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Guru : Maisar Zain

1. Doni : I see t hat you bring so many books Elsa, may I help you?
Elsa : ............ You are very kind, Don.

a. Cert ainly
b. No, t hanks
c. Really?
d. I’m sorry

2. Mother : Soni, can you t urn off the lamp, please?

Soni : .......

a. With a pleasure
b. I’m sorry
c. I can’t
d. No, I’m bussy

3. Sadi: May I borrow your pencil case?

Sigit: .........I’m using it .

a. Sure
b. I’m sorry
c. Yes, I do
d. With pleasure

4. Hilya: I am hungry mom, ...................., please ?

Mother: Sure. T he delicious meals are ready on t he table for you, dear.

a. Can you give me a drink

b. Could you give me some meals
c. Will you have to eat
d. Do you want to eat

5. Mrs. Rosi : Do you mind passing me the sugar?

Diana: .............. Here it is.

a. No I don’t
b. Sure
c. I’m not sure
d. Yes, I know
6. Nando: ...............a glass of coffe?
Early: Yes, please.That’s very kind of you

a. Could you help me

b. Can you make
c. Would you like
d. Shall I have

7. Inka says, “That’s right .”, What does it mean?

a. She asks for help

b. She gives help
c. She agrees a fact
d. She disagrees a fact

8. Sela: What do you t hink about the new st udent in our class?
Seli: .............She is friendly and smart.

a. I see t hat
b. I want to say
c. Don’t say that
d. I think

9. Sinta: Amel, Do you know, Andini won the Match competition yesterday?
Amel : O yeah? .......................
Sinta: Yes, she is so smart amel

a. What a smart girl

b. What a creative girl
c. What a charming girl
d. What a good girl

10. Gina: Fit , I’m so hungry, let ’s go to cant een wit h me.
Fitri:: .................... I have something else to do know.
Gina: It’s ok, no problem.
a. Thank you
b. Of course
c. I like it
d. I am sorry
11. Vicky: Would you like t o come to my sist er’s wedding party next Sunday
Mr. Jones?
Mr. Jones: That ’s very kind of you, but I don’t t hink I can. Have a nice party.
The underlined expression is used for ........

a. Inviting people
b. Asking for informat ion
c. Introducing people
d. Asking people to do things.

Read the textand answer questions 12 to 15

I have a papaya plant. It grows at the front yard. The papaya tree is tall, about
three meters high. It has no branch es. The steam is soft and weak because it
has the flimsy wood and a hollowcenter. The leaves emerge directly from the
upper part of the stem in a spiral fashion.
I like to harvest the lower most papaya fruit. The oldest, mature fruit is the lowest
one, and the youngest the upper most one. The ripe fruit has yellow skin. The
flesh is bright orange orpinkish, with small black seeds clustered in the center

12. Why is the stem of the papaya tree soft and weak? Because.................

a. It has flimsy wood and a hollow center

b. It has no branches
c. It s leaves emerge from t he upper part of the st em
d. It is very t all

13. What are clust ered in t he center of the papaya fruit ?

a. Fresh water
b. The flesh of the papaya fruit .
c. Big seeds of t he papaya
d. Small black seeds of the papaya.

14. “................. flimsy wood and a hollow cent er.” (Paragraph 1)

T he word ‘flimsy’ has the similar meaning wit h................

a. Hard
b. Thick
c. Soft
d. Long
15. “The papaya tree is tall” (P aragraph 1) t he word ‘tall’ has t he opposit e
meaning with...............

a. Small
b. High
c. Wide
d. Short

Read the text and answer the following questions !

One day I flew from Denpasar to Makasar. I went with Kevin and Kathrin. Kevin
is the Project Manager for Cool Radio English and Kathrin is the Program Officer
for AuSAID.

The pilot said something over the intercom in Bahasa Indonesia. I did not
understand him. I asked someone sitting near me for a clue. I looked out the
window and could see the tires on my side of the plane lowering. I felt a little
weak in the knees. I realized I had been holding my breath for a quite a while.

1. From where the writer flew?

2. Who is Kevin?
3. Who is Kathrin?
4. Did the writer understand with Bahasa Indonesia?
5. What is the writer feeling when he looked out the window?

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