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Department of Aerospace Engineering

Sub: Aerodynamics-I UNIT-III AST-261


Tutorial Sheet-1

1. Air with a speed of 60 km ph is blowing over a flat plate aligned with the flow direction. Calculate the (i)
Boundary layer (ii) Displacement (iii) Momentum thickness for a point 30 cm from the leading edge.
Assume the velocity profile in the boundary layer as follows Kinematic viscosity of air may be assumed
as 15mm2/s.
2. Calculate the drag force on each side of a thin smooth plat 2 m long and 1 m wide the length parallel to a
flow of fluid moving at 30 m/s. The density of the fluid is 800 kg/m3 and the dynamics viscosity is 0.008.
3. Oil having viscosity of 1.43 poise and specific gravity of 0.9 flows through a pipe, 2.5 cm diameter and
300 cm long, at one tenth of the critical velocity for which Reynold number is 2500. Find a) the velocity
of flow through the pipe, b) the head loss in metes of oil across the pipe length required to maintain the
flow, c) power required to overcome the viscous resistance of flow of oil.
4. A wing tunnel has a wooden 0.0001 rectangular section 40 cm by 1 m by 50 m long. The
average velocity is 45 m/s for air at sea level standard conditions. Find the power required if the fan has
65 percent efficiency. For sir, 1.2  / , 1.81   10 kg/m.s.

Semester: IV Session Jan-May 2020 

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Sub: Aerodynamics-I UNIT-III AST-261


Tutorial Sheet-2
1. Part-I : Consider the incompressible viscous flow of air between two infinitely long parallel plates
separated by a distance h. The bottom plate is stationary, and the top plate is moving at the constant
velocity ue in the direction of the plate. Assume that no pressure gradient exists in the flow direction.
a) Obtain an expression for the variation of velocity between the plates.
b) If T = constant = 320 K, ue = 30 m/s, and h = 0.01 m, calculate the shear stress on the top and bottom
Part-2: Assume that the two parallel plates as discussed in part one are both stationary but that a constant
pressure gradient exists in the flow direction (i.e., dp/dx = constant).
a) Obtain an expression for the variation of velocity between the plates.
b) Obtain an expression for the shear stress on the plates in terms of dp/dx.

2. Estimate the boundary-layer thickness in the stagnation zone of (i) a circular cylinder of 120-mm
diameter in a wind tunnel at a flow speed of 20 m/s, and (ii) the leading edge of a Boeing 747 wing with
a leading edge radius of 150 mm at a flight speed of 250 m/s.
3. A cylinder 80 mm diameter and 200 mm long is placed in stream of fluid flowing at 0.5 m/s. The axis of
the cylinder is normal to the direction of flow. The density of the fluid is 800 kg/m3. The drag force is
measured and found to be 30 N.

Semester: IV Session Jan-May 2020 

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