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*Keaister.Nuwbey: 14MIS0143
* Name Vashaa.U.P
Ceuse Code SWEB009
+Cewse oName ola Minina Techndarus
Couse Klot 1+TE1 8lot
Pao E. Sattiyamoosthy

Kecent Keseasch \lotk Sn he Field c thz

ota Mning lechniaues
Latest Reseanch Pkadicticn ef Stupicocus ubeni clntal
Caxnied out at mastihi taabmant Sucess in dany hends
UK's Resconc o, means o mass Apetomonyand machine
eonuina 0
Jebaing"-Losedon Dat Mining.
&esearch Complain: 08 April 3021 Axticle Number: 1736 (2021)
*Rosanch Autrong: Merandse Macia-Guwna,NecodeEsenun,kathionina
Giebol, Loniel. Lea, Matin J. Gnan, AndsuoJ.
BAadly Tania RottbsÍne.
*Reseanch/Arkicle: Natwu Communicahens- Scientite poste.
*Relorence Links : >kttps://wnWw.nalure.comsubjec/data- mini
https://mw.nalma. com/axbièles/s4u1598-021-81300-o
acant asearch en. the ield dala mning..

Prudichion of, Stheptocscus Mos Clihical

Mashobs eatment huccosSn any
Honos By Munsd. Mas4
pechomeby Machinelaoaning

AesRact:A Bale4 Skoductin

StkiptocoCs ubovus is oru of the keadina pathogens
Casing mashits worlduwide. Sdtnbzcaluin . ubets
strand that doil 5 nespond to eatinent nitr anh'bioties
s essanbial boti dauuien tmakinga and tatment selacben.
They domenstote triat ihz Combination of supevaed
mahine ooruing and makix -asistia Lasvr desonptien
inizaton/tine ot 4tiaht (MALDI-TOF) mass 6pekiomey
Can disciminale sRANs of S. Abous causing clünical mastit
trat are kely to be sesponsie en umesptrsive ts keatment
Ragnosties (pnedichon systems Rained on io indivduals om
86 dient asns adh eved, uplo 86.2 %and #1. 5% i
txms accuay and Cohen's Kappa. The (peuomancs nas
uwtn incuosod by adding metàdala (parity, somatic cell
ent oPhevieus Kackaacn ana Count of pesikive mashthi
Cases encoda4 (MALDI-TOF)specha, Which ancased
accunay and Cohen's kappa to 9.2o and &4.17%ALypectively
A computational amework irtegsahing (Psoteh-
PAolin ndioosks and skictal Photein Komaion o the
machine eonning hesults unreiled the metecilas daam nan
undenlying thi sLsponsive and unneponsive phenolypas.

soblem Statament J.dentJiod

*Mashia The meast prevalent endemic disoa«e in
the dainy industy impachng psoductivity, prlitabilitg
and cow wellane. A small onoup ef badtonia Staphytococcu
auew, Siptbtoccus ubevs SKeplbcoccus dygalacbiae,
and &schnichia. Coli) ane nwspoible or &o% of mas hihi casza,
awena hue S.ubeis hos been Cesiskentty ound as he maje
aths gen in davy aus anound the wosld.
Machine Lebonin Achniayus Ceuld improve
diagnesi includinA in tihe CKe o bevine clinital mashte
sin thuEe metrnd can Aaaan om data potteans and ezplot
t t inomabion ombeddad in he peaks seaered too MÅLDI-
TOF daa. Hfonerer, to thi but hai eneuledae,
ho stady
an th ittzotuae Mses ML tzchntq/uu to olifterentiate
sponsive muwespensive Sñahs o S. ubeus om cws
witr cunital mashilis .

Stuhion Aoposed By Authos:

Trus wonke. iUluskatu a.novel diagnsshe solution for
the diony Cew, torgoing thi dikcuiminalion. bebween indechons
Case by sposivë and umesponsive sRahs of S. uberu,
orwne Aeonsiv mus that the sKain k likely b Aepond
pesiavoly o ikamamm.a anibio.bic eatment, whilst
wwesponsive identigis Tha shans which anu likely b dailto
nepond. The zeuion k pewered by supuvisy ML'and is
desiane to iOAk. sing 0s input a ombihaion MALDI-TOF
Specha addiional b&ckaseund data kelatrd bihe cews undo
eLainai.on. The dingnestic seluhon has ben duroloped
ing data celleted om a sample o 90 ndividuals as
Pot o h preot
*ata Seunce: Sn thu stady, data rom clintal mashti
CAses en 26 2oms locatr in England Walu weu used, A
inal datas d 90 cewe eut e which 28 S.ubou isela
Wew clod % Aesperuive 52 kolatuz wee Clas6ed as urseporaia
Cattgonizy accbrdirg ts the 8 scc values, including MALDI.
TOF spetha, and sec valus em milk Aecording data cetkdt
at multiple points and a suiis addiional backaiound ingomalim

Pheject's Paocenundertakan/Metedologies
( Gonraion o ealunu used os input for thz (ML).
) Sdantigtaion of Spectral 2eauniu sing abinntng Schune
(Snput Speral zata)
C) Sduntijaahion of Exitunal aa,backgrcund data
olata Uo tki ouus undsn'enamnahion"nput extand feataul
) caiminaion boubæn Asponsive k umesponsive
Subo iolatns using a stution (pouwwdd by
Supovised mMachine aaning
Sdanhkeation o the psokaindfsund to comespond ta th
MALDI TOF Apecral peaks adkognise as disesinunant
byh haind cdasilie
vThephoein-pratun intzacion (PPI) netioonk.of te
pAotoina eu mspond to the MALDI-TOF
pecral pesks Acognikad igniftant Rained clasiien
Data Collection: MALDI-TOF data set.
ata pAe-pAocosing: Ihu pMa-PhOcessina mathds ou
Dased en the tellewing 8 Seps:

4M/z(kopping; The mass Aange nos uetpped b be beioean

&and 12k9d.
2Keaapling : the data nas usampledom 13,740point
to 20,000 pointz.
Baseline Correcior: oa cach biclogttal isoate, bas elina
Correcion Na4 applied usin 2ooDa nitha
stup siz d 200a to shift tne hindpuo
Noamalication: the aea undes tne Cuve (AUc)d evy
pokum noas nomalizad to khe median *
pest-us talud such that the maxmum
artan sity NaM loo
(5) Man Cowpuangj:Ja Aeplical ot each biotogical iolate were
(6) NoisePaducbion: Witb a windewd 35 Da ka R-deea
Aianment: allign. Lhi Apetngnams, a set of
Relrente (eak&'one hajurd.
CePak drhin thmeshold was delinedat i0y.t5 discATd
al peaks bolow tty intensi ot, loo
Peaks mustbe ak least 2o Sa apast.
*Spednaleas90 speaka have bean calculates by
Jtsing Jh Welch's t-tut hitk a pk0.05,AUprsente ad peak.
Binning :The Spedra Nere binnad singa bin sizu of kDa cro
t e Aange da-12kBa o tnot 10 bins Nne Aatrd

*Eatosnal Jealuwis : Cow Meta-data Collecion:

Chinical Mauhi casu: 1,,4 or 5+

No retording 90,0
SCC opior o thzclin'tal daognastie : -

50K-A,50-100k2, l0o-200k>3; 2D0- ook4 or >yok>5|

Closilfcaicn Matwds
Loqishie Raaression: C=[0.01, 0.01,0.1,4, 1o,100,l000
Lnar SÝM: hinge loss ervor C o.001,0.01,0.1,I, 10,/00, leo

Rondom Forut Adaboest: [,44, 1b,32,64J= No.of esimators.

MLP NoAal Neiork: 0(L2penatty ponantou) =Jo.0o1,0.0104
lo100], bdam selver)- o.ool,0.01, 0.i, , hidden layersite
1920,4o, 100,200,300, 400, 5D0
Non-Jinar SVM Nitb RBF Kund: y (RBF keml Coeicient
=[0-0001, o. 001, 0.01,0. land Co. DO1, 0. 0i, o.1,1, 19,100,looo
Naire Bayes, L9A 9QSA:dowot have yper PoramüLis
D.10 Cohun'

TAudkchion Poaannance
Sonsitivity (TAue Posilive Ratr) = TP/P
Spodi (TAL Negabive Rati) =TN/N
Acauracy-(TPA T)/CP+N)
Kappa (po Pe)/é-pe) whene Po=(TP+TN)/(P+N) and
*Pormance Analusie: Nested Gess - Validakion ('NCV)
Nas owuployed o atceas the palomance and select thE
hyper- paamatus of e (paoposad clonsitiens
t a ayailabilutr:The dotn undulying the ARsult
Phs entein the 2tudy ane available körn Quality Milk
Managment Sewitos Hd/QMMs).

Inspird from thz

Kesearch paper publUshed
on gt April 2021 in
Nature Comunications

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