Group 13 - Queen

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Report on Movie 13: Queen

Group 13

Name Roll Number

Akshay Vyas 20BM63011

Aswathy T krishnan 20BM63019

Peerzada Abdul Hanan Mustafa 20BM63061

Mithilesh Yadav Guntobyina 20BM63045

Rani Mehra (Kangana Ranaut) is a Delhi-based young woman who lacks confidence. Her fiancé
Vijay (Rajkumar Rao) informs her two days before her wedding that he doesn’t wants to marry
her. He says, by living overseas his life has changed, and her traditional values would not be
a good fit for him. For a day Rani locks herself in her room after receiving the news. She seeks
permission to go on her pre-booked honeymoon to Amsterdam and Paris from her parents.
Her parents finally agree after some hesitation, believing that a trip will help her feel better.
Rani meets Vijayalakshmi who works at a hotel in Paris. Rani plans to return to India after
being dazed by the new country and getting into problems twice - once with a robber and the
local police. Vijayalakshmi, on the other hand, assists her and offers her a tour of the city.
It comes time for her to say her final goodbyes to Vijaya and travel to Amsterdam via train.
After reaching Amsterdam she is horrified to discover that three men are her hostel
roommates: Tim (from France), Taka (from Japan) and Oleksander (Russia). She becomes
good friends with them and spends time sight-seeing and shopping with them.
Rani slowly gains confidence over her decisions. She discovers her cooking skills after winning
a cooking competition by preparing and selling gol gappa. One Day, in front of the hostel, the
four discover Vijay waiting for Rani. He expresses regret and requests Rani to reassess their
love. His attempt to grab Rani worsens their conversation, but her companions retaliate, and
she urges him to go.
Rani returns to Delhi and pays a visit to Vijay at his residence. Vijay believes she has made up
her mind to forgive him. Instead, Rani tosses the ring given by Vijay and walks with a smile on
her face after saying "thank you."

Team Work, Persistence, Initiative and Self-belief
Management Lessons from the Movie:
1) Accept what is happening:
• It is important to accept setbacks no matter how surprising and unpredictable
they might have been. It is only when setbacks are fully accepted that a
recovery process can be initiated. An example could be a security breach in an
organization, which can only be dealt with in the present and prevented in the
future once there is an acceptance of the setback that it has caused.
• Rani gets told by her fiancé one day before her wedding that he will not marry
her due to her conservative habits and his changed lifestyle because of his
recent foreign visits. This affects her adversely and she locks herself up in her
room in a mournful atmosphere. But eventually, she is able to accept the
events that unfolded, and this marks the beginning of a new journey in her life.
2) Team Support is crucial:
• Success and setbacks are part of a team’s journey. Team leaders and members
need to be supportive of each other in times of adversity and setbacks.
Standing by one another makes the team strong in weak times and ensures
delivery of results.
• Rani tells her family that she wants to go on her pre-booked honeymoon
despite her marriage falling through. Her family not just respects her decision
but are fully supportive of it. They believe that this is the right thing to do for
her if she wishes so as it can help her recover from the setback that she has
been through.

3) Explore new possibilities:

• Organizations and teams often face times of slump and low morale. In such
times, it becomes critical for leaders and team members alike to explore new
opportunities and take calculated risks to make the best out of the situation
that they are in. In general, as well, companies should always be on the lookout
for new opportunities to stay ahead in ever so competitive markets.
• Rani calls her grandmother from her hotel room in Paris. Upon hearing that she
is spending time alone watching TV in her hotel room, her grandmother
motivates her to explore Paris, which is considered one of the most beautiful
cities in the world. Rani heeds her grandmother’s advice and decides to venture
out to explore the city of Paris on her own.

4) Always be ready to take initiative:

• Teams and organizations must always be ready to take initiatives in general,
and more specifically with regard to onboarding of new members in the team
who might find it difficult to gel in upfront. Also, leaders must take initiative to
learn, unlearn and relearn in terms of new technologies and trends in business.
• After being uncomfortable in her interactions with her dorm mates, Rani
decides to make everyone breakfast. This initiative of hers breaks ice between
all of them. They introduce themselves and there is exchange of friendly banter.
This marks the beginning of what becomes some days of great friendship and

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