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ae ea a os a and number of living 07 iter | eases, the wate ‘these substances in water ind oe Tow concentration in pollute water even at ‘The presence of organic Wt Be peee ice caled entrepication ‘The lat tution due to organic wastes °” jon OF OE ete in water promo = bacteria to 4! Water poll It is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by EES rater, Higher BOD of a wacer indicate presence of mitoore Ofhigher concentration of Organi matter eed EXPERIMENT 4.1) rorch) OF en ee place th Objective. C right the ale / water REQUIREMENTS wo different sites such as pond water, ap water, tube well water, ri OBSERVE ‘Susp Water samples from et, test tubes, pH papers PROCEDURE “Take different water samples in different test tubes. Dip a small piece of broad range pH p ‘of the water samples. Match the colour of thé HH : 1 pH paper with the colour scale given er ak nc fe ee the value indicated by broad range of pH papers and dip them seperately in the water ‘ gxpesients RVATIONS ter sample of different al pie pest the Record Wacer samples RECAUTIONS ean and dried t ae before comparing the colou cale with the colour ry the pH papers pH accurately arefully and determine F Match the colour care EXPERIMENT 4.2 im different water bodies around you and study them for Nee nee cones sc ofpeticulate matter (suspended pollutants) in different samples of darity and presence of particulate m water REQUIREMENTS Cardboard box, electric bulb or torch, beaker, different samples of water. PROCEDURE Take a cardboard box and prepare a Tyndal set-up from it to test turbidity. Tyndal set-up can be prepared by making a pencle size hole in the cardboard box and fixing a light source (electric bulb/ ch) on the other side of the box. Place th page beaker containing the samples of water one by one. Make your laboratory dark and ‘orch. Observe the sample of water through the hole, Compare the turbidity of different OBSERVATION Suspended particula oo te pollutants (such as clay particles, Organic matter, bacteria, unicellular oct! u er i Al f! PRECAUTIONS see Theale inthe archon et intensity the light source should be EXPERIMENT 4.3 ) objectiv differen Daphnia Fig. 4.2.5 Se, I water etc) microscope slides, droppe Water samples (such as pond water, river water, canal water et r rmethylene blue, spirit lamp, etc PROCEDURE Take a clean slide and put a few drop of water seperately fi ferent water samples. Spread drops to make a thin film of water on the slide. Allow it to dry. Pass the lower side of the slide throu the flame of spirit lamp two or three times to fix the living organisms present in water on to the sii Adda few drop of methylene blue onthe slide. Leave the slide for two minutes ‘| observe the slide under the microscope. minutes. Wash the slide 1 ; OBSERVATION A number of types of microor rganisms (such as bacte cyanobacteria) are observed. Different types of orgaa, ans Figs. 4.2 and 43. ee » Protozoa, diatoms, some alg nt in water samples are givetl™| CONCLUSION Presence oflarge m oe hnberofmlcoorpnisnsindkates the pre "NCE of organic pollutants in Copepod Rotifer Water strider d from different water bodies. some microorganisms found in water samples collecte Fig. 42 2, Mosauito ‘nap ome, ,Saco rae ‘ 8, Second pie mayest. SN Toe ona See ee ig. 4 43, Some A in : 36 PRECAUTIONS ites 1. Shake the water well before putting the = 2. Pass the slide through the flame only to get! vIVAVOCE f water on the slide from i, Q.1. What is pollution ? haracteristics of air, . An undesirable change i land that harmfully affect the human life is cal . What are pollutants ? . The agents pollute our air, water and land are called pollutants. in the physical, chemical or biological cl led pollution. Itis the addition of any undesirable substance to water which make it harmful for the organ - What is biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) ? Ans. Q2 Ans Q 3. Define water pollution. Ans. a4. Ans. The amount of oxygen required by microorganisms for decomposition of organic matter in water is called biochemical oxygen demand. . What does high BOD indicate ? Ans. High BOD indicates the presence of higher amount of organic matter in the water. e a

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