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Function Module : Production Process

Process Area : Materials Requirements Planning

Transaction : MD05

Transaction Name : MRP list - material

Author : Jacques van Riel

Last change date : 11/19/2004 10:16:00 AM



 Requirement to review MRP run for an individual material

Business Process Description Overview

When the planning run is completed the evaluation function enables the MRP controller to process the requirements and make
informed decisions to convert planned orders to purchase requisitions thus triggering the purchasing department to proceed with
acquiring the materials. The MRP controller uses the display function to review both MRP lists and stock requirements list to analyze
the requirements and decide on a course of action.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Material Material number

MRP area Number of areas for which material requirements planning should be carried out
Plant Plant where MRP list is generated for

Output - Results Comments

MRP type Whether the material is planned and how.
Material type Defines certain attributes of the material and has important control functions
Unit Unit of Measure
Date Receipt / Requirements date
MRP Element Identifies the MRP element for the specific row (line item)
MRP Element data Describes the material in more detail
R-Date Descriptive data for the element including the element number, rescheduling date, etc.
Exception Exception Message Number
Rec./req. qty Quantity required or received

Tips and Tricks

It should be noted the user can convert planned orders to purchase requisitions directly from
the display screens without having to go back to create or change function .

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Procedure Steps

1.1. Access Individual Display of MRP List by:

Via Menus (a) Logistics>Materials Management>Materials Requirements

Planning>MRP>Evaluations>MRP List - Material
(b) Logistics>Production>MRP>Evaluations>MRP List-Material

Via Transaction Code MD05

1.2. On “MRP List: Initial Screen” enter the following information.

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Material A unique number that identifies the R Number known or via matchcode
MRP area Number of MRP areas for which R Enter MRP area number
material requirements planning should
be carried out separately

Plant Unique number identifying a plant It is R Enter plant number

the plant, which contains the material
With filter Defines whether working with filters ( O Enter if required
display filter and/or selection rule ) is
always activated when the user
access the MRP list or the
stock/requirements list.

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1.3. On “MRP List as of (Date) xx:xx Hrs” Screen the following information is

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Material A unique material number. R Defaults from Initial Screen
Description A short description of the material R Defaults from Material Master Record
MRP area A short description of the MRP area R Defaults from Initial Screen
Plant Plant where material is located. R Defaults from Initial Screen
MRP Type Reorder Type- Determines how the R Defaults from Material Master record.
material is planned.
Material type Material type R Defaults from Material Master record-
Unit unit of measure R Defaults from Material Master
Date Receipt / Requirement date. R A date that is relevant to the MRP and,
depending on the respective MRP
element, indicates:
 When a material has been
received or
 When a material requirement

MRP element A description which stands for the R

corresponding MRP element, i.e.
MRP element MRP element data refers to the MRP O i.e., PchOrd – gives the purchase order
data element field. The meaning changes number and the line item
depending on the MRP element field
Rescheduling Materials produced internally, the field 0 i.e., Safety stock level is exceeded.
date contains the start date. Start date is in the past.
Material procured externally, the field
will contain the release date.

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Exception Number which identifies an exception O Defaults from planning run
message and which refers to a
peculiarity or an exception in material
requirements planning.

Receipt/reqd. Quantity required and expected R Defaults from planning run

Qty receipt quantity
Available qty Quantity available to user depending R Defaults from planning run
on lead times

Note: Access Further Display Screens using the pull down menus “Edit”, “Go to” and


 To display Additional Data for the Material in the header of the MRP list,
select the button or press F5. A screen appears with an overview of
the master and movement data. Pressing the ARROW buttons, you can
review the next or previous screens of the material master data for each
material. By selecting the COMPACT HEADER button, you switch back to
the original screen.

 Display other MRP elements of the selected material by pressing the


 Display the exception messages by double clicking on the message
 Display Additional Data for MRP Element by double-clicking the mouse on

the MRP element you are interested in or pressing the button.

Alternatively, you can select the element with a single click of the mouse
and then select the menu Edit/ for element. The Additional Data
for MRP Element pop-up window appears

Depending on the type of MRP Elements, the following options are

available by selecting the corresponding pushbutton:
 Review the pegged requirement or the order report by pressing the

buttons or
 Convert a Plan Order in a Process Order
 Convert a Plan Order in a Production Order (not used)
 Convert a Plan Order in a Purchase Requisition

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 Convert a Purchase Requisition in a Purchase Order

For any type of MRP element, it is possible to change or display more

detailed information of the selected MRP element by pressing the or


All of these Display, Change and Convert functions related to an individual

MRP elements can be done directly from the overview screen by the menu

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 Display Additional Data for MRP Element by double-clicking the mouse on

the MRP element you are interested in or pressing the button.

Alternatively, you can select the element with a single click of the mouse
and then select the menu Edit/ for element. The Additional Data
for MRP Element pop-up window appears


 By the Find function, it is possible to find by exception message or by

date/MRP element. The system will display a list of the exception
messages and MRP element/dates that are contained in the current MRP

It is possible to select which exception messages or which type of MRP

element within a range of dates are to be highlighted. Using the find
function, you can spring from one highlighted exception message to

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 Display Stock Statistics. The following window appears.

After selecting an it/outward movement, detailed information can be shown by

pressing the button.

 Display Sales Statistics by the menu Goto/Sales Statistics. The following

window appears

 Display detailed information of the material by the menu Goto/Material


 Modify or create the text/memo associated to every material

 Compare the MRP list and the Stock Requirement List by the menu
Goto/Compare Stock/Reqmts

 Modify the single item plan of the material in a interactive way by the
menu Goto/Interactive sng-itm plng (Transaction MD43)


 Or pressing the button to create Period Totals (group MRP elements).

For longer list, it can be helpful to group MRP elements from the same
period (day, week, month, planning calendar, or accounting period)
together and then display the MRP list per period. The MRP list is now
displayed on a daily basis.

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