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TAX REMEDIES (National Internal Revenue Code) unnumbered assessment notices should not be

I. BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE interpreted as irregular or anomalous

A. Organizational Structure 
1. Chief Officials of the Bureau of Internal On September 22, 2003, the Chief State Prosecutor
Revenue (Section 3) issued a Resolution finding no sufficient evidence to
2. Agents of the Commissioner of Internal establish probable cause against respondents LMCEC,
Revenue (Section 12) Camus and Mendoza. On the required prior
determination of fraud, the Chief State Prosecutor ruled
that there was no prior determination of fraud. CIR
B. Powers and Duties of the BIR appealed to respondent Secretary of Justice but the latter
1. Powers and Duties of the Bureau of denied its petition for review
Internal Revenue (Section 2)
2. Power of the Commissioner to Interpret ISSUE: Whether LMCEC and its corporate officers may
Tax Laws and to Decide Tax Cases be prosecuted for violation of Sections 254 (Attempt to
(Section 4) Evade or Defeat Tax) and 255 (Willful Failure to Supply
3. Power of the Commissioner to Obtain Correct and Accurate Information and Pay Tax).
Information, and to Summon, Examine,
and Take Testimony of Persons (Section RULING: Yes. In the Details of Discrepancies attached
5) as Annex B of the PAN, private respondents were
a. CIR v. Raul M. Gonzales, G.R. No. already notified that inasmuch as the revenue officers
177279, 13 October 2010 were not given the opportunity to examine LMCECs
books of accounts, accounting records and other
CIR V. RAUL M. GONZALES documents, said revenue officers gathered information
G.R. NO. 177279, 13 OCTOBER 2010 from third parties. Such procedure is authorized under
VILLARAMA, JR., J Section 5 of the NIRC, which provides: 

FACTS: Pursuant to Letter of Authority issued by then SEC. 5. Power of the Commissioner to Obtain
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (petitioner) Dakila B. Information, and to Summon, Examine, and
Fonacier, and officers of the Tax Fraud Division (TFD), Take Testimony of Persons. In ascertaining the
National Office, conducted a fraud investigation against correctness of any return, or in making a return
respondent L. M. Camus Engineering Corporation when none has been made, or in determining the
(LMCEC) for the taxable years 1997, 1998 and 1999. liability of any person for any internal revenue
The audit and investigation against LMCEC were tax, or in collecting any such liability, or in
precipitated by the information provided by an evaluating tax compliance, the Commissioner is
"informer" that LMCEC had substantial under declared authorized:
income for the said period. 
(A) To examine any book, paper, record
LMCEC failed and refused to pay the deficiency tax or other data which may be relevant or
assessment which had become final and executory as a material to such inquiry;
result of the said taxpayer's failure to file a protest (B) To obtain on a regular basis from
thereon within the 30-day reglementary period any person other than the person whose
contending that LMCEC cannot be held liable internal revenue tax liability is subject to
whatsoever for the alleged tax deficiency which had audit or investigation, or from any office
become due and demandable. They also assail as invalid or officer of the national and local
the assessment notices which bear no serial numbers. governments, government agencies and
CIR disagreed with the contention of LMCEC that the instrumentalities, including the Bangko
complaint filed is not criminal in nature, pointing out Sentral ng Pilipinas and government-
that LMCEC and its officers Camus and Mendoza were owned or -controlled corporations, any
being charged for the criminal offenses defined and information such as, but not limited to,
penalized under Sections 254 (Attempt to Evade or costs and volume of production, receipts
Defeat Tax) and 255 (Willful Failure to Pay Tax) of the or sales and gross incomes of taxpayers,
NIRC. On the lack of control number in the assessment and the names, addresses, and financial
notice, CIR explained that such is a mere office statements of corporations, mutual fund
requirement in the Assessment Service for the purpose companies, insurance companies,
of internal control and monitoring; hence, the regional operating headquarters of
multinational companies, joint accounts,
associations, joint ventures or consortia February 1, 2005, respondent issued a warrant of
and registered partnerships, and their distraint and/or levy against Fitness by Design.  In his
members; answer, CIR alleged that failure of Fitness by Design to
(C) To summon the person liable for tax file a VAT return and for filing a fraudulent income tax
or required to file a return, or any officer return for the year 1995, the corresponding taxes may be
or employee of such person, or any assessed at any time within ten (10) years after the
person having possession, custody, or discovery of such omission or fraud pursuant to Section
care of the books of accounts and other 222(a) of the 1997 Tax Code. The subject deficiency tax
accounting records containing entries assessments have already become final, executory and
relating to the business of the person demandable for failure of the petitioner to file a protest
liable for tax, or any other person, to within the reglementary period provided for by law.
appear before the Commissioner or his Thus, the CIR has legal basis to collect the tax liability
duly authorized representative at a time either by distraint and levy or civil action.
and place specified in the summons and
to produce such books, papers, records, The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) filed on March
or other data, and to give testimony; 10, 2005 a criminal complaint before the Department of
(D) To take such testimony of the Justice against the officers and accountant of petitioner
person concerned, under oath, as may be for violation of the provisions of "The National Internal
relevant or material to such inquiry Revenue Code of 1977, as amended, covering the
taxable year 1995." During the preliminary hearing,
The determination of probable cause is part of the Fitness by Design’s former bookkeeper attested that a
discretion granted to the investigating prosecutor and former colleague – certified public accountant Leonardo
ultimately, the Secretary of Justice. However, this Court Sablan (Sablan) – illegally took custody of petitioner’s
and the CA possess the power to review findings of accounting records, invoices, and official receipts and
prosecutors in preliminary investigations. Although turned them over to the BIR.
policy considerations call for the widest latitude of
deference to the prosecutor’s findings, courts should Fitness subpoenaed Sablan for the hearing before the
never shirk from exercising their power, when the CTA but he failed to appear. Fitness submitted written
circumstances warrant, to determine whether the interrogatories addressed to Sablan but was denied by
prosecutor’s findings are supported by the facts, or by the CTA as it sought that such testimony, documents,
the law. In so doing, courts do not act as prosecutors but and admissions sought are not relevant and it violates
as organs of the judiciary, exercising their mandate Section 2 of Republic Act No. 2338 proscribing the
under the Constitution, relevant statutes, and remedial revelation of identities of informers of violations of
rules to settle cases and controversies. Clearly, the power internal revenue laws.
of the Secretary of Justice to review does not preclude
this Court and the CA from intervening and exercising ISSUE: Whether or not the BIR can obtain information
our own powers of review with respect to the DOJs without the consent of Fitness by Design? 
findings, such as in the exceptional case in which grave
abuse of discretion is committed, as when a clear RULING: Yes. The questioned resolutions were not
sufficiency or insufficiency of evidence to support a tainted by arbitrariness.
finding of probable cause is ignored.
The law allows the BIR access to all relevant or material
records and data in the person of the taxpayer (pursuant
b. Fitness by Design v. CIR, G.R. No. to Section 5 of the Tax Code), and the BIR can accept
177982, 17 October 2008 documents which cannot be admitted in a judicial
proceeding where the Rules of Court are strictly
FITNESS BY DESIGN V. CIR observed. To require the consent of the taxpayer would
G.R. NO. 177982, 17 OCTOBER 2008 defeat the intent of the law to help the BIR assess and
CARPIO MORALES, J collect the correct amount of taxes.

FACTS: On March 17, 2004, the Commissioner on A CTA Case is not a criminal prosecution where
Internal Revenue (respondent) assessed Fitness by petitioner can cross examine the witness against him and
Design, Inc. (petitioner) for deficiency income taxes for to have compulsory process issued to secure the
the tax year 1995 in the total amount of ₱10,647,529.69. attendance of witnesses and the production of other
Petitioner protested the assessment on the ground that it evidence in his behalf does not lie. Petition is
was issued beyond the three-year prescriptive. On DISMISSED. 
Internal Revenue, is deemed final and executory and
subject to an appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals or not.
RULING: YES. A demand letter for payment of
4. Power of the Commissioner to Make delinquent taxes may be considered a decision on a
Assessments and Prescribe Additional disputed or protested assessment. The determination on
Requirements for Tax Administration and whether or not a demand letter is final is conditioned
Enforcement (Section 6) upon the language used or the tenor of the letter being
a. Revenue Memorandum Circular No. sent to the taxpayer.
23-2000 We laid down the rule that the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue should always indicate to the taxpayer in clear
and unequivocal language what constitutes his final
determination of the disputed assessment, thus:
. . . we deem it appropriate to state that the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue should
b. Oceanic Wireless Network, Inc. v. always indicate to the taxpayer in clear and
CIR, G.R. No. 148380, 9 December unequivocal language whenever his action on an
2005 assessment questioned by a taxpayer constitutes
his final determination on the disputed
OCEANIC WIRELESS NETWORK, INC. V. CIR assessment, as contemplated by Sections 7 and
G.R. NO. 148380, 9 DECEMBER 2005 11 of Republic Act No. 1125, as amended. On
AZCUNA, J the basis of his statement indubitably showing
FACTS: Petitioner received from the Bureau of Internal that the Commissioner’s communicated action is
Revenue (BIR) deficiency tax assessments for the his final decision on the contested assessment,
taxable year 1984. Petitioner filed a protest against the the aggrieved taxpayer would then be able to
tax assessments and requested a reconsideration or its take recourse to the tax court at the opportune
cancellation in a letter to the BIR Commissioner dated time. Without needless difficulty, the taxpayer
April 12, 1988. Acting in behalf of the BIR would be able to determine when his right to
Commissioner, the then Chief of the BIR Accounts appeal to the tax court accrues.
Receivable and Billing Division, Mr. Severino B. Buot, The rule of conduct would also obviate all desire and
reiterated the tax assessments while denying petitioner's opportunity on the part of the taxpayer to continually
request for reinvestigation. He likewise demanded the delay the finality of the assessment – and, consequently,
petitioner to pay the total amount of P8, 644,998.71 the collection of the amount demanded as taxes – by
within ten (10) days from receipt thereof, otherwise the repeated requests for recomputation and reconsideration.
case shall be referred to the Collection Enforcement On the part of the Commissioner, this would encourage
Division of the BIR National Office for the issuance of a his office to conduct a careful and thorough study of
warrant of distraint and Levy without further notice. every questioned assessment and render a correct and
Upon petitioner’s failure to pay the subject tax definite decision thereon in the first instance. This would
assessments within the prescribed period, the Assistant also deter the Commissioner from unfairly making the
Commissioner for Collection, acting for the taxpayer grope in the dark and speculate as to which
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, issued the action constitutes the decision appealable to the tax
corresponding warrants of distraint and/or levy and court. Of greater import, this rule of conduct would meet
garnishment. These were served on petitioner on a pressing need for fair play, regularity, and orderliness
October 10, 1991 and October 17, 1991, respectively. in administrative action.
Petitioner filed a Petition for Review with the Court of In this case, the letter of demand dated January 24, 1991,
Tax Appeals (CTA) to contest the issuance of the unquestionably constitutes the final action taken by the
warrants to enforce the collection of the tax assessments. Bureau of Internal Revenue on petitioner’s request for
The CTA dismissed the petition for lack of jurisdiction reconsideration when it reiterated the tax deficiency
in a decision dated September 16, 1994, declaring that assessments due from petitioner, and requested its
said petition was filed beyond the thirty (30)-day period payment. Failure to do so would result in the "issuance
reckoned from the time when the demand letter of of a warrant of distraint and levy to enforce its collection
January 24, 1991 by the Chief of the BIR Accounts without further notice. “In addition, the letter contained a
Receivable and Billing Division was presumably notation indicating that petitioner’s request for
received. reconsideration had been denied for lack of supporting
ISSUE: Whether the demand letter for tax deficiency documents.
assessments issued and signed by a subordinate officer
who was acting in behalf of the Commissioner of
The above conclusion finds support in Commissioner of powers vested in him under the pertinent provisions of
Internal Revenue v. Ayala Securities Corporation, where the Code to any subordinate official with the rank
we held: equivalent to a division chief or higher, except the
The letter of February 18, 1963 (Exh. G), in the following:
view of the Court, is tantamount to a denial of (a) The power to recommend the promulgation
the reconsideration or [respondent corporation’s] of rules and regulations by the Secretary of
…protest o[f] the assessment made by the Finance;
petitioner, considering that the said letter [was] (b) The power to issue rulings of first impression
in itself a reiteration of the demand by the or to reverse, revoke or modify any existing
Bureau of Internal Revenue for the settlement of ruling of the Bureau;
the assessment already made, and for the (c) The power to compromise or abate under
immediate payment of the sum of P758,687.04 Section 204(A) and (B) of this Code, any tax
in spite of the vehement protest of the deficiency: Provided, however, that assessments
respondent corporation on April 21, 1961. This issued by the Regional Offices involving basic
certainly is a clear indication of the firm stand of deficiency taxes of five hundred thousand pesos
petitioner against the reconsideration of the (P500,000) or less, and minor criminal
disputed assessment…This being so, the said violations as may be determined by rules and
letter amount[ed] to a decision on a disputed or regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary
protested assessment, and, there, the court a quo of Finance, upon the recommendation of the
did not err in taking cognizance of this case. Commissioner, discovered by regional and
Similarly, in Surigao Electric Co., Inc v. Court of Tax district officials, may be compromised by a
Appeals, and in CIR v. Union Shipping Corporation, we
regional evaluation board which shall be
held: composed of the Regional Director as Chairman,
". . . In this letter, the commissioner not only in the Assistant Regional Director, heads of the
effect demanded that the petitioner pay the Legal, Assessment and Collection Divisions and
amount of ₱11,533.53 but also gave warning the Revenue District Officer having jurisdiction
that in the event it failed to pay, the said over the taxpayer, as members; and
commissioner would be constrained to enforce (d) The power to assign or reassign internal
the collection thereof by means of the remedies revenue officers to establishments where articles
provided by law. The tenor of the letter, subject to excise tax are produced or kept.
specifically the statement regarding the resort to It is clear from the above provision that the act of
legal remedies, unmistakably indicate[d] the issuance of the demand letter by the Chief of the
final nature of the determination made by the Accounts Receivable and Billing Division does not fall
commissioner of the petitioner’s deficiency under any of the exceptions that have been mentioned as
franchise tax liability." non-delegable.
The demand letter received by petitioner verily signified Section 6 of the Code further provides:
a character of finality. Therefore, it was tantamount to a "SEC. 6. Power of the Commissioner to Make
rejection of the request for reconsideration. As correctly Assessments and Prescribe Additional Requirements for
held by the Court of Tax Appeals, "while the denial of Tax Administration and Enforcement. –
the protest was in the form of a demand letter, the (A) Examination of Returns and Determination
notation in the said letter making reference to the protest of Tax Due. - After a return has been filed as
filed by petitioner clearly shows the intention of the required under the provisions of this Code,
respondent to make it as [his] final decision." the Commissioner or his duly authorized
This now brings us to the crux of the matter as to representative may authorize the examination
whether said demand letter indeed attained finality of any taxpayer and the assessment of the
despite the fact that it was issued and signed by the correct amount of tax; Provided, however, That
Chief of the Accounts Receivable and Billing Division failure to file a return shall not prevent the
instead of the BIR Commissioner. Commissioner from authorizing the examination
The general rule is that the Commissioner of Internal of any taxpayer.
Revenue may delegate any power vested upon him by The tax or any deficiency tax so assessed shall be paid
law to Division Chiefs or to officials of higher rank. He upon notice and demand from the Commissioner or
cannot, however, delegate the four powers granted to from his duly authorized
him under the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) representative. . .." (Emphasis supplied)
enumerated in Section 7. Thus, the authority to make tax assessments may be
As amended by Republic Act No. 8424, Section 7 of the delegated to subordinate officers. Said assessment has
Code authorizes the BIR Commissioner to delegate the the same force and effect as that issued by the
Commissioner himself, if not reviewed or revised by the DEL CASTILLO, J
latter such as in this case.
A request for reconsideration must be made within thirty FACTS: Kudos Metal Corp’s records were reviewed
(30) days from the taxpayer’s receipt of the tax and audited after it failed to comply with the three
deficiency assessment, otherwise, the decision becomes Notices of Presentation of Records served by the BIR. 
final, unappealable and therefore, demandable. A tax Kudos Metal Corp.’s accountant, Nelia Pasco executed a
assessment that has become final, executory and Waiver of the Defense of Prescription on December 10,
enforceable for failure of the taxpayer to assail the same 2001 which was notarized on January 22, 2002. It was
as provided in Section 228 can no longer be contested, received by the BIR Enforcement Service on January 31,
thus: 2002 and by the BIR Tax Fraud Division on February 4,
"SEC. 228. Protesting of Assessment. – When 2002, and accepted by the Assistant Commissioner of
the Commissioner or his duly authorized the Enforcement Service, Percival T. Salazar.
representative finds that proper taxes should be A second Waiver of Defense of Prescription was again
assessed, he shall first notify the taxpayer of his executed by Pasco on February 18, 2003, notarized on
findings…Such assessment may be protested February 19, 2003, received by the BIR Tax Fraud
administratively by filing a request for Division on February 28, 2003 and accepted by
reconsideration or reinvestigation within thirty Assistant Commissioner Salazar.
(30) days from receipt of the assessment in such
form and manner as may be prescribed by The BIR issued a Preliminary Assessment Notice for the
implementing rules and regulations. Within sixty taxable year 1998 against the Kudos Metal Corp. This
(60) days from filing of the protest, all relevant was followed by a Formal Letter of Demand with
supporting documents shall have been Assessment Notices for taxable year 1998, dated
submitted; otherwise, the assessment shall September 26, 2003 which was received by respondent
become final. on November 12, 2003.
If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is not acted
upon within one hundred (180) days from submission of ISSUE: Whether the Assistant Commissioner of the
documents, the taxpayer adversely affected by the Enforcement Service is authorized to sign a Waiver of
decision or inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax the Defense of Presentation. 
Appeals within thirty (30) days from receipt of the said Note: This issue was not raised to the Supreme Court
decision, or from the lapse of the one hundred eighty but was decided upon by the CTA, En Banc. 
(180) - day period; otherwise, the decision shall become
final, executory and demandable."
Here, petitioner failed to avail of its right to bring the RULING: Yes, the Assistant Commissioner of the
matter before the Court of Tax Appeals within the Enforcement Service is authorized to sign the
reglementary period upon the receipt of the demand waiver. 
letter reiterating the assessed delinquent taxes and
denying its request for reconsideration which constituted The CTA found that the Assistant Commissioner of
the final determination by the Bureau of Internal the Enforcement Service is authorized to sign the
Revenue on petitioner’s protest. Being a final disposition
waiver pursuant to RDAO No. 05-01, which
by said agency, the same would have been a proper
subject for appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals. provides in part as follows:
The rule is that for the Court of Tax Appeals to acquire
jurisdiction, an assessment must first be disputed by the A. For National Office cases:
taxpayer and ruled upon by the Commissioner of Designated Revenue Official
Internal Revenue to warrant a decision from which a 1. Assistant Commissioner (ACIR), For tax
petition for review may be taken to the Court of Tax fraud and policy Enforcement Service cases
Appeals. Where an adverse ruling has been rendered by 2. ACIR, Large Taxpayers Service For large
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue with reference to taxpayers’ cases other than those cases
a disputed assessment or a claim for refund or credit, the falling under Subsection B hereof
taxpayer may appeal the same within thirty (30) days 3. ACIR, Legal Service For cases pending
after receipt thereof verification and awaiting resolution of
c. CIR v. Kudos Metal Corp., G.R. No. certain legal issues prior to prescription and
178087, 5 May 2010 for issuance/compliance of Subpoena Duces
CIR V. KUDOS METAL CORP. 4. ACIR, Assessment Service (AS) For
G.R. NO. 178087, 5 MAY 2010 cases which are pending in or subject to
review or approval by the ACIR, AS
Based on the foregoing, the Assistant Commissioner, the same has to be done upon consultation with
Enforcement Service is authorized to sign waivers in tax competent appraisers both from the public and private
fraud cases. A perusal of the records reveals that the sectors. Petitioner’s act of re-classifying the subject
investigation of the subject deficiency taxes in this case properties from residential to commercial cannot be
was conducted by the National Investigation Division of done without first complying with the procedures
the BIR, which was formerly named the Tax Fraud prescribed by law.
Division. Thus, the subject assessment is a tax fraud
case. 2.) No. 
As observed by the CTA en banc, that the “Revised
Zonal Values of Real Properties” was drafted by
d. Republic v. Aquafresh Seafoods, petitioner, with representatives from both public and
Inc., G.R. No. 170389, 20 October private sectors, duly satisfied the requirement of the law
2010 for its validity. It indicates the zonal values and
classified the properties in Barrio Banica as residential.
REPUBLIC V. AQUAFRESH SEAFOODS, INC. Hence, it is proper application. 
G.R. NO. 170389, 20 OCTOBER 2010 As regards the contention of petitioner that the act of
PERALTA, J classifying the subject properties was in accordance with
FACTS: Aquafresh Seafoods Inc. sold to Philips the section 1(b) and 2 Zonal Value Guidelines, the Court
Seafoods, Inc. two parcels of land, including ruled that it was not applicable in the instant case.
improvements thereon, for Php 3,100, 000.00. Aquafresh Section 1(b) does not apply because said proviso
paid Php 186,000.00, representing the Capital Gains Tax operates only when no zonal valuation has been
(CGT) and Php 46,500.00, representing the prescribed and section 2 shall apply only when the real
Documentary Stamp Tax (DST) due from the said sale.  property is located in an area or zone where the
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) received a report properties are not yet classified and their respective
that the lots sold were undervalued for taxation zonal valuation are not yet determined. 
purposes. After an investigation, BIR concluded that the 5. Authority of the Commissioner to
subject properties were commercial with a zonal value of Delegate Power (Section 7)
Php 2,000.00 per square meter. BIR assessed Aquafresh
of CGT and DST defencies in the sum of Php The Commissioner may delegate the
1,372,171.46 and Php 356,267.62, respectively.  powers vested in him under the
pertinent provisions of this Code to
Aquafresh protested the assessments. Aquafresh's argued any or such subordinate officials with
that the subject properties were located in Barrio Banica, the rank equivalent to a division chief
Roxas, where the pre-defined zonal value was Php or higher, subject to such limitations
650.00 per square meter based on the “Revised Zonal
and restrictions as may be imposed
Values of Real Properties in the City of Roxas”.
Aquafresh argued that since there was already a pre-
under rules and regulations to be
defined zonal value for properties located in Barrio promulgated by the Secretary of
Banica, the BIR officials had no business re-classifying Finance, upon recommendation of the
the subject properties to commercial. The CTA ruled in Commissioner: Provided, however,
favor of respondent. Hence, the petitioner filed the That the following powers of the
instant petition.  Commissioner shall not be delegated:
1.) Whether the requirement of consultation with (a) The power to recommend
competent appraisers both from private and public the promulgation of rules and
sectors in determining the fair market value of the regulations by the Secretary of
subject lots were applicable in the instant case. Finance;
2.) Whether the CTA erred in applying the fair market  
value based on the zonal valuation of residential land as (b) The power to issue rulings
tax base for computation of the deficiencies. of first impression or to
RULING:  reverse, revoke or modify any
1.) Yes.  existing ruling of the Bureau;
While the Commission of Internal Revenue has the  
authority to prescribe real property values and divide the (c) The power to compromise
Philippine into zones as provided under Section 6(E) of or abate, under Sec. 204 (A)
the National Internal Revenue Code, the law is clear that and (B) of this Code, any tax
liability: Provided, however, and apparatus used in administering the
That assessments issued by the laws falling within the jurisdiction of the
regional offices involving Bureau. For this purpose, internal
basic deficiency taxes of Five revenue stamps, or other markings and
hundred thousand pesos labels shall be caused by the
(P500,000) or less, and minor Commissioner to be printed with
criminal violations, as may be adequate security features.
determined by rules and Internal revenue stamps, whether of a
regulations to be promulgated bar code or fuson design, or other
by the Secretary of finance, markings shall be firmly and
upon recommendation of the conspicuously affixed or printed on each
Commissioner, discovered by pack of cigars and cigarettes and bottles
regional and district officials, of distilled spirits subject to excise tax in
may be compromised by a the manner and form as prescribed by
regional evaluation board the Commissioner, upon approval of the
which shall be composed of Secretary of Finance.
the Regional Director as  
Chairman, the Assistant To further improve tax administration,
Regional Director, the heads of cigarette and alcohol manufacturers
the Legal, Assessment and shall be required to install automated
Collection Divisions and the volume-counters of packs and bottles to
Revenue District Officer deter over-removals and misdeclaration
having jurisdiction over the of removals.
taxpayer, as members; and  
  (B) Receipts for Payment Mode. - It
(d) The power to assign or shall be the duty of the Commissioner or
reassign internal revenue his duly authorized representative or an
officers to establishments authorized agent bank to whom any
where articles subject to excise payment of any tax is made under the
tax are produced or kept. provisions of this Code to acknowledge
the payment of such tax, expressing the
amount paid and the particular account
for which such payment was made in a
6. Duty of the Commissioner to Ensure the form and manner prescribed therefor by
Provision and Distribution of Forms, Receipts, the Commissioner.
Certificates, and Appliances, and the  
Acknowledgment of Payment of Taxes (Section II. PRESCRIPTIVE PERIODS

(A) Provision and Distribution to

A. Imprescriptibility of taxes
Proper-Officials. - Any law to the
contrary notwithstanding, it shall be the
1. Section 222
duty of the Commissioner, among other
things, to prescribe, provide, and
Exceptions as to Period of Limitation
distribute to the proper officials the
of Assessment and Collection of
requisite licenses; internal revenue
stamps; unique, secure and non-
removable identification markings  
(hereafter called unique identification (a) In the case of a false or fraudulent
markings), such as codes or stamps, be return with intent to evade tax or of
affixed to or form part of all unit packets failure to file a return, the tax may be
and packages and any outside packaging assessed, or a proceeding in court for the
of cigarettes and bottles of distilled collection of such tax may be filed
spirits; labels and other forms; without assessment, at any time within
certificates; bonds; records; invoices; ten (10) years after the discovery of the
books; receipts; instruments; appliances falsity, fraud or omission: Provided,
That in a fraud assessment which has
become final and executory, the fact of years from the date of final payment
fraud shall be judicially taken of duties and taxes, or upon
cognizance of in the civil or criminal completion of the post clearance
action for the collection thereof. audit.
(b) If before the expiration of the time
prescribed in Section 203 for the 3. Section 194, LGC
assessment of the tax, both the
Commissioner and the taxpayer have Periods of Assessment and Collection. -
agreed in writing to its assessment after (a) Local taxes, fees, or charges
such time, the tax may be assessed shall be assessed within five (5)
within the period agreed upon. The years from the date they became
period so agreed upon may be extended due. No action for the collection
by subsequent written agreement made of such taxes, fees, or charges,
before the expiration of the period whether administrative or
previously agreed upon. judicial, shall be instituted after
  the expiration of such period:
(c) Any internal revenue tax which has Provided, That. taxes, fees or
been assessed within the period of charges which have accrued
limitation as prescribed in paragraph (a) before the effectivity of this
hereof may be collected by distraint or Code may be assessed within a
levy or by a proceeding in court within period of three (3) years from
five (5) years following the assessment the date they became due.
of the tax. (b) In case of fraud or intent to
  evade the payment of taxes,
(d) Any internal revenue tax, which has fees, or charges, the same may
been assessed within the period agreed be assessed within ten (10)
upon as provided in paragraph (b) years from discovery of the
hereinabove, may be collected by fraud or intent to evade
distraint or levy or by a proceeding in payment.
court within the period agreed upon in (c) Local taxes, fees, or charges
writing before the expiration of the five may be collected within five (5)
(5) -year period. The period so agreed years from the date of
upon may be extended by subsequent assessment by administrative or
written agreements made before the judicial action. No such action
expiration of the period previously shall be instituted after the
agreed upon. expiration of said period:
  Provided, however, That, taxes,
(e) Provided, however, that nothing in fees or charges assessed before
the immediately preceding and the effectivity of this Code may
paragraph (a) hereof shall be construed be collected within a period of
to authorize the examination and three (3) years from the date of
investigation or inquiry into any tax assessment.
return filed in accordance with the (d) The running of the periods
provisions of any tax amnesty law or of prescription provided in the
decree. preceding paragraphs shall be
suspended for the time during

2. Section 430, RA No. 10863 (1) The treasurer is

legally prevented from
Sec. 430. Period of Limitation. – In the making the assessment
absence of fraud and when the goods of collection;
have been finally assessed and (2) The taxpayer
released, the assessment shall be requests for a
conclusive upon all parties three (3) reinvestigation and
executes a waiver in for collection, in respect of any
writing before deficiency, shall be suspended for the
expiration of the period period during which the Commissioner
within which to assess is prohibited from making the
or collect; and assessment or beginning distraint or levy
(3) The taxpayer is out or a proceeding in court and for sixty
of the country or (60) days thereafter; when the taxpayer
otherwise cannot be requests for a reinvestigation which is
located. granted by the Commissioner; when the
taxpayer cannot be located in the address
given by him in the return filed upon
4. Section 270, LGC which a tax is being assessed or
collected: Provided, that, if the taxpayer
Periods Within Which To Collect Real informs the Commissioner of any
Property Taxes. - The basic real change in address, the running of the
property tax and any other tax levied Statute of Limitations will not be
under this Title shall be collected within suspended; when the warrant of distraint
five (5) years from the date they become or levy is duly served upon the taxpayer,
due. No action for the collection of the his authorized representative, or a
tax, whether administrative or judicial, member of his household with sufficient
shall be instituted after the expiration of discretion, and no property could be
such period. In case of fraud or intent to located; and when the taxpayer is out of
evade payment of the tax, such action the Philippines.
may be instituted for the collection of
the same within ten (10) years from the
discovery of such fraud or intent to 1. Fraud v. Fraudulent Return
evade payment.
The period of prescription within which
to collect shall be suspended for the time 2. See Section 248(B)
during which:  
(B) In case of willful neglect to
(1) The local treasurer is legally file the return within the period
prevented from collecting the prescribed by this Code or by
tax; rules and regulations, or in case
(2) The owner of the property or a false or fraudulent return is
the person having legal interest willfully made, the penalty to be
therein requests for imposed shall be fifty percent
reinvestigation and executes a (50%) of the tax or of the
waiver in writing before the deficiency tax, in case, any
expiration of the period within payment has been made on the
which to collect; and basis of such return before the
(3) The owner of the property or discovery of the falsity or fraud:
the person having legal interest Provided, That a substantial
therein is out of the country or under-declaration of taxable
otherwise cannot be located. sales, receipts or income, or a
substantial overstatement of
deductions, as determined by the
Commissioner pursuant to the
B. Sections 203, 222, 223 rules and regulations to be
promulgated by the Secretary of
SEC. 223. Suspension of Running of Finance, shall constitute prima
Statute of Limitations. - The running of facie evidence of a false or
the Statute of Limitations provided in fraudulent return: Provided,
Sections 203 and 222 on the making of further, That failure to report
assessment and the beginning of sales, receipts or income in an
distraint or levy a proceeding in court amount exceeding thirty percent
(30%) of that declared per b. CIR v. Goodrich, Phils., 104171,
return, and a claim of deductions 24 February 1999
in an amount exceeding (30%)
of actual deductions, shall render COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V.
the taxpayer liable for B.F. GOODRICH PHILS., INC. (NOW SIME
substantial under-declaration of DARBY INTERNATIONAL TIRE CO., INC.) AND
sales, receipts or income or for THE COURT OF APPEALS
overstatement of deductions, as G.R. NO. 104171 FEBRUARY 24, 1999
mentioned herein. PANGANIBAN, J.
3. Cases:  
a. Talento v. Escalada 556 SCRA FACTS: The facts undisputed.  Private Respondent BF
491 (2008) Goodrich Phils., Inc. (now Sime Darby International
Tire Co, Inc.), was an American-owned and controlled
EMERLINDA S. TALENTO, IN HER CAPACITY corporation previous to July 3, 1974. As a condition for
AS THE PROVINCIAL TREASURER OF THE approving the manufacture by private respondent of tires
PROVINCE OF BATAAN V. HON. REMIGIO M. and other rubber products, the Central Bank of the
ESCALADA, JR., PRESIDING JUDGE OF THE Philippines required that it should develop a rubber
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF BATAAN, plantation. In compliance with this requirement, private
BRANCH 3, AND PETRON CORPORATION respondent purchased from the Philippine government in
G.R. NO. 180884 (JUNE 27, 2008) 1961, under the Public Land Act and the Parity
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J. Amendment to the 1935 Constitution, certain parcels of
land located in Tumajubong, Basilan, and there
FACTS: Petron received from the Provincial Assessor’s developed a rubber plantation.
Office of Bataan a notice of revised assessment over its
machineries and pieces of equipment. Based on said More than a decade later, on August 2, 1973, the justice
revised assessment, Provincial Treasurer of Bataan secretary rendered an opinion stating that, upon the
issued a notice informing Petron that it has a deficiency expiration of the Parity Amendment on July 3, 1974, the
real property tax due. Petron was given 60 days within ownership rights of Americans over public agricultural
which to file an appeal with the Local Board of lands, including the right to dispose or sell their real
Assessment Appeals (LBAA). Petron filed a petition estate, would be lost. On the basis of this Opinion,
with the LBAA contesting the revised assessment. It also private respondent sold to Siltown Realty Philippines,
sent a letter to Provincial Treasurer stating that in view Inc. on January 21, 1974, its Basilan landholding for
of the pendency of its appeal with the LBAA, any action P500,000 payable in installments. In accord with the
on the subject properties would be premature. But Petron terms of the sale, Siltown Realty Philippines, Inc. leased
received a notice of sale of its properties from the the said parcels of land to private respondent for a period
Provincial Treasurer. Petron filed with the RTC for of 25 years, with an extension of another 25 years at the
prohibition with prayer for TRO and preliminary latter's option.
injunction. RTC ruled in favor of Petron. The Provincial
Treasurer received the order of the RTC on November 6, Based on the BIR's Letter of Authority No. 10115 dated
2007. Hence, it had only up to November 21, 2007 to April 14, 1975, the books and accounts of private
file a petition for review. However, the petition was filed respondent were examined for the purpose of
to the Supreme Court only on January 4, 2008, or 43 determining its tax liability for taxable year 1974. The
days late. examination resulted in the April 23, 1975 assessment of
private respondent for deficiency income tax in the
ISSUE: Whether the action of the Provincial Assessor’s amount of P6,005.35, which it duly paid.
Office against Petron already prescribed.
Subsequently, the BIR also issued Letters of Authority
RULING: Yes. Nos. 074420 RR and 074421 RR and Memorandum
Authority Reference No. 749157 for the purpose of
The Provincial Treasurer’s failure to file an appeal examining Siltown's business, income and tax liabilities.
within the reglementary period rendered the order of the On the basis of this examination, the BIR commissioner
trial court final and executory, justifying the dismissal of issued against private respondent on October 10, 1980,
the Provincial Treasurer’s petition. an assessment for deficiency in donor's tax in the amount
of P1,020,850, in relation to the previously mentioned
sale of its Basilan landholdings to Siltown. Apparently,
the BIR deemed the consideration for the sale
insufficient, and the difference between the fair market collection of taxes. Thus, the law on prescription, being
value and the actual purchase price a taxable donation. a remedial measure, should be liberally construed in
order to afford such protection.  As a corollary, the
In a letter dated November 24, 1980, private respondent exceptions to the law on prescription should perforce be
contested this assessment. On April 9, 1981, it received strictly construed.
another assessment dated March 16, 1981, which
increased to P 1,092,949 the amount demanded for the Ineludibly, the BIR failed to show that private
alleged deficiency donor's tax, surcharge, interest and respondent's 1974 return was filed fraudulently with
compromise penalty. intent to evade the payment of the correct amount of
Private respondent appealed the correctness and the tax.  Moreover, even though a donor's tax, which is
legality of these last two assessments to the CTA. The defined as "a tax on the privilege of transmitting one's
CTA modified the decision of the CIR and ordered property or property rights to another or others without
petitioner to pay the amount of P1,311,179.01 plus 10% adequate and full valuable consideration," is different
surcharge and 20% annual interest from March 16, 1981 from capital gains tax, a tax on the gain from the sale of
until fully paid. the taxpayer's property forming part of capital assets, 
the tax return filed by private respondent to report its
Undaunted, private respondent elevated the matter to the income for the year 1974 was sufficient compliance with
Court of Appeals, which reversed the CTA. the legal requirement to file a return. In other words, the
fact that the sale transaction may have partly resulted in
Hence, this Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the a donation does not change the fact that private
Rules of Court.   respondent already reported its income for 1974 by filing
an income tax return.
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner's right to assess herein
deficiency donor's tax has indeed prescribed as ruled by Since the BIR failed to demonstrate clearly that private
public respondent Court of Appeals. respondent had filed a fraudulent return with the intent
to evade tax, or that it had failed to file a return at all, the
RULING: The petition has no merit. period for assessments has obviously prescribed. Such
Sec. 331 of the National Internal Revenue Code instances of negligence or oversight on the part of the
provides: BIR cannot prejudice taxpayers, considering that the
prescriptive period was precisely intended to give them
Sec. 331. Period of limitation upon peace of mind.
assessment and collection. — Except as
provided in the succeeding section,
internal-revenue taxes shall be assessed c. See Section 6(A)
within five years after the return was A. Examination of Return and
filed, and no proceeding in court without Determination of Tax Due. After a
assessment for the collection of such return has been filed as required
taxes shall be begun after expiration of under the provisions of this Code,
such period. For the purposes of this the Commissioner or his duly
section, a return filed before the last day authorized representative may
prescribed by law for the filing thereof authorize the examination of any
shall be considered as filed on such last taxpayer and the assessment of the
day: Provided, that this limitation shall correct amount of tax: Provided,
not apply to cases already investigated however, That failure to file a return
prior to the approval of this Code. shall not prevent the Commissioner
from authorizing the examination of
Applying this provision of law to the facts at hand, it is any taxpayer.
clear that the October 16, 1980 and the March 1981 The tax or any deficiency tax so
assessments were issued by the BIR beyond the five- assessed shall be paid upon notice and
year statute of limitations. The Court has thoroughly demand from the Commissioner or from
studied the records of this case and found no basis to his duly authorized representative.
disregard the five-year period of prescription.   
Any return, statement of declaration
For the purpose of safeguarding taxpayers from any filed in any office authorized to receive
unreasonable examination, investigation or assessment, the same shall not be withdrawn:
our tax law provides a statute of limitations in the Provided, That within three (3) years
from the date of such filing, the same assessment. However, when it validly issues an
may be modified, changed, or amended: assessment within the 3-year period, it has another 3
Provided, further, That no notice for years within which to collect the tax due by distraint,
audit or investigation of such return, levy, or court proceeding. The assessment of the tax is
statement or declaration has in the deemed made and the 3-year period for collection of the
meantime been actually served upon the assessed tax begins to run on the date the assessment
taxpayer. notice had been released, mailed or sent to the taxpayer.

The collection letter was issued by CIR in 2002, despite

that the Final Assessment Notices for the deficiency was
issued in 1996; clearly, 5 years had already lapsed,
d. CIR v. United Salvage and beyond the 3-year prescriptive period. Further, the
Towage, 729 SCRA 113 request for reinvestigation in 1997 was only acted upon
in 2001, also beyond the 3-year statute of limitations
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V. from 1996. Also, the assessment issued in 1994
UNITED SALVAGE AND TOWAGE (PHILS.), warranted that the collection be in 1997; however, the
INC. earliest attempt of the BIR to collect was made in 2003,
G.R. NO. 197515 (JULY 2, 2014) several years after the 3-year prescriptive period.

FACTS: USTP, a business engaged in sub-contracting e. BPI v. CIR, G.R. No. 139736, 17
work in petroleum operations, protested against the October 2005
Notices of Assessment issued by the CIR that demanded
the payment of deficiency withholding tax amounting to BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS V.
₱135,407.40. USTP won the case in the Supreme Court, COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE
and the case was remanded to the CTA-Special First G.R. NO. 139736 (OCTOBER 17, 2005)
During the pendency of the proceedings, USTP moved FACTS: On two separate occasions, particularly on 06
to withdraw their petition because it availed of the June 1985 and 14 June 1985, BPI sold United States
benefits of the Tax Amnesty Program under R.A. 9480. (US) $500,000.00 to the Central Bank of the Philippines
The CTA partially granted their motion, dismissing the (Central Bank), for the total sales amount of
aspects of the case other than that involving withholding US$1,000,000.00.
tax. They decided that the withholding taxes in 1994 and
1998 were void for not showing the law and facts on On 10 October 1989, the Bureau of Internal Revenue
which they were based, and those made in 1992 had (BIR) issued Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-
already lapsed pursuant to Section 203 of the Tax Code. 002054, finding petitioner BPI liable for deficiency DST
on its afore-mentioned sales of foreign bills of exchange
CIR avers that its right to collect the tax in 1992 has not to the Central Bank
yet prescribed because, while the final assessment and Petitioner BPI received the Assessment, together with
demand letter was issued in 1996, the 5-year prescriptive the attached Assessment Notice,   on 20 October
period to collect was interrupted when USTP filed its 1989.Petitioner BPI, through its counsel, protested the
request for reinvestigation in 1997 which was granted in Assessment in a letter dated 16 November 1989, and
2001. Thus, the period for tax collection should have filed with the BIR on 17 November 1989.
begun from the date of the modified assessment.
Petitioner BPI did not receive any immediate reply to its
ISSUE: Whether the right of CIR to collect the protest letter. However, on 15 October 1992, the BIR
withholding tax for 1992 has prescribed issued a Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy against
RULING: Yes. petitioner BPI for the assessed deficiency DST for
taxable year 1985, in the amount of P27,720.00
The statute of limitations on assessment and collection (excluding the compromise penalty of P300.00). It
of national internal revenue taxes was shortened from 5 served the Warrant on petitioner BPI only on 23 October
years to 3 years by virtue of B.P. 700. Thus, petitioner 1992.
has 3 years from the date of actual filing of the tax return
to assess a national internal revenue tax or to commence Then again, petitioner BPI did not hear from the BIR
court proceedings for the collection thereof without an until 11 September 1997, when its counsel received a
letter, dated 13 August 1997, signed by then BIR collection on 19 October 1992, the same was
Commissioner Liwayway Vinzons-Chato, denying its' served on petitioner BPI only on 23 October
'request for reconsideration. 1992.

BPI in its reply admitted that while industry practice or If the service of the Warrant of Distraint and/or
market convention has the force of law between the Levy on petitioner BPI on 23 October 1992 was
members of a particular industry, it is not binding with already beyond the prescriptive period for
the BIR since it is not a party thereto. The same should, collection of the deficiency DST, which had
therefore, not be allowed to prejudice the Bureau of its expired on 19 October 1992, then what more the
lawful task of collecting revenues necessary to defray letter of respondent BIR Commissioner, dated
the expenses of the government. (Art. 11 in relation to 13 August 1997 and received by the counsel of
Art. 1306 of the New Civil Code.) the petitioner BPI only on 11 September 1997,
denying the protest of petitioner BPI and
Upon receipt of the above-cited letter from the BIR, requesting payment of the deficiency DST?
petitioner BPI proceeded to file a Petition for Review
with the CTA on 10 October 1997. The Court also ruled that there is no valid
ground for the suspension of the running of the
BPI raised in its Petition for Review before the CTA, the prescriptive period for collection of the assessed
defense of prescription of the right of respondent BIR DST under the Tax Code of 1977, as amended.
Commissioner to enforce collection of the assessed The statute of limitations on assessment and
amount. It alleged that respondent BIR Commissioner collection of taxes is for the protection of the
only had three years to collect on Assessment No. FAS- taxpayer and, thus, shall be construed liberally
5-85-89-002054, but she waited for seven years and nine in his favor.
months to deny the protest. 
The indefinite extension of the period for
In her Answer and subsequent Memorandum, assessment is unreasonable because it deprives
respondent BIR Commissioner merely reiterated her the said taxpayer of the assurance that he will no
position, as stated in her letter to petitioner BPI, dated 13 longer be subjected to further investigation for
August 1997, which denied the latter's protest; and taxes after the expiration of a reasonable period
remained silent as to the expiration of the prescriptive of time. The statute of limitations on collection
period for collection of the assessed deficiency DST may only be interrupted or suspended by a valid
waiver executed in accordance with paragraph
ISSUE: Whether the right of respondent BIR (d) of Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as
Commissioner to collect from petitioner BPI the alleged amended, and the existence of the circumstances
deficiency DST for taxable year 1985 had prescribed.  enumerated in Section 224 of the same Code,
which include a request for reinvestigation
RULING: Yes.  granted by the BIR Commissioner.

The efforts of respondent Commissioner to collect on Applying the given rules to the present Petition, this
Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89 002054 were already Court finds that:
barred by prescription. The period for the BIR to assess
and collect an internal revenue tax is limited to three (a) The statute of limitations for collection of the
years by Section 203 of the Tax Code of 1977, as deficiency DST in Assessment No. FAS-5-85-
amended.  89-002054, issued against petitioner BPI, had
already expired; and
In the present Petition, there is no controversy (b) None of the conditions and requirements for
on the timeliness of the issuance of the exception from the statute of limitations on
Assessment, only on the prescription of the collection exists herein: Petitioner BPI did not
period to collect the deficiency DST following execute any waiver of the prescriptive period on
its Assessment. Counting the three-year collection as mandated by paragraph (c) of
prescriptive period, for a total of 1,095 Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as
days, from 20 October 1989, then the BIR only amended; the protest filed by petitioner BPI was
had until 19 October 1992 within which to a request for reconsideration, not a request for
collect the assessed deficiency DST. Although reinvestigation that was granted by respondent
the Warrant was issued on 15 October 1992, BIR Commissioner which could have suspended
previous to the expiration of the period for the prescriptive period for collection under
Section 224 of the Tax Code of 1977, as 2008, beyond the extended period of November 30,
amended; and, petitioner BPI, other than filing a 2008.
request for reconsideration of Assessment No.
FAS-5-85-89-002054, did not make repeated ISSUE: Whether or not the assessment of deficiency
requests or performed positive acts that could taxes against Transitions Optical for taxable year 2004
have persuaded the respondent BIR had prescribed.
Commissioner to delay collection, and that
would have prevented or estopped petitioner BPI RULING: Yes. 
from setting up the defense of prescription
against collection of the tax assessed, as required Transitions repeatedly failed to comply with CIR’s
in the Suyoc case. notices. Having benefitted from the Waivers executed at
its instance, Transitions is estopped from claiming that
they were invalid and that prescription had set in.

f. Commissioner of Internal But, even as respondent is estopped from questioning the

Revenue v. Transitions Optical validity of the Waivers, the assessment is nonetheless
Philippines, Inc., G.R. No. void because it was served beyond the supposedly
227544, 22 November 2017 extended period. Since the validity period of the second
Waiver is only until November 30, 2008, prescription
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V. had already set in at the time the FAN and the FLD were
TRANSITIONS OPTICAL PHILIPPINES, INC. actually mailed on December 4, 2008.
G.R. NO. 227544 NOVEMBER 22, 2017 g. Republic of The Philippines v.
LEONEN, J. GMCC United Development
Corporation, G.R. No. 191856, 07
FACTS: Transitions Optical received Letter of December 2016
Authority from the BIR to examine Transition Optical's
books of accounts for internal revenue tax purposes for REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES VS GMCC
taxable year 2004. On 2007, the parties executed a UNITED DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
Waiver of the Defense of Prescription. This was GR NO. 191856 (DECEMBER 7, 2016)
followed by another supposed Waiver of the Defense of LEONEN, J.
Prescription (Second Waiver), extending the prescriptive
period to November 30, 2008. FACTS: On March 28, 2003
 Bureau of Internal Revenue National
Thereafter, the CIR issued a PAN. Transitions Optical Investigation Division issued a Letter of
filed a written protest. Then the CIR issued against Authority, authorizing its revenue officers to
Transitions Optical a Final Assessment Notice (FAN) examine the books of accounts and other
and a Formal Letter of Demand (FLD) mailed on accounting records of GMCC United
December 2, 2008. Transitions Optical alleged that the Development Corporation (GMCC) covering
demand for deficiency taxes had already prescribed at taxable years 1998 and 1999.
the time the FAN was mailed on December 2, 2008. 
April 3, 2003 
The CTA division found the waivers to be defective and  GMCC was served a copy of said Letter of
void. Granting for the sake of argument that the subject Authority and was requested to present its books
Waivers were validly executed, the assessment must be of accounts and other accounting records.
cancelled for being issued beyond the prescriptive period GMCC failed to respond to the Letter of
provided by law to assess. The CTA en banc affirmed Authority as well as the subsequent letters
the division. requesting that its records and documents be
The CIR maintains that Transitions is estopped from  Due to GMCC's failure to act on the requests,
questioning the validity of the waivers since their the Assistant Commissioner of the Enforcement
execution was delayed by Transition’s own failure to Service of the Bureau of Internal Revenue issued
comply with the orders of the BIR to submit documents.  a Subpoena Duces Tecum on GMCC president,
Jose C. Go. When GMCC still failed to comply
On the other hand, even assuming that the waivers were with the Subpoena Duces Tecum, the revenue
valid, Transitions argues that the assessment would still officers were constrained to investigate GMCC
be void as the FAN was served only on December 4, through Third Party Information.
 The investigation revealed that in 1998, GMCC, h. CIR v. FMF Dev. Corp., 556
through Go, executed two dacion en pago SCRA 698
agreements to pay for the obligations of
failed to declare the income it earned from these FMF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
agreements for taxation purposes in 1998.  G.R. NO. 167765 JUNE 30, 2008
 It was also discovered that in 1999, GMCC sold QUISUMBING, J.
condominium units and parking slots for a total
amount of P5,350,000.00 to a Valencia K. FACTS: For taxable year 1995, the BIR sent FMF pre-
Wong.[15] However, GMCC did not declare the assessment notices, all dated October 6, 1998, informing
income it earned from these transactions in its it of its alleged tax liabilities. FMF filed a protest against
1999 Audited Financial Statements. these notices with the BIR and requested for a
  reconsideration/reinvestigation. The Revenue Officer
November 17, 2003 advised FMF of the informal conference set on February
 Bureau of Internal Revenue issued a Notice to 2, 1999 to allow it to present evidence to dispute the BIR
Taxpayer to GMCC, which GMCC ignored. assessments.
On December 8, 2003
 Bureau of Internal Revenue issued a Preliminary On February 9, 1999, FMF President executed a waiver
Assessment Notice. of the three-year prescriptive period for the BIR to
November 23, 2004 assess internal revenue taxes, hence extending the
 GMCC protested the issuance of the Final assessment period until October 31, 1999. The waiver
Assessment Notice citing that the period to was accepted and signed by RDO.
assess and collect the tax had already prescribed.
The Bureau of Internal Revenue denied the On October 18, 1999, FMF received amended pre-
protest in a Final Decision dated February 10, assessment notices dated October 6, 1999 from the BIR.
2005. FMF immediately filed a protest on November 3, 1999
October 7, 2005 but on the same day, it received BIR’s Demand Letter
 BIR filed with the Department of Justice a and Assessment Notice reflecting FMF’s alleged
criminal complaint for violation of Sections 254, deficiency taxes and accrued interests.
[21] 255, [22] and 267, [23] of the National
Internal Revenue Code against GMCC, its FMF invoked the defense of prescription by reason of
president, Jose C. Go, and its treasurer, Xu Xian the invalidity of the waiver. In its reply, the BIR insisted
Chun. The president countered that the that the waiver is valid because it was signed by the
complaint be dismissed because the action has RDO, a duly authorized representative of petitioner. It
already prescribed and GMCC did not defraud also ordered FMF to immediately settle its tax liabilities;
the Government. otherwise, judicial action will be taken. 
ISSUE: Is the applicable prescription period for the tax CTA granted the petition and cancelled the Assessment
assessment the 10-year period or the three (3) year Notice because it was already time-barred. The CTA
period? ruled that the waiver did not extend the three-year
prescriptive period within which the BIR can make a
RULING: The case falls under section 203 of the Tax valid assessment because it did not comply with the
Code. The three (3) year prescription period should be procedures laid down in Revenue Memorandum Order.
applied.  First, the waiver did not state the dates of execution and
acceptance of the waiver, by the taxpayer and the BIR,
In the case, the last day prescribed by law for filing its respectively; thus, it cannot be determined with certainty
1998 tax return was April 15, 1999. The petitioner had if the waiver was executed and accepted within the
three (3) years (2002) to make an assessment. The prescribed period. Second, the CTA also found that FMF
preliminary assessment was made only on December8, was not furnished a copy of the waiver signed by RDO.
2003 thus the period to assess the tax had already Third, the CTA pointed out that since the case involves
expired. an amount of more than P1 million, and the period to
For the 10-year period under section 222 (a) to apply, it assess is not yet about to prescribe, the waiver should
is not enough that the fraud is alleged in the complaint. It have been signed by the Commissioner of Internal
must be established by clear and convincing evidence. Revenue, and not a mere RDO. The CA affirmed the
ISSUE: Whether or not the period to assess had the defense of prescription under Section 223 of the
prescribed. NIRC of 1977 insofar as the assessment and collection
of any deficiency taxes for the year ended December 31,
RULING: Yes. 1989, but not after June 30, 1994. The Waiver was not
signed by petitioner or any of his authorized
The waiver in question here was defective and did not representatives and did not state the date of acceptance
validly extend the original three-year prescriptive period. as prescribed under Revenue Memorandum Order No.
Firstly, it was not proven that respondent was furnished 20-90. Respondent did not execute any other Waiver or
a copy of the BIR-accepted waiver. Secondly, the waiver similar document before or after the expiration of the
was signed only by a revenue district officer, when it November 16, 1993 Waiver on June 30, 1994. 
should have been signed by the Commissioner as
mandated by the NIRC.  On March 22, 2004, petitioner rendered a Decision
denying respondents request for reconsideration and
The Assessment Notice dated October 25, 1999, was ordering respondent to pay the deficiency income tax
issued beyond the three-year prescriptive period. The plus interest that may have accrued. 
waiver was incomplete and defective and thus, the three-
year prescriptive period was not tolled nor extended. On March 30, 2004, respondent received its copy of the
i. CIR vs. Stanley Works (Phils.) assailed Decision. Hence, on April 28, 2004, respondent
Incorporated, GR No. 187859, 3 filed before the Court in Division a Petition for Review. 
December 2014 The CTA First Division found that although the
assessment was made within the prescribed period, the
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V.  period within which petitioner may collect deficiency
THE STANLEY WORKS SALES (PHILS.), income taxes had already lapsed.
G.R. NO. 187589 (DECEMBER 3, 2014) The CTA Division ruled that the request for
SERENO, CJ reconsideration did not suspend the running of the
prescriptive period to collect deficiency income tax.
FACTS: On April 16, 1990, respondent filed with the There was no valid waiver of the statute of limitations,
BIR its Annual Income Tax Return for taxable year as the following infirmities were found: (1) there was no
1989.  conformity, either by respondent or his duly authorized
representative; (2) there was no date of acceptance to
On March 19, 1993, pursuant to Letter of Authority show that both parties had agreed on the Waiver before
dated July 3, 1992, the BIR issued against respondent a the expiration of the prescriptive period; and (3) there
Pre-Assessment Notice (PAN) No. 002523 for 1989 was no proof that respondent was furnished a copy of the
deficiency income tax.  Waiver. Applying jurisprudence and relevant BIR
rulings, the waiver was considered defective; thus, the
On March 29, 1993, respondent received its copy of the period for collection of deficiency income tax had
PAN.  already prescribed. 

On April 12, 1993, petitioner, through OTC Domingo C. The CTA En Banc affirmed the CTA First Division
Paz of Revenue Region No. 4B-2 of Makati, issued to Decision dated 6 May 2008 and Resolution dated 14
respondent Assessment Notice No. 002523-89-6014 for July 2008. The Waiver executed by respondent on 16
deficiency income tax for taxable year 1989. The Notice November 1993 could not be used by petitioner as a
was sent on April 15, 1993 and respondent received it on basis for extending the period of assessment and
April 21, 1993.  collection, as there was no evidence that the latter had
acted upon the waiver. Hence, the unilateral act of
respondent in executing said document did not produce
On May 19, 1993, respondent, through its external
any effect on the prescriptive period for the assessment
auditors Punongbayan & Araullo, filed a protest letter
and collection of its deficiency tax.
and requested reconsideration and cancellation of the
On November 16, 1993, a certain Mr. John Ang, on
behalf of respondent, executed a "Waiver of the Defense 1. Whether the petitioner's right to collect the deficiency
of Prescription Under the Statute of Limitations of the income tax of respondent for taxable year 1989 has
National Internal Revenue Code" (Waiver). Under the prescribed. 
terms of the Waiver, respondent waived its right to raise
2. Whether the respondent's repeated requests and who will always find an excuse to inspect the books of
positive acts constitute "estoppel" from setting up the taxpayers, not to determine the latter's real liability, but
defense of prescription under the NIRC. to take advantage of every opportunity to molest
peaceful, law-abiding citizens. Without such legal
RULING:  defense taxpayers would furthermore be under
1. Yes. The period to assess and collect deficiency taxes obligation to always keep their books and keep them
may be extended only upon a written agreement between open for inspection subject to harassment by
the CIR and the taxpayer prior to the expiration of the unscrupulous tax agents. The law on prescription being a
three-year prescribed period in accordance with Section remedial measure should be interpreted in a way
222 (b) of the NIRC. In relation to the implementation of conducive to bringing about the beneficient purpose of
this provision, the CIR issued Revenue Memorandum affording protection to the taxpayer within the
Order (RMO) No. 20-9010 on 4 April 1990 to provide contemplation of the Commission which recommends
guidelines on the proper execution of the Waiver of the the approval of the law. 
Statute of Limitations
2. No. The respondent is not barred from setting up the
The BIR cannot claim the benefits of extending the defense of prescription. 
period to collect the deficiency tax as a consequence of
the Waiver when, in truth it was the BIRs inaction which True, respondent filed a Protest and asked for a
is the proximate cause of the defects of the Waiver. The reconsideration and cancellation of the assessment on 19
BIR has the burden of ensuring compliance with the May 1993; however, it is uncontested that petitioner
requirements of RMO No. 20-90, as they have the failed to act on that Protest until 29 November 2001,
burden of securing the right of the government to assess when the latter required the submission of other
and collect tax deficiencies. This right would prescribe supporting documents. In fact, the Protest was denied
absent any showing of a valid extension of the period set only on 22 March 2004.
by the law.  
Petitioner’s reliance on CIR v. Suyoc (Suyoc) is likewise
To emphasize, the Waiver was not a unilateral act of the misplaced. In Suyoc, the BIR was induced to extend the
taxpayer; hence, the BIR must act on it, either by collection of tax through repeated requests for extension
conforming to or by disagreeing with the extension. A to pay and for reinvestigation, which were all denied by
waiver of the statute of limitations, whether on the Collector. Contrarily, herein respondent filed only
assessment or collection, should not be construed as a one Protest over the assessment, and petitioner denied it
waiver of the right to invoke the defense of prescription 10 years after. The subsequent letters of respondent
but, rather, an agreement between the taxpayer and the cannot be construed as inducements to extend the period
BIR to extend the period to a date certain, within which of limitation, since the letters were intended to urge
the latter could still assess or collect taxes due. The petitioner to act on the Protest, and not to persuade the
waiver does not imply that the taxpayer relinquishes the latter to delay the actual collection.
right to invoke prescription unequivocally.   
Even assuming arguendo that the Waiver executed by
Although we recognize that the power of taxation is respondent on 16 November 1993 is valid, the right of
deemed inherent in order to support the government, tax petitioner to collect the deficiency income tax for the
provisions are not all about raising revenue. Our year 1989 would have already prescribed by 2001 when
legislature has provided safeguards and remedies the latter first acted upon the protest, more so in 2004
beneficial to both the taxpayer, to protect against abuse; when it finally denied the reconsideration. Records show
and the government, to promptly act for the availability that the Waiver extends only for the period ending 30
and recovery of revenues. A statute of limitations on the June 1994, and that there were no further extensions or
assessment and collection of internal revenue taxes was waivers executed by respondent. Again, a waiver is not a
adopted to serve a purpose that would benefit both the unilateral act of the taxpayer or the BIR, but is a bilateral
taxpayer and the government. agreement between two parties to extend the period to a
date certain. 
The law prescribing a limitation of actions for the  
collection of the income tax is beneficial both to the Since the Waiver in this case is defective and therefore
Government and to its citizens; to the Government invalid, it produces no effect; thus, the prescriptive
because tax officers would be obliged to act promptly in period for collecting deficiency income tax for taxable
the making of assessment, and to citizens because after year 1989 was never suspended or tolled. Consequently,
the lapse of the period of prescription citizens would hav the right to enforce collection based on Assessment
ea feeling of security against unscrupulous tax agents Notice No. 002523-89-6014 has already prescribed.
Section 222 (b) of the NIRC provides that the period to
assess and collect taxes may only be extended upon a
j.See RMC 6-2005 for the format written agreement between the CIR and the taxpayer
of the Waiver executed before the expiration of the three-year period.
k. Revenue Memorandum Order No. 14-2016 RMO 20-90 issued on April 4, 1990 and RDAO 05-
l. Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 141-2019 01 issued on August 2, 2001 lay down the procedure for
m. CIR vs. Kudos Metal, GR No. 178087, 5 May the proper execution of the waiver, to wit:
1. The waiver must be in the proper form
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V. prescribed by RMO 20-90. The phrase "but not
KUDOS METAL CORPORATION after ______ 19 ___", which indicates the expiry
G.R. NO. 178087 (MAY 5, 2010) date of the period agreed upon to assess/collect
DEL CASTILLO, J. the tax after the regular three-year period of
prescription, should be filled up.
FACTS: Kudos Metal Corp’s records were reviewed 2. The waiver must be signed by the taxpayer
and audited after it failed to comply with the three himself or his duly authorized representative. In
Notices of Presentation of Records served by the BIR.  the case of a corporation, the waiver must be
signed by any of its responsible officials. In case
Kudos Metal Corp.’s accountant, Nelia Pasco executed a the authority is delegated by the taxpayer to a
Waiver of the Defense of Prescription on December 10, representative, such delegation should be in
2001 which was notarized on January 22, 2002. It was writing and duly notarized.
received by the BIR Enforcement Service on January 31, 3. The waiver should be duly notarized.
2002 and by the BIR Tax Fraud Division on February 4, 4. The CIR or the revenue official authorized by
2002, and accepted by the Assistant Commissioner of him must sign the waiver indicating that the BIR
the Enforcement Service, Percival T. Salazar. has accepted and agreed to the waiver. The date
of such acceptance by the BIR should be
A second Waiver of Defense of Prescription was again indicated. However, before signing the waiver,
executed by Pasco on February 18, 2003, notarized on the CIR or the revenue official authorized by
February 19, 2003, received by the BIR Tax Fraud him must make sure that the waiver is in the
Division on February 28, 2003 and accepted by prescribed form, duly notarized, and executed by
Assistant Commissioner Salazar. the taxpayer or his duly authorized
5. Both the date of execution by the taxpayer
The BIR issued a Preliminary Assessment Notice for the
and date of acceptance by the Bureau should be
taxable year 1998 against the Kudos Metal Corp. This
before the expiration of the period of
was followed by a Formal Letter of Demand with
prescription or before the lapse of the period
Assessment Notices for taxable year 1998, dated
agreed upon in case a subsequent agreement is
September 26, 2003 which was received by respondent
on November 12, 2003.
6. The waiver must be executed in three copies,
the original copy to be attached to the docket of
ISSUE: Whether BIR’s right to assess unpaid taxes of
the case, the second copy for the taxpayer and
Kudos Metal Corp prescribed.
the third copy for the Office accepting the
waiver. The fact of receipt by the taxpayer of
RULING: Yes. The Supreme Court found that BIR’s his/her file copy must be indicated in the
right to assess unpaid taxes of Kudos Metal Corp original copy to show that the taxpayer was
prescribed.  notified of the acceptance of the BIR and the
perfection of the agreement. 
Section 203 of the National Internal Revenue Code of  
1997 (NIRC) mandates the government to assess internal A perusal of the waivers executed by respondent’s
revenue taxes within three years from the last day accountant reveals the following infirmities:
prescribed by law for the filing of the tax return or the
actual date of filing of such return, whichever comes
1. The waivers were executed without the
later. Hence, an assessment notice issued after the three-
notarized written authority of Pasco to sign the
year prescriptive period is no longer valid and effective.
waiver in behalf of respondent.
Exceptions however are provided under Section 222 of
2. The waivers failed to indicate the date of
the NIRC.
3. The fact of receipt by the respondent of its file
copy was not indicated in the original copies of Under Article 1431 of the Civil Code, the doctrine of
the waivers. estoppel is anchored on the rule that "an admission or
  representation is rendered conclusive upon the person
Due to the defects in the waivers, the period to assess or making it, and cannot be denied or disproved as against
collect taxes was not extended. Consequently, the the person relying thereon." A party is precluded from
assessments were issued by the BIR beyond the three- denying his own acts, admissions or representations to
year period and are void the prejudice of the other party in order to prevent fraud
  and falsehood.
n. RCBC v. CIR, G.R. No. 170257,
7 September 2011 Estoppel is clearly applicable to the case at bench.
RCBC, through its partial payment of the revised
RCBC V. CIR assessments issued within the extended period as
G.R. NO. 170257 (SEPTEMBER 7, 2011) provided for in the questioned waivers, impliedly
MENDOZA, J admitted the validity of those waivers. Had petitioner
truly believed that the waivers were invalid and that the
FACTS: RCBC received a Letter of Authority on Aug. assessments were issued beyond the prescriptive period,
15 ,1996 for the examination of it’s books and records then it should not have paid the reduced amount of taxes
for all internal taxes for January 1,1994 to December 31, in the revised assessment. RCBC’s subsequent action
1995. effectively belies its insistence that the waivers are
invalid. The records show that on December 6, 2000,
On January 23, 1997, RCBC executed two Waivers of upon receipt of the revised assessment, RCBC
the Defense of Prescription Under the Statute of immediately made payment on the uncontested taxes.
Limitations of the National Internal Revenue Code Thus, RCBC is estopped from questioning the validity of
covering the internal revenue taxes due for the years the waivers. To hold otherwise and allow a party to
1994 and 1995, effectively extending the period of the gainsay its own act or deny rights which it had
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to assess up to previously recognized would run counter to the principle
December 31, 2000. of equity which this institution holds dear.

On January 27, 2000, RCBC received a formal letter of

demand with assessment notice for deficiency taxes of o. CIR v. Phoenix Assurance Inc., L-
around 4 billion pesos. RCBC disagreed with the 19727, 20 May 1965
assessment and filed a protest together with supporting
On December 6, 2000, RCBC received another Formal G.R. NO. L-19903 (MAY 20, 1965)
Letter of Demand with Assessment Notices for BENGZON, J.P., J.
deficiency taxes of around 300 million pesos, on the  
same day RCBC paid an amount of 15 million pesos. FACTS: Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd., a foreign
insurance corporation organized under the laws of Great
RCBC refused to pay the amount left and argued that the Britain, is licensed to do business in the Philippines with
waivers of the Statute of Limitations which it executed head office in London. Through its head office, it
on January 23, 1997 were not valid because the same entered in London into worldwide reinsurance treaties
were not signed or conformed to by the respondent CIR with various foreign insurance companies. It agreed to
as required under Section 222(b) of the Tax Code. cede a portion of premiums received on original
insurances underwritten by its head office, subsidiaries,
CIR on the other hand contends that RCBC is now and branch offices throughout the world, in
estopped from questioning the validity of the said consideration for assumption by the foreign insurance
waivers. companies of an equivalent portion of the liability from
such original insurances.
ISSUE: Whether RCBC is estopped from questioning  
the validity on the waivers of the defense of Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd. filed its income tax return
prescription? for 1952 on April 1, 1953 showing a loss of
P199,583.93. It amended said return on August 30, 1955
RULING: Yes. reporting a tax liability of P2,502.00. On July 24, 1958,
after examination of the amended return, the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue assessed deficiency
income tax in the sum of P5,667.00. The Court of Tax
Appeals found the right of the Commissioner of Internal p. BPI v. CIR, G.R. No. 139736, 17
Revenue barred by prescription, the same having been October 2005
exercised more than five years from the date the original
return was filed. On the other hand, the Commissioner of BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS V.
Internal Revenue insists that his right to issue the COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE
assessment has not prescribed inasmuch as the same was G.R. NO. 139736 (OCTOBER 17, 2005)
availed of before the 5-year period provided for in CHICO-NAZARIO, J
Section 331 of the Tax Code expired, counting the
running of the period from August 30, 1955, the date FACTS: On two separate occasions, particularly on 06
when the amended return was filed. June 1985 and 14 June 1985, BPI sold United States
(US) $500,000.00 to the Central Bank of the Philippines
ISSUE: Should the running of the prescriptive period (Central Bank), for the total sales amount of
commence from the filing of the original or amended US$1,000,000.00.
On 10 October 1989, the Bureau of Internal Revenue
RULING: To our mind, the Commissioner's view (BIR) issued Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89-
should be sustained. The changes and alterations 002054, finding petitioner BPI liable for deficiency DST
embodied in the amended income tax return consisted of on its afore-mentioned sales of foreign bills of exchange
the exclusion of reinsurance premiums received from to the Central Bank
domestic insurance companies by Phoenix Assurance
Co., Ltd.'s London head office, reinsurance premiums Petitioner BPI received the Assessment, together with
ceded to foreign reinsurers not doing business in the the attached Assessment Notice,   on 20 October
Philippines and various items of deduction attributable 1989.Petitioner BPI, through its counsel, protested the
to such excluded reinsurance premiums thereby Assessment in a letter dated 16 November 1989, and
substantially modifying the original return. Furthermore, filed with the BIR on 17 November 1989.
although the deduction for head office expenses
allocable to Philippine business, whose disallowance Petitioner BPI did not receive any immediate reply to its
gave rise to the deficiency tax, was claimed also in the protest letter. However, on 15 October 1992, the BIR
original return, the Commissioner could not have issued a Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy against
possibly determined a deficiency tax thereunder because petitioner BPI for the assessed deficiency DST for
Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd. declared a loss of taxable year 1985, in the amount of P27,720.00
P199,583.93 therein which would have more than offset (excluding the compromise penalty of P300.00). It
such disallowance of P15,826.35.  served the Warrant on petitioner BPI only on 23 October
Considering that the deficiency assessment was based on
the amended return which, as aforestated, is substantially Then again, petitioner BPI did not hear from the BIR
different from the original return, the period of until 11 September 1997, when its counsel received a
limitation of the right to issue the same should be letter, dated 13 August 1997, signed by then BIR
counted from the filing of the amended income tax Commissioner Liwayway Vinzons-Chato, denying its'
return. From August 30, 1955, when the amended 'request for reconsideration.
return was filed, to July 24, 1958, when the deficiency
assessment was issued, less than five years elapsed. The
BPI in its reply admitted that while industry practice or
right of the Commissioner to assess the deficiency tax on
market convention has the force of law between the
such amended return has not prescribed.
members of a particular industry, it is not binding with
  the BIR since it is not a party thereto. The same should,
To strengthen our opinion, we believe that to hold therefore, not be allowed to prejudice the Bureau of its
otherwise, we would be paving the way for taxpayers to lawful task of collecting revenues necessary to defray
evade the payment of taxes by simply reporting in their the expenses of the government. (Art. 11 in relation to
original return heavy losses and amending the same Art. 1306 of the New Civil Code.)
more than five years later when the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue has lost his authority to assess the
Upon receipt of the above-cited letter from the BIR,
proper tax thereunder. The object of the Tax Code is to
petitioner BPI proceeded to file a Petition for Review
impose taxes for the needs of the Government, not to
with the CTA on 10 October 1997.
enhance tax avoidance to its prejudice.
The Court also ruled that there is no valid
BPI raised in its Petition for Review before the CTA, the ground for the suspension of the running of the
defense of prescription of the right of respondent BIR prescriptive period for collection of the assessed
Commissioner to enforce collection of the assessed DST under the Tax Code of 1977, as amended.
amount. It alleged that respondent BIR Commissioner The statute of limitations on assessment and
only had three years to collect on Assessment No. FAS- collection of taxes is for the protection of the
5-85-89-002054, but she waited for seven years and nine taxpayer and, thus, shall be construed liberally
months to deny the protest.  in his favor.

In her Answer and subsequent Memorandum, The indefinite extension of the period for
respondent BIR Commissioner merely reiterated her assessment is unreasonable because it deprives
position, as stated in her letter to petitioner BPI, dated 13 the said taxpayer of the assurance that he will no
August 1997, which denied the latter's protest; and longer be subjected to further investigation for
remained silent as to the expiration of the prescriptive taxes after the expiration of a reasonable period
period for collection of the assessed deficiency DST. of time. The statute of limitations on collection
may only be interrupted or suspended by a valid
ISSUE: Whether the right of respondent BIR waiver executed in accordance with paragraph
Commissioner to collect from petitioner BPI the alleged (d) of Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as
deficiency DST for taxable year 1985 had prescribed.  amended, and the existence of the circumstances
enumerated in Section 224 of the same Code,
RULING: Yes.  which include a request for reinvestigation
granted by the BIR Commissioner.
The efforts of respondent Commissioner to collect on
Assessment No. FAS-5-85-89 002054 were already Applying the given rules to the present Petition, this
barred by prescription. The period for the BIR to assess Court finds that:
and collect an internal revenue tax is limited to three
years by Section 203 of the Tax Code of 1977, as (a) The statute of limitations for collection of the
amended.  deficiency DST in Assessment No. FAS-5-85-
89-002054, issued against petitioner BPI, had
In the present Petition, there is no controversy already expired; and
on the timeliness of the issuance of the (b) None of the conditions and requirements for
Assessment, only on the prescription of the exception from the statute of limitations on
period to collect the deficiency DST following collection exists herein: Petitioner BPI did not
its Assessment. Counting the three-year execute any waiver of the prescriptive period on
prescriptive period, for a total of 1,095 collection as mandated by paragraph (c) of
days, from 20 October 1989, then the BIR only Section 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as
had until 19 October 1992 within which to amended; the protest filed by petitioner BPI was
collect the assessed deficiency DST. Although a request for reconsideration, not a request for
the Warrant was issued on 15 October 1992, reinvestigation that was granted by respondent
previous to the expiration of the period for BIR Commissioner which could have suspended
collection on 19 October 1992, the same was the prescriptive period for collection under
served on petitioner BPI only on 23 October Section 224 of the Tax Code of 1977, as
1992. amended; and, petitioner BPI, other than filing a
request for reconsideration of Assessment No.
If the service of the Warrant of Distraint and/or FAS-5-85-89-002054, did not make repeated
Levy on petitioner BPI on 23 October 1992 was requests or performed positive acts that could
already beyond the prescriptive period for have persuaded the respondent BIR
collection of the deficiency DST, which had Commissioner to delay collection, and that
expired on 19 October 1992, then what more the would have prevented or estopped petitioner BPI
letter of respondent BIR Commissioner, dated from setting up the defense of prescription
13 August 1997 and received by the counsel of against collection of the tax assessed, as required
the petitioner BPI only on 11 September 1997, in the Suyoc case.
denying the protest of petitioner BPI and
requesting payment of the deficiency DST?
q. Aznar vs. CTA, GR No. L-20569,
23 August 1974
The ordinary period of prescription of 5 years within
JOSE B. AZNAR, IN HIS CAPACITY AS which to assess tax liabilities under Sec. 331 of the
ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF THE NIRC should be applicable to normal circumstances, but
DECEASED, MATIAS H. AZNAR V. COURT OF whenever the government is placed at a disadvantage so
TAX APPEALS AND COLLECTOR OF as to prevent its lawful agents from proper assessment of
INTERNAL REVENUE tax liabilities due to false returns, fraudulent return
GR NO. L-20569, 23 AUGUST 1974 intended to evade payment of tax or failure to file
ESGUERRA, J. returns, the period of ten years provided for in Sec. 332
(a) NIRC, from the time of the discovery of the falsity,
FACTS: Petitioner, as administrator of the estate of the fraud or omission even seems to be inadequate and
deceased, Matias H. Aznar, seeks a review and should be the one enforced. 
nullification of the decision of the Court of Tax Appeals
ordering the petitioner to pay the government the sum of There being undoubtedly false tax returns in this case,
P227,691.77 representing deficiency income taxes for We affirm the conclusion of the respondent Court of Tax
the years 1946 to 1951. An investigation by the Appeals that Sec. 332 (a) of the NIRC should apply and
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) ascertained the that the period of ten years within which to assess
assets and liabilities of the taxpayer and it was petitioner's tax liability had not expired at the time said
discovered that from 1946 to 1951, his net worth had assessment was made.
increased every year, which increases in net worth was
very much more than the income reported during said
r. CIR vs. Philippine Daily Inquirer,
The findings clearly indicated that the taxpayer did not GR No. 213943, 22 March 2017
declare correctly the income reported in his income tax
returns for the aforesaid years. Petitioner avers that COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V.
according to the NIRC, the right of the CIR to assess PHILIPPINE DAILY INQUIRER
deficiency income taxes of the late Aznar for the years G.R. NO. 213943 (MARCH 22, 2017)
1946, 1947, and 1948 had already prescribed at the time CARPIO, J
the assessment was made on November 28, 1952; there
being a five year limitation upon assessment and FACTS: BIR alleged that there was an underdeclaration
collection from the filing of the returns. Meanwhile, of domestic purchases in PDI's declaration on its VAT
respondents believe that the prescription period in the Returns for taxable year 2004. In response, PDI
case at bar that is applicable is under Sec. 332 of the submitted reconciliation reports and executed a Waiver
NIRC which provides that: "(a) In the case of a false or of the Statute of Limitation (First Waiver) consenting to
fraudulent return with intent to evade tax or of a failure the assessment and/or collection of taxes for the year
to file a return, the tax may be assessed, or a proceeding 2004. BIR invited PDI to an informal conference to
in court for the collection of such tax may be begun present any objections that it might have on the BIR's
without assessment, at any time within ten years after the findings. On 5 June 2007, PDI executed a Waiver of the
discovery of the falsity, fraud or omission". Petitioner Statute of Limitation (Second Waiver). 
argues said provision does not apply because the
taxpayer did not file false and fraudulent returns with PDI received the PAN on 4 December 2007. On 12
intent to evade tax. December 2007, PDI sought reconsideration of the PAN
and expressed its willingness to execute another Waiver
ISSUE: Whether or not the action filed Aznar has not (Third Waiver), which it did on the same date, thus
prescribed. extending BIR's right to assess and/or collect. PDI
received a Formal Letter of Demand dated 11 March
RULING: The Sec. 332 of the NIRC does not apply 2008
because the taxpayer did not file false and fraudulent
returns with intent to evade tax, while respondent PDI filed its protest, alleging that the period within
Commissioner of Internal Revenue insists contrariwise, which the BIR should act on its protest had already
with respondent Court of Tax Appeals concluding that lapsed. The CTA First Division ruled that the NIRC
the very "substantial under declarations of income for six authorizes the extension of the original three-year
consecutive years eloquently demonstrate the falsity or prescriptive period by the execution of a valid waiver
fraudulence of the income tax returns with an intent to upon the agreement in writing between the taxpayer and
evade the payment of tax." the BIR, provided: (1) the agreement was made before
the expiration of the three-year period and (2) the
guidelines in the proper execution of the waiver are denied. On August 26, 201, Asalus received the Formal
strictly followed.  Assessment notice stating that it was liable for P95, 681,
98i.64. Asalus filed a protest, then on September 6,
The CTA Division found that while the First and Second 2011, he filed a supplemental protest stating that the
Waivers were executed in three copies, the BIR failed to deficiency VAT assessment had prescribed pursuant to
provide the office accepting the waivers with their Section 203 of the NIRC. On October 16, 2012, Asalus
respective third copies. The CTA First Division found received FDDA showing VAT deficiency amounting to
that the third copies were still attached to the docket of P106, 761, 025.17 and P25, 000.00 as compromise
the case. The CTA First Division also found that the BIR penalty
failed to prove that the Third Waiver was executed in
three copies. Further, the revenue official who accepted ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner’s right to asses
the Third Waiver was not authorized to do so. Thus, respondent had already prescribed.
period has prescribed.
The CTA en banc affirmed the Division in toto.  RULING: No. 

ISSUE: Whether or not the prescriptive period to assess Generally, internal revenue taxes shall be assessed
deficiency tax has already prescribed. within 3 years after the last day prescribed by law for
filing the return, or where the return is filed beyond the
RULING: The First Waiver was not properly executed period from the day the return was actually filed, and
and thus, could not have extended the three-year Section 222 of the NIRC provides the exception, among
prescriptive period to assess and collect taxes for the which is that in case of a false or fraudulent return with
year 2004. To make matters worse, the CIR committed intent to evade tax, or failure to file a return, assessment
the same error in the execution of the Second Waiver. may be made within 10 years from discovery. When
Even if we consider that the First Waiver was validly there is a showing that a taxpayer has substantially
executed, the Second Waiver failed to extend the undeclared its sales, receipts, or income, there is
prescriptive period because its execution was contrary to presumption that it has filed a false return, and CIR need
the procedure set forth. Granting further that the First not present evidence immediately. And in the case at
and Second Waivers were validly executed, the Third bar, audit investigation revealed that there were
Waiver executed on still failed to extend the three-year undeclared VATable sales more than 30% of that
prescriptive period because it was not executed in three declared in Asalus’ returns.
copies. In short, the records of the case showed that the
CIR's three-year prescriptive period to assess deficiency
tax had already prescribed due to the defects of all the t. CIR v. Ayala Securities Corp.,
Waivers. Clearly, the defects in the Waivers resulted to 101 SCRA 231
the non-extension of the period to assess or collect taxes,
and made the assessments issued by the BIR beyond the COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V.
three-year prescriptive period void. AYALA SECURITIES CORPORATION AND THE
G.R. NO. L-29485 (MARCH 31, 1976)
s. CIR vs. Asalus Corporation, GR ESGUERRA, J.
No. 221590, February 22, 2017
FACTS: On November 29, 1955, Ayala Securities
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V. Corporation, a domestic corporation organized and
ASALUS CORPORATION existing under the laws of the Philippines, filed its
GR NO. 221590 (FEBRUARY 22, 2017) income tax returns with the office of the petitioner for its
MENDOZA J. fiscal year which ended on September 30, 1955 showing
a surplus of P2,758,442.37. 
FACTS: On December 6, 2010, respondent received a
Notice of Informal Conference from RDO 47 of BIR in On February 21, 1961, petitioner advised the respondent
connection with the investigation conducted by Revenue corporation of the assessment of P758.687.04 on its
Officer Bañares on the VAT transactions of Asalus for accumulated surplus reflected on its income tax return
the taxable year 2007. Asalus filed a letter-reply for the fiscal year which ended September 30, 1955. On
questioning the basis of the computation. On January 10, April 19, 1961, the respondent corporation protested
2011, CIR issued PAN finding Asalus liable for against the assessment on its retained and accumulated
deficiency VAT for 20p7 amounting to P413, 378, surplus pertaining to the taxable year 1955 and sought
058.11. Asalus filed a protest, which CIT subsequently reconsideration thereof for the reason that the said
assessment was issued beyond the five-year prescriptive
period. SEC. 331. Period of limitation upon
assessment and collection. — Except as
On May 30, 1961, petitioner wrote respondent provided in the succeeding section,
corporation's auditing and accounting firm with the internal revenue taxes shall be assessed
"advise that your request for reconsideration will be the within five years after the return was
subject matter of further reinvestigation and a thorough filed, and no proceeding in court without
analysis of the issues involved conditioned, however, assessment for the collection of such
upon the execution of your client of the enclosed form taxes shall be begun after the expiration
for waiver of the defense of prescription". However, of such period. For the purposes of this
respondent corporation did not execute the requested section, a return filed before the last day
waiver of the statute of limitations, considering its claim prescribed by law for the filing thereof
that the assessment in question had already prescribed. shall be considered as filed on such last
day: Provided, that this limitation shall
Respondent corporation in its Petition for Review not apply to cases already investigated
alleges that the assessment made by petitioner prior to the approval of this Code.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue is illegal and invalid
considering that the assessment in question, having been Under Section 46(d) of the National Internal Revenue
issued only on February 21, 1961, and received by the Code, the Ayala Securities Corporation designated
respondent corporation on March 22, 1961, the same September 30, 1955, as the last day of the closing of its
was issued beyond the five-year period from the date of fiscal year, and under Section 46(b) the income tax
the filing of respondent corporations income tax return returns for the said corporation shall be filed on or
November 29, 1955, and, therefore, petitioner's right to before the fifteenth (15th) day of the fourth (4th) month
make the assessment has already prescribed, pursuant to following the close of its fiscal year. The Ayala
the provision of Section 331 of the National Internal Securities Corporation could, therefore, file its income
Revenue Code. tax returns on or before January 15, 1956. The
assessment by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Petitioner in his answer alleged that the assessment made shall be made within five (5) years from January 15,
by his office on the accumulated surplus of the 1956, or not later than January 15, 1961, in accordance
corporation as reflected on its income tax return for the with Section 331 of the National Internal Revenue Code
taxable year 1955 has not as yet prescribed and, further, herein above-quoted. As the assessment issued on
that the respondent corporation's accumulation of surplus February 21, 1961, which was received by the Ayala
for the taxable year 1955 was improper as the retention Securities Corporation on March 22, 1961, was made
of such surplus was availed of by the corporation to beyond the five-year period prescribed under Section
prevent the imposition of the income tax upon the 331 of said Code, the same was made after the
individual shareholders or members of the said prescriptive period had expired and, therefore, was no
corporation.  longer binding on the Ayala Securities Corporation. 

ISSUE: Whether or not Section 331 of the National For this reason, we are of the view that after reaching the
Internal Revenue Code is applicable, which provides for conclusion that the right of the Commissioner of Internal
a five-year period of prescription of assessment from the Revenue to assess the 25% surtax had already prescribed
filing of the return. under Section 331 of the National Internal Revenue
RULING: On the issue of whether Sec. 331 or See.
332(a) of the National Internal Revenue Code should
apply to this case, there is no iota of evidence presented
by the petitioner as to any fraud or falsity on the return u. CIR v. La Flor Dela Isabel, Inc.,
with intent to evade payment of tax, not even in the GR No. 211289, January 1, 2019
income tax assessment nor in the letter-decision of
February 18, 1963, nor in his answer to the petition for COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE V.
review. Petitioner merely relies on the provisions of Sec LA FLOR DELA ISABEL, INC.
25 of the National Internal Revenue Code, violation of GR NO. 211289 (JANUARY 14, 2019)
which, according to Petitioner, presupposes the existence REYES, J. JR., J.
of fraud. 
The applicable provision of law in this case is Section FACTS: La Flor dela Isabela, Inc. is a domestic
331 of the National Internal Revenue Code, to wit:  corporation duly organized and existing under Philippine
Law. It filed monthly returns for the Expanded Withholding Tax, the amount withheld is already the
Witholding Tax and Withholding Tax on Compensation entire tax to be paid for the particular source of income.
for Calendar Year 2005. Once on 2008, and twice on Thus, it can readily be seen that the payee is the
2009, it executed Waivers of the Statute of Limitations. taxpayer, the person on whom the tax is imposed, while
Later on, it received four Formal Letters of Demand and the payor, a separate entity, acts as the government’s
Final Assessment Notices. Subsequently, it filed its agent for the collection of the tax in order to ensure its
Letter of Protest contesting the assessment notices. payment. 

The CTA, later affirmed by the CA, subsequently ruled Thus, withholding tax assessments such as EWT and
in favour of La Flor cancelling the deficiency tax WTC clearly contemplate deficiency internal revenue
assessments against it. It ruled that based on the dates taxes. Their aim is to collect unpaid income taxes and
when La Flor filed its returns for EWT and WTC, the not merely to impose a penalty on the withholding agent
CIR had until February 15, 2008 to March 1, 2009 to for its failure to comply with its statutory duty. 
issue an assessment pursuant to the three-year
prescriptive period under Section 203 of the NIRC. The As to the second issue, in Commissioner of Internal
Waivers entered into by the CIR and La Flor did not Revenue v. Systems Technology Institute, Inc., the
effectively extend the prescriptive period for the Court ruled that waivers extending the prescriptive
issuance of the tax assessments. period of tax assessments must be compliant with RMO
No. 20-90 and must indicate the nature and amount of
ISSUES: the tax due.

1. Whether the prescriptive period under section

203 of the NIRC applies to EWT and WTC
2. Whether La Flor’s EWT and WTC assessments
for 2005 were barred by prescription


The prescriptive period under Section 203 of the NIRC

applies to EWT and WTC assessments. Also, La Flor’s
EWT and WTC assessments for 2005 were barred by

Withholding taxes are internal revenue taxes covered by

Section 203 of the NIRC: “SEC. 203. Period of
Limitation Upon Assessment and Collection. – Except as
provided in Section 222, internal revenue taxes shall be
assessed within three (3) years after the last day
prescribed by law for the filing of the return, and no
proceeding in court without assessment for the collection
of such taxes shall be begun after the expiration of such
period: Provided, That in case where a return is filed
beyond the period prescribed by law, the three (3)-year
period shall be counted from the day the return was
filed. For purposes of this Section, a return filed before
the last day prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall
be considered as filed on such last day.”

Under the existing withholding tax system, the

withholding agent retains a portion of the amount
received by the income earner. In turn, the said amount
is credited to the total income tax payable in transactions
covered by the EWT. On the other hand, in cases of
income payments subject to WTC and Final

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