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Las Piñas Campus



A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of College of Criminology
Las Piñas City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Naquita, Angelica A.
Banias, Marjelyn Rose S.
Fernandez, Renzo P.

June 2022

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Las Piñas Campus


Preparing for disasters saves lives, helps people to recover faster, and saves
money. It is described as activities taken to guarantee that the resources needed
to respond effectively are accessible prior to a disaster or can be obtained
quickly if needed. Disaster preparedness is a health-promoting activity,
behavioral techniques have taken center stage as a method of achieving it.
Despite the fact that disasters harm hundreds of thousands of people every year
without notice, most people do not prepare until tragedy strikes. As a result, it
has become clear that a more broad-based behavioral change approach is
required. Effective disaster preparedness interventions necessitate a detailed
understanding of the elements that drive disaster preparedness behavior
performance or non-performance.

The Philippines ranked 17 th in the world as the most affected country from
extreme weather events in the Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) 2021. Philippines
got a score of 26.67 using 2019 data. The Global CRI is developed based on the
results of extreme weather. Weather events and the socioeconomic data that
goes with them. It represents the degree of sensitivity and exposure to extreme
events such as storms, floods, and heat waves, among others, which countries
should interpret as warnings in order to be prepared for more frequent and/or
more severe events in the future as a result of climate change. The countries
with the lowest CRI scores are listed below are the most affected, according to
the index. The Philippine Government has put in place interventions to reverse
environmental degradation and to improve the resiliency of the communities. This
is to alleviate the effects of the disasters and to ensure the effective application of
disaster risk depletion.

The National Climate Change Action Plan and the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan were set with a long-term national sectoral

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plan aiming to address four main priority areas as disaster prevention and
mitigation, disaster preparedness, disaster response, rehabilitation and recovery.

Theoretical Framework

The study is anchored on

This study is supported by the theory of

This study is founded on the theory of

The theoretical underpinning of this study is

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

 Profile Collection of data Level of Awareness of
 Age, sex, educational based on Survey Disaster Preparedness
attainment, Questionnaires of UPHSD
 Students, Faculty and
Staffs Awareness

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Statement of the Problem

Level of disaster preparedness of UPHSD Las Pinas Campus in terms of the

system and procedure, on how they conduct different training to enhance the
skills and ability of criminology students. In terms of manpower resources, the
total supply of persons is available and fitted for unexpected disasters. Why
are manpower resources so important in disaster preparedness? Productivity.
Manpower is essential particularly because they cannot maintain operations
without it. The school which has more manpower will be able to accomplish
more tasks and take on more projects. Those schools with barely enough
manpower are hardly going to get any work done. Manpower is the most
important asset of an organization because only men are the sole living
organisms while the other resources are nonliving things. On how to prepare
the equipment and logistics of the UPHSD Las Pinas Campus. The
availability and accessibility to emergency response equipment as well as
trained volunteers with a prepared search and rescue plan.

This study will also give knowledge and ideas to the future readers on
what level of disaster preparedness the University of Perpetual Help System
DALTA Las Pinas Campus has. For them to have the freedom of fear when
they are in our university.

This study aims to determine the level of disaster preparedness of the

University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Las Pinas Campus as perceived by
UPHSD students and staff. Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following;

 What is the profile of respondents in terms of?

o age;
o sex;
o educational attainment; and,

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Las Piñas Campus

o department/college?
 What is the level of disaster preparedness of UPHSD Las Pinas Campus,
in terms of?
o systems and procedures;
o manpower resources;
o equipment and logistics, and
o support services
 Is there a significant difference in the level of disaster preparedness when
grouped according to their profile?
 What are the problems that affect the level of disaster preparedness of
UPHSD Las Pinas Campus?
 What action plans may be formulated to enhance the disaster
preparedness of UPHSD LP?

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant difference in the level of disaster preparedness

when grouped according to their profile.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will cover the Disaster Preparedness of the University of Perpetual
Help System Dalta.

1. The Setting

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta

2. The Subject

The primary subjects of this research study will consist the Level of
Disaster Preparedness of the University

3. The Respondents

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The Respondents will be limited to College Students, Professors and Staff.

4. Time Frame

This study will be conducted from August 2021 to June 2022

Significance of the Study
 The researchers believe that this study will be helpful to the students,
teachers, and other University personnel. The information provided will
inform the Perpetualites about the University of Perpetual Help System
DALTA Las Pinas Campus's level of disaster preparedness. The
University will be able to improve its disaster preparedness as a result
of the findings. The information gathered will assist the University in
forming a collaboration with students, teachers, and other staff
members to help plan the campus's emergency preparedness.
 This research will inform the students, faculty, and staff on how they
are going to evacuate in the event of a natural calamity. The
information gathered will also assist the University's staff in improving
their emergency plans performance.
 The results of the study will help the Clinic personnel evaluate the
quality of aid rendered and evaluate strategies in enhancing their
knowledge, skills, and attitudes to the students, teachers, and other
staffs’ personnel.

Definitions of Terms

Disaster- in this study refers to the sudden event where people intend to

Disaster preparedness- refers to a collection of actions taken by e.g.,

governments, organizations, communities, and individuals to better respond to
and cope with the immediate aftermath of a disaster, whether it is caused by
human natural disasters.

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The goal is to reduce the number of people who lose their lives and their livelihoo

Manpower- A total number of people who work for a disaster preparedness team
or are available for a specific disaster. Different strategies are used in an
organization to estimate and plan the manpower required for a specific task and
in the future.

Preparedness- It is the state of being entirely prepared for something, especially

a disaster. A storm evacuation plan may be part of your family's hurricane

Procedure- A tried-and-true procedure or method for doing a specific activity.

Resources- i.e., it's a source, supply, or support, a resource in the study which is
the google, were giving different information about the topic of research.

Strategy- A long-term plan or series of plans that aim to achieve a specific goal,
often over a lengthy period of time.

UPHSD- University of Perpetual Help System-Dalta, the setting of the research.

University Student- In this study refers to one of the respondents of the

research paper.

Staff- in this study refers to the person who has an idea and information about
the research topic and will become one of the research respondents.

Effectiveness- in this study refers to the degree to which a plan or method has
successfully achieved the desired output.

High-Risk Case- in this study refers to the situations that can pose threat to
lives, e.g., properties, or overall public safety.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature

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According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent

Societies (IFRC) disasters are severe disturbances to a community’s functions
that surpasses the community’s ability to cope up to the situation using its own
resources. Disasters occur when a natural or man-made danger and technical
risk strikes at a human settlement that is under-resourced or under-organized to
endure the impact, and whose population is susceptible due to poverty,
exclusion, or other forms of social disadvantage (Mitzuri, 2020).

The term "disaster preparedness" refers to a set of actions aimed at

making a community more resilient in the event of a disaster. When a calamity
strikes, such as during an earthquake, people's lives are put in jeopardy. The
ability to respond in an emergency to safeguard property and contain situation
damage and disruption caused by disasters, as well as the ability to participate in
post-disaster recovery efforts activities aimed at restoring the environment and
assisting with the early stages of recovery Efforts in preparedness focuses at
ensuring that all of the necessary resources for effectively responding in times of
disaster are in place, and those who are tasked to respond at a certain situation
knows how to use those resources. The usual activities related to disaster
preparedness include developing a planning process to ensure effectiveness,
formulating plans for disaster, gathering necessary resources to effectively
respond to the disaster that can occur, and enhancing individual skills to
effectively perform in times of disaster and other related tasks. (Sutton & Tierney,

The motivating ideals that underlie disaster management, namely

minimizing harm to people, property, and the environment, are generally the
same all over the world. The ability to carry out this mission, on the other hand, is
far from uniform. The terrible reality is that certain countries and regions are
better capable than others at solving the problem, whether for political, cultural,
economic, or other reasons. However, no nation, regardless of its riches or
power, is so evolved as to be completely immune to the harmful impacts of
calamities. Furthermore, as a result of the globalization of the economy, it is

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becoming increasingly impossible to restrict the repercussions of disasters inside

a single country's borders (Coppola, 2007).

Measures done to prepare for and mitigate the effects of disasters pertain
s to disaster preparedness. It necessitates a high level of preparation and
restriction that may have an influence on vulnerable persons, as well as the
ability to properly respond and cope with the consequences. Berl D. Jones Jr.
(2017) states in his study that disaster preparedness and response necessitate a
thorough understanding of the needs and approaches for disaster preparedness
and response. At the same time, these critical activities and approaches are
heavily influenced by contextual factors that determine both the scope and nature
of preparedness and response. Disaster preparedness and response is not
based on unconstrained flexibility to meet all needs. There are limits,
permissions, and definitions that apply at all levels of government and to nearly
all elements of preparedness, response, and recovery. In order to assure an
integrated response and a reduction in misunderstandings, all parties benefit
when the various authorities are understood and tested in exercises. (Shultz et
al,. 2017).
Methods to follow for better execution are developed through disaster
preparedness. There are several procedural approaches to perform and conduct
for addressing a great plan for disaster response by institutions.  Furthermore,
once informed and thoroughly imparted to the students and faculties, it will be
executed well and developed the preparedness towards disaster. As stated by
Tkachuck, M. (2016) with his study, The methods used were essential in the
initiation of what will become a much more comprehensive model of disaster
preparedness research. By first getting an idea as to where students stand in
regards to natural disaster preparedness, the institution and researchers can
move forward more effectively applying a strong evidenced-based framework to
both research methods and the dissemination and implementation of
preparedness techniques used within the institution.
Knowledge, attitude, and practices have a significant relationship and
positive intercorrelation. (Balila et al,. 2017) Their study reveals that non-teaching

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Las Piñas Campus

employees have a better attitude and practices for disaster preparedness than
students, but their knowledge is statistically comparable. It concludes that the
study's findings serve as the foundation for a disaster preparedness plan,
emphasizing the need for budget allocation for safety precautions and resources
required by the University.

Natural catastrophes and climate change have made the Philippines one
of the most susceptible countries in the world. The COVID-19 epidemic was not
the only tragedy to strike the Philippines in 2020. A volcanic eruption began the
year, and it ended with two magnitude 6 earthquakes, one of which struck on
Christmas morning. Typhoon Goni, a late-season superstorm that was the
strongest in the globe last year, came in between. Due to the archipelago's
location along both the route of tropical storms building in the western Pacific and
the Ring of Fire, at least 60% of the country's total land area, approximately
300,000 square kilometers (116,000 square miles), is exposed to natural
disasters. Knowingly how vulnerable the country is to catastrophes, a number of
government institutions have launched a series of applications to assist local
government officials in developing local disaster solutions. Mitigation efforts rely
on a constantly fine-tuned network of early-warning systems and the
establishment of procedures to respond more swiftly to natural disasters. The
National Exposure Database (NED), which identifies sensitive locations so that
agencies and local governments may conduct real-time analysis and respond
quickly in the event of a disaster, is the latest source of assistance. It also aids in
the development and implementation of disaster-preparedness measures (Mina,

It's critical to assess the level of awareness and preparedness among

those who are regarded school's external stakeholders. Awareness is often
linked to one's understanding of a phenomenon. Provided reputable sources of
information and authorities to him/her. Being knowledgeable or aware does not
always imply that a person is adequately prepared in the event of tragedies or

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Las Piñas Campus

disasters, because logistics and infrastructure preparedness play a crucial role in

the preparation cycle (Maminta, 2019).

According to Soriano G. P. (2019) with the topic” Disaster Risk Reduction

Knowledge among local people in a Selected Community in the Philippines,” the
Philippines has been designated as being extremely vulnerable to natural
disasters. As a result, strengthening communities' resilience to the risk and
negative consequences of natural disasters is critical for reducing vulnerability
and managing disasters. The study assessed disaster-related knowledge of local
people in a selected community, including (1) disaster preparedness and
readiness, (2) disaster adaptation, (3) disaster awareness, and (4) disaster risk
perception. Methods: A descriptive-cross-sectional study was used, and the 60
participants were chosen using a convenience sampling technique. The Disaster
Risk Reduction Know-How Scale was used to assess disaster risk reduction

Disaster Preparedness provides for the key strategic actions that give
importance to activities revolving around community awareness and
understanding; contingency planning; conduct of local drills and the development
of a national disaster response plan. Risk-related information coming from the
prevention and mitigation aspect is necessary in order for the preparedness
activities to be responsive to the needs of the people and situation on the ground.
Also, the policies, budget and institutional mechanisms established under the
prevention and mitigation priority area will be further enhanced through capacity
building activities, development of coordination mechanisms.

The success and realization of this priority area rely heavily on the
completion of the activities under both the prevention and mitigation and
preparedness aspects, including among others the coordination and
communication mechanisms to be developed.

On-the-ground partnerships and the vertical and horizontal

coordination work between and among key stakeholders will contribute to

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Las Piñas Campus

successful disaster response operations and its smooth transition towards early
and long-term recovery work. Disaster Preparedness entails essential strategic
initiatives such as community awareness and understanding, contingency
planning, local drills, and the creation of a national disaster response strategy. In
order for preparedness activities to be responsive to the requirements of the
people and the circumstances on the ground, risk-related information from the
preventative and mitigation aspects is required. Additionally, through capacity
building initiatives and the creation of coordination mechanisms, the policies,
budgets, and institutional processes developed under the preventative and
mitigation priority area would be reinforced.

Local Literature
Natural catastrophes and climate change have made the Philippines one
of the most susceptible countries in the world. The COVID-19 epidemic was not
the only tragedy to strike the Philippines in 2020. A volcanic eruption began the
year, and it ended with two magnitude 6 earthquakes, one of which struck on
Christmas morning. Typhoon Goni, a late-season superstorm that was the
strongest in the globe last year, came in between. Due to the archipelago's
location along both the route of tropical storms building in the western Pacific and
the Ring of Fire, at least 60% of the country's total land area, approximately
300,000 square kilometers (116,000 square miles), is exposed to natural

Knowingly how vulnerable the country is to catastrophes; a number of

government institutions have launched a series of applications to assist local
government officials in developing local disaster solutions. Mitigation efforts rely
on a constantly fine-tuned network of early-warning systems and the
establishment of procedures to respond more swiftly to natural disasters. The
National Exposure Database (NED), which identifies sensitive locations so that
agencies and local governments may conduct real-time analysis and respond
quickly in the event of a disaster, is the latest source of assistance. It also aids in

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Las Piñas Campus

the development and implementation of disaster-preparedness measures (Mina,


Foreign Studies

Measures done to prepare for and mitigate the effects of disasters

pertains to disaster preparedness. It necessitates a high level of preparation and
restriction that may have an influence on vulnerable persons, as well as the
ability to properly respond and cope with the consequences. Berl D. Jones Jr.
(2017) states in his study that disaster preparedness and response necessitate a
thorough understanding of the needs and approaches for disaster preparedness
and response. At the same time, these critical activities and approaches are
heavily influenced by contextual factors that determine both the scope and nature
of preparedness and response. Disaster preparedness and response is not
based on unconstrained flexibility to meet all needs. There are limits,
permissions, and definitions that apply at all levels of government and to nearly
all elements of preparedness, response, and recovery. In order to assure an
integrated response and a reduction in misunderstandings, all parties benefit
when the various authorities are understood and tested in exercises. (Shultz et
al. 2017).

Methods to follow for better execution are developed through disaster

preparedness. There are several procedural approaches to perform and conduct
for addressing a great plan for disaster response by institutions. Furthermore,
once informed and thoroughly imparted to the students and faculties, it will be
executed well and developed the preparedness towards disaster. As stated by
Tkachuck, M. (2016) with his study, The methods used were essential in the
initiation of what will become a much more comprehensive model of disaster
preparedness research. By first getting an idea as to where students stand in
regards to natural disaster preparedness, the institution and researchers can
move forward more effectively by applying a strong evidence-based framework to
both research methods and the dissemination and implementation of
preparedness techniques used within the institution.

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Las Piñas Campus

Knowledge, attitude, and practices have a significant relationship and

positive intercorrelation. (Balila et al, 2017) Their study reveals that non-teaching
employees have a better attitude and practices for disaster preparedness than
students, but their knowledge is statistically comparable. It concludes that the
study's findings serve as the foundation for a disaster preparedness plan,
emphasizing the need for budget allocation for safety precautions and resources
required by the University.

Local Studies

According to Soriano G. P. (2019) with the topic” Disaster Risk Reduction

Knowledge among local people in a Selected Community in the Philippines,” the
Philippines has been designated as being extremely vulnerable to natural
disasters. As a result, strengthening communities' resilience to the risk and
negative consequences of natural disasters is critical for reducing vulnerability
and managing disasters. The study assessed disaster-related knowledge of local
people in a selected community, including (1) disaster preparedness and
readiness, (2) disaster adaptation, (3) disaster awareness, and (4) disaster risk
perception. Methods: A descriptive-cross-sectional study was used, and the 60
participants were chosen using a convenience sampling technique. The Disaster
Risk Reduction Know-How Scale was used to assess disaster risk reduction

It's critical to assess the level of awareness and preparedness among

those who are regarded school's external stakeholders. Awareness is often
linked to one's understanding of a phenomenon. Provided reputable sources of
information and authorities to him/her. Being knowledgeable or aware does not
always imply that a person is adequately prepared in the event of tragedies or
disasters because logistics and infrastructure preparedness play a crucial role in
the preparation cycle (Maminta, 2019).

Disaster Preparedness provides for the key strategic actions that give
importance to activities revolving around community awareness and

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Las Piñas Campus

understanding; contingency planning; conduct of local drills and the development

of a national disaster response plan. Risk-related information coming from the
prevention and mitigation aspect is necessary in order for the preparedness
activities to be responsive to the needs of the people and situation on the ground.
Also, the policies, budget, and institutional mechanisms established under the
prevention and mitigation priority area will be further enhanced through capacity
building activities, the development of coordination mechanisms.

The success and realization of this priority area rely heavily on the
completion of the activities under both the prevention and mitigation and
preparedness aspects, including among others the coordination and
communication mechanisms to be developed.

On-the-ground partnerships and the vertical and horizontal coordination

work between and among key stakeholders will contribute to successful disaster
response operations and its smooth transition towards early and long-term
recovery work. Disaster Preparedness entails essential strategic initiatives such
as community awareness and understanding, contingency planning, local drills,
and the creation of a national disaster response strategy. In order for
preparedness activities to be responsive to the requirements of the people and
the circumstances on the ground, risk-related information from the preventative
and mitigation aspects is required. Additionally, through capacity-building
initiatives and the creation of coordination mechanisms, the policies, budgets,
and institutional processes developed under the preventative and mitigation
priority area would be reinforced. Co-operation is facilitated by these.

Relevance of the Literature and Studies to the Present Study

The literature review is important to the present study because it describes

how the proposed research is related to prior research in statistics. It shows the
originality and relevance of the research problem. Specifically, the present study

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or research is different from other statisticians. It justifies the proposed

methodology and demonstrates the preparedness to complete the research.



This chapter presents the methods and techniques, instruments and

respondents, and data processing and statistical treatment of the study.

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Research Design

This research employs the quantitative – non-experimental descriptive

mode utilizing a survey form research design. Quantitative research is described
as a systematic analysis of phenomena through the collection of measurable
data and the application of statistical, mathematical, or computational methods.
Quantitative research gathers data from current and potential customers by
employing sample methods and sending out online surveys, polls, and
questionnaires, among other things

Research Instrument
The researcher will utilize online survey form questionnaires to the target
respondents which is the students and staff of the University of Perpetual Help
System DALTA Las Pinas Campus to know their level of disaster preparedness.
To get the appropriate needed data the given questionnaire consists of
four (4) different parts. Part 1 will be questions about the profile of the
respondents which can be answered optionally. Part 2 is questions that will
determine the level of disaster preparedness in terms of systems and
procedures, manpower resources, equipment, and logistics. Part 3 is to know the
significant difference on the level of disaster preparedness when they’re grouped
according to their profile and lastly. Part 4 is to answer what action plans may be
formulated to enhance the disaster preparedness among UPHSD Las Pinas

Validation of Research Instruments

The following technique was followed to validate the instrument used in

the investigation. The survey questionnaire was first written and then sent to the
study adviser and professor for changes, comments, and ideas. Following
acceptance, the researcher pre-tested the questionnaire with the chosen groups
of respondents to determine its administrability, direction, and constructions. The
dry-run validity respondents were then included in the final selection of

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respondents. After that, a post-test was conducted after it was written that the
questionnaires were clear and easy to read. It was eventually printed because
there were no more corrections. The researcher then requested the final
distribution and wrote a letter to the Dean, the Research Adviser, and the

Population Sampling and Setting

The population of the study covered individuals who were within the
jurisdiction of the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Las Pinas
Campus. The researchers will be gathering the needed data through a non-
probability sampling method under the convenience sampling type which will
mostly rely on the availability and proximity of the respondents to the

Data Gathering Techniques

In order to collect data and distribute instruments, the following processes
were followed. First, the researcher wrote a communication letter to the
respondents in order to carry out the research. After that, the respondents will be
instructed on how to accurately complete the survey questionnaires, and the
survey questionnaires will be sent to them via email or other social media
platforms like messenger. The researcher collected the surveys after they were
completed. The responses were then scanned, sorted, and totaled. With the help
of a research adviser and a professor. The data was tabulated and computed, as
well as evaluated and interpreted. The data was displayed in tabular and textual
form when the procedures were completed.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Likert Scale. This is used to interpret the problem in the Issues and Challenges of
UPHSD-Las Pinas Criminology Students in Distance Learning.
1 table. The Likert Scale used in rating the level of agreement. 

Mean Point Value Descriptive Rating


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4 Strongly Agree 
3 Agree
3 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. Percentage. Is computed by multiplying the total number of participants by the
frequency in the category by 100 percent. 
The percentage of the per year level of Criminology Students.
1 Year- 67 the percentage is 67%

2 Year – 31 the percentage is 31%


3 Year – 18 the percentage is 18%


4 Year – 27 the percentage is 27% 


2. Mean. This used to determine the sum of all the observations that have been

µ= mean
xi= each value of the population
n=number of respondents
3. Standard Deviation. The researchers used standard deviation to measure the
σ=xi-µ2 ---- n
σ= population 
n=  the size of population 
xi=   each value of the population 
µ=  the population means 


Highly Fairly Unprepared

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Prepared Prepared

1. Does the school regularly conduct an

orientation about the different disasters that
can occur?

2. Does the school conduct an earthquake


3. Does the school conduct a fire drill?

4. Does the school post signs around the

campus on what to do in case of a certain

5. Is there any visible fire extinguishers around

the campus?

6. Is there enough fire extinguishers that will

suffice to put out a fire if one occurred?

7. Is there a safe open assembly point where

everyone can gather after an earthquake?

8. Does the campus fire exists accessible?

9. Is there enough first aid kit around the


10. Is there a first aid responder around the


11. Does the campus abide by the IATF

protocol in the limited face-to-face classes?

12. Does the campus implement strict

guidelines when entering the campus?

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13. Does the campus apply safety

measurements that can prevent spreading
cases of covid-19 in face-to-face classes?

14. Is there any fire hydrants or standpipe

system around the campus?

15. As a student of the UPHSD Las Pinas

Campus are you fully prepared for disaster?


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