Psychodynamic Theory

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Psychodynamic Theory.

When I read this theory, at first it was confusing but then I

understand it in the long run. “Gender identity occurs as an infant internalizes others him or her.” I
agree with this, a part of my gender identity lies within my early childhood. When I was young, I
was versatile when I was playing with friends and surrounding people, like my tito and titas, my
ates and kuyas, my cousins, and my mother. I grew up in extended family type, grandparents and
cousins are in together in a house. Then the guidance and disciplinary actions at time are mixed for
I have to listen to all the sides of elders. That maybe one of the great factor of who I am today.
Especially my mom, her advices and lessons had a big impact of what I am today. Significantly, the
interactions I made with her and the woman of the house influenced the way I talk. I am quite
talkative femininely. No matter what gender identity I have, I believe what I feel right now. And I
think that’s the reason why I’m bisexual right now. As a son, my mother has a bigger part of my
developing gender identity. I believe that children who nurtured by their parents well will tend to
internalize the parent’s views that they are valuable.

Standpoint Theory says that we interpret the world and form our identity through our
unique life experiences. Both men and women, and upper-class and lower-class view, the world
differently from their separate experiences. For example, we show that reason is more valuable
than emotion in our culture. Also, related to this issue is the concern that these dualisms often
become gendered in our culture. In the process, men are associated with one extreme and women
with the other. In the case of reason and emotion, women are identified as emotional. Because our
culture values emotion over reason, women are affected by this association. Standpoint theory are
shaped by social reality and culture, and are largely shaped by the powerful and the powerless. This
also promotes participation and empowerment of those who are opposed. People tend to think that
people in the same social group have the same opinions. A standpoint theory presents the
knowledge created by the knower as a concept of the theory. This also highlights that social
locations affect men and women’s reactions in their social life. Standpoint theory mainly focuses on
the differences between people and the distribution of knowledge from a gender perspective. It is
about the psychological position of an individual or group compared to others. It supports and
encourages objectivity.

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