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Volumetric Determination of Nitrate Ion

Simultaneous Determination of Nitrite


lnstituto de Qdrnica Agrkola, Minisi6rio da Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

,The reaction between sulfamic acid G. Frederick Smith Chemical Co.,

and nitric acid is used in the deter- Columbus, Ohio) in distilled water. Table 1. Effect of Procedure Condi-
mination of nitrate ion by titration of Dilute to 1 liter, to prepare an approxi- tions on Stability of Sulfamate
the excess sulfamic acid with standard mately 0.08M solution.
sodium nitrite solution, using an ex- Starch, 3% aqueous solution. 0.08M
Potassium iodide, free from iodine, Sulfamic
ternal indicator such as starch-iodide 20% aqueous solution. Bcid
to detect the end point. Quantities solution 0.08M Sodium Nitrite
of potassium nitrate between 5 and Taken, Solution, Used M1.
PROCEDURE Ml., 1. 2b
100 mg. were determined with a
deviation from the correct value oscillat- Prepare a neutral sample solution 25,00 25.05 25.05
ing between &0.6% and an average containing 0.4 to 0.6 gram of nitrate 25.00 25.03 25.04
ion per 100 ml. 25.00 25.05 25.03
error of less than 0.1%. The method
is sufficiently selective. Nitrites and Preliminary Test. If one drop of 0 The sulfamic acid solution, after addi-
the sample solution after acidification tion of sulfuric acid, was titrated with
ammonium salts do not interfere. with dilute sulfuric acid, 10% by vol- sodium nitrite solution.
The procedure does not call for any ume, gives a feeble or negative starch- * The sulfamic acid solution mas sub-
special apparatus, and it is rapid iodide test (absence of nitrite), use jected to the conditions of the procedure
and well suited for routine work.
and then titrated with sodium nitrite solu-
25.00-ml. portions of 0.08iM sulfamic tion.
acid solution in the procedure below. If
a strong blue color appears in the test,
A METHOD Iyas needed for the deter-
mination of nitrate nitrogen which
did not rely on special equipment, rea-
treat 2 ml. of 0.086f sulfamic acid with 1
ml. of 10% sulfuric acid and titrate the
solution rapidly with the sample solution
sulfuric acid. Cool the residue to room
temperature. To beaker I, add 2 ml. of
gents, or techniques. to an approximate starch-iodide end concentrated sulfuric acid and make the
Berglund (3) discovered that sulfamic point. If 4 ml. of sample solution have mixture homogeneous. After the gas
been used up and the end point has not ceases to evolve (a few minutes), dilute
acid is decomposed with effervescence, been reached (presence of only small
even a t room temperature, by nitric n-ith distilled water to approximately SO
quantities of nitrite), follow the pro- ml. To beaker 11, add 80 ml. of dis-
acid or by a mixture of sulfuric acid cedure as described with 25.00-ml. tilled water and then 2 ml. of concen-
and a nitrate. He identified the gas portions of 0.08M sulfamic acid solu- trated sulfuric acid.
as nitrous oxide. Baumgarten '(2)found tion. If, however, between 4 and 0.5 Titrate the excess sulfamic acid in
that at room temperature the reaction ml. of sample solution are required to both beakers with standard 0.OSM
occurs only with concentrated nitric reach the end point (presence of signifi- sodium nitrite solution, using a starch-
acid, proceeding quantitatively accord- cant quantities of nitrite), increase iodide solution as an external indicator.
ing to the equation: the portions of 0.08M sulfamic acid solu- Stir the contents of the beaker con-
tion in the procedure. It is best to use stantly. Add the nitrite solution slowly
HNO' + HzN*SOsH + NzO + HzsOt portions in the vicinity of (25.00 + (about 2 to 3 ml. per minute), stopping
+ Hz0 20.00:~)ml., z representing the volume
of sample solution consumed in the
for 1 minute after each 5-ml. addition.
To verify the end point of the titration,
Previous work on gasometric titration titration above. If less than 0.5 ml. is perform two spot tests, the first 1minute
(8) showed that this reaction can be sufficient to reach the end point (pres- and the second 3 minutes after adding
used for the determination of nitrate ion. ence of very great quantities of nitrite), each drop of nitrite solution. The
The acids are freed from a mixture of dilute the sample solution until a t equivalence point is considered reached,
nitrate and a known quantity of sulfa- least 0.5 ml. is needed to react with 2 when the indicator shows a slight blue
ml. of the sulfamic acid solution. color within 15 seconds in both tests.
mate, by adding concentrated sulfuric Determination of Nitrate. Transfer Perform these spot tests by adding a t
acid a t room temperature. After this t o each of two 250-ml. beakers the moment of their execution, in the
rapid reaction is completed, the excess marked I and 11, equal volumes, cavity of a plate, one drop of starch
sulfamic acid is titrated with a standard 25.00 ml. or more (see Preliminary solution and one drop of potassium
solution of sodium nitrite. Test) of 0.08M sulfamic acid solu- iodide solution and touching this mis-
tion. Add t o each 0.5 ml. of 10% ture with the tip of a glass rod which
REAGENTS sulfuric acid. Run into each slowly has been immersed in the titrated solu-
10.00 ml. of sample solution with tion.
SODIUM NITRITE. Crystallize rea- stirring. Continue t o stir for 3 Determination of Nitrate and Ni-
gent grade material three times from minutes. Add one drop of 0.1% phenol- trite. To beaker 111, add the same
water. Dry the crystals to constant phthalein indicator and then dilute so- volume of 0.08M sulfamic acid solu-
weight in a desiccator under vacuum. dium hydroxide solution to slight alka- tion used in beakers I and I1 and
Dissolve a 5.5206-gram sample in dis- linity. Evaporate the contents of both proceed as outlined for beaker 11,
tilled water and dilute t o 1 liter. This beakers t o dryness on the steam bath. omitting the sample solution.
0.08M solution can be used as a primary Heating should be discontinued a t the
standard (9) for 90 days (6). moment the residue completely solidi- CALCULATION
SULFAMIC ACID. Dissolve about 7.77 fies; if heating is prolonged beyond this
grams of sulfamic acid (reagent grade, point, it will be less easily attacked by The per cent nitrate (or nitrate nitro-

VOL. 30, NO. 5, MAY 1958 * 995

gen) and nitrite (or nitrite nitrogen) in sulfamic acid to compensate for the (4) or even the more sensitive sulfanil-
the sample may be calculated, respec- reagent used up by the nitrite ion. amide-1-naphthylamine (Y), are not
tively, through the expressions: If the sample does not contain nitrite satisfactory \\-hen solutions of nitrite
Q (c - b ) M ion, the order of addition of sulfamic and sulfamate ions more dilute than
P (a - a) M
and -
lo.p acid solution and sample is irrelevant, 0.0lM are titrated. This establishes a
and treatment of the sulfamic acid solu- lower limit of about 5 mg. for the quan-
where P is the molecular weight of the tion by sulfuric acid and slow addition tity of nitrate ion which can be deter-
nitrate (or the atomic weight of nitro- mined by the procedure described. Pre-
gen), Q is the molecular weight of the of sample solution are also unnecessary.
nitrite (or the atomic weight of nitro- Only very concentrated aqueous solu- liminary experiments showed the possi-
gen), p is the weight in grams of the tions of nitric acid react with sulfamic bility of performing the titration by
sample in the aliquot taken for analysis, acid ( 2 ); hence reaction betxeen the electrometry. The amperometric titra-
11f is the molarity of the standard nitrite two substances is prevented by dilution. tion of sulfamates with nitrite, as de-
solution, and a, b, and c are the volumes By performing tIvo parallel operations- scribed by Hirozawa and Brasted (@, in
in milliliters of standard nitrite solution Le., reacting nitrate with sulfamic acid combination with the method here out-
consumed, respectively, in the titration in beaker I and preventing the reaction lined, might reduce the lower limit of
of the content of beakers I, 11, and 111. in beaker 11-problems pertinent to the nitrate ion determination.
stability of the sulfamic acid solution Slow reaction near the equivalence
DISCUSSION point is responsible for the wait before
are excluded. The data of Table I
Because large amounts of nitrite may show that the sulfamic ion is not appre- proceeding with the verification and the
use up significant quantities of sulfamic ciably altered under the conditions of confirmation of the end point.
acid, it is necessary to make a prelimi- the analysis. Quantities of concentrated
nary check for nitrite and, if this is sulfuric acid larger than 2 ml. make the RESULTS
present, to add a sufficient excess of starch-iodide end point rather difficult Some results of the application of this
to observe. Quantities smaller than 0.5 method to an analytical sample of po-
ml. make a thorough suspension of the tassium nitrate are presented in Table
evaporation residue difficult and de- 11. Table I11 illustrates results which
Table II. Determination of Pure Potas- crease the velocity of the reaction be-
sium Nitrate can be obtained in the determination of
tween the nitrite and sulfamate ions. mixtures of nitrite and nitrate.
Mg. Mg. Error, The optimum quantity of sulfamic
Present Found 7% acid to be titrated with the 0.08V ni- INTERFERENCES
80.92"** 80.60 -0.40 trite solution was established from data
80.75 -0.21 given by Bowler and Arnold (4). Ex- Chloride ion causes loss of nitrate
80.87 -0.06 when the residue is treated with sul-
80.87 -0.06 ternal indicators, such as starch-iodide
80.90 -0.02 furic acid. This interference can be
80.92 0.00 eliminated by transforming the chloride
80.95 +0.04 ion to silver chloride with a slight ex-
80.98 +0.07 Table IV. Determination of Nitrate cess of silver sulfate. The determina-
80.98 $0.07 Nitrogen in Commercial Products tion of nitrate in a fertilizer (Table IV)
81.03 $0.14
81.11 $0.23 Nitrate Nitrogen was performed in this manner.
81.17 $0.31 Found, yo Although nitrite ion reacts with sul-
81.17 +0.31 AOAC famic acid, the double titration pro-
81.42 $0.62 method Proposed
(1) procedure cedure eliminates its influence on the
Av. 80.98 i0.15 f 0 . 0 7 nitrate determination. By an addi-
Fertilizer" 4.6 4.67
8.09"*c 8.02 -0.87 4.70 tional titration, using the same solu-
8.10 +o. 12 4.70 tions and technique as in the nitrate
8.10 $0.12 determination, nitrite can be deter-
8.15 +0.74 Calcium nitrateb 14.1 14.14
Av. 8.09 =t0.04 $0.03 14.11 mined simultaneously. The interfer-
14.13 ence of other substances capable of re-
a Quantity contained in 10.00 ml. of
eolution. 4 Organic nitrogen, 1.7y0 as N; chloride, acting with sulfamic acid in aqueous
* 25.00 ml. of 0.08M sulfamic acid solu- 4,5% as C1; phosphorus soluble in 2% solution is also eliminated by the double
tion added. Titration performed with citnc acid, 11.7y0 as PzO5; total phos- titration. However, substances which,
0.08M sodium nitrite solution. phorus, 12.2y0 as Pp06; potassium soluble like nitrate ion, react with sulfamic acid
c 20.00 ml. of 0.016M sulfamic acid in water, 5.1% aa KIO.
solution added. Titration performed with * Product, which contained 1.6% am- only when treated with concentrated
0.016M sodium nitrite solution. monium nitrogen, was labeled 15.5% N. sulfuric acid cannot be present.
Phosphates, sulfates, carbonates, and
many cations, including ammonium, do
not interfere. Cobalt(I1) ion is trans-
formed by nitrite to the cobalt(II1) com-
Table 111. Simultaneous Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite plex, [Co(NO&]---, which is stable
hlg. Present pvlg. Found toward sulfamic acid (6). Hence co-
Samde KNO, NaKOS KNOI NaNOl balt(I1) interferes with the nitrite de-
1 80.92 11.07 80.95 10.81 termination. The introduction of salts
80.78 10.98 into the aliquot, as through some pre-
80.71 11.18
treatment of the sample, must be prac-
2 80.92 55.36 80.71 55.53 ticed with caution. Relatively large
80.87 55.36
81.03 55.24 quantities of solids in the mivture with
the nitrate make a thorough suspension
3 32.37 166.08 32.20 166.63
32.45 166.30 of the residue in concentrated sulfuric
33.01 165.91 acid difficult. This condition may cause
In samples 1, 2, and 3, respectively, 25, 35, and 50 ml. of 0.08M sulfamic acid solution
low results.
were used, Titration was performed with 0.08M sodium nitrite solution. Organic substances which are easily
oxidized under the conditions of the


method can be destroyed with per- preciation to Kalter B. Mors for his (5) Brasted, R. C., Zbid., 23, 980 (1951).
oxide (IO), which, in turn, must be interest in this work and t o Mary Ne- ( 6 ) Zbid., 24, 1111 (1952).
(7) Cumming, W.M., Alexander, W. A.,
eliminated before nitrate can be deter- bel, Wayne State University, Detroit, Analust 68, 273 (1943).
mined. Organic substances which are hIich., for revision of the English manu- (8) Gottlieb, 0. R., “Titrimetria Gaso-
reasonably stable under the conditions script. mbtrica,” Bol. 42, p. 47, Tnstituto
of the method do not interfere consid- de Quimica Agricola, Ministbrio da
Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro (1955);
erably, even if they are nitrogenated. LITERATURE CITED Anal. Chim. Acta 13, 531 (1955).
Preliminary experiments showed that (9) Hirozawa, S. T., Brasted, R. C.,
satisfactory, although somewhat low, ANAL.CHEM.25. 221 (19531.
(1) Assoc. Offic. Agr. Chemists, “Official (10) Johnson, C . M., blrich, A,; Zbid.,
results can be obtained for nitrate in hlethods of Analysis,” 8th ed., 22, 1526 (1950).
the presence of equal quantities of gela- p. 13, 1955.
tin or urea. (2) Baumgarten, P., Bey. deut. chem.
Ges. 71, 80 (1938).
(3) Berglund, E., Bull. S O C . chim. [2], RECEIVEDfor review May 9, 1957.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 29, 422 (1878). Accepted December 5, 1957. Work sup-
(4) Bowler, W. W., Arnold, E. A., ported by Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas,
The authors wish to express their ap- ANAL.CHEN.19, 336 (1943). Brazil.

Basic Behavior of Molecules and Ions in Acetjc Anhydride

Analytical Research laborafory, American Cyanamid Co., Stamford, Conn.

,Titration of neutral and anionic this restricted the choice to tertiary PROCEDURE
bases in acetic anhydride has shown amines and heterocyclics. Weigh out 1 mmole of the sample to
that a linear relationship exists be- Two assumptions must be made in be tested, dissolve it in acetic anhy-
tween pK,(H20) values and half neu- viewing qualitatively acid-base behavior dride, and dilute to 100.0 ml. in a
tralization potentials in acetic anhy- in acetic anhydride: Hydrogen acids volumetric flask. Pipet 25.0 nil. of
dride. The relationship is, however, behave (and bases react with hydrogen this solution into a EO-ml. beaker, add
different for the neutral bases than acids) in much the same manner as they 75 ml. of anhydride, and titrRte with
for ions. Anions are stronger bases in do in a protonated solvent, such as
acetic anhydride than in water relative acetic acid; and liquid junction poten-
to the neutral compounds. It is also tials, while unknown, are constant and
possible to titrate halide salts directly do not distort the titration curves.
in the solvent. Chlorides and iodides
may be resolved, but this is not possible
for chlorides and bromides or bromides REAGENTS AND APPARATUS
and iodides. Anions which form weak
acids in water solution are leveled in Reagents. The acetic anhydride
basic strength in acetic anhydride. used as solvent was Baker and Adam-
son reagent made. which was not fur-

T HE utility of acetic anhydride as a

titration medium, either alone or in
conjunction with another solvent, has
ther purifiedu.

This was prepared by diluting 4.2 ml.
of 72% acid with about 500 ml. of acetic
been noted by Gremillion (4), Fritz (S), acid and then diluting this to 1 liter with
and Usanovich ( I S ) . A number of acetic anhydride. The solution became
compounds which do not exhibit basic highly cofored on standing, but color
properties in water, acetic acid, or ace- formation did not affect the normality.
tonitrile may be quantitatively titrated The acid was standardized against po-
in the anhydride. The principal draw- tassium hydrogen phthalate (11).
back of this solvent is its reactivity with Xost of the organic compounds mere
some solutes to produce new products, Eastman Kodak White Label. Quater-
nary ammonium salts were obtained
usually weaker bases.
from the southwestern Chemical Co. ‘
0 ll-ullJ
P 40 80 80 100 120
The work described was initiated to Other salts were reagent grade.
determine if weak anionic bases might Apparatus. All titrations were per- % Neutralization
be titrated in this solvent, to give a more formed using a Precision-Dom Recordo-
detailed picture of acid-base behavior in matic titrator. Solutions were agitated Figure 1 . Titration of neutral nitro-
the anhydride, and to establish, if pos- with a magnetic stirrer during the gen bases in acetic anhydride
sible, a relationship between pK,(H20) titration. The electrodes mere a a. Acetanilide
and half neutralization potential (HNP) conventional glass electrode and a b. Acetamide
of weak bases in acetic anhydride. silver-silver chloride reference cell. c. Caffeine
The latter was made from the shell of d. Urea
The substances used as standards e. Methylurea
were chosen to give as large a range of a Leeds & Northrup calomel electrode, f. N,N-Dimethylaniline
and contained a coiled silver wire, elec- g. Quinoline
pK, values as possible, but were limited trically coated with silver chloride, im-
to those substances which showed a h. Pyridine
mersed in acetic anhydride which had 1. N,N-Diethylanlline
minimum chance of being acetylated by been saturated with silver and lithium k. N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine
the solvent. In the case of the amines, chlorides. I. Tri-n-butylamine

VOL. 30, NO. 5, MAY 1958 997

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