turned on 24hrs. In this
farm only three parameters- pH, Salinity, and number of flocs are monitored and
whenever one gets increased or decreased the water in the tanks are changed with
the help of a drainage system whereas the other farms measured parameters like
pH, water temperature, TDS, ammonia and number of flocs and whenever one of
the parameters varied, they controlled it by filtration of excess flocs, adding baking
soda instead of exchanging the water.
$. Which of the data parameters collected was used to test against the ML model?

Temperature, pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Ammonia (NH3), Floc were the
parameters collected and among them pH is considered as the output data by the
Machine Learning (ML) model was tested.

$. Which ML model was used and why did the authors use that model?

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) functions the same as the neurons of the brain.
The network contains nodes that receive the input signal and pass it to the previous
nodes as the synapse of nerve cell does. The covariates and input signals are
weighted and then passed through activation functions. The network consists of
input layers and output layer and one or more hidden layers. The model seemed to
give more accurate results and can process huge data taken as input signals.

$. What do you think could be improved with the output notification given in the

The output notification in the app shows a message about the level of Dissolved
Oxygen (DO) whether the level is shallow, low, average or high. If there is a low
DO level, then it alerts farmers saying to increase DO. But the end user will actual
look for a solution as to how to increase or decrease the DO level and to what
extent should they increase or decrease. It is important that a solution is required
for the framers with regard to increasing or decreasing the DO level. So there has
to be an output where the technology informs the user the exact solution like
increase or decrease the flocs, maintain aeration etc… to maintain the DO level.
This would help the user in taking the right decision to yield the desired outcome.
The system or projects did not predict water quality, fish health condition and did
not process automatic solutions which is a huge drawback because the end users
usually focus on these aspects.

$. List 5 errors found in the paper.

i. The main focus of the paper is to predict water quality, determine the
situation and process wise decisions but the output failed to address
those issues.
ii. The output displays just the level of DO which seems to be illogical
because farmers or users cannot assess the water environment with DO
output. This indicates extended scientific research is needed for further
iii. The authors' result has not informed whether the technique was
applicable to deal with complex data which was the drawback in
previous works of Yang et al.
iv. Though the projects are cost effective but such projects did not predict
fish health condition and process automatic solutions and that the main
aim of the projects has been deviated.
v. A comparison between AAN, GMDH, SVM, LSSVR, LSTM and the
authors’ approach was compared by relying upon the different articles
published which gives a doubt whether the published articles were
legitimate or not.

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