2 Summative Test in Media and Information Literacy (Mil) 1 Semester (Quarter 2) - S.Y. 2021 - 2022

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1st Semester(Quarter 2) – S.Y. 2021 - 2022

Name: _________________________ Section: __________ Date: _____________

Teacher: _______________________ Parent’s Signature/Date: __________________

I. True or False
Directions: Write True if the statement is a fact; otherwise, write False.
_______ 1. The media force feeds information to unwilling receivers.
_______ 2. Media and Information literate individuals enjoy an improved quality of life.
_______ 3. Media and information literate individuals actively participate in politics.
_______ 4. Only paid online content generates income.
_______ 5. IT based jobs are needed in the media.
_______ 6. Media and information have re-made the learning environment.
_______ 7. Media and information literate individuals are in total disconnected to the world.
_______ 8. Creation of jobs is the media’s role in the economy.
_______ 9. Critical thinking is a skill necessary to become a media and information literate individual.
_______ 10. Communication between media and information literate individuals has become more complicated.

Directions: Do you dream of starting your own business? Perhaps you can introduce it as early as now! Create your own
trademark design to be used in posters, flyers or web pages of your dream business. This may be an online clothing store,
computer shop, hardware, garden shop, salon or spa, bakery, restaurant, automotive shop, travel and tours, manpower services,
security agency, architectural firm, medical clinic, school, etc. Make sure to include the most appropriate visuals and text in your
brand design. Also, incorporate your name in your brand name for a more personal feel.


Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Thorough and Complete Shows some Shows incomplete
insightful understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of content content material
Ideas Insightful and well Ideas are Ideas are somewhat Ideas are unclear;
considered ideas considered; more on topic; makes few connections
making multiple than one thoughtful some connections
connections connection made

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