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Progress Test ‘Muster Drills’ (29 points)

Task 1_Read the text and answer questions 1-6. Give SHORT answers (6 points).

What is a muster drill?

The emergency muster station call is the general call to emergency aboard any vessel. It is the first
action that will be taken in the event of any emergency on board. At a simple level, the muster
ensures that everyone is in the same place and can be accounted for.

In case of an emergency, it helps to be familiar with the escape routes and procedures. In our drills
you will typically practice how to evacuate, with several of the routes explained. You will also learn
how to don your lifejacket properly. A muster drill prepares everyone onboard for what to do in the
event of a real life emergency

1) What type of emergency signal is sounded to call all crew members and passengers to
their muster stations?
2) If you are a passenger, what will you train to do during the muster drills?

Why do we do a muster drill onboard?

SOLAS (Safety of Life At Sea) isan International Convention which outlines the minimum safety
standards in construction, equipment, and operations of merchant ships. It was first developed in
1914 after the tragic sinking of the RMS Titanic and was completely re-written in 1974. As of 2018,
the convention has 164 signatory states. 

One requirement from the SOLAS convention is to conduct a passenger muster drill within 24
hours of departure. The aim is to be able to get all passengers into lifeboats and away from the
ship within 30 minutes. This familiarisation exercise helps ensure this limit can be maintained and
that all our guests and crew are familiar with the vessel. In an event of an emergency, you do not
want to suddenly wonder where your life jacket is!

3) What standards are outlined in the SOLAS International Convention?

4) How soon should the first passenger muster drill be taken?
5) What is the time limit for getting all passengers into lifeboats and away from the ship?
6) Where are passemgers’ lifejackets?

Task 2_Read the paragraph and choose the best option to complete gaps 1-6 (6 points).

As part of your welcome 1. ____ greeting ___ (greeting / briefing / reading) you receive a full
explanation of how the drill will go and roughly when it will take place. The timing of the drill is key
as we do not want anyone to panic when the alarm goes 2. off (on / out / off).
The Captain or a watch-keeping officer will sound the alarm at the agreed time. Following this, all
crew 3._______ (members / participants / ratings) will take their positions as stated in the 4.
_______ (station bill / SOLAS / Contract). All remaining ones, as well as passengers, will don life
jackets and move to the assigned 5._______ (cabins / cargo holds / muster stations). Finally, a
head count will be taken to ensure everyone is present. In a real situation, everyone would now be
ready to evacuate as per the planned evacuation 6. _______ (routes / ways / roads).

Task 3_ Write a word or phrase which is similar in meaning to the underlined ones (5

1. The locatiuon of the Station Bill must be obvious for everyone onboard.
2. The Muster used an object which makes a high-pitched sound to make an emergency
3. The Muster signed the document which explained the location of muster stations, alarm
signals and emergency duties of the crew and passengers.
4. The station bill also includes each crew member’s separtment, rank and number.
5. One of the drills is called ‘saving a person who fell into the water’.

Task 4_Name six emergencies which might occur as a result of such reasons as rough
weather, engine failure, pirot attack or human factor. Translate into your language (12
Progress Test ‘Muster Drills on Passenger Ships’

Answer Sheet: Student: Sanija Krauze, group:s31, date:17.02.2022

Task 1_Read the text and answer questions 1-6. Give SHORT answers.

No. Your answers

1 general call
2 to evacuate
3 minimum safety standards
4 within 24 hours of departure
5 within 30 minutes
6 Muster stations

Task 2_Read the paragraph and choose the best option to complete gaps 1-6.

Gap No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Gap word greeting off members station bill muster routes

Task 3_ Write a word or phrase which is similar in meaning to the underlined ones.

1 conspicuous
2 whistle
3 Station bill
4 Crew rating

Task 4_Name six emergencies which might occur as a result of such reasons as rough weather,
engine failure, pirot attack or human factor.

No. Emergency Translation

1 Fire ugunsgrēks
2 Collision- sadursme
3 Flooding apludošana
4 Grounding uzskriešana uz sēkļa

5 environmental pollution Vides piesarnojums

6 loss of life Dzivibas zaudesana

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