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Chandigarh University, Gharuan

1st Hourly Test (Feb. 2020)

Marking Scheme

Course: BE Aerospace Semester: 4th

Sub: Aerodynamics-I (AST-261) Time Allowed: 1 Hour

Section-A (each question 2 Marks)

Question No. Question & Marking Scheme

1(a) Compute the pressure at point if an ndard sea level conditions

a airplane is flying at standard
and temperature at a point on the wing is 250 K.
Solution: 2 Marks for correct answer

(b) Find Mach number of jet transport if flying at a standard altitude of 9144 m with a
velocity of 885.14 kmph.
At 9144 m,
T=228.81 K
Temperature 1 Marks
Mach no. 1 Marks

(c) At a given point on the wing of a Boeing 727, the pressure and temperature of the air
are 1.9 × 104N/m2 and 203 K, respectively. Calculate the density at this point.

2 Marks for correct answer

Section-B (each question 15 Marks)
Question No. Question & Marking Scheme

2 The flow velocity in the test section of a low-speed subsonic wind tunnel is 100 mph.
The test section is vented to the atmosphere, where atmospheric pressure is 1.01 × 105
N/m2. The air density in the flow is the standard sea-level value of 1.23 kg/m3. The
contraction ratio of the nozzle is 10-to-1. Calculate the reservoir pressure in
atmospheres. For second case determine reservoir pressure if speed increased 200 mph
in the test section of this wind tunnel. Comment on the magnitude of this increase in
pressure relative to the increase in test-section velocity.

Solution & Marking:

Miles per hour is not a consistent unit for velocity. To convert to m/s, we note that 1 mi
= 1609 m, and 1 h = 3600 s. Hence,

V2 = 100 mph = (100)(0.447) = 44.7 m/s 1 Marks

6 Marks

6 Marks
Comments: 2 Marks
Comparing this result with part (a) above, we observe that to achieve a doubling of the
test-section flow velocity from 100 mph to 200 mph, the reservoir pressure needed to be
increased by only 0.038 atm (i.e., by 3.8 percent).

3 Check whether the following velocity relations satisfy the requirements for steady and
irrotational flow.
i) u = x + y, v = x – y
ii) u = xt2 + 2y , v = x2 – y t2
iii) u = xt2, v = xyt + y2
Solution & Marking,

a) Steady flow: for all three cases (2.5 x 3 =7.5 Marks)

b) Irrotational conditions : (2.5 x 3 = 7.5 Marks )

4 The velocity components expressed in m/s in a fluid flow are known to be

𝑢 = (6𝑥𝑦 + 𝑡)
𝑣 = (3𝑦𝑧 + 𝑡 + 5); 𝑤 = (2 + 3𝑡𝑦))
Where x, y, z are the given in meters and time t in seconds. Set up an expression for the
velocity vector at point P (4, 1, 2) m at t=3 seconds. Also determine the magnitude of
velocity for this flow field at the given location time
Solution & Marking:

Formula: 2 Marks
Velocity components
components: 2 x3 =6 Marks
Magnitude: 7 Marks
Section-C (30 Marks)
Questio Question
n No.
Consider a light, single-engine, propeller-driven airplane similar to a Cessna Skylane. The
airplane weight is 2950 lb and the wing reference area is 174 ft2. The drag coefficients of the
airplane CD is a function of the lift coefficients; this function for the given airplane is CD = 0.025
+ 0.054CL2.
Case:1. For steady, level flight at sea level, where the ambient atmospheric density is 0.002377
slug/ft3, plot on a graph the variation of CL , CD, and the lift-to-drag ratio L/D with flight velocity
ranging between 70 ft/s and 250 ft/s. 25 Marks
Case: 2. Make some observations about the variation of these quantities with velocity. 5 Marks

Solution & Marking:


b) Observation:
1. It can be seen that as V increases, lift coefficient decreases (𝐶 = )
2. Value of the Cd also decreases with increases in velocity values
3. The ratio L/D reaches maximum and then decreases with the velocity because of lover
velocities and the decrement in Cd values is more than CL.

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