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© ABOUT ALASIA 6 Alasia fully comprehends and meets the needs of both beekeepers and Honey lovers. Our honey products are of high quality and hygienic. Alasia has emerged as the industry's top and most dependable manufacturer because of cutting-edge technology, advanced processing facilities, and innovative procedures. From our hives to your hands, we treat our honey with the care it deserves. That means no pasteurization, no overheating, and no artificial ingredients. Alasia honey is traceable to its source, free of GMOs and GE, and contains no added sugar or water - and, most importantly, no pesticides. That way, you can be sureiit's com- pletely natural, just like nature intended. BEEKEEPING IS IN OUR BLOOD Weve spent over a decade reconstructing Alasia nto 2 ‘world-class sanctuary and ecological retreat with our dedicated crew, leaving a legacy fo future generations. PROCESSES OF CREAMING Alasla’s creamed honey s 100 pe cen, pure natural honey. reaming honey was fist developed, and t produces lovely smooth texturehoney that does not granulate or crystallizes back into (ant crystals AT Alsi, we have ‘expanded our unique ways tomake utrientrch soft emooth honey over several years, ‘THE LIGHTEST OF FOOTPRINTS Atala honey is environmentally sustainable, ‘arbon-neutal,and biodiversity rendly, with 100% of earnings going to conservation, community, and culture. We aso wholly offset ‘our carbon footprint by planting hundreds of tees and repairing many hectares of NATURALLY GUIDES ANDGUARDIANS | IT'SESSENTIALTOBE | LOVEIS BEING SHARED Wepracticeasustainable | PARTOF ACOMMUNITY ‘asia becomes a swarm of rmindsetin community, culture, | asia sll about community | activity most weeks a we host ‘conservation, and commerce. | and partnerships. Weworkwith | schools open days and Thisguides usin every decison | ‘Tocallandownerste place our | beekeeping eduction wemake:fomconterving | hiesonsome ofthe worlds | programs, passing on our willifeto wing 0Opercent | most beaut umtouched | knowledge ofconservation green energy: from preserving | lands.We strongly advocate for | _and/ove of beesto future local culture to instructing local companies, generate local | generations through our Bee following generationsto | jobs, and sustain local cure Friends’ program. ‘consider taking care ofthe Slanet.aswellssourbees. | Westrongly advocate fr local ny companies, generate locals, wetlands and sista oa culture OUR PROCESS FILTERING TRACEABILITY TECHNIQUES FOR EXTRACTION Large scale commercial honey firms Alasia has implemented a tracking BND STOR NS exersvelyusefivatento remove | systemithatallowseveryjarofhoney | Naturehas ivenusa magnificent it ‘atualpoln and minute pares | tobe vackedbacktossourceand | when weharvesoney dec from from honey contributing Proidestemestsuperior product | ‘thehive As ares our honey must coylizaton However, thelnherent | allble Our traceability ensuesthat | remain pure and lla natural deicousnesoftheproductisstin |" goodsilteouraplries bees and | delousness Unfortunately the TheprocessThsofenresutsin” | ManutaUMFlevesareatthel peak | overwhelming majorty of honey transparent and runny honey with na | Thishelps us prolong our company’s hutitional value. AtAlasia, we take | development and growth whilst til pride in preserving the natural essence | providing you with very high-quality ‘of ourheney by fitering tas iti as honey. possible This eliminates any lange ‘clumps of ax or apparent contaminant rom the honey while leavingall pollen and natural Sweetness intact marketed worldwide has been ‘over processed eliminating the honey'srich favour and nutritional value Asa result, we rigorousy extract ‘our haney from the hives at temperatures that do not harm the inherent properties ofthe honey, preserving the honey naturally ‘occurring enzymes. BLOSSOM ACACIA HONEY HONEY JAR SQUEEZY nic Honey offers gourmet creamed honey with Alasia Blossom Honeyisa Alasla Acacia Honey spices to make itan exclusive top quality healthy dear golden honey with a Squeezy is made by bees product, We produce the finest organic flavoured honey fich bouquet of fresh that forage on the nectar of with 100% natural and organic ingredients:ne added

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