Non Brahmin Manifesto 2019

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பிராமணரல்லாத ாரின்
தபரறிக்கை - 2019

தேயுறுத ாளிபங்ைன்

Copyright © 2019

Images: Courtesy. Net and various open sources.

Drawing in Page 10 – Surya

Chaturvarna system is a genetic calumny.
It is a crime against humanity.

Art. 38 (1) of the Constitution of India says, “The State
shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by
securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social
order in which justice, social, economic and political,
shall inform all the institutions of the national life.”

Chaturvarna system should have no place in a civilised

social order. Religious institutions should get rid of it
first. It is of paramount importance that the social order
in the ‘Hindu’ religious set-up is not allowed to continue
with its apartheidistic attitude but is made to ensure
justice for all in the social sphere, to start with.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!


ஊடைேியலாளர்ைள் ெங்ைம்) AT KAVIKKO ARANGAM,

“….. the Hindu delegates of this Congress call upon the leading
Hindus to settle all disputes between Brahmins and Non-
Brahmins, wherever they may be existing, ….”.
-Resolution No. 2 of
the Indian National Congress
at its 35th Session held
at Nagpur in December 1920.

The resolution passed by the Congress in December 1920
recognising the existence of issues between the Non-Brahmins and
the Brahmins and the necessity for settling those disputes was a great
landmark in the annals of Indian history. It was part of the resolution

that exhorted the Hindus and Muslims to settle their differences too.
The Congressmen, in that meeting, had wisely drafted the resolution
that the demand for settling the disputes between Brahmins and Non-
Brahmins was mooted not by the Congressmen as a whole but only
by the Hindu delegates of that session of the Congress.

And, they exhorted the Hindu religious heads to take steps to

reform Hinduism in the matter of its treatment of its suppressed
classes. The resolution read: “….. this Congress calls upon public
associations to advance Hindu-Muslim unity and the Hindu delegates
of this Congress call upon the leading
Hindus to settle all disputes between
Brahmins and Non-Brahmins,
wherever they may be existing, and to
make special effort to rid Hinduism of
the reproach of untouchability, and
respectfully urges the religious heads to
help the growing desire to reform
Hinduism in the matter of its treatment
of suppressed classes”. (Report of the 35th
session of INC and also in Page 37 - Congress
in Evolution - A collection of Congress
Resolutions from 1885 - 1934 and other
important documents - By D. Chakrabarthy
& C. Bhattacharyya - with a Foreword by Subash Chandra Bose on

But, the Chaturvarna protagonists who, under the leadership of

Tories like B.G. Tilak, opposed vehemently any step by the Congress
that would eradicate the caste system, and were ready even to indulge

in violence for that purpose, and threatened openly that they would
burn the pandal of the Congress Meet to prevent discussion on social
reforms in the pre-1920 period (Page 51- B.R. Ambedkar -The politics of
emancipation- A. M. Rajasekhariah), saw to it that the issues between the
Brahmins and Non-Brahmins were not even discussed during the
subsequent sessions of the Congress but were disowned, in effect, by
the Congress.

Untouchability resides in and starts from sanctum-sanctorum

While the issues between the Hindus and the Muslims had been
repeatedly brought for discussion in every annual meet of the
Congress even before 1920, it did not reach the stage of resolution
then because of the pressure from Chaturvarna elements. What
happened in December 1920 was a great open-minded step taken by
the Congress to build fraternity among Indians when they were
fighting for independence.

But, that open mind got closed once again and the call to the
Brahmins and Non-Brahmins was not repeated after 1920 but was
made to vanish into thin air. Such a manipulation in support of the
Chaturvarna system within the Congress, resulted in many staunch
Non-Brahmin Congressmen, like Periyar, breaking away from the
Congress. Once again, the Congress became the citadel of the
Brahmins and pursued its original aim of Brahmanical empowerment,
to establish Brahmanical imperialism in the post-independent India.
It was then the Communal G.O. of 1921 came to be passed, in Madras
Presidency only, as an outcome of the Non-Brahmin Manifesto of
1916 and in the light of the aforesaid resolution by the Congress in
December 1920.

Monopoly in public services in 1913

In Madras Presidency at that time the people belonging to only

one Varna monopolized the whole of educational, political and
administrative opportunities and the status of other communities was
that of backwardness. Sir Alexander Cardew, Member of the Madras
Governor’s Executive Council, gave evidence before the Public
Service Commission in 1913 in a detailed manner the relative position
of the people of various varnas. The monopoly was to the extent of
90% of the positions in public services in different fields, as per his
deposition. (Page 116 – Mrs. Annie Besant: An alien in Indian Polity – Dr.
M. Rani – 2008 – Ajantha Achaham, Madurai).

But, even after the introduction of the communal representation

in government appointments in 1921, the Congress did not want to
discuss the basic points of dispute that existed between the Brahmins
and the Non-Brahmins. Not because the issues between the two had
been solved, but, because the Brahmins did not want to solve those
issues. And, they did not want to solve those issues, because they
knew it was only those issues which gave them the status of ‘high-
borns’ with the consequent power to insult, enslave and exploit the

As a result, the issues, the factum of whose existence was

recognised and admitted by the Congress, officially, in its resolution
in December 1920, remain unresolved till date and continue to play
havoc, preventing the entire Indian society from evolving itself to be
a civilized one.

Even the problem of untouchability, which was given special
stress in the resolution of 1920, has not been solved till date, in spite
of Art. 17 of the Constitution. In fact, that problem of untouchability
is still alive and kicking because its core remains alive and protected
in the sanctum sanctorum of the temples, into which the Non-
Brahmins are denied entry on the ground that their access to the deity
would pollute the deity. All the Non-Brahmins are, thus,
‘Untouchables’ as on date, by law. The very concept of Theendal
invented and practiced by the Brahmins until a century ago, would
prove that they treated, traditionally, all the Non-Brahmins as
untouchables. Theendal necessitated a Pulaya to keep himself 64 steps
away, Eezhava 12 feet away and Nairs 3 to 4 feet away, from the
Brahmins. Untouchability and apartheid were and are, thus, against all
the Non-Brahmins as a whole. It is because of that policy of apartheid
that the concept of superiority of Brahmins by birth is kept protected
and preserved till date.

Apartheid through Art. 26

Indian Constitution framed by a Drafting Committee (with

Brahmin majority of 4/6) says, in Art. 17 that untouchability stands
“abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden”. But, the fact is
that the concept of untouchability has been given divine sanction
through Art. 26, which had been framed at the instance of
Sankaracharya of Kanchi who used Agnihotram Thathacariyar as his
messenger to manipulate matters through the members of the
Constituent Assembly and the Drafting Committee (Ref: The Prophet of
our Age – written by Agnihotram Thathachariar).

The problem of untouchability can, now, be solved only when the
reform in Hinduism starts from the top, i.e., from the sanctum
sanctorum of the temple, by universalising the priesthood in all the
temples in which Brahmins alone officiate as priests. “It was observed
that the basis of untouchability was religion and the only place in
which to attack it was the temple, the symbol and centre of
religious life of the towns and villages..… the denial to the polluting
castes of the right of temple entry has been the cause of much
agitation and irritation. The right of temple entry was regarded as the
key position in the effort to remove the wider disability of
untouchability. (L.A. Krishna Iyer - Page 128 - The Travancore Tribes and
Castes Vol. II - Oriental Research Library).

Art. 17 is, therefore, of no use, at all, when Art. 26 protects the

concept of untouchability and perpetuates the Chaturvarna system
and the consequent policy of apartheid. Hindu religion can see real
reform only when the priesthood is universalised and the Non-
Brahmins are allowed to officiate as priests in all the temples in which
Brahmins alone officiate as priests. Reservation in public services was
and is only an initial gesture to evolve a casteless society, by identifying
the people bitten by the Chaturvarna system and administering
medicine to them.

11/16 Brahmin Committee for Sanskrit examination

But, the Brahmin-dominated Drafting Committee had, without

any reason and justification put an abrupt end even to the reservation
in services which was made available to the Non-Brahmins in the
Madras Presidency through the Communal G.O. of 1921. That
Brahmin-dominated Committee took only the Brahmin’s interest into

consideration, the way the earlier Congress Committee to consider the
Public Service Question formed in 1886 AD, which consisted of 16
members (with 1 Parsee, 3 Muslims, 1 Non-Brahmin and 11
Brahmins) kept only Brahmin interests in view and recommended, in
its report dated 30.12.1886, examination of the candidates in Sanskrit
(and, of course, Arabic) for appointment in Civil Service.(Ref: Page
138 & 139 - Congress in Evolution - A collection of Congress Resolutions from
1885 - 1934 and other important documents – Op. Cit.). The other Indian
languages were not cared for by the Brahmanical Congress, for
obvious reasons.

Experience not considered but was ignored

The most important aspect of the sabotage of reservation was that

the Drafting Committee of the Constitution did not even analyse on
record whether the experience of 30 years, from 1921 to 1950, with
the Communal G.O in Madras Presidency had resulted or not resulted
in having right personnel in public service. That basic procedure in
law-making was arbitrarily thrown out and just what was
advantageous to upper castes was got done through the Drafting
Committee. The decision-making-process followed by the Brahmin-
majority Drafting Committee was, thus, unjust and arbitrary.

The role of Alladi Krishnsamy Iyer later as an advocate against

reservation in the case State of Madras Vs. Srimathi Champakam
(09.04.1951) would indicate how he had, earlier, approached Art. 15,
16 and 29 and acted in the formulation of the Constitutional
provisions, to keep higher public services as a close preserve for the
Brahmins in the post-1950 India.

K. M. Munshi, another Brahmin member of the Drafting
Committee of the Constitution, was a hard-core Chaturvarna activist
throughout his life. In a nauseating display of his Chaturvarna
fanaticism, he said “We, with our modern obsessions, look upon the
caste system as a water-tight arrangement, which sanctions enduring
inequality. Varnashrama was entirely different. It gave to each one a
secure place in the class of his birth, but demanded for every one the
right to assume the place his capacity and culture deserved”. ( In
his book, ‘I follow the Mahatma’ - Pages 259 -Views and Vistas – Bharathiya
Vidhya Bhavan). It was a plain insult. Non-Brahmins could not have
been insulted worse. Yet, he became a member of the Drafting
Committee and his team of four carried the day and hijacked the
Constitution its way.

Given these facts, it would become clear that it is essential for the
Non-Brahmins to work towards achieving real Equality and Fraternity
enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution. That they can do by
making law (1) for universalisation of priesthood, in all the temples
in which Brahmins alone officiate as priests and (2) for proportionate
representation of the people of all castes and religions in the higher
cadre posts in all government departments. That and that alone would
be the first step to ensure that India remains a democracy, forever,
and does not turn out to be a Brahmanical Chaturvarna oligarchy.

Remove the top slab first

When a man is crushed by the weight of four slabs that had fallen
over him, the person who wants to rescue that man must remove the
top-most slab first and then the next. No sane man would argue that
that victim was being crushed only by the fourth and lower-most slab

which touches the body of the victim and not by the topmost slab.
But, in India, the top slab, when attempted to be removed, is in the
habit of diverting the attention of the crushed man saying that the rub
is between him and the slab that is immediately above him and that
the top-most slab does not have connection with his problem. As long
as people believe in such a mischievous propaganda of the top-most
slab, it is not only the man who gets crushed under the weight of the
various slabs above him, but all other slabs, except the top-most one,
would also continue to suffer under the weight and oppression of all
the slabs which are above them. It is, therefore, the chaturvarna
system and the resultant effects of it on the Indian society which are
required to be discussed now, with the aim of dethroning it, while
discussing the issues between the Brahmins and the Non-Brahmins,
at least, 99 years after it was officially recognised by the Congress in
its 35th Session in the year 1920.

Mohan Bhagavat “discusses” reservation

Mr. Mohan Bhagavat is, therefore, required to be thanked for

having given a public call, for discussion on the matter of reservation.
It is obvious that he does not want even the present truncated
Reservation System to continue, in spite of the fact that it is only a
token answer to the multitude of social problems created by the
Brahmins, through their Chaturvarna system.

Mohan Bhagavat who called for discussion on reservation (Times

Now – 19.08.2019) forgets the basic fact that the very concept of
reservation was introduced first only by the Brahmins for the
Brahmins. It was in priesthood that they had introduced reservation
for them. It was they who had invented, introduced, protected and

preserved the concept of chaturvarna-based society too. By calling
themselves ‘Brahmins’ till date, they trace and claim their lineage from
the Purush Shukta in the Rig Veda and explicitly imply, at the same
time, that all the Non-Brahmins are inferior to them by birth. It was
they who created the rub, first and it is they, who keep rubbing the
entire society the wrong way, till date. But, Mohan Bhagavat does not
care about it but cares only for undoing the puny reservation which is
in force now.

1. India cannot become a mature democracy unless and until the

people all the castes and religions in India acquire their share
of power in the governance of the nation, in proportion to
their population.

2. Hindu religion cannot become a civilised one but will

continue to enforce the repressive apartheid and keep the
‘lower’ Varnas subjugated forever, unless the nefarious
chaturvarna system is weeded out, root and branch.
Universalisation of priesthood in all the temples in which
Brahmins alone officiate as priests is a sine qua non for that

In a nation where religion is used for the purpose of insulting,

suppressing and denying the rights of the majority, the promise of
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity held out in the Preamble of the
Constitution would remain only a mirage, unless there is Equality
within the Hindu religion. There is, therefore, a definite need to
cleanse and reform the Hindu religion.

That cleansing process is like the process of weeding out corruption
in the society. Chaturvarna system, like corruption, is a dirty staircase
which can be cleaned only if we start such cleaning process from the
top, as advised by Socrates.

Reservation Yesterday
(Upto January 1950)

“What is destitute of motion is the food of those endowed with

locomotion; (animals) without fangs (are the food) of those with
fangs, those without hands of those who possess hands, and the timid
of the bold” ( Chapter V - Verse 29 - Laws of Manu). What he had
omitted to say was that what was devoid of
the knowledge of conspiracy would become
the prey of those who knew conspiracy. It
was that art of conspiracy which made the
Brahmins to introduce the Chaturvarna
system by dividing the Non-Brahmins of
India into three categories and keeping them
all under the social and political control of
Brahmins all along.

The Hindu religious order based on chaturvarna concept is the

most cruel social order in the entire history of mankind. It sucks the
blood of the vast masses to facilitate a few to lead an easy and cosy
life. Vivekananda said, of the contemporary India, "A country where
millions of people live on flowers of the Mohua plant, and a million
or two of sadhus and a hundred million or so of Brahmins suck the
blood out of these poor people, without the least effort for their

amelioration - is that a country or hell? Is that a religion or the devil's
dance?” (CW, VI. 253).

The situation had been worse in the pre-600 BC era. There was,
then, a desperate need for a great revolution against the chaturvarna
system. But, those who challenged, exposed and criticised that system
were branded as criminals and were finished off, with the help of the
government itself, by enforcing the Law of Manu. There was, at that
critical juncture, born two redeemers on the horizon, Mahavir and
Buddha. And, they could and did make tremendous impact on the
society by liberating the Non-Brahmins from the clutches of the
Brahmins and their meaningless Vedas. Buddha said, “Vedas were a
waterless desert, a pathless jungle and perdition” (Digha Nkaaya &
Tevijja Sutta –para 248). Buddha had also said in Brahma Jaala Sutta
that Vedas were ‘a low art’ ( Page 17- ibid.). A real egalitarian society
came into existence in the sub-continent, for about 250 years, because
of their efforts. The situation slid back to Chaturvarna barbarism,
once again, after the arrival of Chanakya, the First Political Terrorist
of the World, as per the recorded history, along with his errand boy
Chandragupta Maurya on the scene in 320s BC. Chanakya, revived the
Chaturvarna system through State Terrorism, by abusing his position
as the Chancellor of Chandragupta Maurya. He had alos left a Do-It-
Yourself manual on terrorism, the Arthasastra, which narrates, in
detail, the techniques invented and practised by him to protect the
Chaturvarna system.

Confessions by a Kerala Home Minister

The Chaturvarna system which conferred superior status to the

Brahmins by birth, in religious and social spheres, gave them access
and control of the superior power centres in political sphere too, as
aimed at by them. And, they used that status to manipulate the kings
to their will. They made kings fall at their feet. Such kings were
vulnerable to the tactics of the Brahmins and were obliged to oblige
them no end. History tells us that the kings, except a very few, had
always been placing all their resources at the disposal of this priestly
class. During the Brahmins conference held on 19.01.1986 at
Chennai, Mr. C.M. Sundaram, an important Brahmins Association
leader of Kerala who was also the then Minister of Local
Administration of Kerala boasted, “Whether it was during the rule of
the Moghuls or the British rule, the power was only in our hands.
Although we were not
ruling the nation, we
had the power to
conduct the rulers”.
What he had said was
true. "Brahmins
strengthened their
position over the
noble and the rulers of
the Kshatriya class" (
Page 150 - The Development of Hinduism - 8 - Age of Reason - M.M. Ninan
). And, we see that power now in action, in the ‘Paadapooja’ of the
priest, performed by the President Rajendra Prasad in 1952 and by the
prince of the non-existent kingdom of Mysuru in 2015.

The so-called 'coronation' of a 'prince' of the non-existent
Mysuru-country, worshipping, really, the feet of the Brahmin priest,
would prove that the Brahmins are not prepared to change their
mindset and usher in a new civilized social order, even in this twenty
first century. They want the stranglehold acquired by them over the
society through their chaturvarna system to continue even now and
forever. Their technique is to occupy all the power-centres and abuse
them no end to establish their hegemony.

That was why Mahatma Phule wanted monitoring the

activities of Brahmin bureaucrats. “…English or Scottish
missionaries, who knew the Marathi language, should be induced to
settle in villages, keep an eye on village kulkarnis and other Brahmin
officials, and make an annual
report to the Government. His
main work was to rouse the
masses and lead them in an
organised resistance to the
unreasonable claims of the
priestly class. The idea of social
revolt a century ago was an act
of desperation and required
great courage. Herein lies Phule’s greatness.” (Page 274 - History of
Freedom Movement in India - Vol.2 - Tara Chand - Publications Division -
Government of India).

Makers and unmakers of God

Mahabaratha, which was written to uphold, primarily, the

policy of apartheid invented by the Brahmins, shows Bheeshma

frightening Yudhishtra, the emperor-designate, of the ‘capability’ of
the Brahmins. R.G. Bhandarkar records in his book 'Peep into the
History of Early India' (Page 94-95) the following diktat of Bheeshma
to Yudhishtra: “The highest duty of a crowned king is to worship
learned Brahmans; they should be protected as one protects oneself
or one’s children, and be respected, bowed to and revered as if they
were one’s parents. If Brahmans are contented, the whole country
prospers; if they are discontented and angry, everything goes to
destruction. They can make a god, not a god and a not-god a god”

It says that even the real God would be worshipped by the

common people as God, only if Brahmins decide to that effect. It also
says that the Brahmins are capable of making even the real God as no
God at all. They also do have the capacity to make any object, which
is not a God, to be called and worshipped as God. What a shame!
Should there be any more evidence that the Brahmins who do eulogise
such a Mahabharatha do not really have any respect towards God?
None of the Sankaracharyas has taken objection to this stanza in the
Mahabharatha till date. On the other hand, they are holding the
Mahabharatha aloft. Those who venerate such a Mahabharatha can
only be atheists and can never claim to be theists. Yet, they are
projecting themselves to be theists.

The sum and substance of Mahabharatha is that it is not

honesty but only conspiracy that would win. And, the techniques of
conspiracy are available in the Arthasastra in plenty. The entire
Hinduism, which is the modern name for the Chaturvarna system, has
been designed to protect only the Brahmin interests by victimising the
Non-Brahmins, through various conspiratorial methods, codified by

Chanakya in his Arthasastra under the head ‘Sowing seeds of

Poll Tax on poor Non-Brahmins

There is neither oneness nor any sense of fraternity in

Hinduism. When a few Muslim rulers wanted to impose Jizya, the
Brahmins opposed it only for themselves and did not fight for all the
‘Hindus’. They manipulated things and extricated only themselves. On
the other hand, when they had the land in Malabar under their virtual
control, they imposed poll tax, which was much worse than Jizya, on
the poorest of the poor Non-Brahmins. That the people of two
different races, the Brahmins and Dravidians, when banded together
in one religion would make that
religion work for the temporal
benefits of only the Brahmins has
been demonstrated by the deeds of
the Brahmins repeatedly throughout
the history of the sub-continent.

Reservation for them in


The system of reservation was

invented and introduced only by the
Brahmins. They who belonged to the
non-idolatrous Vedic religion,
encroached upon the temples of the idolatrous native Dravidians,
made a mess of both their religion and the religion of the natives and
took control of the temples of the Dravidians and reserved the

priesthood in those temples for themselves. It is that reservation
which is required to be de-reserved first. The reasons for it have been
recorded in detail with authority in the report of the Committee of
Justice Maharajan in 1982 and in the report of the High Level
Committee of Justice A. K. Rajan in 2008.

Priesthood in the temples helped them to conspire against

kings and leaders who opposed the Chaturvarna system. Chanakya
has recorded in detail how to
use the premises of the
temples and the priesthood
to assassinate them.
“Contrivance to kill the
enemy may be formed in
those places of worship and
visit, which the enemy, under
the influence of faith,
frequents on occasions of worshipping gods and of pilgrimage. A
wall or stone, kept by mechanical contrivances, may, by loosening the
fastenings, be let to fall on the head of the enemy when he has entered
into a temple…. Weapons kept inside the body of an idol may be
thrown over his head” (Page 428 - Chapter V - Book XII -
Arthasastra)….holding conversation with or worshipping the spies
who pretend to be the gods of .. in the interior of a hollow
image..(Page 433 ibid.) … Any person, disguised as an ascetic … in the
interior of an idol entered through a tunnel or an underground
chamber (Page 436 ibid.) …When the enemy is in the habit of paying
frequent visits to ascetics, altars, sacred pillars (Stupa), and images of
gods, spies hidden in underground chambers or in subterranean

passages, or inside the walls, may strike him down” (Page 438 ibid.).
These repeated suggestions of Chanakya show that it was habitual of
him to use the hollow idol in a variety of ways for assassinations and
murders. Poet Bana Batta in his Kaadhambari denounced Chanakya
in serious tersm. He said, among others, “Is there anything that is
righteous for those for whom the science of Kautilya, merciless in its
precepts, rich in cruelty, is an authority?”. Yet, the cruellest terrorist
Chanakya is eulogised and there emerges Chanakyapuri too. What a
conscience do these people who eulogise Chanakya and name
buildings and places after such a perverted personality!. Germans
want to evolve a civilised society and, as a first step towards that goal,
disown Hitler. But, the terrorist Chanakya is glorified in India. The
statue of Manu, the notorious apartheidist, does stand in front of the
High Court of Rajastan. What a perverted value system we do have in

Reservation for them in the departments of espionage

Later, when their superior status in religion achieved its

objective of capturing power centres in the political arena, they moved
further and caught hold of all the wings of espionage for themselves.
Chanakya had ordained in the third century BC itself that “Those of
Brahman caste and learned in the Vedas, as well as ascetics, shall only
be subjected to espionage” (Page 251- Book V – Arthasastra – R. Shama
Sastry). That advice given in the third century by Chanakya, is followed
by them till date. The Research and Analysis Wing has come to be
called Relatives and Associates Wing. The Intelligence Bureau is also
dominated by Brahmins. “…. SM Mushrif, former inspector general
police (IGP) Maharashtra, and author of Who Killed Karkare, gave
an overview of different chapters of the book. He said that
Brahminist forces have strong hold on Indian investigative
agencies, including the Intelligence Bureau (IB).” (Brahminist
forces control IB: Ex-IGP Maharashtra - The Milli Gazette - Oct 27, 2010).

‘No’ to Sikhs; but ‘Yes’ to Brahmins

The tendency of the government servants to be passionate

towards their race, caste, religion or language has been accepted de
facto by the rulers who govern this nation. Army recruitment
procedure was modified to restrict the entry of Sikhs in 1983 because
the rulers feared that the predominance of Sikhs by 10% of the Armed
Forces, as soldiers, would pose a threat to the nation. The Sikhs
constitute only 4% of the entire population of India. When they came
to occupy 10% of the armed forces, only as soldiers, and that too only
because of their real merit owing to their martial traits, it was
considered to be a phenomenon posing danger to the other people of

the Indian nation. Going by that analogy, the fact that the occupation
of 90% of the posts in the Research and Analysis Wing by the
Brahmins who constitute only 5% of the entire population of India
poses a definite and even more danger to all other sections of the
Indians. Indian History testifies to the latter fact anyway. It requires
to be regulated, necessarily, because, pen is mightier than sword. The
manipulation through pen and paper is more dangerous to the nation.

Bureaucracy, the Brahmin colony

In every plural society, power centres had been shared among

the populace according to their population, to assure that there is no
exploitation of one by the other. In India, however, there had been a
lot of manipulation to deny the people who constitute 95% of the
population their rightful share in the bureaucracy which is the real
power centre in the governance of the nation.

Reservation is intended to provide a share in the

administration of the nation. The Apex Court of India has said, in
Para 399 of the Mandal judgment (Indira Sawhney case), “Reservation
is meant to remedy the handicap of prior discrimination impeding the
access of classes of people to public administration…” It has also
held, “Equal opportunity is the basic feature of our Constitution.
Public employment is repository of the State power. Certain status
and powers emanate from public employment” Para 35 – Surinder
Prasad Tiwari Vs. U.P. Rajya Krishi Utpadan Mandi Parisha - SC - C.A.
3981 of 2006 dated 08.09.2006.) On 29.01.1938 when Rajaji was the
Prime Minister of Madras Presidency, a proposal for creation of two
posts of lower division clerks was submitted to him for approval.
When cautioning the officials against creation of more posts, Rajaji

said that Government service means 'handing over a part of the
government' ( Page 404 - Rajaji - the PM on 29.1.1938). That sums up
the importance of bureaucracy, the steel frame of a nation. And those
power centres had been under the control and monopoly of the
Brahmins. The report of the Leslie Miller Committee on the
bureaucracy of Mysore State showing the position hundred years ago,
would show how the bureaucracy there came to be called as ‘Brahmin
Colony’ even by the king Krishnaraja Wodeyar himself.

“The Miller report laid the

foundation for proportionate
representation of all citizens of Mysore in
education and government jobs. This report
became the blueprint for subsequent policies
and is one of the important documents
referenced by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar while
framing the policies for proportionate
representation to depressed classes at the
national level” (Courtesy: Round Table). The
report of Miller Committee recommended
special provisions for Non-Brahmins in scholarships, educational
facilities and appointments in service. That report is so impressive,
intensive and extensive that becomes a monumental one, especially,
when one sees how it defines “adequacy” of representation in services
too, which term remains the pivot of Art. 16 (4) and 16 (4A) of the
Constitution and had been the subject matter of dispute in many cases
before the Apex Court including the one in Rajendran Vs UOI-1968
SCR 721. His report became the forerunner in composing Art. 335
too. All the social scientists need to re-acquaint themselves with the

report of the Miller Committee, including Para 6 thereof, which
records the dissent of one of the members, Mr. Ranga Iyengar. The
Committee said, “We recognize that population is not the only factor
to be taken into consideration, and that one important factor is the
maintenance of the efficiency of the services. Efficiency, however, is
not to be measured solely or even mainly by academic qualifications
and it will not be denied that there are many important branches of
the administration in which other qualities such as sympathy, honesty
of purpose, energy and common sense go as far to make an efficient
officer as literary superiority”.

Education for higher castes only

"The 1911 census showed that Brahmins were slightly over 3

per cent of Madras Presidency’s population, and non-Brahmins 90 per
cent. Yet in the ten years from 1901 to 1911, Madras University turned
out 4,074 Brahmin graduates compared with only 1,035 non-Brahmin
graduates. Numbers for other groups (revealing also how the Empire
classified the population at this time) included ‘Indian Christian’, 306,
‘Mohammedan’, 69, and ‘European & Eurasian’, 225. A little over 22
per cent of Tamil Brahmin males in the presidency were literate in
English by 1911. The corresponding figure for Telugu Brahmins was
14.75, for Nairs in Malabar around 3, for Balija Naidus 2.6, and for
Vellalas just over 2. Among Kammas, Nadars and Reddis, males
literate in English were below half a per cent." (-Rajmohan Gandhi -
The Hindu - 06.12.2018).
“In the first quarter of the 19th Century, British officials
undertook an extensive survey of the indigenous system of education
to find out how many students there were from the Depressed

Classes. This is what they found. “Sir Thomas Munro, the then
Governor of Madras, in his survey of 1822, stated that there was no
student from the Depressed Classes," says a report on the indigenous
system of education. The report adds: “Mount Stuart Elphinstone, the
then Governor of Bombay, had carried out a similar exercise in
Bombay presidency in 1824. He too stated that there was no student
belonging to the Depressed Classes in his presidency." (Chandra Bhan
Prasad – Firstpost – 12 08 2011).

When Lord Macaulay’s British system of education was

introduced in India, “the Madras Presidency College was established
(in 1855). A building was erected, and professors were imported from
Britain. But, few students reached college level. The Tamil Brahmins

of that time prayed before the Governor General that a Third Class
be introduced as their children were not able to cross the minimum
pass percentage of 45 percent. Realising the enormity of the problem,
a Third Class was introduced and the pass percentage was brought
down from 45 percent to 33 percent. It is also pertinent to point out
that the student body comprised mainly of Dwijas – Brahmins and
Kayasthas in particular. In the indigenous system of education, the
untouchables - then called the Depressed Classes - didn’t exist. The
reason why the above instances are being cited is to showcase how
the upper caste students performed, and what kind of demands their
parents made before the British authorities….the first and second
generation Dwija students were an army of Third Classers. It makes
good sense to know that only 156 years ago, upper caste parents
fought a brilliant battle and won Third Class for their brilliants kids.
Only 92 years ago, upper caste students were an army of Third
Classers. Thankfully, Dalit parents never demanded a Fourth Class for
their children, and they didn’t pray before upper caste administrators
to bring down the minimum pass percentage to 16.8 percent. They
just asked for Arakshan (Reservation).” (ibid.). In the absence of
proper education the suppressed classes did not even know how they
were marginalised and what they were denied. It is in the interest of
humanity that there proportionate representation of all castes and
religions in the higher educational institutions to render justice to all
in a society kept divided by the Chaturvarna system.

Existing reservation is mere tokenism

Reservation is only a small remedy of an elementary nature to

set right the abominable wrongs committed against the suppressed

people in the Hindu society for millennia. Yet, the chaturvarna
elements are not ready to tolerate even the truncated reservation
system for lower posts and are calling for discussion on it with the
aim of propagating against it. These elements forget how they pleaded
and beseeched for the mercy of the Whites, before the National
Commission of Expenditure, to get some posts in the top echelons of
bureaucracy, when they could not compete with the British in the
examination for ICS.

It is on record that Gokhale told the Royal Commission that

"The excessive costliness of the foreign agency is not, however, its
only evil. There is a moral evil, which, if anything, is even greater. A
kind of dwarfing or stunting of the Indian race is going on under
the present system. We must live all the days of our life in an
atmosphere of inferiority and the tallest of us must bend in order
that the exigencies of the existing system may be satisfied” (Ref:
A Birds eye view of India’s past as the foundation for India’s future-Annie Besant-
Theosophical Publishing House-Fourth Edition – 1930). Such a merit-
protagonists, the chaturvarna elements were. Surendranath Banerjea
pleaded, “It is not severance that we look forward to but
unification, permanent embodiment as an integral part of that great
Empire that has given the rest of the world the models of free
institutions”. Such patriots, the chaturvarna elements were.

Sinhalese knew the encroachment by Brahmins

During the British regime the Chitpavan Brahmins yearned for

resumption of their Peshwa regime. Now, they feel they have got it.
Gopal Hari Deshmukh, born in 1823 and became the Dewan of the
princely state of Ratlam who authored many articles under the

nickname Lokahidavadi, says, that when he grew up, “the eternal topic
of discussion among the upper classes was whether British rule would
last forever or the Peshwa’s good times would return. …” . (Page 269
- Vol. 3 – History of freedom movement in India – Tarachand – Publications
Division). Now, after Independence from the British in 1947 the
Brahmins captured the bureaucratic power centres almost in toto.
Even the Sinhalese know this fact. "Whoever comes and goes in
Delhi, it is the Brahmins of the South Block who call the shots", the
Sri Lankan newspaper, the government-controlled English eveninger,
The Observer, wrote on March 5, 1998.” (The Hindu - March 1998).

Appointment to Judiciary in plural societies

All the ills afflicting a nation can be solved through peaceful

means in a lawful manner if only the judiciary is sincere, impartial and
transparent. If a firm decision is taken to evolve a civilised society by
cleansing it of corruption, the first step required to be taken should
start from judiciary. A plural society afflicted with racial conflicts, can
flourish without any hitch, if only the judiciary performs its role right.
Throughout the world, such plural societies assure the populace of
justice and fairplay through judiciary, by ensuring appointments to
Judiciary in proportion to the various sections of the population. But,
the method of appointment followed in India in appointment of
judges to higher judiciary is far from satisfactory. The procedure
followed by the Collegium and the greed with which the politicians in
power want to have the power of veto, in “national interest” (as
alleged by them) have all demolished the hope of the people that India
will have a mature and just appointment policy. Sad state of affairs
necessitating intersession of intellectuals to step in and reform the
methods of appointment to judiciary and inculcate a sense of

accountability too for their actions and inactions as judges. The very
fact that the Judicial Standards and Accountability


The reason why the method of appointment to higher

judiciary has not been perfected still in India, is not far to seek. The
population of Switzerland comprises 0.7 % Romansh-speaking, 6%
of Italian-speaking, 23% French-speaking and the remaining 70%
German-speaking. All the four languages do have their status as
national languages. Italian, French and German are the three official
languages at the Federal level. German has not been made official
language even though 70% of the population constitutes Germans.
The Swiss society has not been bulldozed by German speaking Swiss
people. Power centres, including the Judiciary, reflect the diversity.
In its 2006 report, the Judiciary Committee informed about the
criteria applied in appointing the Federal Administrative Court judges.
It explained that one of the three essential criteria was the adequate
representation of the official languages in the judiciary (Benjamin Suter
– Page 283 - (2015) 46 VUWLR - Victoria University of Wellington Law

Judges are appointed keeping in view the proportion of linguistic

representation of the people. As of 2014, there were 57 judges at the
Federal Supreme Court, 19 of them in a part-time job. Of the 38 full-
time judges, 3 are Italian-speaking, 12 French-speaking and 23
German-speaking. “Only 0.7% of the Swiss population are Romansh-
speaking. So far, two Federal Supreme Court judges have been
Romansh-speaking and one decision of the Federal Supreme Court
has been rendered in Romansh”. We find that the composition of

higher judiciary in India does not represent the diversity in the
demography of India, whether in languages or in religions or in varna-
structure within the Hindu religion. It is dominated mostly by
Brahmins and to some extent by the other higher castes. It is essential
that the situation should change. Non-Brahmins and other religious
minorities should, necessarily, have proportionate share in
appointment to the higher judiciary.

South Africa

Art. 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UNO

proclaims that all are born equals and that all are entitled to dignity in
equal measure. But, the Sankaracharyas do heap racist slurs on the
Non-Brahmins and ask whether everyone was equal. They do not care
for the dignity of the Non-Brahmins and declare, without batting an
eyelid, that the Non-Brahmins inferior to them by birth (Ref: Part 1 of
this series). It is painful when such arguments rooted on the uncivilised
Chaturvarna system are upheld by the Supreme Court too.

“Sec. 174 (2): The need for the judiciary to reflect broadly the
racial and gender composition of South Africa must be considered
when judicial officers are appointed”, says the Constitution of the
post-apartheid South Africa stressing on appropriate demographic
representation in the judiciary.

It is a fact on record that the persons in power chose to keep the

posts vacant instead of filling up the vacancies with the eligible
persons from the suppressed classes when there were vacancies in the
cadre of judges in various courts, and there was under-representation
of the suppressed classes and there were, as could be seen from the

statement of K.R. Narayanan, eligible persons among those
suppressed classes who could be elevated to higher judiciary. Present
President Ramnath Kovind has also expressed similar opinion

Redemption of India lies in making the higher judiciary

cosmopolitan without any scope for one-varna supremacy besides
making it cosmopolitan both language-wise and religion-wise. The
lop-sided representation in judiciary must end, end immediately.

African court on Equality

Equality must start from social sphere. If social equality is not

achieved, there can be no equality of opportunity in political,
economic or other spheres too. The Constitutional Court of South
Africa while describing and defining the notion of equality held, “This
substantive notion of equality recognises that besides uneven race,
class and gender attributes of our society, there are other levels and
forms of social differentiation and systematic under-privilege,
which still persist. Constitution enjoins us to dismantle them and
to prevent the creation of new patterns of disadvantage”. (Para 17
- Minister of Finance v Van Heerden 2004 6 SA 121 (CC) 27). The
concept of Equality has been made a dynamic one by the African
Court that whenever new problems arise which would deprive the
people the opportunity of equality, solutions would be found in an
equitable manner. In the Indian context, the introduction of NEET,
converting regular government posts to be contractual posts to avoid
reservation, etc., can be said to be such new patterns of disadvantage.

Appointment of judges in South Africa is not a matter confined
only to a Collegium of Judges or the politicians in power who want to
exercise unaccountable veto, the way the Indian politicians aim at.
There is public participation in the judicial hearings of the Judicial
Services Commission that appoints judges. “To satisfy the
commitment to transparency, the JSC invites comments on the
shortlisted candidates before the interviews are conducted from the
various associations of the legal profession, such as the Law Society,
the Bar Council, the National Democratic Lawyers' Association, or
the Black Lawyers' Association.” [Osgoode Hall Law Journal [Vol. 44,
NO. 3 - Page 570].

Promise of Congress gone with the wind

The Congress had in its Bombay Working Committee Meeting

held in July 1931 passed a resolution that “Appointments shall be
made by non-party Public Service Commissions …. the principle of
equal opportunity to all communities for a fair share in public
services of the country” ( Page 127 - A Collection of Congress Resolutions
from 1885 - 1934 and Other Important Documents - D.Chakraborthy & C.
Bhattacharyya - The Book Company Ltd. College Square, Calcutta). But, that
resolution has been buried and forgotten by the post-Independent
India. They are not talking of ‘share’ as promised but of ‘reservation’
which they want to dilute through the newly invented phrases like
‘creamy layer’ for OBCs as well as SCs and STs. The gullible Non-
Brahmins continue to remain cheated till date.

Chanakya had ordained, “Whoever is rising in power may break

the agreement of peace”. An entire chapter titled,” Making peace and
Breaking it”, has been devoted by him to teach various methods of

such treachery. (Page 347 – Chapter XVII –– Book VII – Arthasastra –
R. Shamasastry). His ardent followers act in accordance with those
directions 2000 years later too. It is for the Non-Brahmins to wake up
to the reality and ensure that they get proportionate representation in
services at the top level in all the departments and put a definite stop
to the Brahmanical imperialism attempted to be ushered in once again.

The Brahmins made lofty promises in the meetings of the

Congress in the pre-Independence era, on proper share to the Non-
Brahmins, in public services but, coolly, broke all those promises after
the independence was obtained with the help of the Non-Brahmins,
as the bureaucracy became, virtually, theirs, post-1947.

Reservation Today
(from 1950 to 2019)

Because there is no proportionate representation in public services at

all levels, present reservation system which provides for something
only at the lower level during the
past seven decades has become
totally purposeless in
empowering the Non-Brahmins
to have a share in the real
governance of the nation
through bureaucracy. Even in
the year 2015, their
representation at the top level
management was very minimal
ranging from 1% to 5%. The
bureaucracy does not represent
the plurality of the society and
has become the monopoly of a
few segments only. The very fact
that the representation of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes
at the higher judiciary is infinitesimal would prove that the reservation
system brought to force in 1955 has not yielded the desired results to
light up the lives of the suppressed people.

Poor representation in higher Judiciary

It was not for nothing that Mr. K. R. Narayanan, had, when he was
the President of India, said that the subjugated classes had been
under-represented or not represented in judiciary (The Hindu

“It would be
consonant with the
principles and the
nation’s social
objectives if persons
belonging to the
weaker sections of the
society like the SC and
ST, who comprise 25
per cent of the
population and women are given due consideration”, the Hindu
quoted Mr. Narayanan having said.

India Today (Cover Story of 25.01.1999) reported that the President

had recorded the following too: ”Eligible persons from these
categories are available and their underrepresentation or non-
representation would not be justifiable. Keeping vacancies unfilled is
also not desirable given the need for representation of different
sections of society and the volume of work which the Supreme Court
is required to handle".

No representation of suppressed castes

“Writing in 2002 to urge “overhaul and democratisation” of the

appointment process, VR Krishna Iyer, who served on the Supreme
Court through much of the turbulent 1970s, held that the collegium
system had “aggravated the malady of favouritism, arbitrariness,
dilatoriness and injustice to women and Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
Tribes and like communities.” These groups remain badly
underrepresented in the higher judiciary. George Gadbois, a scholar
of the Supreme Court, found that, up to 1990, over ninety percent of
all the judges of the Supreme Court were either Brahmins or from
what he called “forward castes.” (Caravan 01.07.2019).

18 years later President Mr. Ramnath Kovind said the same
thing that Mr. Naryanan had said.“There is unacceptably low
representation of traditionally weaker sections such as OBCs, SCs and
STs especially in the higher judiciary,” President Kovind said while
speaking at the inaugural function of a two-day meet organised jointly
by the Law Commission of India and NITI Aayog on the National
Law Day” (The Indian Express - 25.11.2017). Mr. Upendra Kushwala,
Union Minister, said that there is only “Almost nil” presence of judges
from SCs, STs and backward castes in higher judiciary’ – (Times of India
– 06.04.2019). When Judiciary itself is treated in this manner in respect
of suppressed classes, what would be the position in respect of other
fields of public employment can be easilty understood.

Abuse of power by bureaucrats for sectarian reasons

How the bureaucrats at the top work against the Non-Brahmins could
be seen from the reprehensible role played by the AIIMS Director
Venugopal, as found out and reported by the Thorat Committee. The
only route for the Non-Brahmins to escape from the tyranny of such
bureaucrats is to obtain their legitimate share in the top-level
management in every sphere of government activity.

Perpetuation of apartheid

Tamilnadu Government had done yeoman service by setting

up two committees to reform the worship in temples. The Maharajan
Committee had reported, in the year 1982, its findinds that the Non-

Brahmins could also officiate as priests in the temples under the
control of the HR&CE Department. The report of the Committee
headed by Dr. A.K. Rajan confirmed it in the year 2008. But, the
recommendations could not be enforced till date because of the
Chaturvarna machinations.

The Apex Court’s decision in turning its own equitous, just

and correct judgment delivered on 03.10.2002, in the matter of
priesthood in temples, in N. Adithyan Vs. The Travancore Devaswom
Board (Appeal Civil 6965 of 1996) upside down on 16.12.2015, with its
iniquitous, wrong and unjust judgment in Adi Saiba Sivachariargal
Sangam Vs. Government of Tamil Nadu (W.P (C) 354, 355, 383 and 384 of
2006) has facilitated the repulsive and inhuman Chaturvarna system
to continue forever in this land. This unjust judgment has resulted in
forcing the Non-Brahmins to acquiesce to the inferior status assigned
to them by the Brahmins in the guise of religion. This judgment dated
16.12.2015, which perpetuates apartheid, should be modified and the
judgment dated 03.10.2002 restored, to enable the Non-Brahmins to
extricate themselves from the birth-oriented ignominy heaped on
them by the Brahmins.

President denounced apartheid elsewhere

The Indian Express published the following news item on

08.06.19189:-“Harare, June 7 (UNI). The President,
Mr.R.Venkataraman, on Wednesday warned the racist Pretoria regime
that unless political reform through dialogue ensured freedom and
human rights for all South African citizens, the only alternative will be
“violence” on an unprecedented scale.” But, he did not want to see
right under his very nose to understand how a system of apartheid

more cruel than what was obtaining in South Africa was being
enforced in the Indian sub-continent. It is said that the apartheid and
the racial animosity were just skin- deep in South Africa whereas, in
India, they are soul-deep under the chaturvarna theory based

The vast multitude of Non-Brahmins in India can be liberated

only when the people of all castes are made priests in all the temples
in which the Brahmins alone officiate as priests. Applying the
principle of FIFO (First In, First Out), it is this area of reservation
made by the Brahmins for themselves which should be removed first,
in the interest of humanity.

Stay for ‘that’ but No stay for ‘this’

Mandal Commission was appointed in the year 1979. That

Commission toured around the nation, collected data and also
representations from diverse sections of the society and analysed
them and submitted a comprehensive report on 31.12.1980 to the
Government of India. The upper
caste bureaucrats at the centre
ensured that the report did not see
the light of the day at all. But, the
contents of the report had been
leaked out to the leaked out to the
newspaper The Hindu which
editorially demanded that the
recommendations of Mandal
Commission should not be

implemented. The Hindu had, consistently, been acting as a spin-
doctor in the matter of reservation in public services for the
suppressed classes. It was only after V.P.Singh became the Prime
Minister of India that orders were issued on 13.08.1990 enforcing
some recommendations of that Commission with retrospective effect
from 07.08.1990. When the upper caste people took up the case with
the Supreme Court of India, in the Indira Sawhney case in 1990, stay
was granted by the Supreme Court immediately. That stay was lifted
only on 16.11.1992 when the Supreme Court delivered its judgment
upholding the government order dated 13.08.1990 with some riders
like creamy layer and others. While lifting the stay, the Supreme Court
had observed in Para 23 of its judgment , as follows: “23. Soon after
the issuance of the said Memorandum there was wide-spread protest
in certain Northern States
against it. There occurred
serious disturbance to law and
order involving damage to
private and public property.
Some young people lost their
lives by self-immolation. Writ
Petitions were filed in this
Court questioning the said
Memorandum along with
applications for staying the
operation of the
Memorandum. It was stayed by this Court”. Still, the upper caste
bureaucracy took five years to design their Post-based Reservation
Roster and, consequently, the reservation for OBCs came into effect
only from 02.07.1997.

When the Supreme Court granted stay, so immediately, in the
matter of Mandal commission report that recommended reservation
for OBCs, it did not grant stay at all in the matter of 10% reservation
to the EWS, which amendment was made in a hurry without proper
discussion among the public as was done in the case of Mandal
Commission Report. There was more justification in granting stay in
the case of reservation for the so-called EWS. But, the Supreme Court
did not agree. It is strange. “Opaque justice is no justice”. Not
granting stay in this issue is against the principles governing the law on
injunctions. Injunction has to be ordered when “There is a substantial
question (of law or facts) to be examined during the hearing, even if
the title to relief by the suing party ultimately fails” (Page 320 - Law of
Injunctions – C. M. Row – Lexis Nexis). “Discretion in granting
injunction must be governed by rule and not humor” (Page 41 –
ibid.) “The court must be satisfied that the plaintiff has made out a
prima facie case, that irreparable injury would accrue to him, if the
injunction is not granted, that there is no other remedy open by which
he can protect himself from the consequences of the apprehended
injury” (Page 42 –ibid.) “Court must record reasons” (Page 94 – ibid.).
Yet, no such procedure was followed in this case. Besides, the
Supreme Court does not say how the people who are appointed
under the 10% EWS would be sent out, if the judgment,
ultimately, goes against the amendment made. This is a
reservation made through Art.16 (6) which had been rushed through
without proper study on the subject, even without sending it to the
Parliamentary Committee.
And this, when the Supreme Court had, some time back
(Times of India 24.08.2018), asked whether (even the existing) quota

had to go on for perpetuity. But, the basic fact that the caste system
was going on for perpetuity had been lost sight of in toto. It would
have been more appropriate and relevant if this question, i.e., the
question whether the chaturvarna system would continue for
perpetuity, had been asked by the Supreme Court when the
chaturvarna protagonists had filed the W.P (C) 355, 383 and 384 of
2006 before the Supreme Court and wanted to continue with the
reservation system for Brahmins in priesthood.
Green flag to Creamy Layer for SCs and STs
The Supreme Court, while delivering the judgment on
26.09.2018, in the Jarnail Singh case ( S.L.P (C) No. 30621 of 2011),
showed green flag to enforce the creamy layer concept in the matter
of reservation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes too.
“The whole object of reservation is to see that backward classes of
citizens move forward so that they may march hand in hand with
other citizens of India on an equal basis. This will not be possible if
only the creamy layer within that class bag all the coveted jobs in the
public sector and perpetuate themselves, leaving the rest of the class
as backward as they always were. This being the case, it is clear that
when a Court applies the creamy layer principle to Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes, it does not in any manner tinker
with the Presidential List under Articles 341 or 342 of the
Constitution of India. The caste or group or sub-group named in
the said List continues exactly as before”.

The Supreme Court has also left it to the choice of the

Parliament, in Para 16 to decide whether to exclude or not the creamy
layer among the SCs and the STs but says that the Constitutional

Court does also have that power . It says in Para 16, “We do not think
it necessary to go into whether Parliament may or may not exclude
the creamy layer from the Presidential Lists contained under Articles
341 and 342. Even on the assumption that Articles 341 and 342
empower Parliament to exclude the creamy layer from the groups or
sub-groups contained within these Lists, it is clear that Constitutional
Courts, applying Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution to exclude the
creamy layer cannot be said to be thwarted in this exercise by the fact
that persons stated to be within a particular group or sub- group in
the Presidential List may be kept out by Parliament on application of
the creamy layer principle. …….. Similarly, Constitutional Courts,
when applying the principle of reservation, will be well within their
jurisdiction to exclude the creamy layer from such groups or sub-
groups when applying the principles of equality under Articles 14 and
16 of the Constitution of India.”

Taking a different stand after a decade

This observation is totally contrary to the stand taken by the

Supreme Court earlier in Ashoka Kumar Thakur case, ten years before
in the year 2008. And, the Court says so too, in the Jarnail Singh case.
“….We do not agree with Balakrishnan, C.J.’s statement in Ashoka
Kumar Thakur (supra) that the creamy layer principle is merely a
principle of identification and not a principle of equality” (Para 16).

In the Ashoka Kumar Thakur case, “Article 15(5) inserted by

the Constitution (Ninety-third Amendment) Act, 2005, was under
challenge. Balakrishnan, C.J., after referring to various judgments of
this Court dealing with reservation, specifically held that the ‘creamy
layer’ principle is inapplicable to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled

Tribes as it is merely a principle of identification of the backward class
and not applied as a principle of equality” (as quoted in Para 12 of the
Jarnail Singh case judgment). That judgment was, actually, correct and
there was no scope or even need for the Supreme Court to re-analyse
it and reverse it. Yet, it had been done.

Art. 15 (4) of the Constitution reads thus: “Nothing in this article

or in clause (2) of article 29 shall prevent the State from making any special
provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes
of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes”. This Article
thus deals with
three categories of
people, viz., (1) the
Socially and
Backward Class of
citizens, (2) the
Scheduled Castes
and (3) the
Scheduled Tribes.
That very
description would
show that the factors needed to decide the social backwardness and
educational backwardness are not required to be applied in the
case of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.

The backwardness on these fronts is beyond question in

respect of the people of these two categories. Balakrishnan C.J, was,
therefore, right in holding that creamy layer principle was intended

only for identification, when read with Art. 341 and 342. It means, the
creamy layer principle, invented by the Supreme Court, could be
applied only where the social and educational backwardness is
required to be examined. The SCs and the STs are taken to be
backwards, straight, on these fronts whatever their economic status
might be. This was the essence of the law laid down in the Asoka
Kumar Thakur case. But, it has been overturned, now, in the Jarnail
Singh case. Morever, green flag has
been shown to the government to
introduce creamy layer policy in the
matter of reservation for SCs and
STs too. It is very strange that the
Supreme Court claims, in the
Jarnail Singh case, that the creamy
layer concept when applied to SCs
and STs, can exclude them even
from the Presidential Lists under
Art. 341 and 342. Nation has not
forgotten the fact that the present
President of India was humiliated
by the Brahmin priest of the Puri
temple on 18.03.2018

According to the Odia

minutes of the meeting on March
20, 2018, “ Rashtrapati Bhavan had taken umbrage at some comments
of one of the servitors on the VVIP visit to the shrine. The servitor
allegedly made some objectionable remarks when Kovind declined to
sign the record book kept by the designated family priest” (The

Telegraph 27.06.2018. (“Discrimination Against Dalits Reaches Its Peak,
President Kovind, Wife Not Allowed To Enter Odisha Temple” – Indiatimes –
28.06.2018). The racial hatred of the Brahmins towards the Non-
Brahmins continue to thrive till date with the same vigour and venom,
as has been demonstrated by the priests at Puri.
The elevated economic status of the oppressed does never,
therefore, elevate them socially, according to the Brahmanical
chaturvarna fiat. It is understandable that the President who is under
personal obligation to the Chaturvarna-oriented political party,
contained his anger and did not take action against the priest for the
crime committed. Or, maybe, he had resigned to the fate of having
been in a political party that supported chaturvarna system, and
continued to remain in that party, even after his being aware of the
fact that the Brahmin priests had been historically insulting the heads
of states, including the King Sahu Maharaj of Kolhapur, on the
ground that they were ‘low-borns’.
But, if this could be the extent of humiliation meted out in
the Chaturvarna social order to a person who happens, at present, to
be the President of the nation, what would the fate of his
grandchildren and great-grand children, who may not, then, be having
the benefit of patronage by the chaturvarna-perpetuators, decades
later? During the debate in the Constituent Assembly on 27.08.1947,
Rao Bahadur V. I. Munisamy Pillai, a veteral Scheduled Caste activist,
who had headed the All India Depressed Classes Congress earlier, had
gone on record having said, “Sir, there is a fear in the minds of some
of my friends, especially the Scheduled Castes. that the Hindus are
getting into power and that Hindu Raj is coming into force and they
may introduce the Varnashrama that was obtaining years back,

again to harass the Harijans” (S. 43.34). It is this apprehension of the
Non-Brahmins which has, actually, come true, after India fell into the
clutches of Brahmins post-1947, as testified to by Puri temple episode
also on 18.03.2018.

It is significant to note that

the fear expressed on the floor of
the Constituent Assembly was not
about reservation, but was about
the resurrection of Varnashram
atrocities. The Supreme Court has,
sadly, aided perpetuating the
Chaturvarna system in the nation,
through the continued reservation
of priesthood in temples for priests
on the basis of their birth, in its judgment dated 16.12.2015.

No questions on why Varna system

continues for perpetuity

The Bench in Jarnail Singh case, comprised Mr. Justice Dipak

Misra, the Chief Justice of India, Mr. Justice Kurian Joseph, Mr.
Justice R. F. Nariman, Mr. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Ms. Justice
Indu Malhotra. And they asked, “Can a very senior bureaucrat’s son,
grandson and great-grandson, be treated as backward for promotion
in employment, and that too in perpetuity?” (Times of India –
24.08.2018). One wonders why the Supreme Court which asked, in
2018, whether the reservation in services would continue for eternity
did not ask whether the varna system would continue for perpetuity,

either at the time of hearing the case for reservation in services for the
suppressed classes or at the time of hearing the case for reservation in
priesthood for Brahmins.

The Supreme Court has, in the Jarnail Singh case, observed,

“It is only those persons within that group or sub-group, who have
come out of untouchability or backwardness by virtue of belonging
to the creamy layer, who are excluded from the benefit of
reservation”. This is far from being true, as could be seen from,
among others, the aforesaid episode involving the sitting President of
India himself.

The reason for such observations, possibly, was that the

Bench did not co-opt a member judge from the category of Scheduled
Castes or Scheduled Tribes, when they were deciding the issues about
those oppressed classes. As per the Government of India orders in
DOPT O.M. No. 22011/5/86-Estt. (D) dated 10.4.1989, vide Para
2.7, even for promotion in Group-A and Group-B services/posts
within the departments, “if none of the officers included in DPC as
per the composition given in the recruitment rules is an SC or ST
officer, it would be in order to co-opt a member belonging to SC or
ST if available within the Ministry/department. If no such officer is
available within the Ministry/department, he may be taken from
another Ministry/department”. This provision was intended to ensure
that no injustice is done to the officials belonging to the SC or ST
category by the DPC in evaluating their performance.

When such protective measures have been introduced and

enforced even in the matter of promotion in government services, the
five-member Bench of the Supreme Court which heard the matter of

far-reaching importance pertaining to those suppressed classes of
people and chose even to give green signal to the government to
introduce creamy layer formula to those people, did not have, in the
Bench, any member-judge, who belonged to from the concerned
category of suppressed people. None in the Bench did have the first-
hand experience of the people who were subjugated and humiliated
by the chaturvarna system. Nor could they have second-hand
information and insight from any member in the Bench, on these
issues, in the absence of any judge from the concerned classes. Going
by the logic behind para 2.7 of the DOPT order dated 10.04.1989, the
very constitution of the aforesaid five-member Bench in the Jarnail
Singh case is unfair and unjust. It is time appropriate case was filed a
case in the Supreme Court by appropriate fora for the recall of the
judgment concerned.

Reservation to SCs and STs on the basis of population

The statement of Sardar Vallabhbahi Patel in the Constituent

Assembly on 27.08.1947 shows (S. 43. 163 ) proves that the
reservation for Scheduled Castes had been made only on the basis of
their population. He said, “So far as Mr. Khandekar's amendment is
concerned I do not think we can accept it because it would not be
proper to make a special exception for the Scheduled Castes, that their
reservation should be on the basis of one census and that reservation
for other minority communities should be on the basis of another
census. It would not be proper and it would be an invidious
distinction. I do not understand why he wants to do that. Probably he
wants to exclude some of those who have been included in the
Scheduled Castes in 1931. I do not think it is proper to do so at this

stage. In the resolution that I have moved, there is no mention of any
census. We have simply said 'on the basis of their population'.
Therefore it should be kept as it is. No injustice is being done to any
community, and uniformity is also desirable and necessary”.

EWS Reservation made for ulterior reason

Art. 16 (6) was inserted in the Constitution because of the

manipulative tactics of the upper castes. There cannot be a reservation
system to provide employment to anyone. Reservation was intended
to enable the deprived section to participate in the governance of the
nation. Yet, all the niceties of the concept had been thrown to the
wind and the Constitution was enacted without proper study and
without even referring the matter to Parliamentary Committee. This
provision is, apparently, working against the concept of quantifying
the extent of representation in public services. The reservation under
Art.16 (4) has been made only where the particular class of persons
were “not adequately represented” in the services under the State. But,
the Art. 16 (6) provides for bringing in forward caste people, when
they are already in overwhelming scale in the services under the State.

The phrase “not adequately represented” has been deliberately

and mischievously left out in Art. 16 (6). There is nobody to question
those bureaucrats how the ratio laid down in the Nagaraj case which
had been upheld again in the Jarnail Singh case necessitating the
examination of the fact regarding the extent of representation and its
adequacy had, imperiously, been ignored when it came to reservation
for forward castes.

10% quota violates the 50% ceiling

The phrase “in addition to the existing reservation” in Art. 16 (6)

shows that the reservation for the EWS is admitted to be carrying the
reservation beyond the Supreme-Court invented formula of 50%
ceiling. But, the rulers tell the world that this reservation was of
different category and would not fall within the directives of the
Supreme Court. This is a patently false argument and mutually

If this is to be accepted, one must give award to the framers of

this Article for their tendency to play tricks with people and
Constitution. They are, in effect, saying that reservation has, already,
been made for the STs, SCs and OBCs in the second class
compartment and because of the 50% ceiling there in that
compartment, they reserve 10% of the seats for the forward castes in
the first class compartment. Funnily, these bureaucrats who worked
for and behind the newly inserted Art. 16 (6) expect us only to sit back
and admire their cleverness and cunningness.

10% reservation runs counter to earlier SC judgment

Supreme Court had made the following observations also while

delivering the Mandal judgment on 16.11.1992:

a. “For instance, priests either in Hindus or Mullahs in Muslims

or Bishops or Padris amongst Christians or Granthi in Sikhs
are considered to be at the top of hierarchal system. They
cannot be considered to be backward in any community not

because of their religion but the nature of occupation”.
(Para 672)

b. “After applying these tests the economic criteria or the means

test should be applied”. (Para 674)

c. “Identification alone does not entitle a group or class to be

entitled for protective benefits. Such group or collectivity
should be inadequately represented. ” (Para 675)

EWS reservation runs counter to all these directions of the

Supreme Court. It is, totally, anti-constitutional. The bureaucrats
knew about it. That was why they rushed through the amendment
without proper discussion. Surprise, speed and stealth were the
techniques adopted by them to make it a law. It is simply an
outrageous provision. It protects and perpetuates the caste system. It
provides for enhanced representation to the Forward Castes.

2011 - Caste census not released by Government

It is a very serious act of subversion of democracy that the Census

Commissioner of India had obliged to his political masters by not
releasing the Caste-wise data collected during the SEC Census-2011.
It was unlawful on his part to have done so especially when Courts
had permitted collection of such data. It became apparent from the
veiled and open statements made by the ruling party supporters on
TV shows that the Caste-wise data was not released as it was exposing
the well-off position of the upper castes, which the ruling dispensation
wanted to hide. The act of the civil servant, the Census Commissioner,

was simply an unbecoming one for his position. It is necessary for the
suppressed classes to know the truth, especially when the chaturvarna
promoters are ruling the nation and want to weaken the Non-
Brahmins by sub-categorising the OBCs and also by meddling with
the list of SCs and STs. He should, therefore, release, immediately, the
Caste-wise data collected for the SEC Census-2011, without meddling
with the facts collected. Only by doing so, he will just be discharging
his constitutional duty enjoined upon to him to take informed
decisions with reference to Art. 341 (2) of the Constitution and Sec.
11 (1) of the NCBC Act, 1993.

2/3 majority does not represent the entire people

The present day ruling party is under the imperious impression

that it can do anything with the nation, the people and the
Constitution just because it managed to show majority in the elections
conducted by the Election Commissioner in a questionable manner
and was,t therefore, afraid of counting the VVPATs. The persons
who, thus, got power in their hands, should know that even with their
2/3 majority, they cannot assume that they represent the entire people
of the nation and ride roughshod over reservation, to the detriment
of the Non-Brahmins.

“When a power to amend the Constitution is given to the people,

its contents can be construed to be larger than when the power is
given to a body constituted under the Constitution. Two-thirds of the
members of the two Houses of Parliament need not represent even
the majority of the people in the country. Our electoral system is such
that even a minority of voters can elect more than two-thirds of the

members of either House of Parliament. That is seen from our
experience in the past. That apart our Constitution was framed on the
basis of consensus and not on the basis of majority votes. It provides
for the protection of the minorities. If the majority opinion is taken
to be the guiding factor then the guarantees given to the minorities
may become valueless. It is well known that the representatives of
the minorities in the Constituent Assembly gave up their claim
for special protection which they were demanding in the past
because of the guarantee of Fundamental Rights. Therefore, the
contention on behalf of the Union and States that two-thirds of
members in the two Houses of Parliament are always authorised to
speak on behalf of the entire people of this country is unacceptable”
( Para 692 - Kesavanandha Bharathi Vs. State of Kerala - 1973) 4 SCC).

Representation for Muslims and Christians

The fact is that there is no proper representation is there for

the Muslims and Christians till date in the bureaucracy. Muslims at
least asked for it; Christians did not and they were cheated too.

Democracy derailed in India.

The magazine Reader’s Digest conducted a survey and

published its findings in its December, 2018 issue that “India is only
50-50 democracy”. The Reader’s Digest
Team of Editors met Mr. Ramachandra Guha
for this purpose. He told them that there was
a danger of India becoming “Elections-only
Democracy”. But, the questionable conduct
of the bureaucrats who acted as Election
Commissioner in
the 2019 elections
created bona fide apprehension in the
minds of the people that such bureaucrats
would stoop to any low to placate their
political masters and bend the law to make
even that democracy in elections is not
available to the people.

It is essential that a law is made,

immediately, so that the Chief Election Commissioners are monitored
24 x 7 through multi-party and multi-religious and multi-caste
committees to ensure that they do not continue to play foul. That
alone will restore the prestige commanded by these august public
Questionable conduct of CBI bureaucrats

Instances are many when the investigating agencies like the

Intelligence Bureau and Central Bureau of Investigation did not

discharge their work objectively but were acting as per the desires of
political masters. Even the editorial, titled “Restore Credibility”
published by the Times of India (05.09.2019) said, “the agencies must
be even handed and be seen to be so”. They can be seen to be so only
when they are monitored by multi-religious and multi-caste
committees. Besides, the recommendations of the Dharm Veer
Committee to set up National Police Commission, should be
implemented to prevent the police from becoming mercenaries of the
politicians in power.

The acquittal of Chandrasamy in St. Kitts case, “once again

raises questions about the ability of the Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) to pursue cases against highly placed individuals
or persons with contacts in centres of power”, Frontline – November
19, 2004). The BJP had said that “if voted to power it will appoint a
Commission to investigate the Central Bureau of Investigation”. The
BJP said that the CBI was a “master of cover-ups” and “a political
tool in the hands of the government”. (The Hindu 29.04.2009). Rahul
Gandhi said, "Every party in power can pressure institutions. Every
government tries to push its people into such agencies. It is a fact, it
is a reality of Indian politics" (The Economic Times -
06.05.2009). About CBI, Narendra Modi, the then CM of Gujarat,
had said, “Today, CBI has thousands of cases that are pending, so why
is Gujarat given the priority? This shows that there is politics behind
it." (First Post - 05.07.2016).

Caste-Based Investigation by the CBI

“The Supreme Court termed the Central Bureau of

Investigation a “caged parrot” that “speaks in its master’s voice”. A

bench headed by Justice R.M. Lodha also asked the government
whether it was contemplating a law to make the working of the CBI
independent and insulate it from extraneous intrusion and
interferences. The court said the agency “must know how to stand up
against all pulls and pressures by government and its officials.” (The
Hindu 09.05.2013). All the more, the manner in which the CBI goes
against D. K. Shivkumar and P. Chidambaram as highlighted in the
editorial of the Times of India on 05.09.2019, makes one recall the
manner in which the CBI itself actively sabotaged the investigation
against Jayalalitha. While D. K. Shivakumar and P. Chidambaram are
taken into custody by the CBI for weeks just in order to ascertain the
facts known to them, it did not take similar course of action against
Jayalalitha in respect of the case pertaining to the Demand Draft dated
23.12.1991 issued by Bankers Trust Company, New York, for 3
million dollars received by her from some unknown person in the

It was a transaction involving documentary proof everywhere.

“The CBI contended that though the offence occurred in 1992, it
came to the notice of the Income Tax department only in 1996 and
was duly communicated to the Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary for taking
action”( Outlook 11.02.2015). Yet, Jayalalitha refused to reveal the
name of the person who sent that money, although she utilised it. This
was, therefore, entrusted to the CBI, treating it as a “High Profile

“Of the seven cases registered against her so far, six are being
investigated by the crime branch of the CID. The foreign exchange
immunity case in which Jayalalitha received $3,00,000 from the
Banker’s Trust Company, US, is being investigated by the CBI. Says
CBI Director Joginder Singh: "Substantial progress has been made in
the $3,00,000 case. We cannot function on the lines of investigation
in one day, prosecution in one day and arrest in one day. It is
important for us to prove our case in the court of law rather than
before the press." (Outlook - 25.12.1996). Yet, the CBI, which took
over the case in the year 1996 did not pursue the case properly, in
spite of the fact that it was a single transaction. It did not care to
examine what was the quid pro quo in this case and how much official
benefits were extended to the person who paid that bribe to her,
which she utilised for her by encashing it in the ANZ Grindlays Bank,
Jersy. An officer of average efficiency would have, easily, concluded
the investigation within a period of a year, at the most, in that case.

But, the CBI officers did not do so. They simply kept the case
untouched for years and years. That facilitated the crime committed
by Jayalalitha go undetected and unpunished enabling her to become
Chief Minister again in 2001. It was clearly an apparent collusion at
the top level, especially when seen in the light of the observations of
Joginder Singh in his biography “Inside CBI” about Jayalalitha.

In the year 2011, the proceedings were quashed by the High

Court of Chennai, on the ground of delay in investigation. That was a
path-breaking judgment. CBI immediately feigned affected and said
that it would appeal to the Supreme Court. It duly filed an appeal in
the Supeme Court in the year 2012. “In the light of materials available
and without testing the same in the trial, the proceedings could not be
quashed merely on the ground of delay, the CBI sought the quashing
of the High Court judgment and an interim stay of its operation.”(The
Hindu - 11.02.2015). Meanwhile, when there was a demand to entrust
the case of the death of Vishnupriya, a police officer, Jayalalitha, the
then Chief Minister, commented, “The opinion that only the CBI
probe would be honest is not correct and I would like to remind that
a former CBI Director has been arraigned in an important case and it
is in the Supreme Court,” (The Hindu - 22.09.2015). Even that did
not annoy the CBI bureaucrats. They did not respond, either at their
level or through their Minister at the Centre. Ultimately, the Supreme
Court refused, on 09.07.2019, to set aside the High Court order. “A
bench headed by Justice R Banumathi said that since two of the three
accused in the case have died and the high court had observed that
there was delay in filing the case, there is no point in interfering with
the 2011 order” (Business Standard - 09.07.2019).

Now, a “High Profile Corruption” case involving Jayalalitha
has been buried deep without the facts being made known to the
world. It was not a case involving complex investigation. Yet, the CBI
did not do its work. Was it because of the incompetence of the CBI
as an organisation? Or, was it because of the sectarian interest shown
by the officers in the Home Ministry to protect Jayalalitha from being
punished for her crime,
which had concrete
evidence, just because of
caste considerations?
What an extraordinary
zeal that the CBI had
demonstrated, in this
case, to protect the image
of Jayalalitha, even at the
cost of dent to their
image, even by gulping
the insult heaped on them
by Jayalalitha, and to help
her to become Chief
Minister again and again,
by sabotaging its own
investigation into crime
committed by Jayalalitha !
What a great service
rendered by the CBI
bureaucrats to the nation
by leaving that crime to remain a mystery forever ! What a collusion,
to protect the image of a person who closed down the agamic schools

which were intended to make the people of all castes priests in all the
temples of Tamilnadu ! Would it be more appropriate to call the CBI,
a Caste-Based Investigation?

Even P. Chidambaram, who had been the Home Minister at

the Centre, between 2008 and 2012 had also contributed to this great
escape of the culprit Jayalalitha, by his action or inaction, as the case
may be. He did not care to usher in a civilised society, then, by
streamlining the bureaucracy. Because, he had also been under the
control of the bureaucracy and did not have control over that

It is now left to the ordinary people of the nation to rise up

and rein in the bureaucracy dominated by sectarian clans. Shantonu
Sen, retired in 1996 as Joint Director of the CBI, and authored the
book, “CBI Insider Speak: Birlas to Sheila Dixshit” said, “CBI is such a
fine body, and had its glory days when it was free from influence.
However, the need of the hour was for a public outcry. That was the
purpose of speaking out” (Firstpost – 01.08.2018). The nation can be
redeemed only when the recommendations of the Dharma Veera
Committee on Police reforms are implemented or the policing
organisations are policed by multi-religious and multi-caste
committees to ensure that the officers do not indulge in organised
scandals by taking action on the basis of castes and Varnas.

Chaturvarna terrorists shot down the intellectuals

2300 years ago. Chanakya, the first political terrorist of the world, was
writing his compendium explaining the methodology of various

terrorist activities. He declared, categorically, that the ruler must
protect the ‘four caste system’. He scolded those who opposed that
caste-system as ‘wicked’ people. He did not want those critics to be
argued and convinced. He just wanted those critics be punished very

He recommended to the government not to punish those

‘wicked’ critics openly but to adopt conspiratorial criminal methods
listed out by him as Secret Science
to crush them out. Chanakya says,
“In order to protect the
institution of the four castes, such
measures as are treated of
in secret science shall be applied
against the wicked. (Chapter I in
Book XIV titled ‘Secret Means’ -

But, his descendants have

surpassed him and are openly
killing the intellectuals who
opposed and exposed the Chaturvarna cruelties. The manner in which
Narendra Dabolkar was shot down by two gunmen on 20.08.2013.
Govind Pansare was finished off on 16.02.2015 by two gunmen.
Malleshappa Madivalappa Kalburgi was killed on 30.08.2015 by two
gunmen. Referring to the similarities in the murders of Dabholkar,
Pansare and Kalburgi, a senior officer of the CID says that the
“thought process” appears to be the same. Gauri Lankesh was killed
on 05.09.2017 by two gunmen. The CBI claims that the murder

weapons were thrown in the Vasai Creek, between Mumbai-Thane
highway, and have to recover the country made 7.65 mm guns that
would help the prosecution.

But, it could not search for the weapons in the creek “for want of
necessary permissions”. “The Bombay High Court Thursday
slammed the Maharashtra government when it learnt that the CBI,

probing the killing of rationalist Narendra Dabholkar, could not

search for weapons in Thane creek for want of necessary permissions.
A bench of Justices S C Dharmadhikari and G S Patel said that in the
face of such crimes where the attempt was to silence dissent, the
government should decide if this was how it wanted the affairs of the
state to continue”(Financial Express 04.07.2019).

The government of Maharashtra sleeping over the request of

the CBI to permit it to search for weapons in the creek. These facts
show that the chaturvarna fanatics who arrange to kill the intellectuals
who expose them are functioning as a well-organised mafia gangs,
drawing support from various quarters.

It is only the enforcement of the report of the Dharm Veer
Committee which can refine the police organisations and make them
function in an objective manner to make the nation a really civilised

Poet Tagore, who was not

allowed by the priests to enter the
temple at Puri on the ground that he was
a Pirali Brahmin, desperately yearned for
the nation to wake up to a civilised
atmosphere. He said, in his immortal

“Where the mind is without fear

and the head is held high,
where knowledge is free.
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow
domestic walls,
Where words come out from the depth of truth,
where tireless striving stretches its arms toward perfection.
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary
desert sand of dead habit.
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever widening thought and
In to that heaven of freedom, my father,
Let my country awake !”

“About truth, the less said the better in this country” said
Narendra Dabholkar – (Ref: The Republic of Reason: Words They Could

Not Kill – Selected Writings of Dabholkar, Pansare and Kalburgi). Should
this country be like that forever, under the Brahmanical veto?
A civilised nation should construct the lives of its people based on
truth and not on the false propaganda by the rulers. European
civilisation was on the path of ascendancy only when the people
realised that Galileo was right and the Pope and the popular opinion
was wrong. Life does not have any meaning if the Non-Brahmins
continue to accept their ascribed status as low-borns. Chaturvarna
system is a crying shame on humanity. The nation should get rid
of it at once.
The Spy State

Roger Boesche has in his book on Chanakya said that

Chanakya had laid importance on spying on officials and people. His
spy network was enormous. “When the king has set spies on high
officials, he should set spies on the citizens and the country people”..
Roger also says that “the list of possible spies is overwhelming. The
king should have spies “appearing as holy ascetics, wandering monks,
cart-drivers, wandering minstrels, jugglers, tramps, fortune-tellers,
soothesayers, astrologers, physicians, lunatics, dumb persons, deaf
persons, winemakers, dealers in bread, dealers in cooked meat, and
dealers in cooked rice” (Page 66).

The present government run by the saffronites does exactly

follow the pattern of administration advised by Chanakya two
millennia ago and tries to subvert the Indian Constitution through all
possible means. Democracy means Rule by People. That rule by
people is possible only when there is effective law in force that enables

the people to know the details of decision making process followed
by the politicians in power.
But, the present set of saffronite rulers tinker with the Right
to Information Act and try to make it, totally, ineffective. It becomes
clear that the elected leaders are afraid of people and are, really,
working against the interest of the people. Besides, they have, within
a year of their coming to power, focussed attention on expanding their
spy network, on the lines suggested by Chanakya. The varied fields of
recruitment of spies and the extent of such appointment as spies were
reported by the Times of India on 22.06.2015. It becomes clear that
they are trying to establish police state once again to resurrect their
desire to have the chaturvarna regime.

Solving the unemployment problem of higher castes

What is more important in this episode is that such

appointments are kept as secret. There is no scope for verifying
whether the reservation procedure is followed in these appointments.
These networks, the CBI, IB and the RAW can, therefore, appoint
people of their choice and pay them regular and fat salary with or
without real work. In the light of the advice of Chanakya to engage
only the Brahmins in such departments of espionage and the pattern
of such appointments already followed in the RAW, which has earned
its name as Relatives and Associates Wing, the problem of
unemployment among Brahmins can be solved easily. There is no
audit for the expenditure incurred and no limit for such favours
extendable. The consequences are nothing but re-establishment of
total Brahminocracy.

Frightening the Judiciary through spy network

Intelligence Bureau had, habitually, been used for political

purposes of various kinds, one among them being spying upon the
judges of the High Court and Supreme Court too and submit report
to political bosses in the Executive wing of the nation, who could and
would use or abuse that information in various ways, both overtly and
covertly. The closed cover report given by the Attorney General to
the Judges of the Supreme Court in the open court in the matter of
the selection of judges, would prove the action of the spy network
that was set to spy upon the judges. “On Wednesday, Attorney-

General Mukul Rohatgi handed over to a five-judge Constitution
Bench headed by Justice J.S. Khehar a note in a sealed cover,
containing names and details of judges considered “bad
appointments” made on the recommendation of the Supreme Court
Collegium in the last 20 years.” (The Hindu 11.06.2015). It was an open
demonstration on the part of the Executive that it was spying upon
Judiciary. Significantly, the Executive did not take any action against
such tainted judges on the basis of those intelligence reports.

But, the judges of the Supreme Court do not have any such
machinery at their disposal to spy upon the activities of the politicians
in power in the Executive. The real independence of the Judiciary has,
thus, become compromised, already, and the Executive has been
allowed to retain upper-hand over Judiciary, leading the Indian
Democracy, surely, to peril already, that the West calls India as a
Limited Democracy, which is a crying shame on the Indians.

Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum

If a group of people are to live together in peace and harmony,

there should be proper law in existence assuring liberty, equality and
fraternity. And that law should be enforceable through Courts. And
the courts should be independent and upright to instill confidence in
the common man. ‘Civilization rests upon law. Law rests upon
courts”. Such courts should be free from the control and interference
of politicians. The ‘Voice of temporary majority’ should not be
allowed to stifle the Judiciary and cause permanent damage to the

The judges are supposed to render justice adhering to the
maxim “Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum” meaning “Let Justice be done,
even if the heaven falls”. The courage to render such justice emanates
from the method of appointment of judges. The appointments to
judiciary should, therefore, be made in a transparent manner, taking
cue from the methods adopted in the UK, USA, Kenya and South
Garoda Garo and the Brahmin Veto

Garoda Garo. This was the name of a caste in the State of

Gujarat. It had been categorised as the one belonging to Scheduled
Castes. The people of this caste officiate as priests to the other people
categorised as Scheduled Castes there. The people of this caste did

not, however, want to be called as Garoda Garos. They wanted a
better name and had been lobbying for it for long. They wanted to be
called as Guru Brahmins. It was on January 2, 2017 that Vijay Rupani,
the Chief Minister of Gujarat conceded to their demand and said that
that community would, thereafter, be called Guru Brahmin (Times of
India 20.02.2017). Garoda Garos were delighted. The Social Justice
and Empowerment Department of the Gujarat Government, issued
notification to that effect on 02.02.2017 declaring that “the name of
Garo/Garoda community has been changed to Guru Brahmin”.

Eight days passed. There was another notification by the same

ministry, on 10.02.2017, stating that “the people from the ‘Guru
Brahmin’ community would be identified as ‘Guru Brahmin
Anusuchit Jati’ (Guru Brahmin Scheduled Caste)”. A pall of gloom
descended on the Guru Brahmin community. They felt outraged.
They opposed that revised nomenclature. They did not like it. B.K.
Shrimali, the general secretary of Akhil Bharatiya Guru Brahmin
Mahasabha said, “There was no need to add the term Scheduled Caste
to the new name given to us”. “Since Brahmins per se don’t perform
rituals for Dalits, they set up a sub-caste called Garo Brahmins to do
such things. With time, calling someone Garo Brahmin became
derogatory. It meant we were not as good as Brahmins. We sought a
more respectable name to stop such humiliation”, said Shrimali.
(Ahmedabad Mirror, 28.10.2017 -News item titled “Why can’t you give us a
respectable name? ask Guru Brahmins.”). Social activist Manishi Jani says,
“This decision (dated 10.02.2017) exposes the deep-rooted casteism
in our society. The government wants to lure Dalits for votes by
offering various schemes, yet want to keep the nuisance of casteism

alive. Instead of receiving a better name, the community has got a
more derogatory name”.

The Brahmin veto over Non-Brahmin’s name

An Association of Brahmin Youth, called the Unity of

Parshuram Parivar (UPP), claimed credit for the second notification.
It said that it was their efforts which made the Chief Minister change
his stand and issue the revised order on 10.02.2017. Its president
Nirav Dave boasted, “We protested against the addition of the name
Brahmin to the Garo community. We expressed our displeasure
before CM Rupani. The CM listened to us and amended the
notification.” That was not the only Brahmin organisation which
claimed that credit. There had been a delegation of World Brahmin
Federation members to meet the Chief Minister on the very next day
itself, I.e., on February 3. Besides, there was another team of Brahmin
community leaders which met the Chief Minister, further three days
later, on February 6, asking him to rethink his decision. “Clarifying
the reason behind their objection, a Brahmin community leader
seeking anonymity, says, “Both communities share similar surnames.
There have been cases where Brahmins have married Garo Brahmins
due to confusion over names. So we want the government to make
the distinction clear” (Ibid.).

What a great grievance the Brahmins had had! The Gujarat

Brahmins want to retain a distinguishable identity; to protect their
aloofness. They do not want any other group of Hindus to pilfer away
any benefit that accrues to the ‘Brahmins’. Their standoffish attitude
should be given government recognition and protection, they insisted.

They were more concerned with maintaining their ‘puritanical’
approach in marriages. Blood purity was more important, they
divined. After all, their ancestors did the same too.

When Hitler wanted to make Germany ‘a land fit for the

Aryans to live’, he enacted and enforced a law totally prohibiting the
marriage of Germans with Gypsies, Jews and people of colour. It was
called as the Law for the Protection of German Blood and
German Honour, 1935. In 2017, the Brahmins around the world
were not far behind Hitler. When the Gujarat government issued
notification on 02.02.2017, they got worked up and worked so
vigorously against the new nomenclature given to the Guru Brahmins
that they began to sleep only after Vijay Rupani reneged on
10.02.2017, when they felt assured that their racial purity and
exclusiveness would remain protected. Was it not a fact that the
authorities in Germany were demanding “proof of racial purity
before a marriage could go ahead under a new law in 1935”?

The same Ahmedabad Mirror of 28.10.2017 reports, ‘Another

leader refusing to be named bluntly states, “Garo Brahmins are not
Brahmins. They should not carry this name. The decision hurt our
sentiments, so we made a representation against it.” The stand
of these Brahmins was shocking. They, first of all, do not have any
say in the matter pertaining to the nomenclature of Garoda Garos.
No existing law of the nation prevents the others from calling
themselves Brahmins, if they want to. Yet, the BJP government
yielded to the unlawful pressure tactics of the Brahmins. It respected
only the sentiments of the Brahmins and pooh-poohed the sentiments
of the oppressed Guru Brahmins.

The issue here was why the Brahmins were so protective of
their Brahmin title. Where was the need for them to oppose someone
else being called some Brahmin? The answer lies in the fact that the
Brahmins, post-independence, do have the vested interest to resurrect
their vicious and anti-social Chaturvarna system that was in vogue in
the days of Manu. They do not have any regret or remorse about the
crimes committed against humanity in the past in the name of
protecting and
preserving the
social disorder.
On the other
hand, they boast
of their ‘heritage’
and continue to
subjugate the
in an organised

just repeats itself
in India, the
darkest pages of
the history. The
Brahmins have not come out of their warped state of mind, even in
the 21st century. They treat the Non-Brahmins with ill-will. There is
no scope to expect any sense of Fraternity from them, although they
call, the Non-Brahmins also as Hindus.

The term ‘Hindu religion’ is, really, a misnomer. The
Brahmins equate, in essence, the term ‘Hindu’ only with themselves.
If a Non-Brahmin exposes the Brahmanical misdeeds, the Brahmins
brand him as ‘anti-Hindu’. But, the soul-deep aversion exhibited by
the Brahmins towards the Non-Brahmins is not treated as an ‘anti-
Hindu’ action. It is simply ignored from public discussion. As long as
the Brahmins continue to have this kind of mind-set, they will pose
very serious threat to the welfare and development of the Non-
Brahmins. Mr. O. Rajgopal, BJP’s Vice President and in charge of
Tamilnadu and Kerala had, during his visit to Chennai on 08.08.1995,
equated the term Brahmin with Hindu. “Mr.Rajagopal’s outburst
denouncing the anti-Brahminism of the South as being ‘anti-Hindu’
perhaps allows a peep into the staunch “Manuwadi” view that the
lower-castes are outside the strict Hindu fold” (The Hindu 09.08.1995).

Martin Luther - Anti-Pope; not Anti-Christianity

Martin Luther was not anti-Christianity but was anti-Pope,

particularly the Pope Leo X. In 2016, Pope Francis praised Martin
Luther as “a great reformer”. (The magazine npr - 28.10.2016). In
October 2016, Pope Francis travelled to Sweden and participated in
the ceremony that started the yearlong commemoration of Protestant
Reformation that split the Churches 500 years ago, in 1517 AD

But, the mainstream Brahmins are not prepared for real reformation
of Hindu religion. They want the Chaturvarna balkanisation remain
forever. There is, therefore, no substance in the attempt of the
Brahmins to defame the people who expose the Brahmanical
duplicity, as anti-Hindus. The oft-repeated call for ‘Hindu unity’ by
the Brahmins is only a call to protect Brahmin interests and not the
interests of all the ‘Hindus’. That slogan was and is used to utilise the
Non- Brahmins to achieve the purpose of the Brahmins. It is,
therefore, essential to take steps for proportionate representation of

all castes and religions in India in services at all the top-level posts, the
helm of affairs, to avoid being ruled by the Brahmins who, actually,
hate the Non-Brahmins as has been seen from the Guru Brahmin
episode. Brahmins have driven the Non-Brahmins only to this
alternative. Let the Non-Brahmins work towards that goal, in the
interest of their posterity!

Reservation Tomorrow
(from 2020 onwards)

“செவிகைப்பச் செொற்சபொறுக்கும் பண்புகை வவந்தன்

ைவிகைக்ைீ ழ் தங்கும் உலகு”

People would live happily only under the

king who tolerates even the bittermost
comments of the people against him.

-Tiruvalluvar on the
Freedom of Expression of the people.

It is the right to freedom of expression which is fundamental

for evolution of a society which assures dignity and development to
every citizen in the society. It is this freedom, the freedom to talk
against the injustice committed by the rulers, which causes and
facilitates all other developments in the society. The Supreme Court
of India has reiterated time and again about the importance of this
aspect of freedom of expression. "If one is allowed to say that policy

of the government is good, another is with equal freedom entitled to
say that it is bad. If one is allowed to support the governmental
scheme, the other could as well say, that he will not support it. The
different views are allowed to be expressed by proponents and
opponents not because they are correct, or valid but because there is
freedom in this country for expressing even differing views on any
issue" (S. Rangarajan Vs P. Jagjivanram - 30.03.1989 - Supreme Court).

These judgments work in furtherance of the dream of Tagore.

But, such a free society cannot be ushered in, unless the narrow-
minded chaturvarna system that fragments the society into pieces and
stratifies the people into high-borns and low-borns is shamed,
disowned, buried and forgotten. Chaturvarna system had never, in the
entire history of the sub-continent, tolerated freedom of expression
by all the people, except the Brahmins. Jawaharlal Nehru has, while
referring to the concept of democracy in the Vedic era, said, "But let
us always remember that this democracy was more or less confined to
Aryans themselves. Their slaves, or those whom they placed in low
castes, had no democracy or freedom... Thus we have to bear in mind
that, on the one side, the Aryans kept down the working class and did
not allow it any share in their democracy; on the other, they had a
great deal of freedom among themselves." (Glimpses of World History -
Page 25). It is, therefore, essential that the Chaturvarna concept, which
is really an anti-social concept, should be declared as a racial crime and
the visible representation of the varna identity, in any form, shamed
and penalised. But, what happens in practice is that there are repeated
attempts by the small time rulers to restrict the freedom of expression
of the people of India, which, if allowed, would make the nation an
uncivilised one, once again.

Twice-born “to agitate” against once-born

Ambedkar felt worried that there was no Voltaire among the

Brahmins. But, contrary to his desire, there are many protagonists of
the Chaturvarna social order, who do not have any objective outlook
towards the society. Mr. Chidambaresh, a sitting judge, said in a
meeting of Tamil Brahmins, "It's time for you (Brahmins) to
deliberate as to whether reservations should be on the basis of
community or caste alone. Occupying a constitutional post, it may not
be proper for me to express any opinion, I am not expressing my
opinion at all. But I am only kindling your interest or reminding you
that there is a platform for you to agitate or to voice your concerns
about economic reservation alone and not caste or communal
reservation” (Live Law - 24.07.2019).

He also defined the term

Brahmin saying, "Now who is a
brahmin? A brahmin is dwijhanmana -
twice born... Because of poorva janma
sukridham (good deeds of previous
birth), he is twice born. He has got
certain distinct characteristics: clean
habits, lofty thinking, sterling
character, mostly a vegetarian, a lover
of Carnatic music. All good qualities
rolled into one is a brahmin." He did
not criticise the fanciful theory of Brahmins having been born out of
the head of the God.

The Non-Brahmins in the Hindu fold do not have any
objection to the Muslims or Christians boasting about their religious
identity. They just say that they are different. But, when the Brahmins
boast of their Brahmin-hood, they imply that the Non-Brahmins in
the Hindu fold are inferior to them by birth. And that is the rub.

Target, the ‘Helm of Affairs’, ‘Always’

Mr. Chidambaresh also said, "It may be noted that a Brahmin

is never communal, he is always considerate, he is an ahimsavadi
(proponent of peace). He loves people, he is one who liberally donates
for any laudable cause. Such a person should always be at the helm
of affairs for which this Tamil Brahmin meet will definitely be a
turning point."

Typical Brahmin imperialists

Mr. Subramaniam Samy in an interview to the Thanthi TV on

24.03.2019, said, “I am a Brahmin. I cannot be chowkidar. I shall give
ideas. Chowkidar
should do his work
according to those
ideas / directions”
(நான் பிராமணன்.
நான் ச ௌகிதார் ஆக
முடியாது. நான் கருத்து
குடுப்பேன். அந்தக்
கருத்துப் பிரகாரம் ச ௌகிதார் பேலை ச ய்யணும்” ).

Former Supreme Court judge, Markantey Katju exhorted the
Brahmins of the world to unite saying that they had the world to win.
He said, on 06.08.2018, in Twitter, “Brahmins of the World Unite!
You have nothing to lose but your
chains. You have a world to win.
Hari Om.” These utterances
should alert the Non-Brahmins
about the irrepressible desire of
the Brahmins to be imperialistic,
and the concerted manner in
which they were going about their goal, even after the British
intellectuals brought to light various Brahmanical literature which
exposed the tricks played by the Brahmins on the Non-Brahmins,
including the text of Arthasastra, which was secretly studied by the
Brahmins till then.

The art of dividing the Non-Brahmins into Kshtarias, Vysyas,

Soodras, STs, SCs, OBCs and Sarchootras ( ற்சூத்திரர்கள்), and again
into various castes within these categories and cashing in on that
division by diverting their attention to other issues has been one of
the time tested tricks, besides the tricks enumerated by Chanakya
under the head ‘Sowing seeds of dissension’. It was this division which
facilitated them to remain at the helm of affairs. Hitler said that
Aryans accomplished so much and became supreme “by trampling
over the others.” (Page 87 – The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich –
William L. Shirer). That applies to the technique adopted by the
Brahmins all along the history of the sub-continent. The call of Mr.
Chidambaresh to his people to always be at the “helm of affairs”
should awaken the Non-Brahmins to protect the existing Reservation

system, however elementary it may be, and to convert it into
proportionate representation in all the top level posts.

Education should be made free and fair to all

Education should not be privatised to enable the anti-social

elements to make money through it. It is the obligation of the State to
provide proper education to the people. But, the New Education
Policy does have all the vestiges of the Chaturvarna strategy to deny
real education to the people and to introduce the malicious Kulakkalvi
Thittam on the sly. While the NEP tries to justify the vocational
education introduced by it, it contradicts itself by comparing with
India the people of various nations in the age group of 19 -24 who
were trained in vocational courses but by introducing vocational
education and denying Minimum General Education to the school
kids. It is essential that all the children are taught arts and science upto
the age of 16 before they chart the course of their career. Unless
modified, the New Educational Policy is nothing but an attempt at
committing Cultural Genocide of the people.

Genocide is “a comprehensive and systematic undertaking”.

As Raphael Lemkin put it, “Genocide is effected through a
synchronized attack on different aspects of life of the captive
peoples.” He enumerated the “techniques of genocide” in eight
“fields”:.… In the cultural field, he mentioned, among other steps,
“prohibiting or destroying cultural institutions and cultural activities;
by substituting vocational education for education in the liberal
arts, in order to prevent humanistic thinking, which the occupant
considers dangerous because it pro- motes national thinking.” - Page
18 - Cultural Genocide and the Protection of Cultural Heritage - Edward C.

Luck). All this is being done by the rulers now because of the capture
of power-centres by the chaturvarna protagonists. The New
Education Policy is anti-people in character and substance.

Proportionate representation
a legitimate and inevitable demand

The Supreme court has, in Para 680 of the Mandal judgment

said, “Our Constitution does not approve of proportional
representation either in services or even in Parliament as is illustrated
by Article 331 of the Constitution which empowers the President to
nominate not more than two members of the Anglo-Indian
community to the House of People, irrespective of their population,
if they are not adequately represented”. This is a totally wrong
analogy. This reservation was about the legislative wing of the nation
and it was done to fulfil a promise made to the British rulers before
they left. That was just an accommodation. The Supreme Court has,
in the same paragraph, observed, “True as observed by Krishna Iyer,
J., in Soshit Karamchari (Supra) and Chinnappa Reddy, J., in Vasantha
Kumar (supra) that there is no constitutional provision restricting
reservation to 50% but with profound respect, the debates in the
Constituent Assembly, the provisions in the Constitution do not
support the construction of Article 16(4) as empowering government
to reserve posts for backward class of citizens in proportion to their
population. Any construction of Article 16(4) cannot be divorced
without taking into account Article 16(1). Equality in services has
been balanced by providing equal opportunity to every citizen at the
same time empowering the State to take protective measure for the
backward class of citizens who are not adequately represented. This

balancing of equality cannot be lost sight of while interpreting these
provisions. Since there is no clear indication either way the role of the
courts become both important and responsible, by interpreting the
provision reasonably and with common sense so as to carry out the
objective of its enactment. And the purpose was to enable the
backward class of citizens to share the power if they were not
adequately represented but not to grant proportional representation,
a typical British concept rejected by our Founding Fathers”.

The Supreme Court has erred in making this kind of

observation. It is not a correct interpretation of law or fact. There is
nothing to hold out from the Constituent Assembly debates that the
British concept was examined and rejected by the Founding Fathers,
for valid and better reasons. The main difference between the British
and Indian society is that there is no chaturvarna system there in
Britain. Besides, the reservation of 15% to the people categorised as
Scheduled Castes and 7.5 to those categorised as Scheduled Tribes
was based only on the theory of proportionate representation. The
Constitutent Assembly, therefore, went by proportionate
representation only. It is possible that the Supreme Court arrived at
such wrong findings because of the failure of the lawyers on either
side to place the relevant facts before the Court. The issue here is not
what was done by the Founding Fathers or the Drafting Committee
that had 4/6 majority of Brahmins. The experience during the past 7
decades testify to the fact that it is only that concept of proportionate
representation of all castes and religions, in every sphere of
bureaucracy, which can ensure a dignified, and civilised society in
India. India cannot claim to be a more mature democracy than the
democracies of Switzerland, Belgium, U.K, etc., where proportionate

representations are the norm. In India too, the system of
proportionate reservation in public services is the only remedy to the
malady that has been caused by the Brahmins. The Non-Brahmins
should work towards that law to make India, a land of Equality and

The Non-Brahmin Manifesto – 2019
Real Issues or disputes between Non-Brahmins and Brahmins

The following ten basic demands of the Non-Brahmins require to

be accepted by the Brahmins to pave way for a civilised democratic
India that really ensures, as promised in the Preamble of the
Constitution, Equality and Fraternity:

1. Within the Hindu fold, there should prevail real Equality and
Fraternity. Provision should, therefore, be made to enable the people
of all the castes to officiate as priests in all the temples in which
Brahmins alone officiate as priests. There must be provision for all
castes to become priests at all levels in every temple.

2. There must be compulsory conscription, under Art. 23 (2) of

the Constitution of India, the way it is in all other civilised
democracies of the West. The people of all castes must be made to
work as common soldiers during the period of conscription. The
resultant situation must be such that when there is war, there must be
a possibility that the people of all the castes would be in every war-
front as soldiers facing the enemy. In the ancient era, the kings
assumed personal responsibility for themselves before declaring war
and placed themselves in the battle field. As the kings have, now, been
replaced by Central Ministers and Central Bureaucrats, they tend to
act rashly and irresponsibly in the matters of war. There should,

therefore, be created a situation that, at the time of decision-making-
process, they keep in view that there is a possibility of their wards too
being in the warfront as soldiers. Wars will, then, become a real
patriotic mission. The politicians and bureaucrats would not be able
to egg on the nation towards war, without exploring all the other
avenues of solving the solvable issues. When a land clings on to its
barbarian Varna system, the people of all the varnas should be made
to demonstrate their loyalty to their motherland by remaining in the
war-front when there is real war.

3. There must be proportionate representation in all the levels,

especially at the top level posts, in public employment, including
judiciary. It there was reason and justification behind the move of the
MHA in restriction the entry of Sikhs in the 1980s in the Army, it is
much more so in the civil posts. Because pen is mightier than sword
and the civil administration is being abused now, extensively, to
achieve sectarian ends. As an interim measure, inclusion of more and
more castes into the OBC or SC or ST lists without increasing the
percentage of reservation already provided should be stopped.

4. The revelations by Mr. Vinod Mehta, Mr. Kuldip Nayar, Ms.

Coomi Kapoor and the excerpts from the book of Mr. Sankaran Nair,
would show that the RAW is not doing work which was nationally
important but many things that were nefarious and partisan, including
depositing the ill-gotten money of the politicians in Swiss banks.
There is, therefore, a definite need to have a multi-religious and multi-
caste body of persons of integrity to monitor the functions of these
secret organisations and prevent the RAW and IB from being used
for sectarian ends. The nation cannot afford to allow the Chanakya’s
formula of engaging only the Brahmins in the matter of appointment

in the departments of espionage. He had ordained, “Those of
Brahman caste and learned in the Vedas, as well as ascetics, shall only
be subjected to espionage” (Page 251-ibid-Book V- Arthasastra - R.
Shama Sastry). The appointments should not be on sectarian grounds.
Similar arrangement of multi-religious, multi-caste, and multi-party
committees to monitor the activities of the bureaucrats of the MEA,
MHA , Election Commission, Police department, CBI and Income
Tax department is required to be made.

5. Surnames should be banned. In the South, people have

generally desisted from using their surnames, even though it was
inherited. For example, former President called himself just as R.
Venkataraman by his first name and not by his caste. The same was
the case with K. R. Narayanan. As surname is the indicator of caste,
one must feel, at least, shy, if not ashamed, of using his surname.

6. Introduction of the unconstitutional and peculiar income

criteria for reservation must be done away with when even in the USA
the Affirmative Action is based only on race and not on income.
When even the President of India, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind and his wife
were insulted and prevented from going into the temple at Puri on
18.03.2018, it implies that the Brahmins keep the chaturvarna
fanaticism alive at its peak, still. So, the creamy layer concept,
invented by the Supreme Court in the year 1992 and executed by the
bureaucrats at their free will, should go along with the reservation
based on economic status. The fact is that even the so-called creamy
layer among the suppressed classes could not fill up the top level posts
both in Executive and in Judiciary. The concept of creamy layer has
not been decided by keeping in view the averge economic status of
the Brahmins. The data collected through the SEC Census – 2011 is

still kept suppressed from the public knowledge, as it is inconvenient
to the sociological manipulations by the authorities in power.

7. All the languages of the nation must be given absolutely equal

status in every sphere and the Art. 343 (1) and Art 351 of the
Constitution should be amended to that effect. The concept of
traditional homeland should be respected and the rights of all the
languages to develop without hindrance by any other language should
be respected. It should be noted that Switzerland which does have
70% of German-speaking population has not made German as the
official language of that nation. United Nations Organisation which
celebrates International Mother Language Day declares, "We hope
that the spirit of the International Mother Language Day will help
develop in us a deep respect for not only one's own mother tongue,
but for those of others as well; help the expression of all kinds of
majority and minority languages and put an end to the dictates of
one language over the other."

8. All the political parties and all the non-governmental

organisations including mutts of every caste within Hinduism must be
made to publish in their websites the names of the donors who pay
more than ten rupees. This will prevent all the unscrupulous elements
becoming politicians. The details of all the expenditure incurred by
these political parties and NGOs must also be made public in the
website. (Similar arrangement is necessary for all other religious
institutions too. But, that is not the area of dispute between Brahmins
and Non-Brahmins here).

9. Appointments to higher judiciary should be made in a

transparent manner and from among the people of varied

backgrounds. The method of appointment followed in the mature
democracies like the U.K, the U.S.A, and the tender democracies like
Kenya and South America should be adopted, instead of the hush-
hush manner in which they are selected now.

10. Non-Brahmins should not be required to shoulder the

Brahmins’ burden any more, directly or indirectly and all should come
forward to contribute their mite, in the making of the nation, as
equals. There are eight techniques of Cultural Genocide of the captive
people in eight fields, according to Raphel Lemkin. Those fields are
(1) Political, (2) Social, (3) Cultural, (4) Economic, (5) Biological, (6)
Physical (7) Religious and (8) Moral. In India, the Chaturvarna
concept adopts many of those techniques. That should be put an end
to; a definite end.

These issues are required be discussed threadbare, at least, now, 99

years after the resolution of 1920 by the Indian National Congress
which exhorted the Hindu religious leaders to step in to find a solution
to the issues which existed between the Brahmins and Non-Brahmins.
It is long overdue, already.

“Never !
Never again !!
Never again shall we be enslaved !!”.
-Goethe (1749 - 1832)

“If you don't break your ropes while you're

alive, do you think ghosts will do it after?”
―Saint Kabir


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